Seamlessly Migrate Your Returns from Returnly to ReturnGO
July 10, 2023
by Rebecca Fox

As Returnly prepares to shut down, we understand that this is a big change that may seem somewhat overwhelming for you.

ReturnGO is here to help you continue managing your returns without interruption, and make the post-purchase process even better, one return at a time.

With ReturnGO, you get an excellent alternative that makes the transition effortless as well as offering many additional features and benefits.

Easy RMA Migration of RMAs

We have everything set up so you can seamlessly migrate your RMA data and keep managing your returns smoothly and uninterrupted.

Effortlessly transfer your RMAs, ensuring that you don’t lose any crucial information during the transition, and eliminating the risk of losing any data or accidentally issuing double refunds.

Take comfort in knowing that all your information will be securely moved over, keeping your returns management on track.

Quick Setup

Time is of the essence, and we know you don’t want a hassle and time-consuming migration process. 

ReturnGO prioritizes your efficiency and ensures a swift onboarding process, so you can start managing returns seamlessly from day one. 

With our intuitive interface and straightforward setup process, we’ll help you get up and running in no time. 

Many Integrations

With ReturnGO, you get a comprehensive solution that integrates seamlessly with your existing systems. 

ReturnGO offers a wide range of integrations with popular shipping providers, ERPs, helpdesks, and more. 

Plus, if you have unique requirements, our flexible API enables you to create custom integrations to meet your needs.


Every business has unique requirements, and we understand that. ReturnGO offers the flexibility to adapt to your specific workflows and requirements.

No matter the size of your business, ReturnGO scales to meet your demands. Customize your returns management process and make it work for your business.

Order Tracking & Returns in One Place

Simplify your post-purchase operations with ReturnGO’s all-in-one solution. Our platform combines order tracking and returns management in a single, user-friendly interface. 

Easily track orders, manage returns, and keep your customers informed – all in one place.

Benefits of ReturnGO

Manage your returns like you did before with Returnly, but even more easily. ReturnGO is here to stay, providing a reliable post-purchase solution that you can count on to make managing your returns as efficient as possible.

Advanced Automation Rules

ReturnGO has even more automation capabilities than Returnly, enabling you to process returns and exchanges automatically based on a wide range of trigger events, including in-transit, shipment received, item validated, and more. 

With ReturnGO’s advanced automation capabilities, you have the flexibility to define automated processes to suit your specific needs.

Case Study: Travelpro

Travelpro, a leading luggage manufacturer, has successfully implemented ReturnGO to automate its returns process and increase efficiency. 

Using ReturnGO, Travelpro has completely automated the returns process, eliminating the need for customer service agents to handle tasks like sending return labels and manually approving return requests. 

“The return process is completely customer-centric. They fill out the request, generate the label, and get a refund…This cut the return processing time from 20 minutes down to just 90 seconds.”

– Mark Costigliola, eCommerce Operations Manager, Travelpro

Since Travelpro processes a large volume of returns, especially during the holiday season, automating the refund process has made it easier to efficiently issue refunds on a daily basis.

ReturnGO’s advanced automation capabilities have enabled Travelpro to reduce the processing time for returns from 20 minutes of manual work to zero, resulting in substantial cost savings by eliminating customer service involvement.

Read the full Travelpro case study.

Unlimited Return Policy Rules

With ReturnGO, you have the freedom to create an unlimited number of return policy rules and eligibility conditions, with no restriction on how many you can have. 

Customize your returns management based on a variety of variables, including item, order, RMA, or customer details, to resolve any return scenario, no matter how complex or unique.

Whether it’s return window, item eligibility, product types, tags, or other criteria, ReturnGO empowers you to create tailored policies that align with your business requirements.

Case Study: One Project

One Project, an eCommerce fashion platform, streamlined the returns process using ReturnGO’s exceptional return policy flexibility.

As a result of ReturnGO’s highly flexible return policy rules, One Project was able to customize the return process according to their business needs and customer preferences, for example providing free refunds for VIP customers while hiding refund options from customers who frequently request returns.

“I think ReturnGO is a masterpiece in the eCommerce refund process because there are a lot of apps that do some of the things but not all.”

– Shmulik Konforty, CTO, One Project

Read the full One Project case study.

Flexible Shipping Options

ReturnGO offers flexible shipping options, including Easypost like Returnly offered, as well as many more integrations that you can choose from.

With an array of shipping integrations and an API, you can connect to any shipping carrier, generate pre-paid return shipping labels and QR codes, and manage your return shipping seamlessly. 

ReturnGO also supports international returns, so you can expand your global reach and provide a seamless returns experience.

Case Study: Brava Fabrics

Brava Fabrics, a sustainable fashion company, streamlined its return process using ReturnGO. 

Brava Fabrics had different return policies for each shipping carrier and country they worked with. Through ReturnGO’s seamless integration with Shopify and ShippyPro, Brava Fabrics was able to easily switch between carriers such as DHL Express (International), GLS (Germany), Mondial Relay (France), and EasyPost (UK) as needed. 

Thanks to ReturnGO’s seamless integrations, flexibility, and automation capabilities, Brava Fabrics was able to manage its return logistics more efficiently and save thousands of dollars each month.

“We choose carriers according to price and time. So, the best thing about ReturnGO is being able to change these carriers according to our priority, whenever we want.”

– Gabriela Meyer Torres, Senior Operation Executive, Brava Fabrics

Read the full Brava Fabrics case study.

Incentivize Customers with Bonus Store Credit

Instead of being able to offer only gift cards, ReturnGO goes the extra mile by giving you the option to offer store credit as well. You can incentivize customers to choose store credit over a refund by offering fixed or dynamic bonus credits.

By providing additional value through store credit, you can encourage customer loyalty, reduce refund rates, and retain more revenue.

Case Study: Silk & Salt

Silk & Salt, an eco-conscious fashion brand, has successfully generated a notable 24.9% additional revenue from redeemed store credit since implementing ReturnGO’s store credit feature. 

With 61% of customers spending more money when redeeming their store credit, the brand has experienced a substantial boost in revenue. 

Read the full Silk & Salt case study.

Get Started Today

As the deadline approaches for Returnly’s shutdown, it’s important to take action and ensure an easy transition.

With easy migration, streamlined onboarding, and endless flexibility, ReturnGO offers everything you need to keep managing your returns as seamlessly and effectively as possible.

Make the smart choice and ensure a smooth transition for your business. Contact us to learn more about ReturnGO. ReturnGO is here to make your post-purchase process better, one return at a time.


When is Returnly closing?

Returnly is closing on October 1st, 2023.

Don’t wait to migrate, to make sure you can keep managing your returns uninterrupted.

How can I migrate to ReturnGO?

Contact us to book a demo and see how ReturnGO works. Our team will be happy to help you get set up and efficiently migrate your RMAs without losing any data.

What’s the difference between Returnly and ReturnGO?

With ReturnGO, you can manage any return scenario with ease thanks to its advanced automation capabilities, many integrations, and flexible return policy settings.

Can you help me set up my account? 

Our onboarding team is here to help you every step of the way, from helping you migrate over from Returnly to setting up your return policy rules and automations. Whatever you need, we’re here for you.

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