Efficient Returns Management for Your Online Jewelry Store
June 27, 2023
by Rebecca Fox

Online jewelry stores face a unique challenge when it comes to managing returns. Unlike other eCommerce categories, jewelry products are often emotionally significant and high-value. 

That means customers are more likely to scrutinize and evaluate their purchases carefully and return them if they don’t meet their expectations. 

Let’s explore why returns management matters for online jewelry stores and the benefits of having an effective returns management system.

Why Returns Management Matters for Online Jewelry Stores

The size of the online jewelry market is expected to increase by $36.23 billion between 2022 and 2027, at a CAGR of 15.55%. 

Returns can be particularly costly and challenging for online jewelry stores. Here are some reasons why:

  • Jewelry is expensive – The average item price of jewelry is much higher than other eCommerce categories at $575.27, which means that every return represents a significant loss of revenue and profit.
  • Jewelry is fragile – Because jewelry is fragile, jewelry items are more prone to damage during shipping and handling, which can result in customer dissatisfaction and higher return rates.
  • Jewelry is personal – Jewelry is often bought as a gift or a symbol of love, which means that customers have high expectations and emotional attachments to their purchases. If they are unhappy with their jewelry, they may feel disappointed or frustrated.
  • Jewelry is subjective – Since jewelry is a matter of personal taste and preference, customers often change their minds or regret their choices after buying something online. 

These factors make returns management a crucial aspect of running a successful online jewelry store. 

Challenges of Handling Returns in the Jewelry Industry

While returns are common in all eCommerce industries, there are some unique challenges and opportunities that online jewelry stores face when it comes to managing returns. Here are some of them:

Return Reasons

While the reasons for returns in the jewelry industry are similar to other retail sectors, there are a few specific factors that contribute to a higher rate of returns in this industry. 

Some of the most common reasons for jewelry returns include:

  • Size – Returns due to sizing issues are common in the jewelry industry, especially for rings, bracelets, and necklaces. 
  • Quality – Jewelry is often returned due to quality issues, especially relating to metals, gems, and pearls. 
  • Damage – Since jewelry is fragile, damage, particularly during shipping or handling, is another common reason for returns. 
  • Mismatch – Jewelry returns often result from mismatches between expectations and reality as it can be difficult to see the product clearly from online images.

By addressing these return reasons, you can better manage your returns and provide a positive customer experience, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Security is a crucial factor to consider when handling jewelry returns, as these products are particularly susceptible to theft or loss during transport or storage. 

Due to their small size and high value, jewelry products are a prime target for theft, and there is a higher likelihood of loss during shipping or storage. 

When handling returns, take additional measures to ensure that the products are returned safely and are secure during the entire process.


Verifying authenticity is another challenge for handling returns in the jewelry industry, as jewelry products may be counterfeit or tampered with during return or exchange. 

Counterfeit jewelry is a growing problem, and this can impact the reputation of your brand and lead to legal and financial repercussions. 

It can be difficult to determine the authenticity of a returned item, and even more so if the item has been tampered with during the return process.

To mitigate this issue, put in place quality control measures in place to verify the authenticity of each product you receive back. This includes checking for genuine materials, hallmarking, and performing laboratory testing when necessary. 


Hygiene is a challenge for handling returns in the jewelry industry, as jewelry products may be contaminated or infected by contact with skin or fluids during wear or return. 

To address this challenge, put protocols in place for handling and processing returned jewelry products, including thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing all items before they are returned to inventory or resold to another customer. 

Chat with our experts to boost your customer return experience and LTV today.

How to Reduce Returns for Your Online Jewelry Store

While handling returns is an inevitable part of running an online jewelry store, there are some steps you can take to reduce the number and frequency of returns and minimize their impact on your business. 

Here are some tips to reduce returns:

Improve your Product Descriptions and Photos

Clear and accurate product descriptions and photos can help customers make informed purchasing decisions and reduce the likelihood of returns due to misunderstandings or misrepresentations.

Provide accurate and detailed descriptions and photos of your products on your website, highlighting their features, specifications, dimensions, materials, and craftsmanship. 

By providing detailed and accurate information about your products, customers will have a better understanding of what they are purchasing and will be less likely to return the product due to misunderstandings or inaccuracies.

“The biggest challenge I face as an online jeweler is getting people to trust us with their purchases. As our customers can’t exactly touch the product or even try items like rings on, it’s pretty difficult to get customers to trust our quality. We try our best using images and video and also super detailed descriptions of each item, so our potential customers can feel secure they are buying what they see.”

– Sanket Shah, Director & Founder, The Opal

Provide Sizing Guides

Common reasons why customers return jewelry involve issues with the size, fit, or style of the product. 

To prevent this, provide size guides and measurement instructions for your products, especially for rings, bracelets, and necklaces. 

A clear sizing guide can help customers determine the correct size and reduce the likelihood of returns due to sizing issues.

For example, you’d be surprised how many people don’t know their ring finger size. Providing detailed ring size guides and charts like Gucci does, for example, or special tools such as the Bvlgari ruler to determine a ring size can raise customer confidence and avoid unnecessary returns for resizing.

Display Customer Reviews and Ratings

Displaying customer reviews can be a powerful tool for reducing returns in the jewelry industry. Showcasing the experiences and opinions of previous customers can provide valuable social proof and help potential customers make informed purchasing decisions.

Customer photos can help potential customers get a better sense of how the jewelry will look and fit on different skin tones and in different lighting conditions. 88% of customers specifically look for photos and videos from other customers before purchasing.

By collecting and displaying user-generated reviews and photos on your website, you can showcase the quality and value of your products, and address any questions or concerns that your customers may have before purchasing. 

Create a Loyalty Program

Creating a loyalty program can be an effective strategy for reducing jewelry returns. By incentivizing customers to make repeat purchases or refer their friends and family, you can increase customer engagement and loyalty, which can lead to a decrease in returns.

By offering rewards such as discounts or exclusive perks for repeat purchases, you can create a sense of value and incentivize customers to keep shopping with you.

Offer a Luxury Returns Experience 

Jewelry is often considered a luxury item, with customers willing to pay a premium for high-quality products. As a result, the returns experience should also reflect this luxury aspect to ensure customer satisfaction and retention.

Customers buying jewelry expect a certain level of service and attention to detail, even when it comes to returns.

Providing a seamless and personalized returns experience can help establish trust and confidence in your brand. This can include offering free return shipping, a generous return policy, and clear communication throughout the returns process.

Navigating the Unique Challenges of Jewelry Returns

Managing returns in the jewelry industry presents unique challenges and opportunities. By understanding and addressing these specific challenges, you can create a returns management process that benefits both you and your customers.

It’s important to take advantage of helpful tools and resources, such as ReturnGO, to streamline and automate your returns management, reducing the workload and stress that often come with managing returns, especially for jewelry.

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