ReturnGO . Sun, 27 Aug 2023 11:43:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ReturnGO 32 32 10 Reverse Logistics Metrics to Track in eCommerce Wed, 06 Sep 2023 11:37:55 +0000 Track reverse logistics metrics to get a clear understanding of how well your returns process is performing and where you can optimize it. 

Why Track Reverse Logistics Metrics?

Reverse logistics metrics are key performance indicators (KPIs) that measure the efficiency and effectiveness of your returns process. 

They help you track and analyze various aspects of your reverse logistics such as the return rate, the return-to-refund time, the return-to-resale time, the cost of returns, and the environmental impact of returns.

By monitoring and improving these metrics, you can increase profitability, improve the customer experience, and make your business more sustainable.

10 Reverse Logistics Metrics to Track in Your eCommerce Store

Here are some of the key reverse logistics metrics that are important to keep track of for your eCommerce business:

1. Return Rate

The return rate is the percentage of products returned by customers out of the total number of products sold. This metric indicates how satisfied your customers are with your products and how well they meet expectations.

What Should I Look For?

The average return rate for eCommerce is 19%, so if your return rate is far above that, it might mean that your products aren’t meeting your customers’ needs, or that your product descriptions, images, or sizing charts aren’t accurate or clear enough. 

You want your return rate to be as low as possible, as a low return rate likely means that your products are delivering value and quality to your customers, and they don’t feel a need to return things.

How to Calculate Your Return Rate

To calculate your return rate, divide the number of products returned by the number of products sold in a given timeframe. 

For example, if you sold 100 products and 20 products were returned in a month, your return rate would be 20%.

You can also segment your return rate by product category, channel, customer segment, or any other relevant factor to identify patterns and trends. For example, you may find that certain products have higher return rates than others, or that certain channels or customer segments have different return behaviors.

To reduce your return rate, you can:

  • Provide accurate and detailed product descriptions and sizing charts.
  • Display customer reviews and user-generated content.
  • Use product recommendations and personalization.

2. Return-to-Refund Time

The return-to-refund time is the average number of days it takes to process a return and issue a refund to the customer. This metric reflects how efficient your returns process is and how quickly you can resolve customer issues.

What Should I Look For?

Ideally, your return-to-refund time should be as short as possible, as a long return-to-refund time can lead to customer dissatisfaction, frustration, and a higher churn rate. 

Customers expect to receive their refunds as soon as possible after they initiate a return, so a short return-to-refund time can improve customer satisfaction and trust. 

How to Calculate Your Return-to-Refund Time

To calculate your return-to-refund time, subtract the date when the customer initiated the return from the date when the refund was issued. 

For example, if a customer initiated a return on January 1st and received a refund on January 5th, the return-to-refund time would be 4 days.

To reduce your return-to-refund time, you can:

  • Automate your returns workflow and processing using ReturnGO.
  • Use pre-paid return shipping labels and QR codes.
  • Offer instant refunds or store credit.
  • Communicate with your customers throughout the returns process.

3. Return-to-Resale Time

The return-to-resale time is the average number of days it takes to resell a returned product after it is received back to your warehouse. This metric shows how effectively you can recover the value of returned products and reduce loss of inventory.

What Should I Look For?

Your return-to-resale time should be as short as possible, as a long return-to-resale time can result in lost revenue opportunities and increased inventory holding costs.

Returned products can be resold quickly to new customers or existing customers who are looking for discounts or deals, and a short return-to-resale time can increase revenue potential, decrease inventory holding costs, and maintain product quality.

How to Calculate Your Return-to-Resale Time

To calculate your return-to-resale time, you need to subtract the date when the returned product was received by you from the date when the product was resold. 

For example, if you received a returned product on January 1st and resold it on January 10th, the return-to-resale time would be 9 days.

You may find that certain products have higher or lower demand than others, or that certain channels are more successful for reselling returned items.

To reduce your return-to-resale time, you can:

  • Use inventory management software to track and optimize your stock levels.
  • Offer flash sales, discounts, coupons, or loyalty programs to incentivize purchases.
  • Resell returned products through alternative channels, such as online marketplaces, outlets, or donation centers.

4. Cost of Returns

The cost of returns is the total amount of money spent on handling returns, including shipping, handling, inspection, repair, restocking, disposal, etc. This metric measures how much returns affect your bottom line and profitability.

What Should I Look For?

A high cost of returns can erode your profit margin by increasing your operational expenses, and returns can also reduce your revenue by lowering your sales volume and average order value. 

By lowering the cost of returns, you can improve your profit margin by decreasing your operational expenses and boosting your customer lifetime value.

How to Calculate the Cost of Returns

To calculate your cost of returns, add up all the expenses incurred by returns in a given timeframe. 

For example, if in a given month you spent $1000 on shipping, $500 on handling, $200 on inspection, $100 on repair, $50 on restocking, and $150 on disposal, your cost of returns would be $2000.

To reduce your cost of returns, you can:

  • Optimize your shipping and packaging methods.
  • Implement quality control measures to prevent defective or damaged products.
  • Use data analytics to forecast demand and supply.
  • Implement a reverse logistics strategy to minimize waste and maximize value.

5. Environmental Impact of Returns

The environmental impact of returns is the total amount of waste and emissions generated by returns, including packaging materials, carbon emissions from transportation, landfill space, etc. This metric assesses how much returns affect the environment and climate change.

What Should I Look For?

A high environmental impact of returns can harm the planet by increasing greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, pollution, and resource depletion.

A low environmental impact of returns can benefit the planet by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, pollution, and resource depletion. 

How to Calculate Your Environmental Impact of Returns

To calculate your environmental impact of returns, you estimate the amount of waste and emissions produced by returns in a given timeframe. 

For example, if you shipped 1000 returned products in a month using cardboard boxes and trucks, you can use online calculators or tools to estimate the amount of cardboard waste and carbon emissions generated by these activities.

ReturnGO tracks your carbon footprint and helps you reduce your environmental impact by offering sustainable return methods and printerless return labels.

To reduce your environmental impact of returns, you can:

  • Use reusable or recyclable packaging materials.
  • Partner with local or green shipping providers.
  • Offer incentives for customers to keep or donate products instead of returning them.
  • Calculate and offset the carbon emissions of your returns.

6. Return Reasons

Return reasons are the explanations customers provide for why they are returning a product. Tracking return reasons is crucial in reverse logistics for understanding the root causes of returns and taking proactive measures to reduce them.

What Should I Look For?

Pay close attention to the top return reasons provided by customers. Look for recurring patterns, such as common product defects, sizing issues, or inaccurate product descriptions. Identifying these patterns can help you pinpoint specific areas for improvement.

How to Calculate Your Return Reasons

To find your top return reasons, categorize returns by reason, see how often each reason appears, and calculate the percentage for each reason, and the reasons with the highest percentage are your top return reasons.

To calculate the percentage of a return reason, divide the number of returns with a specific reason by the total number of returns, then multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage. 

ReturnGO automates this process, providing in-depth analysis and valuable insights into your top return reasons and products to help you improve your products and processes.

To reduce returns based on your top return reasons:

  • Address common product defects by improving quality control and testing processes.
  • Provide accurate and detailed product descriptions to set proper customer expectations.
  • Display user-generated photos and reviews to help customers make more informed buying decisions.
  • Continuously refine your products and processes based on post-purchase customer feedback.

7. Return Volume

Return volume refers to the number of returns you receive within a specific timeframe, usually measured on a monthly basis. This metric provides insights into the scale of operations needed.

Plan staffing, warehouse space, and other logistics to handle your average and peak return volumes. Volume may fluctuate seasonally, with promotions, or as your business grows.

What Should I Look For?

A high return volume can have both positive and negative implications, depending on the context. 

On one hand, it could signify increased sales, as more products are being bought and therefore more are being returned. However, it could also indicate an increased return rate, suggesting potential issues with product quality or sizing. 

Therefore it’s crucial to consider the return volume in relation to the return rate.

How to Calculate Your Return Volume

To calculate your return volume, look at the total number of items that have been returned to your store within a specific timeframe. 

It’s worth noting that you shouldn’t need to manually figure this out, as both your eCommerce store and returns management system can provide you with the relevant information about your return volume.

To reduce your return volume, consider:

  • Improving the accuracy of product pages to set customer expectations.
  • Conducting thorough quality checks before shipping out orders.
  • Collecting feedback to better understand customer needs and pain points.

Chat with our experts to boost your customer return experience and LTV today.

8. Percentage of Supply Chain Costs from Reverse Logistics

The percentage of supply chain costs from reverse logistics shows you what proportion of your overall supply chain costs go towards reverse logistics activities like transport, warehousing, and processing returns.

What Should I Look For?

A high percentage of supply chain costs related to reverse logistics shows that a significant portion of your overall supply chain expenses are going towards dealing with returns, repairs, and other reverse logistics tasks. This could mean that your reverse logistics process isn’t as efficient as it could be.

The aim should be to strategically lower these costs as much as possible. By optimizing your reverse logistics process, increasing efficiency, and reducing returns, you can effectively control costs while maintaining a high level of efficiency and satisfaction among your customers.

How to Calculate Your Percent of Supply Chain Costs from Reverse Logistics

To calculate the portion of supply chain costs attributed to reverse logistics, determine the total cost of reverse logistics in a given timeframe, calculate the total supply chain costs for that timeframe, then divide the total reverse logistics cost by the total supply chain cost and multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage.

A simple formula would be:

Percentage of Supply Chain Costs from Reverse Logistics = (Total Reverse Logistics Cost / Total Supply Chain Cost) * 100

Here are some strategies you can implement to reduce the portion of supply chain costs from reverse logistics:

  • Streamline your return process to quickly assess, categorize, and process returned items, reducing the time and resources needed for reverse logistics.
  • Repair or refurbish returned items to bring them back to a sellable condition, which will lower disposal costs and increase the value recovered from returns.
  • Set proper expectations for customers in order to minimize the number of unnecessary returns and associated costs.

9. Item Handling Costs

Item handling costs are the amount of money spent on receiving and processing returned items at your warehouse.

This sums up the costs involved in handling a returned item from start to finish, including:

  • Shipping
  • Inspection
  • Storage
  • Processing
  • Disposal

What Should I Look For?

If item handling costs are high, your returns process may be inefficient. Aim to lower your item handling costs and make sure your process for receiving, inspecting, processing, and disposing of returned items is streamlined and cost-effective.

How to Calculate Item Handling Costs

To calculate the item handling cost, divide the time required to process a return by 60 and multiply it by the hourly wage of the employee who does it. 

For example, if it takes 15 minutes to process an item and the employee earns $10 per hour, then the item handling cost would be $2.50 per item. 

Keep in mind that this formula does not account for other costs such as packaging materials and equipment. Therefore, you’ll need to consider all the factors that affect their item handling costs and decide whether to charge a fee to customers or absorb it as part of your operational expenses.

To lower item handling costs:

  • Train your staff well to ensure accurate and efficient processing and minimize errors.
  • Automate as much of your reverse logistics process as possible.
  • Work with an experienced third-party provider for efficient handling.

10. Pre-Paid Shipping Label Usage

Pre-paid shipping label usage is a metric that assesses the proportion of returns initiated through a pre-paid, automatically generated return shipping label versus customers shipping items back using any other method.

What Should I Look For?

Providing pre-paid return shipping labels drastically simplifies the process for the customer and gives you control over the shipping carrier and shipping costs.

The higher the rate of pre-paid label use, the smoother and more efficient returns are. A low percentage suggests that customers are using alternative shipping methods, which might result in longer processing times and higher costs. Encourage the use of pre-paid return shipping labels.

How to Calculate Pre-Paid Shipping Label Usage

To calculate the usage of pre-paid shipping labels, divide the number of returns initiated using pre-paid labels by the total number of returns and multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage.

For example, if 300 out of 500 returns this month were initiated using pre-paid labels, the return shipping label usage would be (300 / 500) * 100 = 60%.

A simple formula would be:

Return Label Use = (Returns with Label / Total Returns) x 100

To encourage pre-paid return shipping label use:

  • Clearly communicate to customers the benefits and convenience of using pre-paid return labels.
  • Offer incentives such as bonus credit or free return shipping for customers who use pre-paid labels.
  • Integrate with shipping carriers through ReturnGO to automatically generate pre-paid return labels.

Track, Measure, and Optimize

You can’t improve what you don’t measure. Monitoring these key reverse logistics metrics provides the visibility needed for you to streamline your operations.

With an efficient, data-driven reverse logistics process, eCommerce returns become an opportunity rather than a liability. You’ll have happier customers, lower costs, and a higher profit margin.

Can Automation Make eCommerce Returns More Eco-Friendly? Wed, 30 Aug 2023 08:28:08 +0000 You might be wondering how you can make your store’s returns process more eco-friendly. That’s where returns automation comes in to save the day.

Let’s dive into the world of returns automation and explore how it can greatly reduce the environmental impact of eCommerce returns.

How eCommerce Returns Affect the Environment

The environmental impact of returns in the eCommerce industry is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed. Returns are a natural part of eCommerce, but they come with a cost to the environment.

High return rates lead to increased waste and carbon emissions, as returned items often end up in landfills and require additional transportation to be shipped back. This cycle of wastefulness poses a significant challenge to creating a sustainable eCommerce industry.

It’s essential to find a solution that tackles this environmental issue head-on.

Can Automation Make eCommerce Returns More Eco-Friendly?

Automation is key to making eCommerce returns more eco-friendly. By streamlining reverse logistics, reducing waste, and enabling sustainability initiatives, returns automation provides a framework for building an environmentally responsible returns process. 

By automating the returns process, you can minimize transportation emissions, lower carbon footprint, reduce return rates, and promote circular economy practices. Returns automation also enables carbon offsetting, sustainable packaging, and tracking of green metrics. 

Using an automated solution like ReturnGO can make returns more efficient while also reducing their environmental impact. 

How Returns Automation Can Make eCommerce Returns More Eco-Friendly

Returns automation is the answer to reducing the environmental impact of returns in eCommerce. By implementing returns automation into your workflow, you can improve efficiency, lower return rates, and support a circular economy.

Some of the sustainable benefits of automating your returns include:

Streamlined Reverse Logistics

Returns automation optimizes the entire reverse logistics process, making it more sustainable. 

By generating pre-paid return labels, routing shipments efficiently, and consolidating packages, you can reduce the number of unnecessary trips and carbon emissions. 

You can significantly reduce your eCommerce store’s transportation costs, fuel consumption, and carbon footprint by automating returns. Returns automation contributes to a more sustainable supply chain.

Reduced Return Rates

Using returns automation, you can offer smart resolutions to customers, encouraging them to keep or exchange items instead of returning them. 

This personalized approach reduces return rates and helps minimize the resources, energy, and emissions wasted on producing, shipping, and disposing of returned items.

Imagine the positive impact on the environment if every eCommerce store adopted this approach.

Chat with our experts to boost your customer return experience and LTV today.

Increased Circular Economy Practices

The automation of returns can help create and support a circular economy. By analyzing the condition and value of returned items, you can make informed decisions about reusing, reselling, recycling, or donating them. This approach ensures that returned items find new life instead of ending up in landfills.

Promoting a circular economy can open up new revenue streams and create a positive social impact by selling returned items at discounted prices or donating them to charitable causes.

How to Automate Returns to Help the Environment

Now that we’ve discussed the benefits of returns automation, let’s look at how to implement this eco-friendly solution for your eCommerce store.

Communicate Effectively with Customers

Transparent and effective communication with customers is essential for sustainable returns. 

Clearly display your return policy, and highlight the eco-friendly benefits of keeping or exchanging items instead of returning them. Customers are increasingly conscious of sustainable shopping practices, and your efforts will resonate with them.

72% of customers are willing to pay more for sustainable products and are more likely to buy from stores that are committed to sustainability. 

Transparent and consistent communication also builds trust and loyalty with your customers, making them more likely to support your sustainability initiatives.

Collaborate with Sustainable Partners

Returns automation platforms like ReturnGO offer integrations with sustainable partners for your reverse logistics needs. 

Collaborate with green shipping carriers, carbon offset programs, and eco-friendly packaging suppliers to further reduce your environmental impact and uphold your brand’s sustainability goals.

Set Up Recycling and Repurposing Initiatives

Recycling and repurposing returned items become easier with returns automation. 

Implement initiatives such as reselling, recycling, donating to charities, or upcycling returned items into new products. These initiatives create value and positively impact the environment by minimizing waste.

Some initiatives you can implement include:

  • Reselling Returned Items – By refurbishing and reselling returned items at discounted prices, you extend their lifecycle, reducing the need for new production and conserving valuable resources. 
  • Recycling Materials – When products can’t be resold due to damage or any other reason, you can partner with recycling facilities or join recycling programs to ensure that plastics, metals, and other materials are responsibly processed.
  • Donating to Charitable Causes – Encourage customers to donate their returned items instead of shipping them back. By giving back to the community and supporting those in need, you can make a positive impact on society and reduce waste.
  • Upcycling into New Products – Upcycle returned products to transform products into new items, thereby reducing waste while also recovering value and profitability.

Optimize Packaging

Returns automation platforms provide data to help you optimize your packaging and eliminate excess materials. 

For example, you can analyze the dimensions of returned items and adjust box and envelope sizes accordingly to minimize empty space. This reduces waste from discarded packaging materials.

Keep in mind that 67% of customers consider sustainable packaging to be important when buying products.

Whenever possible, encourage the reuse of packaging or the use of recycled materials and biodegradable packaging.

Automate Carbon Offsetting

With returns automation, you can seamlessly integrate carbon offsetting services like Carbonfund and Terrapass. These services will automatically calculate the carbon emissions produced from return shipments and offset those emissions by funding renewable energy projects.

Carbon offset partners can also provide tracking reports, making the entire process automated and hands-off.

ReturnGO calculates the carbon footprint of your returns so you can monitor your sustainability and determine how much your footprint has decreased.

Track Sustainability Metrics

Leverage returns automation to closely track key sustainability metrics, including things like return rate, waste, emissions per return, and recycling rate.

Tracking these metrics over time (and setting goals for improvement) will give you visibility into the environmental impact of returns. You’ll be able to catch issues early and continuously optimize your automated workflows to make your returns process more eco-friendly. 

Publicly sharing your sustainability metrics can also boost customer and investor confidence in your commitment to eco-friendly practices.

Be the Change: Automate Returns Now for a Greener Tomorrow

Returns automation is the eco-friendly solution that can help you to tackle the environmental impact of returns. By streamlining reverse logistics, reducing return rates, and promoting circular economy practices, returns automation can make a significant difference.

You have the power to contribute to a more sustainable future. Take action now and use ReturnGO to make your returns more eco-friendly.

Pros & Cons of Providing a Return Label in the Box Sun, 27 Aug 2023 09:01:00 +0000 When you ship out products to your customers, you have to decide whether to include a return shipping label in the box. While a label-in-box approach may be convenient for customers, it has downsides for your business like higher costs and environmental impact.

When it comes to how you provide return labels to customers, there are a number of pros and cons to consider to see if it’s worth providing a return label in the box.

Pros & Cons of Including a Return Label With Orders

Here are some of the pros and cons of including a return label in the box of the original order. 

Keep in mind that the best decision for your business will ultimately depend on your specific needs and priorities.

Pros of a Label in the Box

Some advantages to including returns labels directly in the box when shipping out orders to customers include:

Convenience – Customers appreciate the convenience of having a return label already included in the package. This eliminates the need for them to track down a printer or go to the post office, making it easier for them to return their purchases.

Easy Returns – A return label in the box makes the returns process easy for customers. They can simply stick on the label, pack up the product, and drop it off at the nearest shipping location.

Cons of a Label in the Box

Providing return labels in the box also comes with several disadvantages that you should keep in mind:

High Costs – Including a returns label in the box can add to your costs, as you’ll need to print out a label for every order, even if they don’t return it.

For every order shipped, you’ll incur the cost of including a return label – even though only a percentage of customers actually end up using it. This reduces your profit margins and incurs extra costs that are redundant. 

Those unused return labels represent large amounts of wasted potential revenue which could have covered other business expenses. 

While return labels may provide a more convenient customer experience, the high-cost trade-off is one to seriously consider.

Environmental Impact – Printing out many return labels can have a negative environmental impact by generating a lot of waste. 

Global paper consumption is expected to double by 2060, along with the amount of paper waste. Paper makes up half of the waste generated by businesses.

Therefore, it’s probably not the best idea to be sending thousands of labels straight to landfill every month.

For eco-conscious businesses, these environmental impacts may outweigh the added customer convenience. It’s important to analyze the waste and emissions generated by return labels provided with every order.

Limited Customer Touchpoints – When you include a return label in the box, you’re losing out on an opportunity to interact with your customers. 

Missing an opportunity to re-engage with customers and bring them back to your website is a big sacrifice when using the label-in-box method. 

By receiving a return label in the box with their order, customers have no incentive to provide feedback or communicate about any issues with their order. This eliminates a touchpoint where you could potentially resolve problems, encourage exchanges instead, or rescue the sale.

Reduced Return Insights – You won’t be able to collect as much data about your returns when you include a return label in the box. This data can be valuable for understanding why customers are returning products and making improvements to your returns process.

Some stores include a slip where they encourage customers to share feedback or their reason for return before sending the product back. However, since customers don’t have any incentive to fill out the form, they often leave it blank. Even if they do fill it out, the data then has to be collected and inputted manually, creating a painstaking process to collect the information.

With a manual, offline returns process, you lose out on crucial insights into why items are being returned. Is the sizing off? Do the materials not match the product description? 

A lack of concrete return data makes it harder for you to pinpoint pain points and improve the customer experience.

Lack of Control –  When you include a return label in the box, you lose a level of control over the returns process. 

There’s no way to predict or prepare ahead of time for how many items will be returned within a given timeframe, leaving you to make reactive decisions. 

This lack of visibility into your returns workflows makes it hard to manage warehouse costs and control inventory dynamics.

Is it Worth Including a Return Label in the Box?

When weighing up the pros and cons of including a return label in the box, the cons seem to outweigh the pros.

The costs, environmental impact, lack of customer engagement, and loss of data provide compelling reasons for you to reconsider this strategy. 

While return labels in the box offer short-term convenience for customers, they can hurt your business in the long run through wasted resources and missed opportunities to improve the shopping experience. 

So what’s a better alternative? Print-on-demand labels.

The Solution: Print-On-Demand Labels

Generating return shipping labels on demand is a more sustainable and cost-effective way to handle returns. This way, you only print return labels when they’re needed.

With a print-on-demand return label process, a return shipping label is emailed to the customer when they initiate a return request. 

Advantages of print-on-demand return labels:


By generating labels only for actual returns, you avoid paying shipping for unused labels that end up in the trash.

With control over the shipping carriers and service level, you’ll know exactly how much it will cost and how long it will take to receive your returned items.

Generating return shipping labels in real-time significantly cuts label costs and makes returns much more cost-effective.

More Sustainable

Print-on-demand return labels are a far more sustainable option than pre-printed return labels.

Reducing the printing of return labels that aren’t used drastically decreases paper waste and carbon emissions, creating a greener, more eco-friendly solution for returns.

The environmental impact of online shopping is becoming increasingly important to customers, with 83% of customers considering sustainability when making purchases.

Better Customer Engagement & Insights

Offering print-on-demand labels through a return portal can help you boost customer engagement and insights, by collecting feedback from customers when they return products.

Understanding why customers initiate returns provides data that can help you optimize your products and improve the customer experience.

By collecting feedback from customers, you can also learn more about their customers’ needs and preferences, helping you create a better returns process.

How ReturnGO Can Help You Generate Return Labels

ReturnGO is a returns management system that can help you generate return labels on demand using a self-service return portal and a wide range of integrations with shipping carriers.

With ReturnGO, you can easily create return shipping labels, track returns, and collect data about your returns process.

Offer a self-service return portal through which customers can easily request a return or exchange and then receive an automatically-generated pre-paid return shipping label that they can print out and attach to their return package.

Chat with our experts to boost your customer return experience and LTV today.

Using ReturnGO to automatically generate return shipping labels helps you keep track of your return shipments, collect return reasons and other returns data, and monitor the returns process from start to finish, all in one place.

Print-On-Demand Labels: The Future of Efficient Returns

Automatically-generated return labels are more sustainable, easier to track, and more cost-effective than in-the-box labels.

No matter which approach you choose, it’s important to make sure that you have a clear return policy in place and that you’re collecting data about your returns process. This will help you to improve the returns experience and reduce the number of unnecessary returns.

So if you’re looking for a more efficient way to handle return shipments, use print-on-demand return labels through ReturnGO.

How to Manage eCommerce Warranty Claims Using Automation Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:49:00 +0000 Warranty automation can revolutionize your eCommerce business with a self-service portal, powerful automation rules, and advanced eligibility conditions.

Customers expect your products to perform as advertised, and to be able to file a warranty claim easily when needed – ReturnGO is here to help you provide the best post-purchase customer experience possible.

What is Warranty Automation?

Warranty automation involves using technology to streamline and simplify the warranty process for both customers and your business. The goal is to create a seamless and efficient experience for all parties involved.

Managing warranty claims manually is a laborious and error-prone process, involving handling paperwork, coordinating with service providers, and ensuring customers’ claims are adequately addressed.

As your eCommerce business grows and the volume of warranty claims increases, manual management becomes increasingly challenging. Automation offers a better solution. 

By automating the warranty process, you can boost efficiency, reduce errors, and improve the customer experience.

Warranty as a Return Type

In the world of returns management, warranty requests and regular returns have often been treated as separate entities, leading to missed opportunities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer satisfaction. The only real difference between them lies in the customer’s intention.

When a customer files a warranty claim, their main goal is to resolve a specific issue with the product they purchased – they want help fixing the problem while keeping the product. On the other hand, regular returns happen when a customer wants to return or exchange the product entirely.

Despite their differing intentions, the operational aspects of warranty requests and regular returns share several similarities. 

In both scenarios, it’s important to identify the issue, whether it’s a defect, damage, or sizing issues. Gathering detailed information about the original order is part of processing warranty claims as well as facilitating refunds or exchanges for regular returns. Both types of returns also require a well-organized system for reverse logistics, to efficiently handle the flow of products back through the supply chain.

Due to these similarities, the industry is moving toward an integrated approach to returns management. By bringing these previously separate processes together, ReturnGO creates a cohesive post-purchase ecosystem that combines it all together.

Customers experience a seamless self-service interface, with either one combined portal or separate return and warranty portals, while you can easily manage and approve requests in the backend, with everything all in one place.

How Does Warranty Automation Work?

Warranty automation streamlines the process of handling returns, including warranty returns. ReturnGO’s automation platform provides a user-friendly portal, a comprehensive management system, and powerful analytics, all rolled into one.

Filing Warranty Claims and Requesting Service

With a self-service warranty portal, your customers can easily file warranty claims online, without needing to contact customer service.

When customers encounter an issue with a product, they can access the warranty portal, which guides them through the claims process step-by-step. 

They provide necessary details, such as purchase information, product serial numbers, and descriptions of the problem, and photos or videos to back up their claim. 

By providing customers with direct access to an online warranty portal, you can reduce the burden on your customer support team. Customers can track the progress of their claims in real-time, eliminating the need for customer support queries and reducing wait times.

Processing Warranty Claims and Providing Service

On the business side, ReturnGO enables you to process warranty claims and provide service through its online platform. 

As customers file their claims, your team can access and review them in real-time. You can automate your workflow to boost productivity and streamline your processes.

The system can automatically validate eligibility based on purchase history and product details. Automating this process minimizes the risk of fraudulent claims and ensures that only valid warranty claims are approved.

By automating warranty returns, you can efficiently track and manage the status of each claim. This visibility helps you identify bottlenecks, monitor service provider performance, and ensure timely resolutions to customer issues.

Analyzing Warranty Data and Improving Products

Data is the backbone of informed decision-making. Beyond providing a great customer experience, warranty automation also empowers you to analyze your data and improve your products. 

For example, the system can aggregate data on the types of issues reported, the frequency of claims for specific products, and how they were resolved. By analyzing this data, you can identify recurring issues and trends and take action to optimize your workflow.

With these insights, you can take proactive measures to address potential problems before they escalate. Improving product quality reduces the number of warranty claims while boosting customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Why Should You Automate the Warranty Process for Your eCommerce Business?

Now that you understand how warranty automation works, let’s explore why it makes sense to adopt this approach for your eCommerce business.

Increasing Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

Automating the warranty process with ReturnGO makes it easier and faster for your customers to access warranty information and request service. The self-service portal enhances the overall customer experience, providing a seamless and user-friendly interface for filing claims.

Imagine a scenario where a customer receives a defective product and needs to file a warranty claim. With manual processing, they might have to call customer support, wait on hold, and then fill out paperwork. This cumbersome process can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction.

With a self-service warranty portal, the customer can initiate a claim from the comfort of their own home with just a few clicks. This streamlined approach instills confidence and trust in your brand, as customers know they can rely on hassle-free support if needed. 

81% of customers say that they want more self-service options, so offering self-service can keep customers satisfied and keep them coming back.

Reducing Operational Costs and Risks

Manual warranty processing requires significant labor and paperwork, which can add unnecessary costs to your business. By automating the process, you save time and money, allowing your team to focus on other tasks.

Moreover, automation minimizes the risk of human errors and fraudulent claims. When processing warranty claims manually, there’s a higher chance of overlooking crucial details or mishandling information, leading to delays and potential customer disputes. 

An automated system enforces consistency and accuracy in processing claims, reducing the likelihood of costly mistakes.

Automated tracking and reporting also help identify potential issues early on, enabling you to take proactive measures and prevent the recurrence of warranty claims.

Improving Product Quality and Performance

Consistently delivering high-quality products is crucial for eCommerce success. By automating the warranty process, you gain valuable insights into the performance of your products.

Using data analytics, you can track the frequency and types of warranty claims for each product category. This information enables you to identify patterns, recurring issues, or design flaws that may require attention. 

Armed with this knowledge, you can collaborate with your suppliers or manufacturers to implement product improvements and reduce the likelihood of future warranty claims.

Customers appreciate products that are durable and perform as expected, leading to higher satisfaction and fewer product returns. Over time, this focus on product quality and reliability can become a competitive advantage for your eCommerce business.

Automate Your Warranty Process Now

Automating the warranty process is a game-changer. It simplifies the claims process for customers, reduces operational costs, and elevates product quality. 

ReturnGO offers a comprehensive solution that includes a user-friendly returns and warranty portal, efficient warranty management, and powerful analytics.
Automate your warranty process with ReturnGO and experience the power of efficient, streamlined operations. Elevate your eCommerce business to new heights and ensure customer satisfaction every step of the way.

Improve the Post-Purchase Experience with Order Tracking Wed, 16 Aug 2023 10:33:00 +0000 In today’s fast-paced digital world, delivering a seamless and enjoyable post-purchase experience is vital for the success of your online business. Enter order tracking and notifications – a powerful tool to keep your customers informed and engaged throughout their post-purchase journey.

Discover how this simple yet effective product can make a significant impact on customer satisfaction, brand loyalty, and business growth. Let’s dive in.

What is Order Tracking?

Order tracking enables you to keep customers up to date on the status of their orders in a branded, customizable way.

Send order tracking notifications via email or SMS to keep your customers updated throughout the customer journey. Then take them back to your order tracking portal to see the status of their order shipments, while keeping your brand at the forefront of their minds.

Benefits of an Order Tracking Portal

Implementing an order tracking portal brings various benefits that can positively impact your eCommerce business:

Reduce Customer Anxiety and Frustration

By providing real-time updates on shipments, you alleviate customer concerns and build confidence in your brand. 

When customers can easily check the progress of their shipments and receive delivery notifications, they feel more in control of the process.

Providing proactive order tracking updates enables you to reduce Where Is My Order (WISMO) calls, freeing up your customer service team to focus on other tasks and creating a positive perception of your brand.

Encourage Repeat Purchases

One of the significant advantages of having the order tracking portal directly embedded in your store is that it brings your customers back to your website. 

Every time they check their order status, they’re interacting with your brand and immersing themselves in your online store. This increased engagement boosts the chances of them making additional purchases, thereby increasing your revenue.

The order tracking page also presents a valuable opportunity for strategic marketing. You can include promotional materials such as banners, sales advertisements, or product recommendations on the tracking page, turning the order tracking portal into an additional source of revenue.

Build Brand Awareness

When customers interact with a well-designed and branded tracking portal, they subconsciously associate the positive experience with your brand as a whole. This consistency in branding throughout the customer journey reinforces your brand’s identity and values.

The more confident customers are about your brand’s reliability and attention to their needs in the post-purchase process, the more likely they are to recommend your business to others. 

Increase Customer Loyalty

The experience of tracking an order enhances the overall customer journey. It keeps customers engaged and informed, resulting in higher customer satisfaction rates. 

Satisfied customers are more likely to become loyal customers, which is essential for the long-term success of your eCommerce business.

They’re more likely to leave positive reviews and share their positive experiences with others, contributing to increased word-of-mouth referrals.

Build Customer Trust

By enabling customers to track their orders in real-time, you empower them with the information they need. They can see when their package is shipped, out for delivery, and has been delivered. 

This level of transparency creates a sense of trust among customers and increases the likelihood that they’ll be satisfied and buy again. 

97% of customers say that delivery tracking is important to them, so the experience you provide can make a big difference.

Understanding the Order Tracking Portal

ReturnGO offers a wide range of customization options for the order tracking portal, allowing you to align it with your brand image. You can adjust font colors, settings, and other design elements for a seamless and branded user experience, reinforcing your brand’s image and instilling confidence in customers.

Add the Order Tracking Portal to Your Store

Integrating the order tracking portal into your store is simple and efficient with ReturnGO. By embedding the portal directly within your website, customers have easy access to their shipment information without redirects or extra steps. 

The seamless integration of the portal ensures that customers stay within your brand’s ecosystem throughout their entire shopping experience.

Define Search Options

Customizing the search options is another valuable feature of the order tracking portal. You can define the search criteria of tracking number, order number, or zip/phone/email, making it easier for customers to easily track their order. 

Taking a user-friendly approach improves the overall customer experience and reduces the likelihood of issues coming up.

Send Order Tracking Notifications

Real-time order tracking notifications are a game-changer when it comes to keeping your customers engaged and informed. 

ReturnGO offers the flexibility to customize notifications for your customers, providing automatic updates on order status, shipping details, and delivery information.

When customers receive real-time order tracking notifications with relevant information about their order, it provides reassurance and reduces Where Is My Order (WISMO) calls to customer support.

Integrating with Klaviyo for Personalized Email and SMS Notifications

ReturnGO also provides integration options with popular platforms like Klaviyo. By leveraging Klaviyo’s powerful capabilities, you can take your email and SMS notifications to the next level. 

Utilize advanced segmentation and automation features to create highly targeted and personalized communication for different customer segments, resulting in higher engagement rates.

How the Order Tracking Portal Works

The order tracking portal consists of two screens:

Search Screen

The search screen is where customers enter their order number and tracking number, which helps the system locate and display their order. This reduces customer frustration and anxiety by providing immediate access to their shipment status.

Order Tracking Information Screen

The second screen presents comprehensive details related to the order. Customers can view all shipments associated with the order, including the tracking number, status, estimated time of arrival (ETA), and shipment history. 

This comprehensive view enables customers to track multiple packages from the same order simultaneously.

Opt-Out Option for Further Notifications

Another valuable feature of ReturnGO’s order tracking portal is the opt-out option. Customers have the freedom to choose whether they want to receive further notifications about their order. 

This choice respects their preferences and ensures that you are not bombarding them with unwanted updates.

Tips for Using the Order Tracking Portal

To maximize the benefits of the order tracking portal, consider implementing these tips:

Promote the Convenient Order Tracking Portal

Promote the use of the order tracking portal to your customers through emails, social media, and your website. 

Educate them about the ease of staying updated on their shipments and how it will improve their overall shopping experience.

Ensure User-Friendliness

The portal is designed with a user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation, so customers can find the information they need without any confusion or frustration. 

Test the portal from the perspective of a customer to see how it works. Gathering feedback from customers can help you identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to enhance the user experience further.

Present Clear and Concise Information

When it comes to order tracking, clear and concise information is key. Instead of using technical jargon or complicated language that may confuse customers, ReturnGO uses simple and straightforward language to communicate order status and delivery updates, and you can customize the text to fit your brand voice.

Relevant details such as tracking numbers, estimated delivery dates, and shipping carrier information are included in an easy-to-understand format.

Use Order Tracking to Improve the Post-Purchase Experience

Order tracking and notifications play a pivotal role in enhancing the post-purchase customer journey for your eCommerce business. 

So what are you waiting for? Improve your post-purchase experience today with ReturnGO’s order tracking, and let your customers experience the convenience and satisfaction of staying informed every step of the way.

Make Returns Hassle-Free with Printerless Returns Mon, 14 Aug 2023 08:12:35 +0000 The future of return shipping is printerless returns using QR codes. ReturnGO enables you to offer printerless returns and revolutionize the way you handle returns and exchanges. 

Create a sustainable, convenient returns process that will boost efficiency, reduce return rates, and delight your customers.

What Are Printerless Returns?

With printerless returns, your customers no longer need to print out a physical return label.

The traditional way of returning items was that customers print out a return shipping label, tape it to the package, and drop it off – an inconvenient and wasteful process. 

Printerless returns are where instead of printing out a return shipping label, your customers receive a convenient QR code that acts as their return barcode. They can access it right on their smartphone – no printing, no fuss. 

And the best part? They can drop off their returns at a nearby USPS, Canada Post, or any other designated drop-off location, and the staff member can scan the return barcode right from the customer’s phone, enabling a completely contactless and paperless return.

The Power of QR Codes

QR code technology is truly revolutionizing returns in the retail industry, by storing a large amount of encoded data, so that a QR code can include all the relevant return shipping information.

Offering QR codes eliminates the need for printed return labels, while still providing the shipping carrier with the information necessary for processing the return.

In addition, they provide a mobile-friendly, omnichannel return option that’s ideal for the modern customer. Their flexibility and scalability make QR codes an ideal replacement for static, single-use printed return shipping labels. 

Why Offer Printerless Returns?

In order to fully understand the significance of printerless returns, let’s dive into the benefits of implementing QR code returns.

1. Reduced Barrier for Returns

Offering printerless returns makes it convenient for customers to return items without too much hassle. When the returns process is easy, you’ll gain more trust from your customers and keep them coming back to buy again.

By offering printerless returns, you eliminate the hassle of customers needing to find a printer and deal with printing. Your customers can initiate their return from the comfort of their home, then get their QR code and head straight to the drop-off location.

How to use a QR code for returns:

  • After initiating the return, your customers receive an email with their QR code.
  • They can open the email on their smartphone and display the QR code at the drop-off location.
  • The staff there scan the return barcode, and the return process is set in motion. Simple as that!

2. Enhanced Sustainability

Switching to printerless QR code returns eliminate the need for printed labels and dramatically reduces environmental impact.

Printing shipping labels uses significant amounts of paper and ink, leading to considerable paper waste and contributing to carbon emissions. 

Make your return process more eco-friendly by adopting printerless returns. Eco-conscious customers will appreciate this sustainable approach.

Research shows that more and more customers are actively factoring sustainability into their shopping habits: 78% of customers say their purchasing decisions are influenced by a brand’s environmental practices. 

By offering printerless returns with QR return barcodes, you demonstrate your commitment to sustainability, which can attract environmentally-aware customers and boost your brand image as a socially-responsible company.

3. Convenient and Contactless Experience

In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is king. Customers expect seamless, user-friendly experiences, and that applies to the returns process as well. With printerless returns and QR codes, you can offer your customers the highest level of convenience.

Gone are the days of printing shipping labels and dealing with the logistics of returning a product. By simply accessing a return barcode on their smartphones, your customers can initiate returns effortlessly, without having to print anything. 

By providing a convenient and contactless experience, you can create a positive and memorable impression of your brand. Using QR codes for printerless returns will delight your customers and position your eCommerce store as a leader in customer-centric, forward-thinking practices.

4. Increased Customer Loyalty

Printerless returns with QR codes can play a significant role in enhancing customer loyalty. When the returns process is seamless, hassle-free, and efficient, customers develop trust and confidence in your brand, knowing they can easily return items if necessary.

Moreover, the eco-friendly aspect of printerless returns aligns with the values of eco-conscious customers. By offering sustainable returns options, you attract environmentally-aware customers who appreciate your commitment to making a positive impact on the environment.

Investing in printerless returns and QR codes improves customer loyalty and contributes to long-term customer retention. As you build a loyal customer base, you reduce customer churn and increase customer lifetime value, driving sustainable growth for your eCommerce business.

How to Implement Printerless Returns

ReturnGO seamlessly integrates with various carriers like USPS, UPS, FedEx, and other major carriers that support QR code return barcodes. This functionality enables you to generate QR codes instead of or in addition to traditional return shipping labels. 

When customers request a return or exchange via ReturnGO’s convenient self-service portal, eligible customers will receive a QR code and/or return label directly via email. 

Customers can bring their packages to a participating carrier location, where employees will scan the return barcode from their screen. Offering an omnichannel returns experience ensures maximum convenience, flexibility, and ease of use for your customers. 

By enabling you to provide both QR codes and return shipping labels, ReturnGO helps you cater to a broader range of customer preferences, granting them the convenience and freedom to choose their preferred method. 

Some customers might prefer the digital ease of QR codes, while others may still appreciate the familiarity of a physical, printed return label. 

Take your return management to the next level by offering printerless returns through ReturnGO’s seamless integrations, delighting your customers with flexible return options.

Chat with our experts to boost your customer return experience and LTV today.

Adopt Printerless Returns for a Competitive Edge

In the rapidly evolving eCommerce industry, offering a frictionless returns experience is essential to maintain a competitive advantage. 

By implementing innovative solutions like printerless returns using QR codes, you can transform the post-purchase process to be more sustainable, convenient, and customer-centric. 

ReturnGO makes implementing a printerless returns solution simple and straightforward. Give your customers the hassle-free returns process they deserve while reducing your environmental impact.

18 Tips to Improve the Online Customer Return Experience Mon, 07 Aug 2023 08:41:00 +0000 Providing a seamless returns experience for your customers is essential for building a successful online business.

How you handle your returns can significantly impact customer satisfaction, retention, and brand loyalty.

The Importance of Improving the Returns Experience

Before diving into the actionable tips, let’s take a closer look at why improving the returns experience matters so much for your eCommerce store:

Boost Customer Satisfaction and Retention 

An efficient and hassle-free returns process can work wonders in improving customer satisfaction. When customers know they can easily return items they aren’t satisfied with, it builds trust and enables them to shop with confidence. 

88% of customers say that the experience a company provides is as important as its products or services.

Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat buyers, leading to increased customer retention rates and higher customer loyalty.

Reduce Customer Support Queries 

A well-structured and transparent returns process can significantly reduce the number of queries to your customer service team. 

By providing clear return instructions and a self-service return portal, customers can request a return on their own, without the need for extensive support, freeing up your customer service team’s time for more complex issues.

Increase Brand Loyalty and Repeat Purchases 

A smooth and positive returns experience contributes to improved brand loyalty. When customers have a positive experience during the returns process, they are more likely to trust your brand and make repeat purchases

Conversely, a frustrating returns experience can drive customers away and hurt your store’s reputation.

18 Ways to Improve the Returns Experience

Now, let’s explore some actionable tips to improve the customer return experience and create a more customer-centric approach to returns:

Before the Return

The return experience starts before the customer even asks for a return. Set the right expectations up front to prepare customers for what’s ahead and avoid surprises.

1. Set a Clear Return Policy

Your return policy serves as a foundation for the entire returns process. Make sure it’s easily accessible and prominently displayed on your website, product pages, checkout process, and order confirmation emails. 

Clearly state the conditions for returns, such as time frames, eligible items, and any restocking fees. A transparent return policy instills confidence in customers, knowing what to expect when they initiate a return.

2. Provide Self-Service Returns

Implement a user-friendly self-service return portal that allows customers to initiate returns online without the need to contact customer support. 

81% of customers say that they want more self-service options. Providing customers with the ability to handle their returns independently adds convenience and speed to the process. 

With a self-service portal, customers can easily initiate returns, track the progress of their return, and receive real-time updates.

3. Encourage Exchanges

Incentivize customers to opt for exchanges instead of refunds when returning items. Offer benefits such as free return shipping or a bonus credit for exchanges. 

By encouraging exchanges, you can retain revenue while at the same time ensuring your customers get a product they’ll like.

4. Offer Free Shipping on Returns

Offering free return shipping to customers, using a pre-paid return shipping label, is a powerful way to remove a common barrier to returns. 

Covering the cost of return shipping demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction and makes the returns process hassle-free for your customers.

5. Provide a Pre-Paid Return Shipping Label

Integrate with shipping carriers to automatically generate pre-paid return shipping labels. Customers receive the label via email and in the portal, making it easy for them to print and attach it to the return package. 

Pre-paid labels simplify the returns process for customers and ensure consistent and reliable return shipping.

6. Offer Multiple Options for Returns

Offer a choice of return methods to cater to your customers’ preferences, making the returns process more convenient for them. 

For example, you can integrate with Happy Returns or similar services to offer convenient drop-off return locations.

7. Set Realistic Expectations

Transparency is key when it comes to the returns process. Clearly communicate the expected time for processing returns and issuing refunds or exchanges. 

Underpromising and overdelivering on return timelines can pleasantly surprise customers and enhance their experience.

8. Communicate Return Status Updates

Keeping customers informed about the status of their returns is essential for a positive return experience. Regularly update them when the return package is received, when the return is processed, and when a refund or exchange is issued. 

Timely communication provides customers with peace of mind and demonstrates your commitment to resolving their return quickly.

9. Make the Process Easy to Understand

Simplicity and clarity are vital for a smooth returns process. Provide clear and concise return instructions, explaining the steps, conditions, and timelines involved. 

Use plain language and visual aids to guide customers through the process and minimize any potential confusion.

10. Automate Your Workflow

Use a returns management system like ReturnGO to automate the entire returns process. This can help you efficiently route returns to the correct locations, integrate with other systems, and automate the approval of return requests, refunds, and exchanges. 

Automation reduces the need for manual intervention, cutting overhead costs and speeding up the entire process.

Chat with our experts to boost your customer return experience and LTV today.

During the Return Process

The real work begins once the customer asks for a return. Now’s your chance to wow them with simple, convenient options and rapid resolutions. 

11. Provide Detailed Return Instructions

Offer comprehensive instructions on how to package items for return and what to include in the return package. 

Clear instructions reduce the risk of customers making mistakes during the return process. Include any necessary packaging materials, such as bubble wrap or packing tape, to ensure the items return safely.

12. Issue Refunds Quickly

Speed is of the essence when it comes to processing refunds. As soon as the return is received and approved, aim to process the refund promptly. 

You can use ReturnGO’s advanced automation rules to automatically issue a refund or release an exchange based on custom trigger events. 

Customers appreciate a swift resolution to their return requests, with 65% of customers saying that the speed and ease of refunds affect where they choose to shop. 

Quick refunds demonstrate that you value your customers’ time and effort.

13. Constantly Communicate

Throughout the return process, make sure to maintain regular communication with customers. 

Send status updates via email or SMS, and let them know you’re actively working on their return and what the status is. This proactive approach reassures customers that their return is being handled efficiently and with care.

After the Return

Continuous improvement is the key to preventing returns and perfecting the customer experience.

Analyze your data and communicate with your customers to discover pain points and continually improve your processes and policies. 

14. Make Reordering Seamless

After the return process is complete, send customers a link encouraging them to reorder similar items with ease. This simple gesture encourages customers to buy again from your store, increasing customer retention and building brand loyalty.

15. Follow Up with Recent Returners

Reach out to customers who recently made returns to gather valuable feedback directly from customers. 

Asking about their return experience, product concerns, or expectations can provide insights into areas for improvement.

16. Analyze Data to Reduce Returns

Use ReturnGO’s advanced data analytics dashboard to identify patterns and trends in returns. Analyzing return data can help you identify common problems and areas for optimization, such as product quality, the shipping process, or product descriptions. 

With data-driven insights, you can proactively address recurring issues and make informed decisions to minimize returns in the future. 

17. Provide a Feedback Mechanism

Offer an online survey or follow-up email to gather feedback directly from customers about their return experience. Listening to your customers’ suggestions and concerns can offer valuable insights into areas for improvement. 

Ask questions about the ease of the returns process, the reasons for the return, and suggestions for how you can enhance the experience. This feedback mechanism demonstrates that you value your customers’ opinions and are committed to meeting their needs.

18. Continuously Optimize Your Policy and Process

Returns are a dynamic aspect of your eCommerce business, and your return policy may need to evolve over time. 

Regularly review your return policy and processes to ensure it aligns with customer expectations and industry standards. Test potential tweaks and improvements based on customer feedback and data analysis. 

By remaining adaptable and open to change, you can create a return policy that maximizes customer satisfaction and improves efficiency.

Create a Customer-Centric Returns Experience

Remember, the returns experience is a reflection of your commitment to customer satisfaction and plays a significant role in shaping your brand’s reputation.

Implement these tips, leverage ReturnGO’s cutting-edge solution, and listen to your customers to create a returns experience that delights and retains your customers, setting your eCommerce store apart from the competition. 

Your dedication to providing a positive returns experience will lead to happier customers and drive long-term success for your online business.

International Returns Made Easy: Managing Global Returns Wed, 02 Aug 2023 09:31:31 +0000 Different regulations, languages, and logistics make international returns a unique challenge. Providing a streamlined, automated, and localized return experience for international customers will help you scale for international growth.

What Are the Challenges of Managing International Returns?

International eCommerce offers huge opportunities for growth. The cross-border eCommerce market is estimated to reach approximately $7.9 trillion by 2030.

However, running an international eCommerce business also comes with unique challenges – especially when it comes to returns.

There are several things to keep in mind when processing international returns, including:

  • Rules and regulations – Each country has its own set of return policies and regulations. You need to research and understand the rules that apply to each country you serve.
  • Language barriers – Language differences can lead to misunderstandings and confusion during the returns process. Overcoming language barriers is crucial to providing a seamless experience for your international customers.
  • Return shipping costs – International shipping costs can be significantly higher than domestic shipping, making it essential to find a cost-effective way to manage international returns.

How to Effectively Manage International Returns

Handling international returns properly requires careful planning and execution. Here’s how to provide a smooth and efficient international returns service:

Determine Eligible Countries

Decide which countries you want to be able to accept returns from. Research each country’s regulations to understand the return policies and legal obligations specific to each location. This will help you navigate the requirements involved in cross-border returns.

When determining your eligible countries, consider factors like return shipping costs. International shipping costs can be significantly higher than domestic shipping, which can impact your profitability and long-term success. Evaluating these costs will help you plan and budget for international returns more effectively.

To minimize complications, you can start your international expansion with just a few countries before expanding globally. This way, you can test your returns process and fine-tune it based on customer feedback and operational performance, before scaling up to more locations.

Create Location-Specific Return Policy Rules

Once you’ve determined which countries you want to accept returns from, it’s essential to tailor your return policy based on the specific needs of each location. 

As different countries will have different regulations, shipping costs, and requirements, a one-size-fits-all return policy is unlikely to work for international returns. 

  • Return window – Customize your return window length by country, state, or city, taking into account the average shipping time to each location. This way, customers in different regions will have a reasonable amount of time to initiate a return.
  • Eligibility conditions – Define location-based eligibility conditions to specify which items can be returned from where. Some products may have legal or customs restrictions, making them ineligible for returns, or you may want to restrict customers from certain locations from being able to request certain kinds of refunds or exchanges.
  • Fees – Set location-specific fees, such as who pays for return shipping. Depending on shipping costs and distance, you may want to charge different return fees for customers in different locations.

Generate International Return Labels

To simplify the return shipping process for international customers, integrate shipping carriers that can generate international return labels. 

Automatically generate return shipping labels to save time and reduce the potential for errors.

Implementing an automated system to generate return labels for international customers will enhance the returns experience and streamline cross-border returns.

Provide Localized Communications

To provide a positive returns experience for your international customers, effective communication is crucial. 

Overcome language barriers by providing return instructions in the native language of each eligible country, to ensure that customers can easily understand the steps to initiate a return.

75% of customers are more likely to purchase from the same store again if customer service is in their native language, so providing a localized returns experience can significantly affect customer satisfaction.

When confirming a return, display the refund amount in the customer’s local currency. This personal touch enhances the customer experience and avoids confusion about the refund amount. 

By providing localized communications, you can build trust and loyalty with your international audience.

Automate Your Returns Workflow for International Returns

To optimize your international returns process and streamline your operations, take advantage of advanced returns software like ReturnGO

ReturnGO is a powerful returns management system that helps you automate your returns with a localized self-service return portal, so customers can easily initiate returns, track the progress of their returns, and receive timely updates in their native language, reducing the need for customer support intervention.

With ReturnGO, you can manage international returns in one centralized system, regardless of the countries involved.

The comprehensive returns analytics provide visibility into global customer return behavior, to help you anticipate returns volume, identify trends in specific regions, and tailor your return policies and strategies accordingly.

Chat with our experts to boost your customer return experience and LTV today.

Returns Without Barriers

In order to grow your eCommerce business globally and reach new markets, you need to have a returns process that can handle international returns. 

Delight customers around the world and scale for international growth by setting up a streamlined and automated international returns workflow.

ReturnGO can help you set up simple, localized returns for your online store so that you can manage international returns as easily and efficiently as domestic returns.

How to Manage eCommerce Returns in the Electronics Industry Wed, 26 Jul 2023 09:30:00 +0000 The electronics industry is one of the fastest-growing and most competitive sectors in eCommerce. Global online sales of electronics are estimated at $987 billion, and are expected to grow to $1.1 trillion by 2028.

Selling electronics online also comes with unique challenges and risks, especially when it comes to returns. So how can you manage your electronics returns effectively? Here are some best practices you can follow to optimize your returns process.

Why Returns of Electronics Are Unique

Managing electronics returns presents a unique challenge due to the constantly evolving nature of the electronics industry, as well as many returns associated with high customer expectations.


As electronics often carry a higher price tag than smaller, lower-cost products, each return is a significant hit to your bottom line. 

One advantage of eCommerce, though, is that customers purchasing electronics online tend to conduct more thorough research before making a purchase, so they’re more likely to buy something they’ll be satisfied with.

With the availability of detailed product information, customer reviews, and comparison websites, customers have the means to make informed decisions about their purchases. 


Unlike other products, electronics often have more intricate components, delicate circuitry, and multiple functionalities, making quality checks and effective return management especially important.

The relative complexity of electronics can cause challenges like customers encountering difficulties or errors while using or setting up the product, as well as electronics needing to be compatible with other devices or systems the customers use.

Customer Expectations

Customers expect a hassle-free and transparent return process, especially for high-value and complex products like electronics. 

Some of the factors that influence customer satisfaction with returns are:

  • Customer expectations – Customers have high expectations for the quality, performance, and functionality of electronics. If the product doesn’t meet their expectations or match the description, they’re more likely to return it.
  • Product complexity – Electronics are complex products that require technical knowledge and skills to use. Customers may encounter difficulties or errors while using or setting up the product, or they might realize that they need additional accessories or components that aren’t included.
  • Compatibility issues – Generally, electronics need to be compatible with other devices or systems that customers already own. Customers may return the product if it isn’t compatible with their existing setup.
  • Buyer’s remorse Electronics are often high-value products that involve a significant investment from customers. Customers may experience buyer’s remorse after buying the product, especially if they find a better deal elsewhere or change their mind about what they want.

Return Costs

The costs associated with returns of electronics can be substantial, as electronics often require careful packaging, secure shipping methods, and specialized handling due to their delicate nature.

Some of the return costs include:

  • Shipping costs – Shipping electronics can be expensive due to their weight, size, and fragility. You may have to pay for both outbound and inbound shipping fees, depending on your return policy and carrier agreements.
  • Handling costs – Handling electronics requires special care and attention to avoid damage or loss, requiring an investment in protective packaging materials, labels, scanners, etc. There are also labor costs for inspecting, sorting, and restocking the returned products.
  • Refurbishing costs – Refurbishing electronics by repairing or restoring them to a sellable condition costs you for parts, tools, and technicians. 
  • Reselling costs – Reselling electronics can be challenging due to their depreciation and obsolescence. You often have to resell them at a lower price or through a different channel than the original sale, and pay for marketing, advertising, listing fees, or commissions.
  • Disposal costs – Disposing of electronics can be costly and complicated due to environmental regulations and ethical concerns, costing you recycling fees, disposal fees, and fines.

Best Practices for Managing Returns of Electronics

It’s important to implement best practices and constantly improve the returns process, especially when it comes to electronics. 

By doing so, you can effectively tackle the unique challenges of electronics returns, reducing financial impact and taking care of issues as they arise.

Here are some best practices for managing returns of electronics:

Define a Clear and Flexible Return Policy

A clear and flexible return policy is a must-have for eCommerce stores selling electronics. A good return policy can help you reduce return rates, increase customer trust, and boost conversion rates. 

Here are some tips on how to create a return policy that works for your electronics business:

  • Be generous and reasonable – Customers expect a generous and reasonable return policy when they buy electronics online. Make sure your customers can return the product within a reasonable timeframe, so give them at least a 30-day return window and consider extending it for certain products.
  • Be transparent and fair – Provide a transparent return policy that doesn’t have any hidden fees or charges. Clearly state what products are eligible for returns, and what conditions they must meet to be accepted. 
  • Be specific and consistent – If you have different return policies for different products or channels, make sure to clearly state the differences and reasons.
  • Be communicative and helpful – Communicate your return policy effectively to customers using simple language and avoiding technical terms that may confuse or intimidate them. 

Make sure your return policy is easy to find by displaying it prominently on your website, such as on your homepage, product pages, checkout pages, footer, etc. Check that it’s visible and accessible from any device or browser.

Automate the Returns Process

Streamlining the returns process is important for reducing costs and increasing efficiency. A streamlined return process can help you save time and money, improve customer service quality, and enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Here are some tips on how to streamline your returns process for your electronics business:

  • Automate the returns process – Automating the returns process can help you eliminate manual tasks and errors, speed up the refund process, and provide real-time visibility and control over your returns. ReturnGO enables you to create custom return rules and workflows that match your business needs and goals. 
  • Offer multiple return options – Offering multiple return options can help you cater to different customer preferences and needs, and reduce return shipping costs. Provide a variety of return methods such as mail-in returns, in-store returns, and drop-off returns.
  • Create a dedicated return portal – Provide a self-service return portal on your website for customers to easily initiate their returns online. ReturnGO can help you create a user-friendly and branded return portal that integrates with your website and eCommerce platform.

Chat with our experts to boost your customer return experience and LTV today.

Maximize the Value of Returned Products

Maximizing the value of returned products is crucial for recovering revenue and minimizing waste. Returns don’t have to be a loss for your business. 

Strategies to maximize the value of returned products include:

  • Grading – Assessing your returned products can help you determine their condition and quality and decide the best course of action for them. You can use a standardized grading system that categorizes your products into different condition levels.
  • Repairing – Repairing or refurbishing your returned products can help you restore them to a sellable condition and recover some of their value. Use your own technicians or outsource the service to a third-party provider. 
  • Reselling Reselling your returned products can help you generate additional revenue for your business. You can create a separate section or page on your website or store that features your returned products at discounted prices, list your returned products on online marketplaces that specialize in selling refurbished or second-hand electronics, or sell your returned products in bulk to wholesale buyers who can resell them.
  • Recycling – Recycling your returned products can help you reduce environmental impact and comply with legal regulations. Electronics contain valuable materials such as metals, plastics, glass, etc. that can be recovered and reused for other purposes. 

Take on the Unique Challenges of Electronics Returns

Managing returns in the electronics industry can be challenging yet rewarding. 

The best practices outlined in this article will help you optimize your returns process, maximize the value of your returned products, and improve the customer experience.
With ReturnGO, you can create custom return rules and workflows that are tailored to your unique needs, helping you automate and streamline your returns, reduce costs, and increase revenue.

Track Your Returns with the Return Analytics Dashboard Thu, 20 Jul 2023 08:09:00 +0000 ReturnGO is proud to present the return analytics dashboard. The return analytics dashboard gives a visual representation of your product return data and displays it in an easy-to-understand form.

With the return analytics dashboard, you can gain valuable insights into return patterns and customer behavior, helping you make better decisions about pricing, products, the customer experience, and more. 

Having this data at your fingertips helps you take your eCommerce business to the next level.

What is the Return Analytics Dashboard?

The ReturnGO return analytics dashboard provides you with a transparent overview of how your products, customers, and return process looks and works using real-time return analytics.

An analytics dashboard is a data visualization tool that consolidates key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics into an easy-to-read display. 

Easily track your return data on your return analytics dashboard so that you can make informed decisions and improve your returns process.

Why Tracking Return Data is Important

It’s important to track return data so that you can optimize your return policy and return process to suit the needs of both your business and your customers. 

Make strategic decisions to reduce your return rate based on your understanding of your return reasons. 

Tracking and analyzing your product return data can help you identify any potential issues with your products or fulfillment process, ensuring that you are able to resolve them quickly and efficiently.

Return data is one of the most important types of information that an eCommerce store can track. By understanding what products are being returned and why you can make informed decisions that can improve your bottom line.

Monitor your return data to identify patterns and trends that can help predict future returns and optimize your eCommerce returns process. 

All your returns data is displayed in a clear, easy-to-understand way on your ReturnGO return analytics dashboard, using pie charts, graphs, and numbers to highlight your returns data.

A user-friendly layout with tabs to filter different kinds of return data based on different aspects of your eCommerce business’ process.

What Can You Do With the Return Analytics Dashboard?

Tracking your returns data is easy thanks to a user-friendly layout and tabs to filter the different kinds of returns data.

RMA Status: The Pulse of Your Returns Process

The “RMA Status” tab gives you an overview of your RMAs, items, and their value, as well as your return policy rules and how effective they are. 

By analyzing the number of returns within a specific time frame, you can spot unusual patterns, identify your most returned items, and see how much value has been returned.

You can see metrics like:

  • Total number of return requests
  • Number of items returned
  • Value of returns

So let’s say you notice way more returns than normal in a given month. You can dig into the data to figure out what happened and how to prevent it next time.

Example: You see a sudden spike in returns for a particular product. By diving deeper into the data, you find that the majority of these returns are due to sizing issues. Armed with this knowledge, you can update your product descriptions with more accurate size charts and reduce the number of future returns.

Requested: Unveiling Return Resolutions and Reasons

The “Requested” tab takes you into the minds of your customers and provides insights into their return requests. 

By understanding what customers are returning and why, you can discover issues with products, sizes, warehouse mistakes, and more.

You can see metrics like:

  • The most common resolutions (refunds, exchanges, etc)
  • Top return reasons
  • Most frequently returned products

Example: You find that a significant number of customers are requesting refunds for a specific product. Upon closer examination, you discover that the product images on your website don’t accurately represent the actual color of the item. Armed with this information, you can update the product images and reduce returns caused by color discrepancies.

Processed: Keeping an Eye on Transactions

In the “Processed” tab, you can monitor and review all the transactions issued to customers, including refunds, exchanges, store credit, and gift cards. 

Tracking these transactions over time helps you identify any unusual patterns and analyze your financial performance.

Example: After implementing a new return policy that encourages customers to exchange items for store credit instead of requesting refunds, you find that the number of store credit transactions has increased significantly. This indicates that customers are more willing to try out different products, leading to additional sales and increased customer loyalty.

Customers: Understanding Customer Behavior

The “Customers” tab lets you analyze customer behavior related to orders and returns. By tracking customer segments like first-time customers and repeat customers, you can gain valuable insights into customer buying habits and tailor your return policy to reduce return rates and increase profitability.

Example: You see that a particular group of repeat customers has a high average number of returns per customer. Further investigation reveals that these customers often order multiple variants of the same product to try out different options. Armed with this insight, you can offer size or color guides to help them make more informed choices, reducing the need for returns.

Insights: Actionable Tips for Informed Decisions

Looking at the “Insights” tab reveals actionable insights based on customer profitability segments, as well as insights related to products. This information can guide you in optimizing your returns process to retain more revenue and improve your overall profitability.

Example: You find that your most profitable customers tend to prefer exchanges over refunds. This suggests that they value the convenience and speed of getting a replacement item rather than waiting for a refund. To capitalize on this behavior, you can implement a streamlined exchange process to cater to your high-value customers and improve their shopping experience.

ReturnGO Impact: Celebrating Your Success

Under the “Impact” tab, you can see the real difference ReturnGO has made for your store. From retained revenue to time saved and even reduction in CO2 emissions, find out exactly how using ReturnGO benefits your bottom line and the environment.

Example: You discover that by using ReturnGO’s automated returns process, you’ve reduced the average processing time for returns by 40%. This translates to increased customer satisfaction while also freeing up your team to focus on other aspects of your business.

What Metrics Are Shown in the Analytics Dashboard?

Your return analytics dashboard is a powerful tool that can provide a lot of information about your store’s performance. Tracking key metrics can help you gain insights into your return data and identify areas for improvement.

There are hundreds of metrics you can track on the return analytics dashboard. Here are just a few useful metrics to keep an eye on:

1. New Revenue

ReturnGO provides lots of ways for you to encourage customers to choose resolutions that keep the revenue in the store and generate additional revenue.

On the returns analytics dashboard, you can see how much revenue was retained and how much new revenue was generated through resolutions like store credit, gift cards, and exchanges.

For example, if you see that customers often add money to their purchases when redeeming store credit, that is new revenue generated from the return, which can be extremely valuable. You might want to incentivize store credit to keep customers coming back and spending more.

2. Retained Revenue

Track how much revenue you’ve retained by offering exchanges, store credit, and gift cards.

Instead of losing money on refunds, encourage customers to choose smart refund alternatives that keep the revenue in your store.

3. Return Reasons

View a clear visual representation of the top return reasons that customers give for each resolution type. 

Easily compare the rates of different return reasons, gaining valuable insight into your return process.

Customers may return an item for a number of reasons, such as sizing issues or damaged products. The analytics dashboard helps you track these reasons so that you can take steps to avoid them and reduce your return rate. 

Identify which return reasons are most common for specific products, to identify patterns and take action to improve your products or product descriptions when necessary.

4. Resolutions

In the return analytics dashboard, you can see a clear visual representation of all the return resolutions you have defined as options, such as exchange, refund, store credit, and gift card.

The easy-to-understand display makes it simple to see how the rates of the various return resolutions compare, giving you insights into which options are most popular with your customers. 

Track your return resolutions to identify changes to be made to your products, shipping process, or return policy in order to optimize your business’ efficiency. 

Adjusting your return policy can lead to a visible change in the most frequently selected return resolutions.

5. Customer Behavior

In order to better understand your return analytics, it’s important to understand the bigger picture. Your returns analytics dashboard provides you with additional information about customers’ purchase and return patterns to help you better understand how returns relate to sales.

It’s important to know how much of your revenue comes from new versus repeat customers. New customers are important for growth, while repeat customers are key to maintaining a successful business. 

By understanding the trends in how your customers shop, you can see how that is reflected in their return patterns.

Look at information such as:

  • Proportion of revenue and returns generated by new customers versus repeat customers.
  • Average number of products ordered and returned by customers.
  • Frequency of customers placing orders.

Your customers are not all alike, and it wouldn’t make sense to treat them as such. Purchase and returns data can be combined to segment customers and pinpoint specific patterns for each group. 

Download Return Data Reports

The analytics dashboard gives you the option of downloading reports of all the different returns analytics data.

Downloading return data reports will give you a more complete picture of how your business is performing and where there may be room for improvement. 

With this information at your fingertips, you’ll be able to make more informed business decisions.

Use Return Analytics to Grow Your eCommerce Store

The return analytics dashboard provides a consistent, simplified view of your return data, enabling you to dive deeper into your data and figure out which products are being returned the most, why products are being returned, and what you can do to reduce your return rate.

Take your store to the next level by tracking your returns on the ReturnGO return analytics dashboard.

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8 Sustainability Metrics for eCommerce Stores to Track Tue, 18 Jul 2023 11:00:00 +0000 Sustainability is more than just a buzzword – it’s a crucial factor that can make or break your online retail business. Why? Your customers care about the environmental impact of their purchases, and they expect you to do the same. 72% of customers are willing to pay more for sustainable products and are more likely to buy from stores that are committed to sustainability. 

How do you know how sustainable your eCommerce store is? Let’s take a look at some sustainability metrics that can help you find out.

8 Sustainability Metrics to Track in eCommerce

Sustainability metrics are indicators that help you track and evaluate your eCommerce store’s environmental impact. They can help you identify areas for improvement, set goals and targets, and communicate your progress to your customers.

Here are some sustainability metrics to track:

1. Carbon Footprint

Carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gas emissions generated by your eCommerce business, such as sourcing, production, packaging, shipping, and returns. It’s one of the most important sustainability metrics because it indicates how you impact climate change, one of the world’s most pressing issues.

To calculate your carbon footprint, use the following formula: 

Total CO2 emissions = (energy consumption x emission factor) + (transportation emissions) + (packaging emissions). 

By regularly measuring and monitoring your carbon footprint, you can identify areas for improvement, implement energy-efficient practices, and offset your emissions through carbon offset projects.

When you use ReturnGO to manage returns, ReturnGO shows you how much CO2 emissions you have been able to reduce.

2. Energy Consumption

Energy consumption is the amount of energy used by your store, including things like electricity, gas, and fuel. Keeping track of your energy consumption is important because it impacts your operating costs and carbon footprint.

To measure your energy consumption, you use the following formula: 

Total energy consumption = (sum of electricity usage in kWh) + (sum of fuel usage in liters or cubic feet). 

By monitoring and reducing your energy consumption, you can lower your operational costs, decrease your carbon footprint, and contribute to a more sustainable business model.

3. Waste Generation

Waste generation is the amount of waste produced by your eCommerce business, such as packaging waste, product waste, and return waste. As a sustainability indicator, it measures how efficient your resources are and how much impact you have on landfills and oceans.

To track your waste generation, measure the weight and volume of each product and order that ends up as waste.

To measure your waste generation, use the following formula: 

Total waste generation = (weight of packaging materials) + (weight of discarded products) + (weight of returned products waste). 

By implementing waste reduction strategies like using eco-friendly packaging materials, promoting recycling, and minimizing product waste, you can reduce your environmental impact and make your business more sustainable.

4. Recycling Rate

Recycling rate is the percentage of waste that your business recycles or reuses instead of sending to landfill. This includes things such as packaging materials, returned products, and unsold inventory. 

Tracking your recycling rate is essential for seeing how well you’re managing your waste and reducing your environmental impact.

To calculate your recycling rate, use the following formula: 

Recycling rate = (weight of recycled materials) / (total weight of waste generated). 

By improving your recycling rate through implementing recycling programs, partnering with recycling facilities, and educating customers about proper disposal, you can minimize landfill waste and conserve valuable resources.

5. Return Rate

Return rate is the percentage of orders that are returned by customers. It’s an essential sustainability metric because it affects your customer satisfaction, revenue, and environmental impact.

To measure your return rate, use the following formula: 

Return rate = (number of returned products) / (total number of products sold) x 100. 

Monitoring your return rate helps you identify product quality issues, customer satisfaction trends, and areas for improvement in your eCommerce supply chain and returns management.

6. Return Costs

Return costs are the expenses associated with processing and managing product returns, including shipping, restocking, refurbishing, and disposal costs. 

To calculate your return costs, add up all the expenses associated with returns, including shipping costs, labor costs, and any additional costs for repairing or disposing of returned items. 

Understanding and minimizing return costs can help optimize your eCommerce store’s operations, improve the customer experience, and reduce waste generation.

7. Social Responsibility

Social responsibility measures the extent to which your eCommerce store engages in ethical and sustainable practices, such as fair labor conditions, community involvement, and support for charitable causes. 

Evaluating social responsibility is qualitative and involves assessing your store’s policies, supplier practices, employee welfare, and philanthropic initiatives. 

By promoting fair trade, using responsibly sourced materials, and reducing environmental impacts, you can demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

8. Product Lifecycle

Product lifecycle is the average lifespan of your products before they become obsolete or unusable, which indicates how long-lasting and reliable your products are. 

Measuring the length of your product lifecycle can give you insights into the amount of waste you generate.

To measure your product lifecycle, you need to evaluate the environmental impacts at each stage, such as resource depletion, energy consumption, emissions, and waste generation. 

By considering the entire lifecycle of your products, you can identify opportunities for improvement, implement sustainable design and manufacturing practices, and promote circular economy principles such as recycling and product reuse.

How to Improve eCommerce Sustainability

Now that you know how to track these sustainability metrics, how can you improve them? 

Here are some tips to help you make your eCommerce store more sustainable:

Identify Areas for Improvement

The first step is to assess your current sustainability metrics and identify areas for improvement. 

You can use a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) or a gap analysis (current state, desired state, gap) to determine where there’s room for improvement in your business’ sustainable practices.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Implement strategies to reduce your carbon footprint, such as optimizing shipping routes, using eco-friendly packaging materials, and exploring renewable energy options. 

You can also offset your carbon emissions by investing in carbon credits or projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Minimize Waste

Reduce the amount of waste you produce by implementing waste reduction measures, promoting recycling, and optimizing inventory management to minimize excess stock. 

Likewise, you can improve product quality and durability to extend the product lifecycle and reduce the need for frequent replacements.

Encourage Responsible Consumption

Encourage your customers to make responsible choices by promoting sustainable products and educating customers about their environmental impact. 

Offer incentives for customers to buy less, buy better, or buy circular (products that are designed for reuse or recycling).

Boost Your eCommerce Store’s Sustainability

By tracking these sustainability metrics, you can measure and improve your sustainability and gain a competitive advantage in the eCommerce market.

With ReturnGO, you can track your return rates, return costs, and carbon footprint to improve your sustainability levels and improve efficiency.

Ready to start tracking sustainability metrics for your eCommerce store? Try ReturnGO today and see how it can help you achieve eCommerce sustainability.

How the Anchoring Effect Influences Customer Returns Behavior Wed, 12 Jul 2023 12:15:00 +0000 Have you ever wondered what makes some customers more likely to return or exchange their purchases, even if they’re satisfied with them? The answer lies in the psychology of shopping and returns, based on a cognitive bias known as the anchoring effect.

What is the Anchoring Effect?

The anchoring effect is a cognitive bias that makes people rely on the first piece of information they encounter when making decisions. This information, called an anchor, serves as a reference point that affects how people perceive and evaluate other information. The anchor can be any number, word, image, or emotion related to the decision at hand.

A person’s perception and evaluation of products, prices, and outcomes are affected by the anchoring effect. It can also influence how customers feel and behave after making a purchase, including whether they decide to keep or return the item. 

In order to simplify complex decisions and save time and effort, people tend to use mental shortcuts or heuristics. However, these heuristics can also lead to errors and biases that limit the information people consider and distort their judgments. 

The anchoring effect is one of these biases: it makes people focus too much on the anchor and adjust their estimates or opinions based on it, rather than on other factors or evidence.

When shopping both online and in-store, customers are likely to be influenced by the prices they see first or by other cues such as labels, ratings, reviews, or discounts.

How the Anchoring Effect Shapes Customer Expectations

The anchoring effect influences how customers perceive and evaluate products before making a purchase. It affects their subsequent judgments and comparisons, their information processing, and their beliefs and attitudes.

Anchoring can impact:

Subsequent Judgments and Comparisons

One of the main effects of anchoring is that it creates reference points that provide a basis for comparison that makes other options seem more or less attractive. 

For example, when customers see a product with a high price tag, they may think that it is more valuable and desirable than a product with a low price tag. Conversely, when customers see a product with a low price tag, they may think that it is less valuable and desirable than a product with a high price tag.

Reference points can be manipulated to influence customer perceptions and preferences. For example:

  • Comparison – By showing the original price and the discounted price of a product (e.g. $100/$50), you can create an anchor that makes customers think that they are getting a great deal and increase their willingness to buy.
  • Display order – Displaying a higher-priced product before a lower-priced one (e.g. $200/$100), can create an anchor that makes customers think that the lower-priced one is more affordable and reasonable and increase their likelihood to choose it.
  • Relativity – Showing a decoy product or option that is slightly worse or more expensive than the target product or option (e.g. $150/$100/$90), you can create an anchor that makes customers think that the target one is more attractive and valuable and increase their preference for it.

How Customers Process New Information

Another effect of anchoring is that it influences how customers select, organize, and evaluate information to form impressions and opinions about products.

Information processing can be biased by anchoring in several ways:

  • Exposure bias – People are more likely to look for information that supports their preconceived notions about a product.
  • Attention bias – Customers tend to focus their attention on information that aligns with their anchor. 
  • Interpretation bias – People often interpret information in a way that’s consistent with their anchor, shaping their perception of the product.

How Customers Form Beliefs and Attitudes

The anchoring effect influences how customers form beliefs and attitudes about products. 

  • Expectation – Customers may create a mental image or a standard of a product based on their anchor. For example, if customers see a high price tag for a product, they expect it to be high-quality or luxurious.
  • Preference – Customers are likely to have a preference for a certain product based on their anchor. Low prices, for example, may entice customers to purchase cheap products.
  • Attachment – Customers often create a commitment to or an attachment to a product based on their anchor. An example is if a product has a high price tag, customers may feel the need to justify their purchase.

How the Anchoring Effect Impacts Customer Satisfaction and Returns

The anchoring effect influences how customers feel and behave after making a purchase. It affects their post-purchase evaluation, their post-purchase regret, and their post-purchase dissonance.

Post-Purchase Evaluation

Anchoring creates a standard that influences how customers assess their purchase outcomes. Customer satisfaction is determined by comparing actual results with expected results.

Post-purchase evaluation can be affected by anchoring in several ways:

  • Expectations – Customers may experience a gap between their expectations and reality based on their anchor.
  • Value – There may be a discrepancy between the customer’s perceived value and actual value.
  • Quality – The actual quality might not match the perceived quality perceived by the customer.

Post-Purchase Regret

Another effect of anchoring is that it creates a commitment that affects how customers feel about their purchase decisions. Post-purchase regret is a negative emotion that arises from thinking that a different decision would have been better.

Post-purchase regret can be triggered by several factors:

  • Finding a lower price elsewhere – If customers discover that they could have purchased the same product at a lower price or found a better deal at a different store, they may regret their purchase.
  • Product not meeting expectations – Customers might regret purchasing a product if it doesn’t meet their expectations once they get it.
  • Lack of post-purchase support – Difficulty in contacting customer support or receiving unhelpful responses can contribute to post-purchase regret.

Post-Purchase Dissonance

Anchoring creates a conflict that affects how customers cope with their purchase decisions. 

Post-purchase dissonance is a cognitive strategy that aims to reduce or resolve the inconsistency between beliefs, attitudes, or actions.

Ways post-purchase dissonance may occur:

  • Defend – The customer may rationalize or defend their purchase decision based on their anchor.
  • Change – An anchor might make customers change or modify their beliefs or attitudes about the product. 
  • Return – Customers may return or exchange the product if they are not satisfied with it based on their anchor.

How to Reduce the Impact of the Anchoring Effect on Returns

Reducing returns is important for any business, as returns can incur costs, waste resources, and damage customer relationships. Here are some tips on how to reduce the negative impact of the anchoring effect on returns:

Offer Free and Easy Returns

Free and easy returns let customers change their minds and return items without paying extra fees or going through complicated processes. This can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty and reduce post-purchase regret.

When customers know they can easily return items without too much hassle, they’re more likely to go through with their purchase.

Use a self-service return portal and automate as much of the returns process as possible to make returns smooth and easy.

Chat with our experts to boost your customer return experience and LTV today.

Provide Detailed Product Information

Detailed product information helps customers make informed and confident decisions based on relevant information.

Providing a clear description of the product along with images, specifications, and dimensions can help prevent misleading customers or setting false expectations.

Make sure you organize and present your product information in a way that is easy to understand and access:

  • Simple wording – Use simple and clear language appropriate to your audience.
  • Clear layout – Highlight key features and benefits with bullet points, numbered lists, tables, charts, or icons.
  • Multiple visuals – Include zoomable images, videos, 360-degree views, or virtual try-ons to show different angles and perspectives.
  • Social proof – Show customer reviews, ratings, testimonials, and other social proof that shows the real opinions and experiences of your customers.

Understand and Use the Anchoring Effect

The anchoring effect can have positive or negative effects on your business depending on how you use it. Take advantage of it by creating reference points that make your products more attractive and setting standards that will make your customers more satisfied with your products.

By implementing effective strategies you can reduce the negative impact of the anchoring effect on returns while improving customer retention and loyalty.

Seamlessly Migrate Your Returns from Returnly to ReturnGO Mon, 10 Jul 2023 13:57:48 +0000 As Returnly prepares to shut down, we understand that this is a big change that may seem somewhat overwhelming for you.

ReturnGO is here to help you continue managing your returns without interruption, and make the post-purchase process even better, one return at a time.

With ReturnGO, you get an excellent alternative that makes the transition effortless as well as offering many additional features and benefits.

Easy RMA Migration of RMAs

We have everything set up so you can seamlessly migrate your RMA data and keep managing your returns smoothly and uninterrupted.

Effortlessly transfer your RMAs, ensuring that you don’t lose any crucial information during the transition, and eliminating the risk of losing any data or accidentally issuing double refunds.

Take comfort in knowing that all your information will be securely moved over, keeping your returns management on track.

Quick Setup

Time is of the essence, and we know you don’t want a hassle and time-consuming migration process. 

ReturnGO prioritizes your efficiency and ensures a swift onboarding process, so you can start managing returns seamlessly from day one. 

With our intuitive interface and straightforward setup process, we’ll help you get up and running in no time. 

Many Integrations

With ReturnGO, you get a comprehensive solution that integrates seamlessly with your existing systems. 

ReturnGO offers a wide range of integrations with popular shipping providers, ERPs, helpdesks, and more. 

Plus, if you have unique requirements, our flexible API enables you to create custom integrations to meet your needs.


Every business has unique requirements, and we understand that. ReturnGO offers the flexibility to adapt to your specific workflows and requirements.

No matter the size of your business, ReturnGO scales to meet your demands. Customize your returns management process and make it work for your business.

Order Tracking & Returns in One Place

Simplify your post-purchase operations with ReturnGO’s all-in-one solution. Our platform combines order tracking and returns management in a single, user-friendly interface. 

Easily track orders, manage returns, and keep your customers informed – all in one place.

Benefits of ReturnGO

Manage your returns like you did before with Returnly, but even more easily. ReturnGO is here to stay, providing a reliable post-purchase solution that you can count on to make managing your returns as efficient as possible.

Advanced Automation Rules

ReturnGO has even more automation capabilities than Returnly, enabling you to process returns and exchanges automatically based on a wide range of trigger events, including in-transit, shipment received, item validated, and more. 

With ReturnGO’s advanced automation capabilities, you have the flexibility to define automated processes to suit your specific needs.

Case Study: Travelpro

Travelpro, a leading luggage manufacturer, has successfully implemented ReturnGO to automate its returns process and increase efficiency. 

Using ReturnGO, Travelpro has completely automated the returns process, eliminating the need for customer service agents to handle tasks like sending return labels and manually approving return requests. 

“The return process is completely customer-centric. They fill out the request, generate the label, and get a refund…This cut the return processing time from 20 minutes down to just 90 seconds.”

– Mark Costigliola, eCommerce Operations Manager, Travelpro

Since Travelpro processes a large volume of returns, especially during the holiday season, automating the refund process has made it easier to efficiently issue refunds on a daily basis.

ReturnGO’s advanced automation capabilities have enabled Travelpro to reduce the processing time for returns from 20 minutes of manual work to zero, resulting in substantial cost savings by eliminating customer service involvement.

Read the full Travelpro case study.

Unlimited Return Policy Rules

With ReturnGO, you have the freedom to create an unlimited number of return policy rules and eligibility conditions, with no restriction on how many you can have. 

Customize your returns management based on a variety of variables, including item, order, RMA, or customer details, to resolve any return scenario, no matter how complex or unique.

Whether it’s return window, item eligibility, product types, tags, or other criteria, ReturnGO empowers you to create tailored policies that align with your business requirements.

Case Study: One Project

One Project, an eCommerce fashion platform, streamlined the returns process using ReturnGO’s exceptional return policy flexibility.

As a result of ReturnGO’s highly flexible return policy rules, One Project was able to customize the return process according to their business needs and customer preferences, for example providing free refunds for VIP customers while hiding refund options from customers who frequently request returns.

“I think ReturnGO is a masterpiece in the eCommerce refund process because there are a lot of apps that do some of the things but not all.”

– Shmulik Konforty, CTO, One Project

Read the full One Project case study.

Flexible Shipping Options

ReturnGO offers flexible shipping options, including Easypost like Returnly offered, as well as many more integrations that you can choose from.

With an array of shipping integrations and an API, you can connect to any shipping carrier, generate pre-paid return shipping labels and QR codes, and manage your return shipping seamlessly. 

ReturnGO also supports international returns, so you can expand your global reach and provide a seamless returns experience.

Case Study: Brava Fabrics

Brava Fabrics, a sustainable fashion company, streamlined its return process using ReturnGO. 

Brava Fabrics had different return policies for each shipping carrier and country they worked with. Through ReturnGO’s seamless integration with Shopify and ShippyPro, Brava Fabrics was able to easily switch between carriers such as DHL Express (International), GLS (Germany), Mondial Relay (France), and EasyPost (UK) as needed. 

Thanks to ReturnGO’s seamless integrations, flexibility, and automation capabilities, Brava Fabrics was able to manage its return logistics more efficiently and save thousands of dollars each month.

“We choose carriers according to price and time. So, the best thing about ReturnGO is being able to change these carriers according to our priority, whenever we want.”

– Gabriela Meyer Torres, Senior Operation Executive, Brava Fabrics

Read the full Brava Fabrics case study.

Incentivize Customers with Bonus Store Credit

Instead of being able to offer only gift cards, ReturnGO goes the extra mile by giving you the option to offer store credit as well. You can incentivize customers to choose store credit over a refund by offering fixed or dynamic bonus credits.

By providing additional value through store credit, you can encourage customer loyalty, reduce refund rates, and retain more revenue.

Case Study: Silk & Salt

Silk & Salt, an eco-conscious fashion brand, has successfully generated a notable 24.9% additional revenue from redeemed store credit since implementing ReturnGO’s store credit feature. 

With 61% of customers spending more money when redeeming their store credit, the brand has experienced a substantial boost in revenue. 

Read the full Silk & Salt case study.

Get Started Today

As the deadline approaches for Returnly’s shutdown, it’s important to take action and ensure an easy transition.

With easy migration, streamlined onboarding, and endless flexibility, ReturnGO offers everything you need to keep managing your returns as seamlessly and effectively as possible.

Make the smart choice and ensure a smooth transition for your business. Contact us to learn more about ReturnGO. ReturnGO is here to make your post-purchase process better, one return at a time.


When is Returnly closing?

Returnly is closing on October 1st, 2023.

Don’t wait to migrate, to make sure you can keep managing your returns uninterrupted.

How can I migrate to ReturnGO?

Contact us to book a demo and see how ReturnGO works. Our team will be happy to help you get set up and efficiently migrate your RMAs without losing any data.

What’s the difference between Returnly and ReturnGO?

With ReturnGO, you can manage any return scenario with ease thanks to its advanced automation capabilities, many integrations, and flexible return policy settings.

Can you help me set up my account? 

Our onboarding team is here to help you every step of the way, from helping you migrate over from Returnly to setting up your return policy rules and automations. Whatever you need, we’re here for you.

How to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Return Shipping Mon, 03 Jul 2023 09:05:00 +0000 Return shipping generates a lot of carbon emissions, and only by understanding the environmental impact of returns can you take action to reduce your carbon footprint.

Here’s how you can reduce the carbon footprint of your return shipments by implementing best practices and strategies in areas like packaging, reverse logistics, and product lifecycle.

The Environmental Impact of Return Shipments

Before diving into some of the solutions to carbon emissions from returns, let’s take a closer look at the environmental impact of return shipments. 

Here are some of the main factors that contribute to the carbon footprint of returns:

Volume of Return Shipments

Online shopping has grown exponentially in recent years. Global eCommerce sales reached $5.7 trillion in 2022, and are expected to grow to $8.1 trillion by 2026. The growth of online shopping, however, is accompanied by a high volume of returns. 

The average return rate for online purchases is 20%. The more returns are shipped back, the higher the carbon footprint and environmental impact.

Energy Consumption and Gas Emissions

Shipping products from warehouses to customers and back uses a lot of fuel and electricity, which generate greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change and global warming. 

The biggest source of carbon dioxide emissions (CO2, the most common greenhouse gas) in the US is transportation, accounting for 38% of all greenhouse gas emissions.

Packaging Waste

Packaging materials are essential for protecting products during transportation, but they also create a lot of waste and pollution.

Most packaging materials are made from plastic or paper, which are derived from non-renewable resources and require a lot of energy and water to produce. 

Moreover, not all packaging materials are recyclable or biodegradable, and many end up in landfills or oceans, where they harm wildlife and ecosystems.

Air and Water Pollution

Return shipments have a negative impact on air and water quality by releasing harmful substances into the environment. 

For example, burning fossil fuels for transportation can emit pollutants such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and particulate matter, which can cause respiratory problems and acid rain. 

Packaging materials also often leach chemicals or microplastics into the soil and waterways, which can contaminate drinking water sources and aquatic life.

The Importance of Reducing Carbon Emissions

Return shipments have a significant environmental impact that cannot be ignored. 

Reducing the carbon footprint of your return shipments is socially responsible as well as being a smart business decision. 

Some of the benefits of reducing your carbon footprint include:

Mitigating Climate Change

By reducing the carbon footprint of your return shipments, you can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow down the rise of global temperatures and sea levels.

Preserving Natural Resources

Reducing your return shipments’ carbon emissions can help conserve resources and protect the environment, support biodiversity, and ensure resource availability and security for future generations.

Meeting Customer Expectations

Customers are becoming more conscious and selective about the environmental and social impact of their purchases. 

In fact, 78% of customers say their buying decisions are influenced by a business’ environmental practices. 

By reducing the carbon footprint of your return shipments, you can demonstrate your commitment to sustainability, and differentiate yourself from your competitors.

Reducing Costs 

Taking steps to reduce the environmental impact of your return shipments can help you save costs and improve your profitability by optimizing your packaging, streamlining your reverse logistics, and redesigning your product lifecycle.

Strategies for Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Your Return Shipments

Now that you know why reducing the carbon footprint of your return shipments is important, let’s look at some of the strategies that you can implement in your eCommerce business. 

There are 3 main areas you can focus on to reduce your return shipments’ carbon footprint: packaging, reverse logistics, and product lifecycle.

1. Optimize Packaging

Packaging is one of the key factors that affect the carbon footprint of your return shipments. By making your packaging more eco-friendly, you can reduce the amount of materials, energy, and emissions involved in shipping your products back and forth. 

Here are some tips on how to optimize your packaging:

  • Use eco-friendly materials – Instead of using plastic or styrofoam packaging materials that are harmful to the environment and difficult to dispose of, use eco-friendly materials that are made from renewable or recycled sources and can be easily reused or decomposed. 
  • Minimize the size and weight of your packages – Instead of using oversized or multiple packages for your products, use boxes that fit snugly around your products and minimize empty space. This can help reduce the amount of materials used and the weight of your packages, which can lower your fuel consumption and emissions during transportation.
  • Encourage customers to reuse packaging – Instead of throwing away packaging materials after receiving or returning a product, encourage customers to reuse or recycle them. You can also offer incentives for customers who use the original packaging for returns.

2. Streamline Reverse Logistics

Reverse logistics is the process of managing the flow of goods from customers back to merchants. 

By streamlining your reverse logistics, you can reduce the number and distance of return shipments, and improve their speed and efficiency. 

Here are some tips on how to streamline your reverse logistics:

  • Use a centralized returns management system  Instead of manually handling your returns, use a centralized returns management system like ReturnGO that tracks and analyzes your returns data across all channels and platforms. This can help you gain insights into your return rates and costs associated with your returns.
  • Implement a flexible return policy – Create a return policy that enables customers to choose the most convenient and sustainable return method (e.g. free returns, prepaid labels, drop-off locations). This can help you reduce the number of return shipments.
  • Work with eco-friendly carriers – Work with shipping carriers that offer low-carbon or carbon-neutral delivery services instead of fossil-fuel-based vehicles.

Chat with our experts to boost your customer return experience and LTV today.

3. Redesign the Product Lifecycle

The product lifecycle is the process of managing the stages of a product from design to disposal. 

By rethinking your product lifecycle and creating a circular economy, you can extend the lifespan of your products, reduce waste and emissions, and create value from your returned products. 

How to make your product lifecycle a circular economy:

  • Extend the lifespan of your products Offer repair, refurbishment, or warranty services instead of discarding or replacing your products when they are damaged.

This can help you reduce the number of products that are disposed of and go to waste.

  • Resell returned products – Instead of throwing away or destroying your returned products that are still in good condition, resell your returned products or donate them to charities that can give them a second life.
  • Recycle your unsellable products – Recycle or upcycle your unsellable products into new products or materials instead of sending your unsellable products to landfills or incinerators. This can help you reduce the amount of waste and emissions generated by your returns and conserve resources that would otherwise be used to produce new products or materials.

Be Part of the Solution by Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

By implementing best practices in packaging, reverse logistics, and product lifecycle, you can reduce your return shipments’ carbon footprint.

In addition to helping protect the environment and mitigate climate change, you can save money, enhance your brand reputation, and retain customers.

ReturnGO enables you to manage your eCommerce return shipments in a green and efficient manner, reducing your carbon footprint while improving customer satisfaction and retention.

Contact us to learn more about how ReturnGO can help you reduce the carbon footprint of your return shipments.

Efficient Returns Management for Your Online Jewelry Store Tue, 27 Jun 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Online jewelry stores face a unique challenge when it comes to managing returns. Unlike other eCommerce categories, jewelry products are often emotionally significant and high-value. 

That means customers are more likely to scrutinize and evaluate their purchases carefully and return them if they don’t meet their expectations. 

Let’s explore why returns management matters for online jewelry stores and the benefits of having an effective returns management system.

Why Returns Management Matters for Online Jewelry Stores

The size of the online jewelry market is expected to increase by $36.23 billion between 2022 and 2027, at a CAGR of 15.55%. 

Returns can be particularly costly and challenging for online jewelry stores. Here are some reasons why:

  • Jewelry is expensive – The average item price of jewelry is much higher than other eCommerce categories at $575.27, which means that every return represents a significant loss of revenue and profit.
  • Jewelry is fragile – Because jewelry is fragile, jewelry items are more prone to damage during shipping and handling, which can result in customer dissatisfaction and higher return rates.
  • Jewelry is personal – Jewelry is often bought as a gift or a symbol of love, which means that customers have high expectations and emotional attachments to their purchases. If they are unhappy with their jewelry, they may feel disappointed or frustrated.
  • Jewelry is subjective – Since jewelry is a matter of personal taste and preference, customers often change their minds or regret their choices after buying something online. 

These factors make returns management a crucial aspect of running a successful online jewelry store. 

Challenges of Handling Returns in the Jewelry Industry

While returns are common in all eCommerce industries, there are some unique challenges and opportunities that online jewelry stores face when it comes to managing returns. Here are some of them:

Return Reasons

While the reasons for returns in the jewelry industry are similar to other retail sectors, there are a few specific factors that contribute to a higher rate of returns in this industry. 

Some of the most common reasons for jewelry returns include:

  • Size – Returns due to sizing issues are common in the jewelry industry, especially for rings, bracelets, and necklaces. 
  • Quality – Jewelry is often returned due to quality issues, especially relating to metals, gems, and pearls. 
  • Damage – Since jewelry is fragile, damage, particularly during shipping or handling, is another common reason for returns. 
  • Mismatch – Jewelry returns often result from mismatches between expectations and reality as it can be difficult to see the product clearly from online images.

By addressing these return reasons, you can better manage your returns and provide a positive customer experience, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Security is a crucial factor to consider when handling jewelry returns, as these products are particularly susceptible to theft or loss during transport or storage. 

Due to their small size and high value, jewelry products are a prime target for theft, and there is a higher likelihood of loss during shipping or storage. 

When handling returns, take additional measures to ensure that the products are returned safely and are secure during the entire process.


Verifying authenticity is another challenge for handling returns in the jewelry industry, as jewelry products may be counterfeit or tampered with during return or exchange. 

Counterfeit jewelry is a growing problem, and this can impact the reputation of your brand and lead to legal and financial repercussions. 

It can be difficult to determine the authenticity of a returned item, and even more so if the item has been tampered with during the return process.

To mitigate this issue, put in place quality control measures in place to verify the authenticity of each product you receive back. This includes checking for genuine materials, hallmarking, and performing laboratory testing when necessary. 


Hygiene is a challenge for handling returns in the jewelry industry, as jewelry products may be contaminated or infected by contact with skin or fluids during wear or return. 

To address this challenge, put protocols in place for handling and processing returned jewelry products, including thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing all items before they are returned to inventory or resold to another customer. 

Chat with our experts to boost your customer return experience and LTV today.

How to Reduce Returns for Your Online Jewelry Store

While handling returns is an inevitable part of running an online jewelry store, there are some steps you can take to reduce the number and frequency of returns and minimize their impact on your business. 

Here are some tips to reduce returns:

Improve your Product Descriptions and Photos

Clear and accurate product descriptions and photos can help customers make informed purchasing decisions and reduce the likelihood of returns due to misunderstandings or misrepresentations.

Provide accurate and detailed descriptions and photos of your products on your website, highlighting their features, specifications, dimensions, materials, and craftsmanship. 

By providing detailed and accurate information about your products, customers will have a better understanding of what they are purchasing and will be less likely to return the product due to misunderstandings or inaccuracies.

“The biggest challenge I face as an online jeweler is getting people to trust us with their purchases. As our customers can’t exactly touch the product or even try items like rings on, it’s pretty difficult to get customers to trust our quality. We try our best using images and video and also super detailed descriptions of each item, so our potential customers can feel secure they are buying what they see.”

– Sanket Shah, Director & Founder, The Opal

Provide Sizing Guides

Common reasons why customers return jewelry involve issues with the size, fit, or style of the product. 

To prevent this, provide size guides and measurement instructions for your products, especially for rings, bracelets, and necklaces. 

A clear sizing guide can help customers determine the correct size and reduce the likelihood of returns due to sizing issues.

For example, you’d be surprised how many people don’t know their ring finger size. Providing detailed ring size guides and charts like Gucci does, for example, or special tools such as the Bvlgari ruler to determine a ring size can raise customer confidence and avoid unnecessary returns for resizing.

Display Customer Reviews and Ratings

Displaying customer reviews can be a powerful tool for reducing returns in the jewelry industry. Showcasing the experiences and opinions of previous customers can provide valuable social proof and help potential customers make informed purchasing decisions.

Customer photos can help potential customers get a better sense of how the jewelry will look and fit on different skin tones and in different lighting conditions. 88% of customers specifically look for photos and videos from other customers before purchasing.

By collecting and displaying user-generated reviews and photos on your website, you can showcase the quality and value of your products, and address any questions or concerns that your customers may have before purchasing. 

Create a Loyalty Program

Creating a loyalty program can be an effective strategy for reducing jewelry returns. By incentivizing customers to make repeat purchases or refer their friends and family, you can increase customer engagement and loyalty, which can lead to a decrease in returns.

By offering rewards such as discounts or exclusive perks for repeat purchases, you can create a sense of value and incentivize customers to keep shopping with you.

Offer a Luxury Returns Experience 

Jewelry is often considered a luxury item, with customers willing to pay a premium for high-quality products. As a result, the returns experience should also reflect this luxury aspect to ensure customer satisfaction and retention.

Customers buying jewelry expect a certain level of service and attention to detail, even when it comes to returns.

Providing a seamless and personalized returns experience can help establish trust and confidence in your brand. This can include offering free return shipping, a generous return policy, and clear communication throughout the returns process.

Navigating the Unique Challenges of Jewelry Returns

Managing returns in the jewelry industry presents unique challenges and opportunities. By understanding and addressing these specific challenges, you can create a returns management process that benefits both you and your customers.

It’s important to take advantage of helpful tools and resources, such as ReturnGO, to streamline and automate your returns management, reducing the workload and stress that often come with managing returns, especially for jewelry.

7 Tips to Protect Your Online Store from Chargebacks Mon, 26 Jun 2023 10:40:28 +0000 The sad reality of eCommerce today is that you’ll still get chargebacks no matter what you sell. 

And the reason chargeback is becoming increasingly popular among cardholders is the fact that once a cardholder files a dispute, banks see the merchant as guilty until proven innocent.

Merchants suffer significant losses due to chargebacks. In addition to losing money from a valid sale, retailers also lose money due to chargeback fees, shipping and fulfillment expenses, and other ancillary costs.

Just Google it. The numbers will make your head hurt.

  • According to industry records, retailers lose almost $4 for every $1 charged back, with the average chargeback cost of a $90 transaction value reaching $190.
  • Friendly fraud has been spiking by 41% every two years – and the cost of chargebacks stands at $117.47 billion as of this year, 2023.

Keep reading for battle-tested tips to protect your online store from chargebacks. 

Why Do Chargebacks Happen?

There are three reasons why chargebacks occur: merchant missteps, criminal fraud, and friendly fraud.

  • Merchant Missteps involve clerical errors like double entry, order handling mistakes in shipping and delivery, or substandard customer service. These addressable internal errors can lead to buyer frustration and eventual chargebacks.
  • Criminal Fraud chargeback is when fraudsters steal a cardholder’s identity to make unauthorized transactions. And the cardholder seeks remediation with a chargeback, leaving the merchant with losses.
  • Friendly Fraud is an intentional or unintentional abuse of the chargeback mechanism, either due to buyer’s remorse, misunderstanding with seller’s policies, or bare-faced greed. Friendly fraud is the leading cause of chargebacks.

Aside from knowing why chargebacks happen, understanding how to protect your business from such losses is of utmost importance. If we’ve learned anything from these past years of helping merchants protect their hard-earned revenue from online shoplifters, it’s the fact that specific actions can help you limit dispute exposure.

7 Tips to Protect Your Online Store from Chargebacks

Use the tips below to plug any revenue leak in your business.

1. Have a Clear Policy for Cancelations and Returns

The first step is to offer your customers the option to cancel or return their orders if they wish to do so. Sometimes, chargebacks occur when buyers cannot opt out of their subscriptions. 

Studies indicate that 80% of cardholders initiate a chargeback because it’s more convenient than seeking a refund from the merchant. 

Craft air-tight returns and cancelation policies and ensure your customers can readily find those guides. Working with ReturnGO, a returns management system, also helps you track and analyze returns data such as return reasons, return rates, and purchasing behavior to limit returns fraud.

2. Ensure Customers Can Quickly Identify Your Billing Statement

Sometimes customers file unauthorized transaction chargebacks because they don’t recognize the merchant’s billing statement or forgot about subscription packages. You can avoid such inconvenience with an excellent billing descriptor. 

An excellent billing descriptor should display your business name, contact information, and website URL. Avoid generic or vague descriptors that might confuse customers. If you want to be fancy, you could take things slightly higher with automated pre-notification emails before charging customers. Such emails should include the bill amount, charge date, and what the charge is for.

3. Frustrate Online Shoplifters with Authentications

While implementing order authentication and anti-fraud instruments seems like an after-thought – something you can tack into the mix after securing the sale – it can be a lifesaver when dealing with fraudulent actors. Any unauthorized transaction you process will cost you at least 3x as much.

Follow industry best practices; obtain customer signatures, PINs, or CVV codes for Card-Not-Present transactions. And use anti-fraud tools like country code blocking, Blacklisting, velocity checks, and IP whitelisting on your website. You can also use pre-authorization holds to ensure the right person is making the order. It’s estimated that CNP fraud costs could reach $130 billion by the end of 2023. False declines, a significant headache for the eCommerce industry, drain between $118 to $331 billion from merchants in the U.S. alone.

4. Ship Orders with Tracking and Provide Insurance for Your Shipments

This should be second nature for all vendors selling physical goods. Ship high-value orders with insurance and tracking to ensure safe delivery. And provide your customer with these details so they can easily track the status of their shipment. Once the transaction is complete, obtain delivery confirmation for your records. 

Some cardholders use chargebacks to recoup their money when they’re uncertain about the status of their order. You can avoid that by helping them track their order. 

Another reason this point is crucial is that order tracking details and delivery confirmation are two vital pieces of evidence to present when the buyer claims they did not receive a delivery. And if you sell digital goods, you can keep track of download logs, time stamps, and device information to show the buyer accessed the software or service.

5. Educate Your Staff About Fraud Patterns

eCommerce fraud is on the rise. And as fraud leaves patterns, you and your workers are the first defense line for catching fraudulent activities. Educate your workers on fraud patterns and red flags. Have templates for processing higher-risk orders and ensure everyone on the team understands the risks involved. 

For example, you could establish a process that if an order is suspicious or raises the risk level to a certain point, you do not accept it. And double-check entries to minimize clerical errors that can result in double billing. 

Another standard due diligence to limit fraud exposure includes checking recurring transactions made to the same address but with different cardholder names or numbers. More so, if you notice multiple transactions charged to a single card within a short period or a decline code, request an alternate form of payment, such as a bank account transfer. 

It’s equally best to refrain from splitting charges for a single order using multiple credit cards. And for new customers, avoid delivering goods to a post office box and verify the photo identification provided.

6. Pre-empt Disputes with Better Customer Service

While practicing excellent customer service will not deter scammers from trying to steal money from you, you’ll be sure that legitimate buyers will talk to you first before seeking remediation from their banks. 

Provide clear and concise product descriptions, promptly address customer concerns or issues, have multiple channels for buyers to reach you, and pay attention to your social media mentions and DMs. Another thing we’ve seen our merchants do is constantly evaluate chargeback data with Chargeflow’s order insight to track down loopholes that might cost them money. Such proactive measures help you find cracks before scammers take advantage of them to rip you off.

7. Automate Your Chargebacks to Recover Disputes without Lifting a Finger

You know it; I know it: no matter how careful you are in preventing chargebacks, consumers will STILL try to misuse the chargeback system.

Aside from that, about 40% of chargebacks result from preventable internal issues. Unfortunately, many retailers lack the tools and resources to address these problems effectively. 

With Chargeflow’s automated chargeback system, you can integrate your merchant account with the chargeback monitoring software to stay on top of your disputes. You’ll get timely alerts and emails whenever a customer disputes a transaction and detailed transaction data to help prevent fraudulent chargebacks and manage cases on your behalf. 

The fun part of chargeback automation is that you prevent revenue losses and learn how to avoid missteps that lead to more cases. By simply clicking a few tabs on the dashboard, you program the system to understand your customers’ behavior and easily safeguard your sales.

If history teaches us anything, fraud goes through the roof with shifts in markets and global economies, as we see happening nowadays. Whether you’re just a mom-and-pop online store or a high-tech eCommerce vendor, these tips will help you protect your sales from chargeback losses. In the final analysis, it’s not how many sales you make but how much you retain at the end of the day that matters.

About the Author

Tom-Chris Emewulu is Chargeflow‘s Digital Evangelist. With 8+ years of digital marketing experience, he crafts compelling, data-driven SEO articles that put brands on page 1 of Google search. Forbes, DW, Business Insider, Businessss2Community, and many other publications have featured his works. You can find him on Social Media via @tomchrisemewulu.

The Impact of Returns Automation on the Customer Experience Wed, 21 Jun 2023 08:00:00 +0000 As eCommerce continues to grow and technology advances, it presents new opportunities to enhance the customer experience in innovative ways – one such way is through returns automation.

Automating the returns process makes returns faster, easier, and more convenient for your customers, leading to higher satisfaction and retention.

Let’s explore how returns automation can improve the customer experience while streamlining your workflow. 

Understanding Returns Automation

Returns automation is the process of using technology to automate the returns process. It means that the entire returns process, from initiating a return to processing the refund or exchange, is streamlined and can be managed automatically.

Automating your returns process can greatly improve the customer returns experience. It enables customers to easily initiate a return, track its status in real-time, and choose from various return options and resolutions that suit their preferences and needs.

Compared to manually handling returns, returns automation provides a more efficient and reliable returns process, reducing the time and effort required to process returns.

Let’s dive into how automating your returns process can help you provide a better returns experience for your customers, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

How Returns Automation Improves the Customer Experience

Automating your returns process can improve the customer experience by reducing confusion and frustration, empowering customers to initiate returns in a self-service manner, and keeping them updated in real-time.

Here are some of the ways automated returns improve the customer experience:

Faster Resolution Times

It can be frustrating for customers to wait a long time for a refund or exchange. That’s why automating your returns can be a game-changer. It can speed up the entire returns process and streamline your resolution times.

With an automated returns process, customers can start a return with just a few clicks, without having to contact your customer service or fill out any forms. They can easily initiate a return online from wherever they are, on whatever device they prefer.

Automated returns also help you process and approve returns faster. Instead of having to manually check and approve each return, you can use automation to speed up tasks such as approving returns, issuing refunds, and releasing exchange orders. You can even set up eligibility rules to automatically accept or reject returns based on your return policy.

By automating your returns process, instead of waiting for weeks or months, customers can receive their refund or exchange in just a few days or even hours. This can make a huge difference in the customer experience and increase customer satisfaction.

When customers know they can rely on you for fast and efficient returns, they’re more likely to choose your store over competitors.

Real-Time Updates

With returns automation, your customers can track their returns in real-time without having to wonder or worry about what’s happening with their return. 

An automated returns system can send automatic notifications to customers via email or SMS, providing them with timely updates and alerts. This eliminates the need for customers to constantly check their email or phone for updates, as they’ll be notified when something important happens.

Customers can see when their return has been received, processed, approved, or rejected, and when their refund or exchange has been issued. 

By providing your customers with real-time updates, you can build trust and reduce uncertainty, improving customer satisfaction while reducing customer service queries and issues.

Convenience and Flexibility

One of the biggest benefits of returns automation is the increased convenience and flexibility it offers to customers. 

With an automated returns process, customers won’t have to wait on hold for customer service or visit a physical store location to initiate a return – instead, they can easily initiate a return at any time and from any device. This level of flexibility means customers can initiate returns on their own terms, whenever and however is most convenient for them.

97% of customers have backed out of a purchase because it was inconvenient to them, and 94% are more likely to choose a store to buy from based on convenience.

Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach to returns, with an automated returns process, you can have customers choose the resolution that works best for them, whether it’s a refund, exchange, or store credit. 

They can also choose the return method that suits their needs and preferences, whether it’s a pre-paid shipping label, drop-off location, or another method.

Empowering your customers by giving them more control over their returns process makes them more likely to feel valued and satisfied with their returns experience.

Personalized Experience

Returns automation can be a game-changer in providing a personalized returns experience that meets the unique needs and preferences of each customer.

By automating returns, you can create a customized returns process for each customer based on their purchase history, behavior, and feedback. For example, you can offer different return options and methods based on the reason and category of their return. 

Personalizing the returns process can save customers time and hassle, and show that you understand their needs. 80% of customers are more likely to make a purchase when they receive a personalized experience.

Returns automation can be used to personalize the return process in several ways:

  • Provide incentives or discounts – Encourage customers to keep their purchases or exchange them for something else instead of receiving a refund, making sure they end up with something they love.
  • Showcase testimonials or reviews – Highlight the benefits of your products or services to reassure customers that they made the right choice and help them feel good about their purchase, even if they need to return it.

By personalizing the returns process through automation, you can create a positive and memorable returns experience for your customers. They’ll appreciate the attention to detail and the effort you put into making their returns process as smooth and convenient as possible.

Self-Service Returns

Self-service return portals have become increasingly popular recently in eCommerce due to their ability to improve the customer experience. 

Customers increasingly expect more convenience and flexibility when it comes to the returns process, and eCommerce stores are responding by implementing automated solutions that provide greater control and visibility over their returns.

Here are some ways a self-service return portal can improve the customer experience:

  • User-friendly experience – Customers can initiate a return from anywhere, anytime, without having to contact customer service or visit a physical store, they can simply go to your return portal and request a return or exchange in a few clicks.
  • Clear return policy – With a self-service return portal, customers can only return eligible items, helping prevent customers from trying to return items that don’t comply with your return policy.
  • Easy-to-follow process – Customers are walked through the returns process, step by step, which can help customers feel empowered and informed, reducing the chances of errors or misunderstandings.
  • Flexible options – Giving customers a choice of return methods and resolutions can increase the chances of customer satisfaction by giving them control over their return. 

81% of customers say they want more self-service options, so providing a self-service return portal and automated returns process will greatly improve your customers’ returns experience.

Customer Behavior Analytics

Automating your returns process can also help you improve your customer experience by providing you with valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. 

By tracking your returns data you can measure various aspects of your returns process, such as return rates, reasons for returns, return processing time and costs, and the impact of returns on your repeat purchase rate.

Analyzing this data will enable you to identify patterns and trends that can help you optimize your returns process for a better customer experience. 

For example, you can reduce your return rates by improving your product quality, descriptions, images, reviews, and sizing guides, and increase customer retention by optimizing the returns process to provide faster refunds or exchanges, personalized recommendations, or loyalty rewards.

Return analytics help you segment your customers based on their return behavior and preferences.

To identify different types of customers, you can segment your customers into:

  • Most profitable customers – Customers who spend a lot and rarely return items.
  • Least profitable customers – Customers who spend a lot but request a lot of refunds.
  • Average customers – Customers whose behavior and profitability are within the median range of all customers.

By segmenting your customers, you can tailor your marketing and sales strategies to meet their needs and expectations. 

For example, you can target frequent returners with offers or discounts that encourage them to keep their purchases, or target infrequent returners with loyalty rewards or cross-selling campaigns.

Tracking your return analytics through an automated returns management system can help you understand your customers better and provide them with an even more personalized and relevant returns experience.

How to Implement Automated Returns for a Better Customer Experience

To automate your returns process and improve the customer experience, you’ll need to set up a returns management system. Here are some steps to get started:

1. Choose an RMS That Suits Your Needs

There are various returns management systems (RMS) available that can help you automate your returns process. 

Compare features, pricing, integrations, support, etc., read reviews, and then choose the one that best fits your business goals and requirements.

When choosing an RMS, consider how it will integrate with your existing systems and workflows to provide a smooth returns process for both you and your customers.

Chat with our experts to boost your customer return experience and LTV today.

2. Set up Your Return Policy and Resolutions

Create a clearly-defined return policy, that includes information such as eligibility criteria, return window, shipping costs, and refund methods. Make sure your return policy is easy to find on your website, emails, and product pages.

Offer various return resolutions that customers can choose from, such as refund, exchange, or store credit, and return methods such as pre-paid shipping labels, QR codes, or drop-off locations.

3. Integrate With Your eCommerce Store and Other Tools

Integrate your RMS with your eCommerce store and connect it with other tools that you use for your business, such as warehouse management systems (WMS), helpdesks, shipping carriers, etc.

With a cohesive integration of all your systems and channels, you can ensure smooth, consistent, and seamless data flow and make it easier to process returns and exchanges.

4. Test and Launch Your Automated Returns Process

Before launching your automated returns process to your customers, you should test it thoroughly to ensure that it works properly and meets your expectations. 

Test your automated returns process using real-life scenarios, such as initiating returns with different resolutions and methods, as well as in different situations, like when items are damaged, incorrect, or missing.

By testing your automated returns process, you can ensure that it’s user-friendly, intuitive, and meets your customers’ expectations. You can also test the integration between your RMS and other tools, such as your WMS and shipping carriers, to ensure seamless communication and data flow.

Once you’ve thoroughly tested your automated returns process, you can launch it to your customers with confidence, knowing that it will provide a better customer experience and improve your returns management process.

5. Educate Customers About Your Automated Returns Process 

After launching your automated returns process, promote it to your customers and educate them about its features and benefits. 

Highlight how easy and convenient it is to initiate and complete a return through your self-service return portal. 

Make sure to provide clear instructions and guidance on how to request a return, and provide customer service and support in case of any questions or issues.

By following these steps and best practices, you can implement an automated returns process in your eCommerce store and provide a better customer experience.

Automate Your Returns to Improve the Returns Experience 

As technology continues to evolve, it’s clear that returns automation is becoming more prevalent in the eCommerce industry. By implementing an automated returns process, you can provide their customers with a smoother and more convenient returns experience.

Returns automation makes it easier for customers to initiate and track a return in real-time. This reduces uncertainty and builds customer trust while improving customer satisfaction.

Automate your returns with ReturnGO to streamline the returns process, providing a smooth and convenient returns experience for your customers.

The Complete Guide to eCommerce Returns Automation Mon, 19 Jun 2023 09:39:00 +0000 Returns automation is the future of returns management, revolutionizing the way eCommerce stores handle returns. By automating your returns process you can reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve your customer experience.

Here’s everything you need to know about returns automation and how to use it for your eCommerce store.

What is Returns Automation?

Returns automation refers to the strategic implementation of technology to automate various aspects of the eCommerce returns process. 

By automating your returns process, you can increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction.

Returns automation can help you:

  • Generate return labels – Streamline return shipping label generation and make it easier for your customers to receive return labels.
  • Approve and reject return requests – Automate the verification and approval of return requests.
  • Track returns – Track and monitor the status and location of returned items in real-time.
  • Issue refunds – Automate the process of calculating and issuing refunds or store credit.
  • Verify returned items – Automatically update inventory levels and statuses when items are returned.
  • Notify customers – Keep customers updated on the status of their return by sending automated email notifications.
  • Collect returns data – Collect and analyze data on returns to gain valuable insights and make data-driven decisions.

Using an automated returns system, you can minimize manual work, increase accuracy, and save time and resources. 

The use of automation in returns management has become increasingly popular in recent years, as eCommerce stores increasingly look for ways to optimize workflows and improve the customer experience.

Benefits of Returns Automation

Here are some of the main benefits of automating your returns process:

Increased Efficiency

One of the biggest benefits of returns automation is that it simplifies and speeds up the returns process for both you and your customers. 

By automating returns, you eliminate the need to manually handle each return request, print labels, update inventory, or issue refunds. This simplifies the process and means that customers don’t have to wait for your approval, fill out forms, or contact customer service to request a return, as everything is done automatically and efficiently.

65% of customers say the speed and ease of refunds affect where they choose to buy from, so streamlining your returns process can make a huge difference in conversion rates and customer retention.

Manual processes are often prone to human error, which can result in mistakes such as incorrect refunds or mislabeled items. By automating the returns process, you can minimize these errors and ensure that returns are processed accurately and efficiently.

Returns automation leads to a more efficient returns process that saves time, reduces errors, and improves the customer experience. 

Chat with our experts to boost your customer return experience and LTV today.

Reduced Costs

Returns automation can help reduce the costs associated with handling returns. By automating the process, you can eliminate the need for additional staff or resources, ultimately reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

The following costs are reduced by returns automation:

  • Shipping – Lower your return shipping costs by using pre-paid return labels or offering incentives for customers to keep their items.
  • Labor – Reduce your labor costs by automating the returns process and requiring less manual work.
  • Lost revenue – Decrease your refund costs by offering store credits or exchanges instead of cash refunds.

Improved Customer Experience

Automating your returns process can significantly improve your customer experience, ultimately leading to increased loyalty and higher customer lifetime value. 

Returns are a critical touchpoint in the customer journey, and how you handle them can make or break your relationship with your customers. A hassle-free and streamlined returns process shows customers that you value their time and money and are committed to providing a positive experience.

By automating your returns process, you can boost:

  • Satisfaction – Automating your returns process can improve customer satisfaction by making the returns experience easy and convenient. 

When customers can easily initiate a return request, print a return label, and track the status of their return, they feel empowered and in control of the process. 

  • Trust – A transparent and consistent return policy can help build trust with your customers. When customers know what to expect from the returns process, they feel more confident in their purchase decisions.
  • Engagement – Automating your returns process provides opportunities to engage with your customers. 

Offering personalized incentives or recommendations during the returns process shows your customers that you value their business and are committed to their satisfaction. 

  • Loyalty – Building customer loyalty is essential for the long-term success of your business. Automating your returns process can help show your customers that you appreciate their business and care about their satisfaction. 

By handling returns efficiently and effectively, you can create a positive experience that encourages customers to return for future purchases.

The longer the relationship with an online store, the more customers spend, so putting in the effort to create an exceptional customer experience can increase your customer lifetime value and overall revenue.

Higher ROI

Returns automation is a game-changer for any eCommerce store looking to maximize profitability and ROI. By automating the returns process you can reduce costs, retain revenue, and even generate more revenue.

Some of the ways returns automation can increase your store’s ROI:

  • Reduced fraud and errors – Automating the returns process reduces the likelihood of fraudulent returns and human errors, saving your business significant amounts of money in the long run. 
  • Higher efficiency – Additionally, by reducing costs and improving operational efficiency through automation, you can process returns faster, resulting in higher profitability.
  • Retain and generate revenue – Returns automation also provides an opportunity to offer store credit or exchanges instead of refunds, which can help you retain revenue and generate additional revenue. 

For example, enabling customers to exchange an item for a different product gives you a chance to upsell or cross-sell and increase the customer’s overall order value.

By automating your returns process, your business can improve its efficiency, retain revenue, and generate additional revenue, leading to increased profitability and ROI.

Key Features of Returns Automation Systems

Depending on your business needs and goals, you might want to look for different features and functionalities when choosing a return automation system

Here are some of the key features that you should consider:

Automatic Label Generation

Automatic return shipping label generation is an essential feature of returns automation systems that can save time, reduce errors, and improve the customer experience. 

This feature enables customers to receive a pre-paid return label instantly when they initiate a return request online, which they can print out and use to ship back the returned items.

Automatic return label generation is done through integrations with shipping carriers, which saves time and improves accuracy by eliminating the need to manually generate return shipping labels each time.

Integrating with shipping carriers to generate return shipping labels enables real-time tracking and updates on the return shipment’s status, streamlining the returns process and providing peace of mind.

Seamless Integrations

Returns automation systems offer seamless integrations with other business software and service providers such as warehouse management systems (WMS), helpdesk software, shipping carriers, and third-party logistics (3PLs) providers to streamline the returns process.

  • WMS – By integrating with a WMS, you can improve inventory management, reduce errors in tracking returns, and improve processing times. 
  • Helpdesk – Integration with helpdesk software can help manage customer inquiries and provide real-time updates on the status of returns.
  • Shipping integration – Integrating with shipping carriers enables automatic label generation, real-time tracking, and updates on the return shipment’s status, simplifying the returns process. 

Seamless integrations with third-party software and service providers can automate the returns process even more, making it more accurate and improving the customer experience.

Customizable Return Portal

A customizable return portal provides a self-service platform for customers to initiate a return request. 

Through the return portal, customers can easily initiate a return request, select the reason for the return, and choose their preferred return method.

By creating a branded return portal that reflects your store’s brand style, you can provide customers with a sense of continuity throughout their shopping journey, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, and a higher likelihood of repeat business.

Providing customers with an intuitive self-service return portal reduces the number of customer service inquiries and complaints, freeing up your team to focus on other tasks.

Real-Time Tracking Updates

Keeping customers informed of the status of their return is an essential part of delivering a positive customer experience. 

Returns automation systems provide the ability to send automated notifications to customers throughout the return process, keeping them informed and reducing the need for manual follow-up.

Send automated return email notifications and customize them to include relevant information such as return status updates, shipping information, and expected refund dates. This level of transparency can help build trust with your customers and enhance their overall experience with your store.

By automating your notifications, customers can receive immediate confirmation of their return request and a pre-paid return shipping label via email. Once the returned item is received at the warehouse, customers can be notified that the item has been received and is being processed. And then when the refund has been issued, customers can be notified of the details of the refund.

Return Automation Rules

Return automation rules enable you to automate actions within your returns process based on criteria that you define. By automating your team’s processes and workflows, you eliminate the need to perform repetitive manual tasks, saving time and improving efficiency. 

Return automation rules follow a Trigger > Condition > Action workflow.

  • Trigger – An event that triggers the activation of the automation rule.
  • Condition – Requirements that must be met in order for the automation rule action to happen.
  • Action – The part of the automation rule that completes a task.

Return automation rules can be set up to automatically perform various actions in your return process, such as refunds, exchanges, approving, and marking as done. 

For example, you can set up an auto-refund rule to automatically issue a refund when an item is returned due to being damaged or defective.

Here are some return automation rules you can set up to help streamline your returns workflow:

  • Auto-Refund – Automatically issue a refund under certain conditions, such as when an item is returned due to being damaged or defective. 

You can configure the rule to be initiated based on triggers such as item validation, RMA approval, shipment in transit, or shipment receipt.

  • Auto-Exchange – Automatically release an exchange order when a certain condition is met. 

For example, you can set up an auto-exchange rule so that when an item is returned and is in transit back to your store/warehouse, the exchange is released and a new draft order is generated in your Shopify account, which you can then fulfill and dispatch to the customer.

  • Auto-Approve – Automatically approve return requests based on criteria that you define. 

You can set up the rule to automatically approve refund requests in the form of store credit, for example, or for customers who have not previously returned an item.

  • Auto-Mark as Done – Automatically mark the RMA (return merchandise authorization) status as Done once all required actions are completed for each item. 

The RMA status will automatically be marked as done only once all the steps of the return have been completed.

By implementing return automation rules, you can simplify and streamline your returns process, making it more efficient and improving the customer experience.

Return Analytics and Insights

Returns analytics and insights are essential components of returns automation systems, providing valuable data that can help optimize the returns process and enhance the overall customer experience. 

With returns automation, you can track and monitor various metrics related to the returns process, including:

  • Return rates – You can track how many returns are being initiated and processed over a given period and identify any spikes or trends.
  • Return reasons – Understanding the reasons behind returns can help you identify common issues with your products or shipping process and make necessary improvements.
  • Processing times – By tracking how long it takes to process returns, you can identify bottlenecks in the returns process and take steps to speed up the process.

By analyzing these metrics, you can gain valuable insights into your returns process and make data-driven decisions to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the customer experience. 

For example, if you notice a high number of returns for a specific product due to sizing issues, you can take steps to adjust the product description or talk to the manufacturer. 

Similarly, if you identify that processing returns is taking longer than expected, you can streamline the returns process and improve the turnaround time.

Returns analytics and insights are an integral part of returns automation, providing real-time data to help you stay on top of your returns process and make informed decisions. 

By leveraging the power of data analytics, you can optimize your returns process, reduce costs, and provide a better customer experience.

How to Implement Returns Automation

Now that you know what returns automation is and why you should use it, you might be wondering how to implement it for your eCommerce business. 

Here are some steps to help you get started:

1. Review Your Current Return Policy and Process

The first step to implementing returns automation is to evaluate your current return policy and process. Take a look at how the current process is working for both you and your customers and identify any pain points, gaps, or areas for improvement.

Consider the following questions:

  • How easy is it for customers to initiate a return?
  • How long does it take for customers to receive their refund or exchange?
  • How are returns currently being processed?
  • Are there any frequent customer complaints about the returns process?

Answering these questions will help you identify the pain points in your current process and set goals for improvement.

2. Choose an RMS that Suits Your Needs and Budget

Once you have evaluated your current return policy and process, you will need to choose a returns management system (RMS) that suits your needs and budget. 

Take into account the following factors when choosing an RMS:

  • Integrations – Does the system integrate with your eCommerce platform, shipping carrier, and other relevant systems?
  • Customization – Can you customize the return process to fit your brand and return policy?
  • Pricing – How much does the system cost? Are there any additional fees or charges?
  • Support – What kind of support does the system offer? Do they have a knowledge base, customer support chat, or training resources?

Research and compare different return automation systems to find the best fit for your needs.

Chat with our experts to boost your customer return experience and LTV today.

3. Set Up and Test Your Return Automation System

After choosing a return automation system, it’s time to set it up and test it. 

Follow the instructions and guidelines provided by the RMS to ensure a smooth set-up process, and then test the return portal and automation rules thoroughly to ensure that everything is working properly.

Here are some key steps to setting up and testing your return automation system:

  • Integrate – Integrate the system with your eCommerce platform and shipping, helpdesk, and warehouse management integrations.
  • Customize – Customize the return policy, return portal, and customer communications to fit your brand and return conditions.
  • Test – Test the system by initiating a return and following the process through to completion. Check that everything is working correctly and that all data is being recorded accurately.

4. Launch and Promote Your Return Automation System

Once you’ve set up and tested your return automation system, it’s time to launch and promote it. 

Inform your customers about the new system and how it benefits them. Highlight your return policy and return portal on your website, email, social media, and other channels.

Use the following tactics to promote your new return automation system:

  • Return policy page – Add a dedicated return policy page to your website.
  • Email announcement – Send an email to your customers announcing the new return portal and explaining how to use it.
  • Educate – Include information about the returns process in your packaging and order confirmation emails.

5. Monitor and Optimize Your Return Automation System

The final step in implementing returns automation is to monitor and optimize the system. Track and measure the results of automating your returns using return analytics and customer feedback, and make adjustments as needed.

Track return metrics such as:

  • Return rate – How often are customers initiating returns?
  • Return processing time – How long does it take for customers to receive their refund or exchange?
  • Return reasons – Why are customers returning items? Is there a pattern of common return reasons for specific products?
  • Customer satisfaction – What are customers saying about the returns process? Are there any common complaints or issues?

Use returns data to continuously adjust and improve your returns process as needed to offer your customers the best experience and be as efficient as possible.

Case Studies

Here are some real-life examples of how stores have successfully used returns automation to improve their returns process, increase customer satisfaction, and increase their ROI.

One Project

One Project, a global eCommerce fashion platform, faced the challenge of enabling quick and efficient item exchanges for their customers. After evaluating various returns management solutions, they chose ReturnGO for its ability to facilitate easy exchanges, automate processes, and handle complex return policy rules.

Here’s how they used returns automation to streamline their returns management:

  • Customized refund and exchange rules – One Project implemented tailored return rules based on customer profiles, item types, and product categories. This enabled them to prevent returns of custom products, restrict frequent returners, and provide a VIP experience.
  • Automation and integration – By integrating their logistics and ERP systems with ReturnGO, One Project achieved seamless communication and synchronization of data, enabling them to automate a wide range of processes and significantly reduce manual intervention.
  • Efficient handling of edge cases – With automation in place, One Project’s team focused on addressing exceptional situations that required individual attention, such as cases where customers failed to return items. This increased overall efficiency and reduced workload.
  • Data-driven insights – ReturnGO’s comprehensive analytics and reporting provided One Project with valuable insights into key metrics such as refund value, exchange value, and gift card value. They used this data to optimize the refund process and improve business operations.

“The process is fully automated, from the customer request to the refund.”

– Shmulik Konforty, CTO, One Project

ReturnGO’s returns automation and streamlined processes resulted in significant improvements for One Project, including:

  • Enhanced returns management workflow efficiency.
  • Increased customer satisfaction through easy exchanges.
  • Positive impact on the store’s ROI.

By leveraging ReturnGO’s features, One Project successfully transformed their returns process, providing a seamless experience for customers while achieving operational efficiency.

Check out the full One Project case study here.


Travelpro®, a leading luggage manufacturer known for its focus on innovation, faced challenges with a manual return handling process. Customers had to request returns on the website, and the customer service team manually generated return labels, leading to inefficiencies and delays.

Here’s how they used returns automation to streamline their returns management:

  • Automation and integration – By implementing ReturnGO’s returns solution and integrating it with their shipping carrier, Travelpro® eliminated the manual process of generating return labels and reduced return processing time from 20 minutes to just 90 seconds per return.
  • Easy return initiation – Customers can quickly initiate a return by entering their order number and ZIP code in the self-service return portal, which will generate a pre-paid return label, creating a seamless return experience.
  • Efficient refund processing – With ReturnGO, Travelpro® can issue refunds quickly, even during peak seasons, increasing efficiency and reducing backlogs. 

“The return process is completely customer-centric. They fill out the request, generate the label, and get a refund.”

– Mark Costigliola, eCommerce Operations Manager, Travelpro

By automating the returns process, Travelpro® achieved the following:

  • Streamlined returns management and reduced processing times.
  • Increased customer satisfaction by offering easier returns.
  • Improved customer retention through a focus on enhancing the return process.

By automating the returns process with ReturnGO, Travelpro® successfully streamlined their returns management, reduced processing times, and improved the customer experience.

Check out the full Travelpro case study here.

Future of Returns Automation

The future of returns in eCommerce lies in returns automation. As technology continues to advance, returns automation is revolutionizing the way returns and exchanges are handled.

80% of companies are already using or planning to use automation software and tools, a trend that is expected to become pretty much universal in eCommerce in the next few years.

By embracing returns automation, you can stay ahead of the curve, meet evolving customer expectations, and unlock new opportunities for growth in the dynamic eCommerce landscape.

Here are some emerging trends and predictions for returns automation:

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the world of returns management, and the trend towards AI-powered solutions is on the rise. With AI, businesses can automate their returns process more intelligently and efficiently, resulting in reduced costs, increased customer satisfaction, and improved operational efficiency.

Returns automation systems like ReturnGO are excellent examples of AI-powered solutions that help businesses reduce return rates, automate returns, and increase customer loyalty. 

By leveraging the power of AI, you can analyze vast amounts of data, provide insights into customer behavior, and offer personalized recommendations and incentives to customers, resulting in a seamless and hassle-free returns process.

The trend towards AI-powered returns management is on the rise, and businesses that adopt these solutions will be well-positioned to reduce costs, improve customer satisfaction, and drive operational efficiency. 

Circular Economy

Among the newest trends in returns management, the circular economy aims to eliminate waste and promote the continuous use of resources.

In the context of eCommerce returns, circular economy means that returned products are not seen as waste, but rather as valuable resources that can be reused, refurbished, or recycled.

Returns automation plays a crucial role in facilitating a circular economy by making the returns process more efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable. 

By automating returns, you can:

  • Streamline return processing – Streamline the processing and handling of returned products to reduce waste and damage.
  • Use sustainable packaging – Integrate sustainable packaging and shipping practices into the returns process to reduce carbon emissions and waste.
  • Create closed-loop supply chains – Build strong partnerships with suppliers and logistics providers to create closed-loop supply chains that prioritize sustainability and circularity.

By embracing circular economy principles in your returns management, you can create a more efficient and resilient supply chain that benefits both your bottom line and the planet.

Omnichannel Returns

Omnichannel returns management is an emerging trend that leverages technology to seamlessly track and manage returns across different channels. As 78% of customers use multiple channels to start and complete a transaction, they expect to be able to return products through any of those channels as well.

Returns automation plays a vital role in enabling an efficient omnichannel returns process. By providing a centralized platform to manage returns across multiple channels, you can enhance customer satisfaction, reduce costs, and improve operational efficiency.

Provide a positive customer experience by providing multiple return methods for returning items purchased online such as return to a physical store or drop-off location, and providing clear and consistent communication throughout the return process.

Omnichannel returns management is one of the key trends of returns automation that you should embrace to stay competitive and meet the evolving needs and preferences of your customers.

Unlock the Power of Returns Automation

Returns automation is not just a solution; it’s a game-changer that can turn your returns process from a headache into a competitive advantage. 

By streamlining your returns, reducing costs, increasing efficiency, and improving the customer experience, returns automation has become an essential tool for eCommerce success.

If you’re ready to take your eCommerce business to the next level, it’s time to make the switch to automated returns management.

ReturnGO specializes in returns automation and offers a comprehensive returns management platform to lower return rates, automate the entire returns process, and increase customer satisfaction. See for yourself how ReturnGO can transform your returns process with automation.

eCommerce Returns: Navigating Sustainability & Responsibility Thu, 15 Jun 2023 09:00:00 +0000 In today’s world, it’s never been more important for businesses to consider sustainability. This is especially true for eCommerce, and even more specifically, eCommerce returns, as managing returns can have a huge environmental impact. However, by focusing on sustainability, you can help reduce the carbon footprint of your business and contribute to a healthier planet. 

Today, we’re going to be talking about the increasing importance of eco-friendly returns management, and sharing some tips on how you can make the returns process more environmentally responsible, all while ensuring that your customers have a positive experience. 

So, let’s explore the importance of sustainability in returns and learn how you can embrace this responsibility for a greener future.

The Environmental Impact of Returns

When you think about returns in the world of eCommerce, it’s easy to overlook the environmental consequences they bring. But they actually have a significant impact on our planet. 

Consider this: when you return a product, it goes through several stages of transportation before reaching its destination. All those extra trips result in increased emissions and energy consumption. What’s more, if the returned items aren’t resold, they often end up in landfills, contributing to an already humongous pile of waste. 

It’s time for eCommerce businesses like yours to focus on reducing the environmental impact of returns.

You have the power to make a difference. By implementing sustainable practices, you can minimize the carbon footprint and waste associated with the returns process. From the moment a product is returned, you can take steps to ensure it has the smallest environmental footprint possible. 

Every small change can make a big impact.

Reducing the environmental impact of returns may be a challenge, but it’s a challenge that no one can afford to ignore. As an eCommerce business, you have a responsibility to take action and make sustainable choices. By doing your part, you protect our planet, conserve its resources, and build a greener future for generations to come. 

Implementing Eco-Friendly Packaging

When it comes to reducing the environmental impact of returns, one powerful step you can take is implementing eco-friendly packaging. By using sustainable materials like recycled paper or biodegradable plastics, you can make a big difference in minimizing your carbon footprint. 

Optimizing the packaging size is another smart move. When you minimize material waste by using just the right amount of packaging, you not only save resources but also reduce the energy required for manufacturing and transportation. Plus, by adopting reusable packaging solutions, you can take sustainability to the next level. 

Think about it: packaging that can be used again and again, reducing the need for new materials every time a product is returned. It’s a simple change that goes a long way.

By prioritizing eco-friendly packaging, you’re doing more than just helping the environment. You’re also sending a powerful message to your customers. They’ll see that you’re committed to sustainability, and that can have a huge impact on your brand image. 

Consumers today are increasingly conscious of their environmental footprint, and they appreciate businesses that share their values. So by choosing eco-friendly packaging, you’re not only doing good for the planet but also creating a stronger connection with your customers.

Encouraging Product Recycling

As an eCommerce brand, you have the power to educate your customers about recycling options for any items they might return. By providing clear instructions on how to recycle or responsibly dispose of these products, you can make a big difference in minimizing waste and promoting a more circular economy.

Imagine this: instead of returned items ending up in landfills, they get a second chance at life. By collaborating with recycling partners or implementing a take-back program, you can ensure that these items are recycled or repurposed, reducing their impact on the environment. 

It’s a win-win situation. Not only are you preventing waste accumulation, but you’re also conserving resources and reducing the need for new materials.

Education plays a crucial role in this process. When customers understand the importance of recycling and how to do it properly, they’re more likely to make eco-conscious choices. You can provide them with information on recycling facilities in their area or even include prepaid shipping labels for returning items to be recycled.

Remember, encouraging product recycling is not only about reducing waste but also about fostering a mindset of environmental responsibility. By taking this step, you’re showing your customers that you care about the planet and are committed to making a positive impact. It’s an opportunity to build trust and strengthen your brand’s reputation.

Optimizing Reverse Logistics

When it comes to managing returns in an environmentally friendly way, optimizing reverse logistics is a key factor you should consider. Reverse logistics refers to the process of moving returned goods from the customer back to the seller, and it has a great impact on reducing the environmental footprint of returns. By making this process more efficient, you can minimize transportation emissions and save energy.

One way to optimize reverse logistics is by consolidating returned items. Instead of handling each return individually, you can group them together based on their destination or other relevant factors. This reduces the number of trips needed and cuts down on transportation-related emissions. 

By consolidating returns, you’re not only being more eco-friendly but also improving the efficiency of the entire process.

Route optimization is another essential strategy. By carefully planning the routes for returning items, you can minimize the distance traveled and the time spent on the road. This helps to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. Technology can be your ally here, as advanced routing algorithms and GPS systems can help you find the most efficient paths for transporting returns.

Choosing greener transportation options is also crucial. Electric vehicles are gaining popularity in logistics, thanks to their lower carbon footprint. By incorporating electric vehicles into your reverse logistics fleet, you can significantly reduce emissions. Another option to consider is shared logistics services, where multiple businesses share the same transportation resources. 

This not only cuts down on costs but also reduces the overall environmental impact of transportation.

Leveraging technology and data analytics can further optimize your reverse logistics operations. By using software solutions that provide visibility into the entire process, you can identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement. Data analytics can help you make informed decisions, such as identifying patterns in returns and implementing preventive measures to reduce the number of returns in the first place.

Incorporating Sustainability into Returns Management Practices

By setting clear sustainability goals, measuring key performance indicators, and regularly evaluating and refining processes, you can make a real difference in reducing your environmental impact. 

Let’s explore how you can integrate sustainability into the core of your returns management and why it’s crucial for the long-term success of your business.

Start by defining your sustainability goals, and aligning them with your values and objectives. These goals can include reducing carbon emissions, minimizing waste, increasing recycling rates, or promoting eco-friendly packaging. By setting clear goals, you provide a roadmap for your returns management practices and give direction to your sustainability efforts.

Measuring and tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) will help you assess the effectiveness of your sustainability initiatives. Consider metrics like carbon emissions per returned item, waste reduction rates, or customer satisfaction with your eco-friendly practices. Regularly monitoring these KPIs allows you to evaluate your progress and identify areas for improvement.

Continuously evaluate and refine your processes to ensure ongoing improvement in sustainability practices. Review your returns management workflows, analyze data, and seek feedback from customers and employees. By actively seeking optimization opportunities, you can reduce your environmental impact and enhance the efficiency of your returns management.

Maintaining a Positive Customer Experience

While being eco-friendly is ultra-important, maintaining a positive customer experience is absolutely crucial for your eCommerce brand. There needs to be a balance between environmental responsibility and customer satisfaction. Clear and transparent communication about sustainable returns practices, hassle-free return processes, and offering incentives for eco-conscious choices will help you maintain a positive customer experience.

Prioritize clear and transparent communication with your customers about your eco-friendly initiatives. Provide them with information about how you’re implementing sustainability in your returns processes, such as using recyclable packaging or promoting product recycling. Clearly outline your return policy, including any specific instructions for eco-friendly returns. Keeping your customers well-informed will build trust and demonstrate your commitment to sustainability.

Make sure to simplify and streamline your return processes to create a hassle-free experience for your customers. Implement user-friendly online return portals or mobile apps that make it easy for them to initiate returns, track their progress, and receive timely updates. By simplifying the process, you reduce frustration and ensure a smooth experience for all parties involved.

Consider offering incentives to encourage your customers to make eco-conscious choices. Provide rewards, discounts, or loyalty points to those who opt for sustainable returns options, such as product exchanges or store credits instead of refunds. By highlighting the benefits of these choices, you motivate your customers to make environmentally friendly decisions while also enjoying the perks you offer.

Continuously gathering feedback from your customers and actively listening to their suggestions will help you better understand their needs and preferences, allowing you to make necessary adjustments to improve the customer experience. Engage with them through surveys, reviews, and social media to show them that their opinions matter to you. 


In this era of heightened environmental concerns, you, as an eCommerce business, have a responsibility to make your returns process more sustainable. By implementing strategies like eco-friendly packaging, encouraging product recycling, optimizing reverse logistics, and incorporating sustainability into your returns management practices, you can make a significant impact in reducing the environmental footprint of returns.

Remember, sustainability is an ongoing journey. Continuously evaluate and refine your returns management practices, measure your performance using key indicators, and set clear sustainability goals. Actively engage with your customers, listen to their feedback, and adapt accordingly.

By taking action with these steps and making sustainable choices in your returns processes, you position yourself as a responsible leader in the industry – striving for the balance between sustainability and customer satisfaction, contributing to a better world, and creating a stronger, more loyal customer base in the process. 

Together, let’s embark on this journey towards a more sustainable and responsible eCommerce landscape.

About the Author

Chad Jensen, a writer for Aurajinn, is a trusted source of information for eCommerce store owners. With his extensive background in sales, marketing, and technology, Chad offers a unique and engaging perspective through his writing, helping online businesses flourish within the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Navigating Cultural Differences in eCommerce Returns Mon, 12 Jun 2023 07:30:00 +0000 Did you know that different cultures have different expectations and preferences when it comes to returns? If you want to succeed in the global market, you need to understand how cultural differences impact your returns process and how to cater to them.

Here are some of the main cultural differences that affect eCommerce returns and how you can adjust your returns management strategy accordingly.

The Role of Culture in eCommerce Returns

Culture is the set of assumptions, traditions, and values that a community develops over time. It influences how people perceive and evaluate customer service, how they communicate, and how they behave as customers.

While this diversity is a valuable aspect of business, it can also present challenges when it comes to managing returns.

Let’s look at some examples of how culture affects these aspects of eCommerce returns.

Cultural Differences in Perception of Customer Service

Customer service is a crucial factor in customer satisfaction and loyalty, and different cultures have different standards and expectations for what constitutes good customer service.

For example, Russians and Japanese customers tend to expect to get better and more personal attention, as in those cultures customers are seen as a “king”.

On the other hand, Finnish culture is highly individualistic, meaning that Finnish customers value their time highly, making them unwilling to spend a lot of time shopping and waiting. Moreover, they plan what they’ll buy in advance, so they don’t expect assistance while shopping.

This means that your customer service representatives need to adjust their tone of voice and attitude depending on the country they serve.

Cultural Differences in Attitudes Towards Returns

Customers from different cultures are likely to have different attitudes toward product returns. 

In some cultures, returning a product is seen as a loss of face, and customers may be reluctant to return products, even if they are dissatisfied with them. In other cultures, returning products is considered a normal part of the shopping process, and customers may be more likely to return products.

One place you can see cultural differences regarding returns is in the attitude toward return policies. 

For example, in the pre-purchase stage, Chinese customers often show a limited interest in return policies since they usually prefer not to return products. 

By contrast, Italian customers are more concerned with the return policy since they want to feel protected against making a wrong purchase. 

Make sure you understand the return behavior and preferences of your target markets and adjust your return policies accordingly.

It’s important to provide accurate and detailed product descriptions, images, and reviews on your website to reduce the likelihood of misunderstandings and false expectations.

Cultural Differences in Communication Styles

Communication is essential for building trust and rapport with your customers. However, different cultures have different ways of expressing themselves and interpreting messages.

Some cultures are more direct and explicit in their communication style, while others are more indirect and implicit. 

For example, American and British cultures have a high level of trustworthiness, meaning that they expect everything said by sales and customer service representatives to be true, as they believe they have a high level of expertise and knowledge. 

These cultural differences mean that you need to tailor your communication style to match the preferences and expectations of your customers and use clear and simple language that avoids ambiguity and confusion.

How to Cater to Different Cultural Preferences in eCommerce Returns

Now that you have a better understanding of how cultural differences affect eCommerce returns, you may be wondering how to adapt your returns management strategy to cater to different cultural preferences. Here are some tips to help you do that.

Multilingual Customer Support

One of the best ways to cater to customers from diverse cultural backgrounds is by offering multilingual customer support. This means providing customer service in different languages to ensure that all customers can communicate effectively with your eCommerce store.

75% of customers are more likely to purchase from the same store again if customer service is in their native language.

To implement multilingual customer support, you can hire multilingual customer service representatives, use AI translation software, or hire professional translators. 

You can also provide translated versions of your website and return portal in different languages.

By offering multilingual customer support, you can create a more inclusive and welcoming shopping experience for customers, which can increase customer loyalty and reduce returns due to language barriers.

Localized Return Policies

When you understand the expectations of customers from different cultural backgrounds, you can customize your return policies according to the expectations and behaviors of your target markets.

For example, you can offer different return periods, conditions, fees, or methods for different countries or regions.

To determine the best approach, research the return practices and standards of your target markets and tailor your return policy accordingly. By doing so, you can minimize misunderstandings and reduce the likelihood of returns due to cultural differences.

When creating localized return policies, make sure to:

  • Clearly communicate your return policy on your website and in your confirmation emails.
  • Update your return policy according to changes in the market or customer feedback.
  • Automate your returns process for different policies and scenarios.

A returns management system like ReturnGO can help you overcome the challenges of receiving returns from all over the world and create, manage, and optimize your return policies for different markets. 

Personalized Customer Service

Personalized customer service can help your store cater to different communication styles and build stronger relationships with customers. 

By understanding the preferences of customers from different cultural backgrounds, you can adjust your customer service team’s communication strategies to create a more personalized and effective experience.

Go beyond language translation and tailor your communication style, tone of voice, emotions, humor, and gestures to match the expectations and norms of your customers.

Train your customer service team on how to provide personalized customer service for different cultures to build trust, reduce misunderstandings, and create a more positive shopping experience.

Bridging the Gap: Cultural Awareness Improves the Returns Experience

In order to provide a great customer experience for your international customers, it’s important to understand how culture affects their perception of customer service, their attitudes towards returns, and their communication styles.

Catering to different cultures when it comes to eCommerce returns requires a flexible and culturally sensitive approach. 

Offer multilingual customer support, localized return policies, and personalized customer service to reduce the impact of cultural differences on returns and build stronger relationships with your customers. 

With ReturnGO, you can streamline your returns process, set up location-based return policies, and offer a multilingual return portal to provide the best possible customer experience for customers all over the world.

Automating Magento Returns to Improve the Customer Experience Thu, 08 Jun 2023 08:30:27 +0000 Let’s face it – returns happen. No matter how great your products are, sometimes customers just aren’t satisfied or they encounter an issue that requires them to send it back. 

But what if we told you that product returns could actually be a chance for you to create a positive customer experience?

By automating your Magento returns process, you can make your returns management more efficient and improve the customer experience at the same time.

Why Having an Efficient Returns Process is Important

Having an efficient returns process is important because customers appreciate a simple and fast returns process that gives them options and flexibility, and they are more likely to shop from you again if they have a positive return experience.

Automating the returns process is one of the most effective ways to improve the customer experience.

Picture this – your customer wants to return a product they bought from your store. They initiate the return online and immediately receive a confirmation email with details on the next steps. They pack up the product, attach a prepaid shipping label, and send it back to you.

Beyond making the returns process easy and efficient for your customers, this also saves you time and resources. Your team doesn’t have to manually process each return, freeing them up to focus on other tasks.

Streamline your returns management and improve the customer experience by automating your Magento returns process.

How Automating Magento Returns Improves the Customer Experience

By automating your Magento store’s returns process, you can create a positive customer experience that will encourage repeat business and boost customer loyalty

Use a returns management system to automate your returns and improve the customer experience with a self-service return portal and advanced automation rules. 

Having a hassle-free returns process sets your store apart from competitors and shows your customers that you value their business. 

Provides a Self-Service Returns Experience 

Providing a self-service return portal for your customers makes it easy for them to initiate returns on their own. 

By offering customers the ability to initiate returns by themselves, you give them control over the process and enable them to take action at their convenience, so that customers can initiate returns at any time without needing to contact customer support.

With an automated returns process, customers can quickly and easily initiate returns and receive timely updates on the status of their return. They can receive email notifications at each stage of the return process, from the moment they initiate the return to when their refund is processed. 

This level of transparency helps build trust with customers, keeping them in the loop throughout the entire process. 

Reduces Confusion and Frustration Around Returns

Confusion and frustration around returns can quickly lead to unhappy customers, negative reviews, and lost sales. 

Streamlining the returns process and making it easy for customers to understand the return policy eliminates a lot of the guesswork and ensures that customers have a positive experience.

Offering easy returns shows your commitment to providing an excellent customer experience and ensuring that customers feel valued and supported throughout the returns process. This can help build long-term customer loyalty and drive more sales for your Magento store.

Speeds Up the Returns Process

Automating many of the steps involved in returns makes the process faster and more efficient for both you and your customers.

Customers can initiate a return and generate a return label in just a few clicks, and receive their refund or exchange faster.

With an automated returns process, it’s easier for you to offer faster refunds, as your team no longer needs to spend as much time manually processing returns. 

Chat with our experts to boost your customer return experience and LTV today.

Reduces Errors and Improves Accuracy

Manually processing returns can be prone to errors and inaccuracies. This can lead to frustration for customers and additional work for your team. Automating your Magento store’s returns process can reduce errors and improve accuracy.

A returns management system can help you collect all necessary information from the customer, such as the reason for the return and the condition of the item, to prevent misunderstandings and disputes later on. Automation can also help ensure refunds are issued accurately and promptly.

By providing a transparent, personalized, and accurate returns process, you can create a positive experience that sets your Magento store apart from competitors and builds customer loyalty.

Analyzing the Impact of Returns

To ensure that your returns process is as efficient and effective as possible, it’s important to track your returns data and improve your returns process as needed. 

Some key metrics to track include:

  • Return rates – Monitoring your return rates shows you the percentage of items that are being returned by customers and helps you identify which products or categories are returned most frequently. 
  • Return reasons – Understanding the reasons behind customer returns can help you identify recurring issues with your products, shipping process, or customer service and improve them.
  • Customer behavior – Analyzing customer behavior during the returns process can provide valuable insights into how you can improve your customer experience. 

Monitoring these metrics and optimizing your returns process over time helps you provide a better customer experience, increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, and ultimately improve your bottom line.

The Impact of Returns on Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty is crucial for the long-term success of your business. Loyal customers are more likely to make repeat purchases and spend more money per transaction than new customers.

Loyal customers spend an average of 67% more per purchase than new customers, so retaining existing customers is much more cost-effective than acquiring new ones.

When you provide an easy returns process, you can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, because when customers feel their needs are being met and that your Magento store values their business, they’ll be more likely to come back and buy again.

Customers are more likely to be loyal to a store that provides an effortless and enjoyable shopping experience, including a hassle-free returns process.

Take Control of Your Returns Process Now

Automating your returns process can be a game-changer for your Magento store. By offering a more convenient, transparent, and accurate experience for your customers you can improve customer loyalty and drive repeat business.

By making returns hassle-free and seamless, you can show customers that you value their time and satisfaction, and differentiate your store from competitors.

If you’re looking to improve the customer experience in your Magento store, automate your returns process to create a customer-centric experience that drives sales and builds long-term relationships.

The Future of Returns Automation: Trends and Predictions Tue, 06 Jun 2023 09:30:00 +0000 Returns automation is the future of eCommerce, and it’s revolutionizing the way eCommerce returns management works.

Managing returns can be time-consuming and costly, which is why returns automation is the key to improving returns management. Returns automation streamlines the return process, reduces errors and costs, increases customer satisfaction and loyalty, and provides valuable return data insights. 

Here are some of the trends and predictions for the future of returns automation, and how you can leverage them to optimize your returns management.

The State of Returns Management Today

In order to understand where returns management is going, it is important to first understand how it has worked until now.

Many eCommerce businesses still rely on manual methods to manage their returns, using spreadsheets, emails, phone calls, and paper forms to track and process returns.

Manually managing returns is inefficient, error-prone, and costly. It’s easy to have delays, mistakes, miscommunication, and dissatisfaction, as well as it being hard to analyze and optimize your return process.

That’s why more and more eCommerce businesses are turning to returns management systems (RMS) to automate their returns. By automating your return process you can save time and money, improve the customer experience, increase operational efficiency, and gain a competitive edge in the eCommerce market.

“Returns automation is the future of eCommerce. At ReturnGO, we’re dedicated to providing innovative solutions to streamline returns and help businesses stay ahead of the curve.”

– Aviad Raz, CEO of ReturnGO

Trends That Are Changing the Game for Automated Returns

The world of eCommerce is constantly changing and evolving, and returns automation is no exception. 

More and more eCommerce stores are automating their returns to streamline the returns process and enhance the customer experience.

Here are some of the trends that are changing the game for automated returns:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Returns Management

One of the most significant trends that are changing the game for automated returns is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in returns management. 

AI enables computers to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, decision-making, and problem-solving. 

With businesses becoming increasingly aware of the potential of AI, automation is increasingly being integrated into day-to-day workflows to help achieve greater efficiencies, save costs, and more.

The role of AI in returns automation is growing as it contributes to:

  • Predicting return rates and reasons based on customer behavior, product attributes, seasonality, and other factors.
  • Recommending optimal return policies and strategies based on your business goals and customer preferences.
  • Detecting fraud and abuse in returns by analyzing patterns and anomalies.
  • Optimizing return logistics by finding the best routes, carriers, and warehouses for each return.
  • Enhancing customer service by providing chatbots, voice assistants, and self-service portals for return inquiries.

As AI technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more accurate and efficient returns management, leading to a better customer experience and streamlined returns process.

Seamless Integrations

Integrations are the glue that brings everything together in returns management. By integrating different services and platforms, you can automate the entire workflow, including shipping, inventory management, customer service, and processing returned items. With everything in sync, different teams can work together smoothly and stay updated.

For example, the shipping provider can generate return labels and track shipments while the warehouse team processes and verifies returned items and the customer service team has access to all the necessary order and return information at their fingertips. Automated integrations bring these teams together, enabling them to communicate effortlessly and ensuring that everyone is on the same page. 

With seamless integrations, data flows smoothly between systems, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors. This means less time spent on tedious tasks and more time to focus on improving processes and delivering an exceptional customer experience.

The trend of integrating various systems together is gaining momentum as businesses recognize the immense value of interconnected systems in streamlining the returns process. 

Personalization and Customization

Personalization and customization are growing trends in eCommerce, with customers expecting a personalized experience based on their preferences, needs, and past behavior, and 80% of customers being more likely to make a purchase when provided with a personalized experience.

In the returns process, this means that customers expect more than just a generic return policy and instead want a return experience that suits their individual needs. Returns automation can help you personalize and customize the returns process.

Returns automation makes it easier to personalize the returns experience by:

  • Segmenting customers based on their demographic, behavior, purchase history, loyalty level, etc.
  • Offering different return resolutions such as refunds, exchanges, store credit, etc.
  • Creating dynamic return windows based on customer segments, product categories, seasons, etc.
  • Providing a variety of return methods such as return to a drop-off location, ship with a pre-paid label, etc.
  • Sending personalized messages to keep your customers updated on the status of their return.

Today, it is rare to find an online store that doesn’t offer some level of personalization in the shopping experience. And still, the potential of personalized eCommerce has not been fully explored. 

As returns technology and data analysis continue to advance, eCommerce stores will have even greater opportunities to tailor the returns process to each individual customer, thereby increasing customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Self-Service Returns

Self-service returns are a growing trend in the eCommerce industry that is transforming the way customers return products. 

It used to be that customers had to contact customer service or go to a physical store to request a return. Now, customers can initiate the return process themselves through a self-service return portal, without needing to jump through so many hoops.

This provides a faster and more convenient experience for customers, while also freeing up customer service resources for other tasks. Return portals provide customers with the flexibility to initiate a return at their convenience and from any location.

Customers increasingly expect a self-service experience, with 81% of customers wanting more self-service options.

A self-service returns process is a win-win for both customers and the store, providing a better return experience and reducing costs. 

Return portals are already becoming the standard in returns, and soon it will be hard to find an eCommerce store without an online return portal.

Bold Predictions for the Future of Automated Returns

As the eCommerce industry continues to grow and evolve, the shift towards returns automation is likely to continue, with automated returns management becoming the norm.

Here are some bold predictions for the future of automated returns:

Increased Adoption of Automation Technology in eCommerce

As eCommerce continues to grow and evolve, so will the demand for returns automation technology. 

More and more eCommerce stores will adopt returns management systems and other returns automation tools to streamline their return processes and gain a competitive advantage. 

Growing competition in the eCommerce industry will require businesses to differentiate themselves by offering better return experiences, and returns automation will help them achieve this.

The efficiency, accuracy, and scalability of returns automation technologies are becoming more widely recognized and sought after.

80% of companies are already using or planning on implementing automation software and tools, a trend that will become almost universal in the eCommerce industry over the next few years.

It’s clear that we’re heading towards a future where returns automation is the norm, rather than the exception.

Expansion of Automated Returns to International Markets

The world is becoming increasingly interconnected, and nothing illustrates this better than the growth of international eCommerce

As eCommerce continues to expand globally, returns management will also need to adapt to the complexities of managing cross-border returns. Returns automation can play a significant role in making this possible. 

By automating the returns process, you can more easily manage the flow of returns across various countries and regions, including customs clearance, local regulations, and language barriers.

Returns automation provides a centralized system that facilitates tracking and managing returns from anywhere in the world. This can include automatically calculating customs and fees, multilingual support for return portals and customer notifications, and localized return options for customers in different countries and regions.

By automating the returns process, you can also track data and analytics on the performance of returns in different markets, which can help you optimize your return policies and strategies for each region. 

With the continued expansion of eCommerce, returns automation will play a crucial role in enabling businesses to manage returns across different countries and regions effectively.

Greater Focus on Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Return Processes

Product returns have a significant environmental impact, generating waste, emissions, and carbon footprint that contribute to global warming and climate change. 

As customers become more aware of the impact their purchases have on the environment, there is a growing demand for eCommerce stores to provide sustainable return processes.  

78% of customers say their purchase decisions are influenced by a business’ environmental practices – they want to know that the stores they shop at are committed to working towards a more sustainable future.

This means that returns management will need to be designed with the environment in mind, from the packaging used to send items back to the way they are sorted and disposed of. 

We can expect to see more stores implementing reusable packaging and incentivizing customers to choose eco-friendly return options.

Some sustainable returns practices that are likely to become more prevalent include:

  • Reducing return rates by improving product quality, accuracy, and descriptions.
  • Reusing and recycling returned items instead of discarding them.
  • Using biodegradable or recyclable packaging materials.
  • Supporting social causes or charities by donating returned items.
  • Educating customers about the environmental impact of returns and encouraging them to make responsible choices.

With advances in technology and a growing focus on sustainability, we can look forward to a more eco-friendly future for returns management.

Best Practices for Implementing Returns Automation

Implementing return automation requires careful planning, execution, and evaluation. Here are some best practices for implementing returns automation in your eCommerce business:

Evaluate Your Current Returns Process

Before you start automating your returns management, you need to understand where your current returns process stands and identify pain points and opportunities for improvement. 

Use tools such as process mapping, SWOT analysis, and gap analysis to analyze your current return process and find out:

  • How long does it take to process a return?
  • How much does it cost to process a return?
  • How many errors or mistakes occur in processing a return?
  • How satisfied are your customers with your return process?
  • How effective are your return policies and strategies?

By evaluating your current returns process, you can identify areas for improvement and determine where automation can streamline the process.

Choose the Right Returns Management Software

Once you’ve analyzed your current return process, you need to do some research and choose the right returns management system (RMS) for your business. 

Here are some factors to consider when choosing an RMS:

  • Scalability – Choose an RMS that can scale with your business as it grows. Ensure that it can handle high volumes of returns without compromising performance.
  • Integrations – Look for an RMS that can integrate seamlessly with your existing eCommerce platform and other systems, such as shipping carriers and warehouse management systems (WMS).
  • Customization – Find an RMS that offers customization to fit your specific business needs, such as return policies, workflows, and user interfaces.
  • Customer Experience – Opt for a return management system that provides a convenient experience for your customers, such as multiple return options, automated return shipping labels, and real-time return tracking.

By carefully evaluating these factors, you can choose the right returns management system for your business and successfully implement returns automation.

Chat with our experts to boost your customer return experience and LTV today.

Constantly Track and Analyze Returns Data

For your returns process to be effective, make sure to constantly track and analyze your returns data after you have implemented returns automation.

Measure key metrics, including the return rate, return cost, customer LTV, and repeat purchase rate. By tracking these return metrics, you can identify areas for improvement and adjust your process accordingly.

Your returns management system gives you actionable insights that will help you make informed decisions. By consistently monitoring your returns data you can identify trends and patterns, address issues, and optimize your returns management process for improved efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Automation is the Future of Returns Management

As the world of eCommerce continues to expand and grow, it’s becoming increasingly clear that returns automation isn’t just a trend – it’s the future.

By automating your returns management, you can improve your efficiency, reduce your costs, increase your customer satisfaction and loyalty, and gain valuable insights into your returns data.
Stay ahead of the curve by automating your returns with ReturnGO and taking your returns management to the next level.

How Returns Automation Helps Improve Your eCommerce ROI Thu, 01 Jun 2023 08:12:40 +0000 More and more online stores are turning to automation to streamline their returns management. It’s no wonder why – automating your returns can reduce costs, improve efficiency, and improve your return on investment (ROI). 

Let’s explore how returns automation can be a game-changer for improving your store’s profits and eCommerce ROI.

What is Returns Automation and Why is it Important?

Returns automation is the process of streamlining the return process for online purchases. This involves automating all aspects of the return, from return authorization to processing refunds and exchanges.

Automating your returns with a returns management system makes the returns process faster and more efficient both for you and your customers.

By automatically generating return shipping labels, issuing refunds, releasing exchange orders, and sending email notifications, you can increase efficiency and improve the customer experience.

A returns automation system can help you:

  • Save time and money – Save time and resources by minimizing manual work and human errors.
  • Improve the customer experience – Improve customer satisfaction and retention by providing a seamless return experience.
  • Boost sales – Increase sales and conversions by offering incentives and options for customers to keep or exchange their products.
  • Track data – Gain insights and data on your return rates and customer behavior.

Using advanced technology to streamline the return process helps improve the customer experience and reduce the costs associated with returns processing, thus increasing ROI.

How eCommerce Returns Automation Improves Your ROI

Now that you know what eCommerce returns automation is and why it’s important, let’s see how it can improve your ROI and profitability. 

Here are some of the ways returns automation can help you improve your ROI:

Reduces Costs

By automating your returns process, you can cut down on the expenses associated with returns and exchanges. 

For example, you can reduce the costs of:

  • Customer service – Providing self-service options for customers to initiate and track their returns frees up your customer service team’s time and resources for other tasks.
  • Shipping – Offering pre-paid return labels and integrating with shipping carriers reduces shipping costs and keeps you from paying for unnecessary shipping materials. 
  • Processing – Automating the refund process and minimizing manual work speeds up the refund process and reduces human error and delays.
  • Restocking – Ensuring that returned products are in good condition and ready for resale prevents product damage or loss and increases your recovery value.

Using returns automation can hugely reduce your store’s operational costs and improve your returns management ROI by making your returns process more efficient.

Increases Revenue

Automating your returns process can boost your revenue and sales. Automation makes the returns experience more convenient and efficient, which can help build customer trust, leading to increased customer retention and higher customer lifetime value.

Revenue metrics you can increase with returns automation include:

  • Customer lifetime value – Encourage repeat purchases and referrals from satisfied customers to increase customer lifetime value (LTV). 

By automating your returns process, you can make it easy and convenient for customers to return or exchange their products, which can increase their loyalty and trust in your brand.

  • Average order value – Offer incentives for customers to keep or exchange their products instead of returning them to increase the average order value (AOV).

For instance, you can offer discounts, credits, or gift cards for customers who choose to keep their products or exchange them for something else. This can help you reduce the number of refunds and retain more revenue per return.

  • Conversion rate – Reduce cart abandonment and increase customer trust with a clear and straightforward return policy, leading to a higher conversion rate.

An automated returns process makes it easier for you to provide customers with more information and options about your return policy, which can reduce friction and uncertainty that may prevent customers from completing their purchases. 

Enhances Customer Loyalty

Customers appreciate it when you make it easy and convenient for them to return or exchange their products, without any hassle or hidden fees. By automating your returns process, you can reduce waiting time and prevent confusion for customers by providing more information and options.

81% of customers consider clear information about return policies to be an important factor when deciding where to shop.

Customer loyalty is one of the most valuable assets your eCommerce store can have, as the average amount spent per purchase by loyal customers is 67% higher than by new customers.

You can reward your customers for their loyalty by offering them incentives to shop with you again. Having an automated returns process enables you to send automated messages to customers who have returned items, thanking them for their purchase or giving them a discount, thus increasing customer loyalty and retention.

Provides Data and Analytics

When you implement a return automation system, you gain access to valuable data about your returns process such as the number of returns, return reasons, and return rates. 

Returns data can be used to identify trends and patterns, helping you optimize your inventory management and product offerings to reduce future returns.

Return automation also enables you to track and analyze customer behavior related to returns, including the time it takes for customers to initiate a return, the frequency of returns from certain customers, and the products that are most commonly returned. 

By analyzing this data, you can gain insights into customer preferences and needs, which can help you improve your product offerings and customer service.

How to Measure Your ROI Growth

To measure your eCommerce ROI and see how your returns process impacts it, you need to track and analyze some key metrics and KPIs that reflect the efficiency of your returns process. 

Here are some returns metrics to monitor:

  • Return rate – Percentage of orders that are returned by customers. It indicates how well your products meet customer expectations and how effective your product information is. 

The lower your return rate is, the fewer returns you’re processing, leading to higher profitability.

  • Cost per return – Amount of money that you spend on each return transaction, including shipping, processing, restocking, refunding, or any other fees associated with returns. It indicates how efficient and profitable your returns process is. 

A high cost per return may indicate that you need to optimize your returns process and reduce unnecessary expenses.

  • Revenue per return – How much revenue you generate from each return, including the revenue from upselling, cross-selling, exchanging, or keeping products that would otherwise be returned. 

An increase in revenue per return translates to increased profits as you’re able to retain or generate more revenue from returns.

  • Customer satisfaction – Degree of satisfaction that customers have with your returns process and experience, including the ease of initiating and completing a return, the speed and accuracy of the refund or exchange, the flexibility and convenience of the return method and resolution, and the quality and responsiveness of customer service.

When you see an increase in customer satisfaction, customers are more likely to shop with you again and refer others, resulting in higher profits.

How to Calculate eCommerce ROI

To calculate your eCommerce ROI, subtract your total costs from your revenue, divide that number by the total cost, and then multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

ROI = (Revenue – Cost) / Cost * 100%

This formula shows you the percentage of profit or loss that you make from your eCommerce store. 

Having a low eCommerce ROI means you spent a lot in comparison to what you made, while having a high ROI means your profit margins are better. The higher your ROI, the more profitable your eCommerce store is.

The average ROI for eCommerce stores is between 20-50%, depending on many factors such as industry, ease of returns, shipping costs, product quality, and cost of returns.

Examples of Stores for Which Returns Automation Has Improved ROI

To inspire you further, here are some examples of how leading brands have improved their ROI with eCommerce returns automation:

One Project

One Project, an eCommerce fashion platform that offers products from over 100 popular brands, uses returns automation to offer exchanges and gift cards in addition to refunds, helping to retain and even generate more revenue. 

“By allowing customers to exchange products, and not refund them, we manage to save a lot of money on customers who don’t make a refund and just make an exchange. This helps us achieve our KPIs from a revenue aspect.”

One Project has seen a number of positive outcomes since using ReturnGO to automate its returns process:

Decrease in Refunds

Since offering customers the option to exchange products and receive refunds through gift cards, One Project has reduced its average refund rate by 10%.

New Revenue from Exchanges

One Project has been able to generate new revenue by offering easy exchanges and gift cards, in addition to retaining revenue that would have otherwise been lost through refunds.

Increased Efficiency

ReturnGO’s automated and streamlined processes have improved the efficiency of One Project’s returns management workflow by offering easy product exchanges and seamless integrations.

“We saw it very quickly. I thought it would take a couple of months, but in 2-3 weeks we already saw that the amount of revenue lost to refunds was decreasing.”

– Shmulik Konforty, CTO, One Project

Read the full One Project case study.

Silk & Salt

Silk & Salt, an eco-conscious fashion brand, has managed to generate 24.9% additional revenue from redeemed store credit since using ReturnGO to automate its returns process.

Since automating their returns, Silk & Salt has seen the following benefits:

24.9% New Revenue

Silk & Salt saw that when customers redeem store credit, 61% of them spend more money, generating an average of 24.9% additional revenue. 

Optimized Returns Management

Using advanced features such as automation and flexible policy rule settings to adjust their return eligibility conditions to match their return policy, Silk & Salt is able to manage and process return requests more efficiently.

Reduced Costs and Time

Automation rules and an intuitive self-service return portal have significantly reduced the number of customer support queries, freeing up the Silk & Salt team to focus on other essential tasks, resulting in cost and time savings.

“Once you have all of your automated rules set up in ReturnGO, you don’t need to do anything else for returns to go through. Everything goes smoothly. Simple as that.”

– Assaf Neuman, Head of Operations, Silk & Salt

Read the full Silk & Salt case study.


Underoutfit, an innovative activewear & underwear brand, has automated its returns process, leading to positive outcomes in its main KPIs such as the number of full refunds given, the resources spent on customer service, and the costs of return shipping and handling.

Automating the Underoutfit returns process had the following results:

25.6% Decrease in Refunds

Since offering store credit and variant exchanges, Underoutfit has seen a 25.6% decrease in refunds, while sales and RMAs have increased.

16.4% New Revenue

When Underoutfit customers redeem their store credit, more than 51% spend more money, generating an average of 16.4% additional revenue.

Reduced Costs

Since implementing a streamlined returns process, customer support requests have decreased almost completely, saving Underoutfit thousands of dollars a month.

“ReturnGO’s analytics provides more than basic statistics such as how many products were returned and what the return rate is, it also provides other interesting insights from which you can really conclude which products are more profitable and which are less so.”

– Felix Leshno, Co-Founder & CXO, Underoutfit

Read the full Underoutfit case study.

Automate Your Returns to Boost Your Profitability

Automating your returns process is a smart business strategy that can significantly improve your ROI and profitability. 

By leveraging ReturnGO’s returns automation technology to streamline the returns process, you can reduce costs associated with manual labor, while increasing revenue and improving customer satisfaction and retention. 

Gain a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced market by automating your returns process, benefitting both your customers and your bottom line.

12 Ways eCommerce Exchanges Can Boost Your Profits Mon, 29 May 2023 08:00:00 +0000 While refunds may seem like the simplest option for handling returns, exchanges provide a more profitable alternative in the long run. 

By retaining the original purchase value and generating repeat business, exchanges can boost your profits and increase customer retention.

Refunds VS Exchanges

Before we dive into the benefits of exchanges for boosting your profits, let’s set the foundation by understanding the key differences between refunds and exchanges. 

While they may seem similar, refunds and exchanges have different implications for your eCommerce business. Here’s a quick comparison:


  • Refunds are when a customer returns a product and receives a full or partial reimbursement for the purchase price.
  • Refunds can lead to lost revenue since you’re refunding the purchase price as well as losing out on potential future sales.
  • Refunds can hurt your brand reputation and customer loyalty if not handled properly.


  • Exchanges are when a customer returns a product and receives a replacement product of equal or lesser value.
  • Exchanges can lead to increased revenue by both retaining the original purchase value and potentially upselling the customer to a more expensive product and generating repeat business.
  • Exchanges can also improve your brand reputation and customer loyalty, as they demonstrate your willingness to accommodate your customers’ needs and preferences.

So while refunds are an inevitable part of eCommerce, it’s important to focus on lowering your refund rates and making the most of exchanges. 

Offer seamless and convenient eCommerce exchanges to turn potential negative experiences into positive ones and boost your profits in the process.

12 Ways to Boost Your Profits with eCommerce Exchanges

Exchanges can be a powerful tool for boosting your profits. By offering exchanges, you can encourage customers to make additional purchases or spend more on their initial purchase, leading to increased average order value and repeat purchases, ultimately boosting your profits.

1. Retained Revenue

Product exchanges can help you retain revenue by providing an alternative to refunds. By offering a product exchange, you keep the customer’s money within your business and prevent a loss of revenue. 

One of the most significant advantages of product exchanges is that they enable you to retain revenue that would otherwise be lost. Refunds involve returning the customer’s money, which can result in a loss of revenue for the store. 

Product exchanges provide a win-win solution for both the customer and the store. By offering a product exchange, you retain the revenue from the initial purchase, preventing a loss of revenue. At the same time, the customer receives an alternative product so they don’t lose out either.

“By allowing customers to exchange products, and not refund them, we manage to save a lot of money on customers who don’t make a refund and just make an exchange. This helps us achieve our KPIs from a revenue aspect.”

– Shmulik Konforty, CTO, One Project

Check out the full case study here.

2. Increased Repeat Purchases

When a customer has a positive exchange experience, they are more likely to come back and buy from your store again

An easy exchange process gives customers a sense of trust and confidence in your store, and customers are more likely to do business with stores that they trust.

Making it easy to exchange products can create a positive impression of your store in customers’ minds, leading to increased customer satisfaction and positive reviews, which can attract more customers to your store and boost your sales.

By providing a positive exchange experience and building trust with your customers, you can encourage them to return for future purchases, resulting in increased profits for your eCommerce business.

Repeat customers are more profitable in several ways:

  • Repeat customers are easier to sell to – Customers become more likely to buy from your store again with each purchase they make. 
  • Repeat customers spend more – On average, repeat customers buy more frequently and spend more per purchase. 
  • Repeat customers refer more people – Word-of-mouth referrals are the most powerful and cost-effective way to bring in more customers.

3. Upselling Opportunities

Exchanges present a great opportunity for you to increase your revenue through upselling.

When a customer initiates an exchange, they are showing a willingness to purchase a new item from your store. This presents an opportunity to show them other items that complement or enhance their original purchase potentially leading to a larger sale.

For example, if a customer wants to exchange a t-shirt, you can offer a higher-value variant.

By offering personalized recommendations based on the customer’s purchase history or browsing behavior, you can increase the chances of them making additional purchases during the exchange process. You can also use data analytics to identify cross-selling and upselling opportunities, and then make personalized recommendations based on that data.

In addition, you can create product bundles that are offered exclusively during the exchange process. These bundles can provide additional value to the customer and incentivize them to spend more money on your products.

By utilizing these techniques, you can turn the exchange process into a revenue-generating opportunity rather than simply a cost of doing business. By providing personalized recommendations and exclusive offers, you can increase the customer’s overall purchase value and create a positive experience that encourages them to return in the future.

4. Increased Customer Retention

By providing a convenient and hassle-free exchange process, you demonstrate that you value your customers and are committed to their satisfaction.

When customers feel that their needs are being met, they are more likely to trust and remain loyal to your business. By providing a positive shopping experience that includes an easy exchange process, you build trust and loyalty with your customer base.

It’s much more worthwhile to focus on retaining customers than acquiring new ones, as loyal customers spend an average of 67% more per purchase than new customers.

By handling exchanges efficiently and quickly, you create an experience that leaves customers feeling satisfied and taken care of. This increases customer retention and helps generate word-of-mouth referrals, which can lead to more customers and increased revenue. 

5. Higher Customer Lifetime Value

Happy customers are more likely to return for future purchases, and product exchanges provide an opportunity to upsell or cross-sell to customers, increasing the potential for larger orders and higher profits. 

Encouraging exchanges can be a powerful way to increase CLV, as it enables you to generate additional revenue from existing customers.

Customer lifetime value (CLV) is a critical metric to track, as it measures the total amount of revenue a customer will generate for your store over the course of their relationship with your store. 

6. Improved Supply Chain Management

Encouraging product exchanges helps stores reduce costs and increase revenue while also providing valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. 

By analyzing patterns in exchanged products, you can gain a better understanding of which products are driving returns and why, which can help inform inventory management strategies.

You can address specific issues that you see, such as sizing or quality, by improving the product description or adjusting the design of the product.

Furthermore, analyzing exchange data can also help you identify trends in customer preferences and adjust your inventory management strategies accordingly. 

For instance, if a particular product is frequently exchanged for a different color or style, you can stock more variations of that product to better meet customer demand, reduce the risk of stockouts and improve supply chain efficiency.

7. Increased Sales

Customers today expect a hassle-free return and exchange process when shopping online. They want to be able to try on or test out a product without feeling like they’re stuck with it if it doesn’t meet their expectations. 

By offering easy exchanges, you can improve the customer experience by providing a convenient and flexible option for customers who are not completely satisfied with their original purchase.

Customers are more likely to make a purchase knowing they can easily return or exchange it if needed. 

By offering exchanges, you can reduce the perceived risk of making a purchase, leading to increased conversion rates and ultimately, increased sales.

8. Enhanced Customer Experience

Create a positive customer experience by providing a hassle-free exchange process. This is particularly true if you offer a self-service return and exchange portal, which enables customers to initiate and track the exchange process on their own, without needing to contact customer service.

A self-service return portal streamlines the exchange process for both customers and your store. 

Make it easy for customers to initiate an exchange, print out a return shipping label, and track the status of their exchange. Since 81% of customers say they want more self-service options, providing self-service returns and exchanges can make a huge difference in the customer experience.

Instead of having to return an item and then make a new purchase, customers can simply exchange the item for something else that better suits their needs. This saves customers time and effort, making their shopping experience more enjoyable and making them feel more confident and in control of their shopping experience.

9. Increased Average Order Value

By offering exchanges, you can encourage customers to buy more or spend more on their initial purchase. 

Customers are more likely to make additional purchases or purchase higher-priced items when they know they can easily exchange an item that doesn’t fit or isn’t quite what they expected.

When customers know they have the option to exchange an item, they may feel more confident about making a purchase in the first place. 

When they know they can easily exchange the item for something else if it doesn’t fit or isn’t quite what they expected, they are more likely to buy from your store and increase their average order value.

10. Improved Cash Flow

Offering exchanges instead of refunds can help you improve your cash flow management. 

While refunds can have a negative impact on your profits, exchanges keep the money flowing.

When a customer returns an item for a refund, you lose the sale and the money associated with it. However, when a customer exchanges an item, you keep the money in your store and even generate additional revenue if the customer decides to exchange it for a higher-priced item.

11. Competitive Advantage

An easy exchange process can give you a competitive advantage over stores that only offer refunds or don’t have a clear exchange policy. 

By promoting your exchange policy as a key differentiator, you can attract customers who are looking for a hassle-free returns and exchanges experience.

Use exchanges to build customer trust and improve your reputation to drive more sales and stand out in the competitive market of eCommerce.

12. Data Insights

Tracking exchanges can provide you with valuable data insights beyond the immediate financial benefits. 

By keeping track of exchanges and the reasons why customers are exchanging products, you can gain insights into the quality of your products, customer preferences, and areas for improvement. 

Here are some ways tracking exchanges can provide data insights:

  • Product quality issues – If customers frequently exchange items due to defects or quality issues, it may indicate a problem with the manufacturing process or quality control. 

By identifying these issues, you can work to improve the quality of your products and reduce the number of exchange requests.

  • Sizing issues – Customers frequently exchanging products due to sizing issues may indicate a need for clearer sizing guides or a wider range of sizes. 

You can use this data to help you improve your sizing charts and product descriptions or adjust the product design accordingly.

  • Product preferences – By tracking which products are most frequently exchanged, you can see which products are popular and which might need improvement. 

This can help you make data-driven decisions about which products to prioritize and how to improve your product line.

  • Customer behavior – Tracking product exchange data can also provide insights into customer behavior and preferences. 

For example, if you see that customers who exchange items tend to purchase more frequently or spend more money overall, you can tailor your marketing and sales strategies accordingly.

By leveraging the data insights gained from tracking exchanges, you can make more informed decisions about products, manufacturing processes, and customer engagement strategies, leading to improved customer satisfaction, increased sales, and a competitive edge in the marketplace.

How to Turn Refunds Into Exchanges

By providing incentives and making the exchange process as easy as possible, you can turn refunds into exchanges, retaining revenue and customers.

Provide Bonus Credit as an Incentive

One strategy for encouraging exchanges is to provide customers with bonus credit to use towards a future purchase. 

For example, you could offer a 10% bonus credit for customers who choose to exchange an item, incentivizing them to request an exchange rather than a refund.

Bonus credit provides an incentive for customers to choose exchanges and encourages them to come back and make additional purchases in the future, increasing your overall profits.

Extend the Return Window for Exchanges

Another strategy for encouraging exchanges is to extend the return window exclusively for exchanges. 

By offering a longer return window for exchanges than for refunds you can incentivize customers to choose an exchange instead of a refund.

Set clear expectations by clearly communicating your return policy on your website, in your marketing materials, and in order confirmation emails.

Make sure the return window is clearly defined. Does it begin once an order has been shipped, or once it’s been delivered?

Offer Free Shipping on Exchanges

Shipping costs can often deter customers from choosing an exchange, particularly if they need to pay for return shipping. To encourage customers to choose exchanges, consider offering free shipping on exchange orders.

By offering free shipping on exchanges, you remove a potential barrier to the exchange process, making it more appealing for customers to choose an exchange over a refund.

Suggest Alternative Products

When a customer requests an exchange, take the opportunity to suggest alternative products that may better fit their needs. 

By suggesting alternative products, you increase the chances that the customer will find a product they are happy with, leading to an increase in their average order value.

How to Calculate Your eCommerce Exchange Rate

Your exchange rate is the percentage of returned items that are exchanged for a new item, rather than refunded. This metric can provide valuable insights into customer behavior and the effectiveness of your exchange policy.

To calculate your exchange rate:

Divide the number of exchanges by the total number of returns and multiply by 100 to get your exchange rate as a percentage.

Exchange rate = total returns ÷ exchanges x 100

By tracking your exchange rate over time, you can gain insights into the effectiveness of your exchange process and the satisfaction of your customers, as well as identify trends and areas for improvement, such as product sizing or quality issues.

ReturnGO automatically shows you analytics like your exchange rate, and you can also see which products are exchanged the most, what seasons have the most exchanges, and more.

Turn Refunds Into Exchanges and Boost Your Profits

Offering eCommerce exchanges is a powerful tool for boosting profits and improving customer satisfaction in your eCommerce business. 

By increasing your average order value, improving cash flow, gaining a competitive advantage, and providing valuable data insights, exchanges can have a significant impact on your bottom line. 

Don’t let refunds drag down your revenue potential – turn them into exchanges and boost your profits.

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How to Manage Returns of Custom-Made Products Tue, 23 May 2023 08:30:00 +0000 Managing returns of custom-made products presents a unique challenge that must be addressed differently from regular mass-produced products.

Here are some things to keep in mind when handling returns of custom-made products on your eCommerce store.

The Challenges of Managing Custom-Made Product Returns

The popularity of customizable products is on the rise. The global custom manufacturing market is projected to reach $1,350.2 billion by 2031.

It is inevitable that with the rise of custom-made products, there also comes an increase in custom-made product returns, which need to be handled differently due to their unique nature.

Managing returns for custom-made products presents unique challenges, including:

Complex Product Specifications

When selling custom-made products, you must be prepared to handle returns resulting from errors in specifications or design.

Customers sometimes return custom-made products due to errors in the specifications or design, which may occur if the customer provides incorrect measurements or if there is a mistake in the production process. 

Correcting these errors requires additional time, labor, and materials, which can add to the cost of processing returns.

Limited Resale Value

Due to their unique nature, custom-made products often have limited resale value, making it harder to recover costs from returned products. 

Since each custom-made product is designed specifically for a particular customer, they can be harder to resell as they won’t necessarily appeal to or suit other customers.

High Production Costs

For custom-made products, production costs are often higher due to the fact that each product is unique. 

Since custom-made products are more personalized and require more attention to detail, they require more time, labor, and materials to create, which raises the cost of production.

As a result, you may find it more difficult to offer free returns to your customers. Free returns have become an expectation for many online customers, and they are often viewed as a competitive advantage in the eCommerce industry. 

Due to the higher production costs associated with custom-made products, offering free returns can be more challenging to sustain.

Complicated Returns Process

The returns process for custom-made products can be more complex than for mass-produced products. Each product is unique and requires careful handling and inspection to determine its condition and resale value, making it more time-consuming and costly to assess. 

The additional time and effort required to handle returns can result in longer processing times and higher costs for your business, and can also impact the customer experience as customers may have to wait longer to receive a refund or replacement product.

Best Practices for Handling Returns of Custom-Made Products

Planning and setting up your returns process strategically is key to effectively managing returns of custom-made products.

Here are some best practices for handling returns of custom-made products:

Set Clear Expectations

Setting clear expectations about the product is crucial for managing returns of custom-made products because it helps to reduce the likelihood of returns due to misunderstandings. 

Since custom-made products are unique and personalized to the customer’s specific requirements, make sure that your customers are aware of the product’s specifications, design, and expected delivery date before they place an order.

To do so, provide detailed product descriptions and images that clearly communicate the product’s features, design, and customization options. 

Check Quality Control Before Shipping

Before shipping a custom-made product, it’s important to conduct rigorous quality control checks, to reduce the chances of returns due to defects or errors. 

Have your team review the product’s design, measurements, and any other specifications provided by the customer, as well as test the product’s durability and quality, before shipping out the order. 

Provide a Clear Returns Process

It’s important to provide customers with clear instructions on how to initiate a return and what to expect during the returns process.

The returns process should be easy and user-friendly to reduce the likelihood of customer confusion or frustration.

Provide customers with regular updates on the status of their return to keep them in the loop and reduce customer support queries.

Create a Specialized Return Policy

Create a clearly-defined return policy that covers all aspects of the returns process, including the timeframe for returns, eligibility criteria, and any associated costs.

By setting a clear return policy, you set clear expectations and customers will have a better understanding of their rights and responsibilities when it comes to returning custom-made products, which can help reduce the likelihood of disputes or misunderstandings and improve customer satisfaction.

Automate the Returns Process for Custom-Made Products

One of the most effective ways to automate the returns process for custom-made products is by using a returns management system like ReturnGO. This can help streamline the returns process by automating tasks such as generating return labels, tracking returns, and processing refunds or exchanges.

Some of the benefits of automating returns for custom products include:

Streamlined Returns Process – Automating your returns helps streamline the returns process, making it faster and more efficient, reducing your team’s workload and freeing up time to focus on other tasks.

Improved Accuracy – Automated systems can help ensure that custom product returns are processed accurately, reducing the risk of errors and inconsistencies in the returns process.

Enhanced Customer Experience – An automated returns process can provide customers with a convenient and hassle-free way to return custom-made products, improving their experience and increasing the likelihood of repeat purchases.

Real-Time Tracking and Reporting – With real-time tracking and reporting, you can monitor the status of returns and identify any issues or trends, helping you optimize the returns process and identify areas for improvement.

By using technology to automate the returns process, you can improve the customer experience and save yourself time and money.

Streamline Your Returns Process for Custom-Made Products

While managing returns of custom-made products can be challenging, with the right tools and strategies it can be done effectively. 

By prioritizing customer satisfaction and using technology to streamline the returns process, you can effectively manage returns of custom-made products and maintain a positive relationship with your customers.

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How to Increase Your Average Order Value Using Returns Wed, 17 May 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Returns can be a valuable opportunity to increase your average order value and create a positive customer experience. 

By implementing a customer-centric approach to returns management and adopting strategies such as offering store credit and encouraging exchanges, you can turn product returns into a powerful tool for generating additional revenue and boosting your store’s profitability.

What is Average Order Value (AOV)?

Average Order Value (AOV) is a crucial metric in eCommerce that measures the average amount of money your customers spend on each order.

How to Calculate Average Order Value

To calculate your store’s average order value (AOV), divide the total revenue within a certain timeframe, i.e a year, by the number of orders in that same timeframe.

Average order value = total revenue ÷ total number of orders

Once you know your store’s average order value, you can use it to track how much customers are spending on average and monitor changes over time.

The Impact of Product Returns on AOV

Although at first glance product returns may seem like a negative thing, they actually provide a valuable opportunity to increase your revenue.

When customers return products, it can reduce the total revenue for that order and bring down the AOV for their purchase. However, by offering incentives such as the option to exchange products, you can encourage customers to spend more money on their purchase and generate additional revenue.

For example, if a customer returns a shirt that doesn’t fit, you could offer them a higher-value variant, increasing their purchase value and boosting your store’s average order value. 

Understanding how to increase average order value is essential for having a profitable eCommerce store, and product returns can have a significant impact on this metric.

By using returns as an opportunity to increase AOV, you can turn a potential negative into a positive for your store and boost your profitability.

How to Increase AOV Using the Returns Process

The returns process presents a valuable opportunity to increase your average order value in various ways. 

By implementing strategies like encouraging exchanges, offering store credit instead of refunds, and displaying social proof, you can make returns profitable for your store.

1. Encourage Exchanges

Instead of offering refunds for returned items, encourage customers to exchange them for different items. This keeps the revenue in your store and provides an opportunity to upsell and cross-sell.

To encourage exchanges, make sure to communicate your return and exchange policy clearly on your website and in any post-purchase communications. Provide instructions on how to initiate an exchange and make sure the process is easy and convenient. 

One way to encourage exchanges is to offer free shipping for exchanged items. This incentivizes customers to make an exchange and removes a potential barrier to completing the transaction. 

Another approach is to offer a discount or incentive for exchanging an item for a higher-priced one. This increases the overall value of the exchange and encourages customers to consider higher-priced products they may not have otherwise.

You can also use techniques like personalized product recommendations or discounts to incentivize customers to make an exchange.

It’s important to remember that the exchange process should be as seamless and efficient as possible. Make sure to have adequate inventory and a clear exchange policy to avoid delays or confusion.

2. Set an Order Minimum for Free Returns

To balance the benefits of offering free returns with the costs, consider setting a minimum order threshold for free returns.

For example, you could offer free returns for orders over a certain amount, such as $50 or $100. This encourages customers to make larger purchases and increases your AOV.

Make sure to clearly display the minimum order threshold for free returns on your website and in any post-purchase communications. 

You can also use strategies like countdown timers or limited-time offers to create a sense of urgency and motivate customers to make a purchase that qualifies for free returns.

3. Implement a Loyalty Program

Loyalty programs are a powerful tool for building customer loyalty. Loyal customers can be extremely valuable for your store, as the average amount spent per purchase by loyal customers is 67% higher than by new customers.

Since retaining existing customers is much more cost-effective than looking for new ones, a loyalty program can help you keep customers coming back to buy from your store again and again by rewarding them for spending more.

When creating a customer loyalty program, think about which customers you want to target and what kind of loyalty you want to build. What do you want them to do?

For example, you could offer points or discounts for purchases made with store credit from returns. This increases the value of the return for the customer and encourages them to make additional purchases, boosting their average order value.

Loyalty programs can take various forms such as point systems, tiered rewards, exclusive discounts, or referral programs. 

Your rewards should be relevant to your target audience and align with your brand’s messaging and branding.

4. Offer Store Credit Instead of Refunds

Instead of issuing a refund, offer the customer the option to receive store credit or a gift card that can be used towards future purchases. 

This keeps the customer within your eCommerce store and provides an opportunity to increase their AOV by encouraging them to make additional purchases.

To encourage customers to choose store credit, consider offering an incentive such as a higher credit amount than the refunded amount or a bonus credit amount for future purchases. This incentivizes customers to choose store credit over a refund and increases the overall value of the transaction.

5. Provide a Personalized Customer Experience

Personalization is an effective way to create a positive customer experience and increase the likelihood of repeat purchases. 

A positive experience at a store increases the chance that the customer will seek out that store again next time. 80% of customers are more likely to make a purchase if they are provided with a personalized experience.

Use data such as previous purchases, browsing behavior, or demographics to personalize the shopping experience for each customer. This can include customized product recommendations, personalized offers, or personalized post-purchase follow-up emails.

To implement personalization effectively, use a combination of automation and human interaction. Use data and algorithms to make relevant suggestions, and provide opportunities for customers to interact with your store and provide feedback or input.

6. Automate Your Returns Process

Automating your returns process can save time and resources while providing a faster and more convenient experience for customers. 

By using tools such as returns management software, you can streamline the returns process, resulting in a better customer experience and increasing the likelihood of repeat purchases.

Self-service return portals enable customers to initiate returns and exchanges on their own, reducing the likelihood of errors and delays in the returns process.

In addition to increasing efficiency, automated returns can provide an opportunity to increase AOV by offering customers various options and incentives throughout the returns process.

For example, you can set triggers to automatically offer certain customers the option of exchanging their returned item for a more expensive item and paying the difference, or offer a discount code for future purchases when they choose store credit instead of a refund.

Providing a convenient self-service returns process and incorporating personalized upsell opportunities into the returns process helps increase the chances of your customers making additional purchases and being valuable to your business.

Chat with our experts to boost your customer return experience and LTV today.

7. Display Social Proof

Social proof can be a powerful tool for increasing AOV. 97% of customers look at product reviews and ratings before making a purchase.

Potential customers are more likely to trust information from other customers than from the eCommerce store itself. When they see that others customers have had a positive experience with your returns process, they are more likely to trust and buy from your store.

One effective way to collect social proof is by requesting reviews from customers after they’ve completed a return, and displaying that user-generated content on your product pages and social media.

8. Send Post-Purchase Emails

Post-purchase emails are an effective way to communicate with customers after a purchase and encourage them to make additional purchases. 

Engage with your customers by sending them order confirmation emails, thank you emails, or asking for product reviews.

One way to use post-purchase emails to increase AOV is to recommend related products based on the customer’s purchase history or browsing behavior. For example, if a customer just bought a shirt, you can recommend a pair of pants or a jacket that would complement it. 

Personalized recommendations encourage additional purchases by providing a relevant and engaging shopping experience.

Another approach is to offer discounts or promotions on future purchases in your post-purchase emails. Offer a discount code for the customer’s next purchase, or provide a limited-time promotion on a specific product or category. 

Post-purchase emails can also be used to gather feedback and improve the customer experience. You can include a survey or feedback form in your post-purchase emails to gather insights into your customers’ shopping experience and identify areas for improvement. 

Make sure to include clear calls-to-action and provide relevant and engaging content that encourages the customer to take action. You can also personalize the emails with the customer’s name and purchase history to provide a more personalized experience.

Maximize AOV with Effective Returns Management

Returns can be a valuable opportunity to enhance loyalty and trust in your store. By implementing strategies such as offering store credit instead of refunds and encouraging exchanges, you can turn returns into a positive shopping experience that generates additional revenue.

To fully capitalize on returns as an opportunity for increased profitability, use ReturnGO to provide a personalized and engaging shopping experience that meets the needs and preferences of your customers.

A customer-centric approach to returns management will help you increase your average order value and boost your store’s profitability while improving the customer experience.

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Returns Management Lessons From the Kitchen Mon, 15 May 2023 08:00:00 +0000 If you’ve ever spent time in the kitchen, you know that cooking requires precision, attention to detail, and a dash of creativity. But did you know that these same principles apply to managing returns for your eCommerce store? 

Just like a chef crafting a new recipe, you need to carefully plan your return policy and process to create an experience that your customers will love.

And like a pinch of spice can take a dish from ho-hum to yum, small touches in your returns process can elevate the customer experience from tolerable to terrific.

So grab your apron, fire up the stove, and let’s explore how cooking principles can help you cook up some fantastic returns management strategies.

Key Ingredients for Effective Returns Management

Just like a chef needs the right mix of ingredients to create a delicious dish, you need the right mix of elements to provide a satisfying returns experience for your customers. 

From crafting the perfect return policy to seasoning the process with clear communication and speedy refunds, every aspect of returns management contributes to the customer experience.

Recipes: Crafting a Return Policy

Think of your return policy as the recipe that your customers will follow when they need to initiate a return. 

You want to make sure that your return policy is easy to understand, with clear instructions for customers on how to start the returns process and what steps they need to take.

Like a recipe, a clear return policy should include all of the necessary ingredients. This includes details about the types of items that are eligible for returns, the timeframe in which returns can be made, and any special instructions or requirements for initiating a return.

Here are some tips for crafting your return policy:

  • Keep it simple – Your return policy should be easy to understand and straightforward. Use simple and concise language and avoid using technical jargon that can confuse customers.
  • Provide clear instructions – Break down the returns process into clear step-by-step instructions for how customers can initiate a return, including the process for packaging and shipping the item. 

Just like a recipe when cooking, make sure your return policy is clear and easy to understand for your customers so they’ll be able to initiate a return with confidence, knowing exactly what steps to take, and be left with a positive experience that will keep them coming back for more.

Seasoning: Enhance the Customer Experience

Seasoning a dish requires a fine touch and close attention to detail. The smallest things, such as a pinch of salt, can make all the difference in creating a dish that is delicious and memorable. The same is true for returns management.

Just as the right amount of seasoning can transform a dish, every little detail in the returns process can transform the customer experience. 

To add spice to the customer experience, pay attention to the details:

  • Offer multiple return options – Providing multiple return methods such as in-store returns or pre-paid return shipping labels helps you cater to different customer needs and preferences and make the returns process more convenient. 
  • Give a discount code – Offering customers a discount code for a future purchase is a great way to show appreciation and incentivize them to continue shopping with your store.
  • Be responsive – Being responsive to customer inquiries and concerns throughout the returns process helps to build trust and loyalty with customers by addressing any issues or concerns promptly and professionally.
  • Make it easy – Simplifying the returns process and making it easy for customers to initiate and track their returns can help to create a seamless and hassle-free experience for their customers.

By paying attention to the little details, you can create a returns process that meets customers’ needs and exceeds their expectations.

Timing: Cooking Up Quick Refunds

Just as you want to cook your food for the right amount of time to achieve the perfect result, you want to process returns quickly to provide your customers with the best possible experience.

When it comes to returns, customers want a fast and hassle-free process. They don’t want to wait weeks for their refund to be processed or have to jump through hoops to get their money back.

52% of customers would spend more if they knew they would receive a refund quickly – in fact, they spend an average of 23% more.

That’s why it’s important to prioritize quick refunds in your returns process. Just like cooking a meal, timing is everything. If you leave your food in the oven too long, it could burn or dry out. 

Similarly, if you delay processing a return, it could lead to customer frustration and dissatisfaction. Customers are 77% less likely to recommend your business if the refund process is slow.

Here are some strategies for expediting refund processing times:

  • Automate the refund process – Use a returns management system to automate the refund process to reduce the amount of time it takes to process refunds and minimize the risk of errors. 
  • Communicate with customers – Send automated emails to keep customers informed about the status of their refund and estimated timeframes to reduce uncertainty and frustration.

By focusing on quick refunds, you can build customer trust and loyalty and improve satisfaction with the returns process. Cook up those quick refunds and watch as your customers come back for more!

Presentation: A Tasty Returns Experience

Presentation is key when it comes to cooking, and it’s just as important when it comes to providing a returns experience that’s both user-friendly and visually appealing. 

Just as you want to present a dish that’s both delicious and visually pleasing, you want to create a returns process that’s intuitive and easy to navigate.

Customers don’t want to have to sift through multiple pages or navigate confusing menus just to initiate a return. They want a process that’s simple, straightforward, and easy to use.

Focus on your presentation by using clear and concise language in your return portal, branding it to match your brand style, and making sure that your returns process is easy to follow.

  • Use a simple and clean design for your return portal – Use easy-to-read fonts and your brand colors on your return portal and make sure that important information is highlighted or bolded for easy visibility.
  • Provide clear communication throughout the process – Customers want to be kept informed about the status of their return, from the moment they initiate it to the moment they receive their refund. Send automated email notifications to let them know that their return has been received, is being processed, and has been completed.
  • Make sure that customers can easily find the return portal – Make sure that customers can easily find the return portal, and that it’s prominently displayed on your website, on product pages, and in confirmation emails.

By focusing on presentation and providing a user-friendly returns experience, you show customers that you value their time and business, which can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Add Flavor to Your Returns Experience

By understanding the similarities between returns management and cooking, you can improve your returns process and create a better experience for your customers. 

But it’s not just about the ingredients, the execution is what makes the difference. ReturnGO helps you with the execution and helps you add flavor to your returns.

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8 Financial Tips to Consider When Starting a New Business Thu, 11 May 2023 12:00:00 +0000 When you run a business, the success of your business will depend on your expertise with your product or service. Especially if you don’t have lots of experience managing business finances, it might be more of a challenge for you. 

Therefore, when thinking about starting your own business, there are a few things you need to think about, and financial management is one of them. 

Let’s dive deeper into this article to learn more about the most important financial tips you should consider when starting your new business. 

8 Financial Tips to Follow When You Start Your New Business 

1. Define Your Business Concept 

If you want your business to be profitable, you need to know what you are good at. Most businesses that fail at financial management also have a business that isn’t as profitable. If you don’t have any ideas on what you want your business to be, ask yourself some important questions: 

  • What are you good at? 
  • What is something you have always been wanting to do? 
  • What do you love and hate to do? 
  • Can you think of something that makes things easier? 
  • What kind of advice do people ask from you? 

After answering these questions, you can have a better idea about your business. Once you have your idea, it’s now time to expand it and see if it’s profitable or not. Having the right business concept is what contributes to your financial management. If your idea isn’t profitable, your financial management won’t be either. 

2. Don’t Overdo Your Budget 

It’s always highly important to stick to your budget and prevent your small business from getting into debt. This is where you can differentiate between the “must-haves” and the “wants”. In fact, most small businesses will spend around $40,000 in their first years. Creating a budget for your business and sticking to it is what helps you pay off loans and avoid any unnecessary expenses that might harm your business in the long term. 

3. Consult With Professionals 

    Experience is the best teacher of them all. Giving yourself enough time to research and learn about something is excellent, but paying a professional who always deals with financial management is even better for your long-term profits. 

    In this case, here are some professionals you can consider hiring: 

    • Attorneys: These are excellent for providing guidelines on how you can structure your business and deal with legal paperwork. Also, they can tell you about all local laws that are impacting your business. Many businesses might find it hard to find the time to deal with paperwork, but attorneys are excellent for this. After all, avoiding legal compliance can have a negative long-term effect on your business. 

    • Accountants: Before you start a business, accountants can inform you based on which type of business you are running. You need to know your type of business in order to know which financial plan to follow and pay attention to the taxes. 

    • Insurance agents: As we mentioned before, insurance agents can save you thousands to even millions of dollars. They can inform you of all the different types of insurance you can get and how they’ll cover you. One common mistake most businesses make is not getting insured. 79% of insured drivers will buy comprehensive coverage, so they can save money from long-term damages. Imagine if you had physical damage to your vehicle and it wasn’t covered. The long-term costs will add up much more than you might think! 

    Consider Getting Insurance 

    Moreover, if you want to securely avoid overdoing your budget, you can consider getting insurance. One of the most popular types of insurance, provided you are in the trucking business, is motor truck cargo insurance. This type of insurance will ensure the value of heavy loads as they work up from point A to B. Therefore, anything that is carried over is undercover. 

    This type of insurance is mainly used for covering the liability of paying thousands to even millions of dollars worth of goods. In order to ensure you get the right type of insurance, you need to talk to an experienced firm. For instance, motor truck cargo insurance by CoverWallet allows you to gain their trucking insurance expertise in three simple steps: 

    • Receive your free quotes from expert insurance advisors 
    • Talk to your personal agent that they’ll offer you 
    • Get insured and save thousands of dollars 

    Financial management is important, but what contributes to it are also the external factors that might cause long-term damage to your finances. 

    4. Reinvest 

    Many might underestimate the power of reinvesting. However, it’s a method to promote financial growth and increase profits. Reinvestment is a hidden effective financial management strategy that helps you with your long-term goals. Moreover, never lose sight of your long-term goals and always make sure to reinvest your capital back into the company, so you can continue to grow it. 

    Reward your team for your hard work and don’t try to overdo it. Hire more people when there’s a need, invest in your marketing, and even try to use technologies that contribute to your business, such as returns management automation.

    Investing in a reliable returns management system can improve the customer experience, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. By allocating resources towards implementing powerful returns management technology, you are making a strategic investment that can yield long-term financial benefits for your business. 

    5. Manage Your Cash Flows 

    More than 80% of businesses will fail because they have cash flow issues. Starting a business costs money and if your money is not coming from other sources, it’ll cause many major issues for you. 

    Regardless of your revenue source, you need to track your expenses and balance them out, so you can ensure your cash flow is covering the company’s costs and keeping it running. If expenses overtake your business, your bank account will easily collapse and you can after say goodbye to your finances. 

    Effectively managing your cash flow requires a combination of keeping your assets under control. As a business owner, you need to make careful decisions, and having the right cash flow is one of them. However, keep in mind that you need to take care of your cash flow from the start of your business. 

    6. Keep Your Business Credit Healthy 

    As your business keeps growing, you’ll have to make many more purchases along the way. If you have poor business credit, getting transactional approval and acquisition becomes much more challenging. 

    If you want to keep your credit at a good level, you have to aim to pay off your debt funding as soon as you can. Try to avoid letting your business credit cards run on a balance of more than a few weeks. Moreover, don’t take out loans with high-interest rates because it’ll hurt your finances in the long term. 

    The simple rule to follow is to seek funding that you can afford and to repay it as quickly as you can. 

    7. Don’t Forget About Emergency Funds

    Emergency funds are something important to pay attention to. They help you get through your personal or family crisis without having to worry about financial management. However, keep in mind that you should use separate emergency funds for your personal and professional life. Many businesses will make the mistake of using their personal emergency funds for their business as well. 

    You’d be surprised that around 44% of businesses actually don’t have any emergency funds. In case of a crisis, these businesses usually go bankrupt, or have to take a loan to survive. 

    8. Separate Fixed and Overhead Expenses 

    Before you commit to larger expenses, you need to ensure that your revenue is enough to support your costs. One way to keep a well-structured balance is to completely avoid any expenses that’ll be larger fixed costs to your business. 

    What kind of costs are these? It includes office space, equipment, and new hires that are made. Whenever you add the fixed costs to it, it increases the minimum amount of revenue that is required to break out even. 

    You can consider the cost savings of using co-working spaces or continuing to run your business online, or from your own home. Overall, the more focused you are on productivity and reducing unnecessary expenses, the better it’ll be for you in the long term. 

    Why Does Financial Management Matter?

    If you don’t know where your money is going, you can never run a successful business. You need to carefully monitor your finances and be aware of them. If you can’t do this, you’ll run into numerous issues in the long term. 

    Going bankrupt is easy to do if you don’t have the right management skills and this isn’t something you want to happen. Therefore, be sure to keep an open mind and pay close attention to these tips.

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    From Orders to Returns: The Importance of Tracking Wed, 10 May 2023 10:00:00 +0000 Track customers’ orders and provide regular updates on their status from the moment the order is placed to its delivery, including any potential returns, to easily handle any issues that arise and keep your customers in the loop every step of the way.

    The Importance of Efficient Tracking in eCommerce

    Tracking orders and returns provides valuable insights that can help you optimize your operations and improve customer satisfaction.

    Without tracking, you would be operating in the dark, with no way of knowing how your business is performing or where it can improve. Tracking enables you to monitor your orders and returns and adjust your process accordingly.

    Additionally, customers expect transparency and want to know when they can expect their purchase or refund. Keep your customers updated on the status of their order or return to reduce uncertainty, thus reducing customer inquiries and support requests.

    How Tracking Helps Meet Customer Expectations

    In today’s online world, customers expect to be able to easily track their orders and returns in real-time. By meeting these expectations, you can improve customer satisfaction and prevent unhappy customers.

    By providing tracking information proactively, you can reduce the volume of customer inquiries and complaints. Customers will have the information they need upfront, reducing the need for them to contact customer support.

    Timely tracking updates can help manage customer expectations for delivery and returns. By providing accurate and timely information, you can help customers plan accordingly and reduce the risk of missed deliveries or returns.

    Providing real-time tracking information improves the customer experience in the following ways:

    Builds Customer Trust

    Providing easy tracking builds customer trust by increasing transparency and reducing uncertainty. 

    When customers are kept up-to-date on the status of their order or return, they feel more informed and involved in the process. Transparency increases trust in your store and makes customers feel confident about making a purchase. 

    If customers don’t have to chase after updates, they’re more likely to remain customers.

    Real-time tracking updates help reduce uncertainty by demonstrating your commitment to transparency and customer satisfaction.

    Keeps Customers in the Loop

    Providing tracking notifications helps keep customers in the loop, giving them visibility into the status of their deliveries and returns. 

    Notify customers when their order has been shipped, when it’s out for delivery, and when it has been delivered. This information helps customers plan their time and make sure they’re available to receive their orders. 

    Similarly, for returns, help customers know when their return has been received by your store and when they can expect a refund, to reduce uncertainty and give customers peace of mind. 

    Makes it Easy to Track Orders and Returns

    By making tracking information easily accessible, you can provide a seamless and convenient experience for customers.

    Make it easy to track orders and returns by providing customers with real-time updates about the status of their shipment, so that customers don’t need to contact your customer service team to find out where their order or return is. 

    The click rate of confirmation emails is 70% higher than that of regular marketing emails, and 64% of customers consider order confirmations to be the most valuable emails.

    By constantly providing tracking updates, you can improve the customer experience and boost customer loyalty.

    Improves Customer Satisfaction

    Accessible tracking information makes customers more satisfied and more likely to buy again and refer your store to others because it provides a sense of control and confidence in the purchasing process. 

    Use notifications as an opportunity to proactively reach out to customers, instead of waiting for them to contact you asking for information about their orders.

    Besides getting up-to-date information about their order’s status and location, customers want to know about new collections and products, special discounts, and product recommendations.

    Order update emails can be a great opportunity to increase sales and keep your customers engaged.

    Use Tracking to Increase Efficiency

    Order and returns tracking can help you increase efficiency, improve accuracy and streamline your order and returns management. 

    By tracking all your orders and returns in one place, you can ensure that the correct products are being shipped and received, reducing errors and ultimately increasing customer satisfaction. 

    Moreover, tracking provides valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences which can help you make data-driven decisions for your business.

    Tracking can improve your store’s efficiency in the following ways:

    Streamline Order and Returns Management

    Tracking helps you manage your orders and returns efficiently, showing you when your return shipments are due back at your warehouse, and streamlining the fulfillment process.

    With a tracking number assigned to every order and return, and all order and return information gathered in one place, it is easier to manage and track each shipment, reducing the risk of errors or missed deliveries. 

    It is important to know exactly where your orders stand at any given moment in order to make informed business decisions, such as restocking inventory or adjusting your pricing.

    Reduce Shipping Errors and Costs

    With real-time updates about your order and return shipments, you can identify and resolve any issues that may arise during the shipping process, reducing shipping errors and costs.

    Tracking shipments helps you anticipate problems and deal with them promptly as they arise. As a result, customers are more likely to receive their orders in good condition and on time, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and repeat purchases. 

    Additionally, by improving accuracy and reducing costs, you can save money and resources.

    Gain Actionable Insights 

    Keeping track of your outgoing and incoming shipments can provide valuable insights into customer behavior and product quality. 

    By analyzing your order and return data, you can identify trends in customer preferences and purchasing habits, and identify any issues with products or the shipping process.

    Improve Inventory Management and Forecasting

    By tracking orders and returns, you can identify which products are popular and which are returned most frequently, and for what reasons. 

    Look at your data to identify patterns and pinpoint the root causes of returns. For example, if you notice a high rate of returns for a specific product due to sizing issues, you can adjust your sizing chart or provide more detailed sizing information to reduce future returns.

    Using historical sales data and current order trends, you can also predict future demand, and adjust inventory levels accordingly.

    Elevate Your eCommerce Business with Effective Tracking

    By implementing order tracking and returns tracking, you can improve your customer service, reduce shipping errors, and gain insights into your sales and inventory. 

    Provide constant tracking updates to keep customers informed about the status of their orders to provide a seamless shopping experience for your customers. 

    Track your orders and returns to easily manage your entire eCommerce process from end to end, and provide your customers with a seamless experience.

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    The Impact of Attachment Styles on eCommerce Returns Sun, 07 May 2023 08:00:00 +0000 When customers shop online, they form attachments to the stores they buy from. These attachments are influenced by their attachment styles, which are patterns of behavior formed in childhood.

    By understanding the different attachment styles and how they can impact customer behavior in returns, you can optimize your returns process and better serve your customers.

    Just a heads up before we dive into this topic – while we enjoy exploring psychology-related ideas, we’re not licensed psychologists or experts in the field; we simply find it to be a fascinating subject to discuss. So while we may not have all the answers, we hope this provides some food for thought.

    Attachment Theory and Customer Behavior in Returns

    Attachment theory is a psychological theory that explains how humans form emotional bonds with others and how they manage their relationships.

    Just like any other relationship, the relationship between a customer and an eCommerce store involves interactions, communication, and a level of trust.

    When it comes to online product returns, customers’ attachment styles can play a role in their behavior and emotional responses to the returns process.

    The four main attachment styles in attachment theory are anxious, avoidant, disorganized, and secure.

    Each of these attachment styles can impact how customers behave when they return an item, and attachment theory has been shown to predict important marketing metrics such as repurchase intention, loyalty, trust, and positive word-of-mouth. 

    By understanding how attachment styles manifest in your customers, you can tailor your returns process to better serve their needs and ultimately build stronger and longer-lasting customer relationships. 

    Attachment Styles and How They Relate to Returns

    Most adults are considered to be securely attached, meaning that it is relatively easy to find relationship partners, develop trust, and form close relationships characterized by stability, intimacy, and satisfaction.

    However, there are customers who may have other attachment styles that impact their behavior when it comes to returns. 

    By understanding the different attachment styles and how they can impact customer behavior in returns, you can tailor your returns process to better accommodate the needs of all customers and improve their overall experience.

    Let’s break down each attachment style and how it manifests in returns, and see how you can adjust your returns process to suit each style.

    Anxious Attachment (Preoccupied)

    Anxious attachment is characterized by a fear of abandonment and a need for constant reassurance. 

    People with an anxious attachment style tend to have a high need for validation and reassurance in relationships. They may worry about being rejected or abandoned and seek constant contact and closeness with their partners. 

    Customers with an anxious attachment style may have similar needs for validation and reassurance. They’re more likely to seek out customer service support and need clear communication throughout the returns process to feel secure. 

    Anxious customers are also more likely to experience anxiety or distress when returning a product, as it may trigger feelings of rejection or abandonment.

    Steph Anya, a licensed marriage and family therapist, says “When I see adults who have this anxious attachment style, those are typically adults where if a person hasn’t texted them back they’re freaking out, they’re anxious, they’re thinking that person is going to abandon them. 

    They’re the kind of person that really tries to read between the lines. They might be easily hurt or offended, and sensitive, because they’re always looking for cues that a person might reject them or reject their needs.”

    So too, in eCommerce, customers with an anxious attachment style may be worried that their return won’t be approved, and might need additional reassurance from customer support.

    This can include sending automated emails to confirm receipt of the returned product, providing regular updates on the status of the return, and offering personalized support and reassurance. 

    Avoidant Attachment (Dismissive)

    People with an avoidant attachment style tend to prioritize independence and self-sufficiency in relationships. They may have difficulty with emotional intimacy and may withdraw or become distant when faced with conflict or emotional expression. 

    Customers with an avoidant attachment style may be less likely to seek out customer service support and may prefer a more self-service approach to returns. They may also be more likely to avoid returning products altogether and may prioritize finding alternative solutions on their own.

    Provide a self-service returns process to make customers with an avoidant attachment style feel more comfortable, enabling them to go through the whole returns process on their own, using a self-service return portal and automated notifications.

    By respecting the customer’s need for independence and self-sufficiency, you can help customers with an avoidant attachment style feel more empowered and in control.

    Disorganized Attachment (Fearful-Avoidant)

    People with a disorganized attachment style tend to have conflicting or inconsistent patterns of behavior in relationships. They may experience fear or distrust of their partners, while also seeking out their closeness and affection. 

    Customers with a disorganized attachment style may have difficulty navigating the returns process and may experience mixed emotions about returning a product. 

    They may need more personalized support and reassurance throughout the process to feel secure and may have a higher likelihood of experiencing anxiety or distress when returning a product.

    They may also struggle to communicate their needs and concerns, which can lead to more misunderstandings and conflicts.

    It’s important to provide personalized support and reassurance throughout the returns process for customers with a disorganized attachment style. 

    This can include assigning a dedicated customer service representative to handle the return, offering flexible options for return shipping, and providing clear instructions and expectations for the process. It may also be helpful to follow up with the customer after the return has been processed to ensure that they are satisfied with the outcome. 

    By demonstrating consistency and reliability, you can help customers with a disorganized attachment style feel more secure and confident.

    Secure Attachment

    People with a secure attachment style tend to have a strong sense of self-worth and value healthy relationships based on mutual respect and trust. They are comfortable with emotional intimacy and have effective communication skills in relationships. 

    Securely attached customers have been found to show a strong desire for close relationships with companies and can be effectively targeted with social relationship programs.

    When it comes to returns, customers with a secure attachment style are more likely to be more optimistic and trusting. They value clear and consistent communication and are more likely to seek out customer service support if needed. 

    Customers with a secure attachment style are more likely to find it easy to navigate and complete the returns process with minimal issues. It is also more likely that they will have a positive experience in general, making them great candidates for leaving reviews and providing feedback.

    The Role of Trust and Connection in Reducing Returns

    Trust and connection are crucial components of any relationship, including the relationship 

    between stores and customers. 

    Building trust and connection can help reduce return rates by encouraging customers to feel more comfortable with initiating a return, and making them less likely to have a negative experience.

    You can cultivate trust and connection with customers through returns management strategies such as offering personalized support, transparent communication, and an easy-to-use returns process.

    “Attachment styles are valid predictors of important marketing measures, such as repurchase intention, loyal behavior, commitment, trust, and positive word-of-mouth. 

    Additionally, there are indications that high levels of attachment anxiety and avoidance lead to negative consumer behavior after a consumer-firm relationship comes to an end.” 

    The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, Volume 33, 2023 – Issue 1

    Applying Attachment Theory to Returns Management

    Apply attachment theory to your returns management strategies by tailoring them to the different attachment styles. 

    For example, you can use data analysis to identify patterns in return behavior and offer personalized support and communication to customers with attachment styles that need extra support and reassurance. 

    Ideally, you want to focus mostly on targetting customers with a secure attachment style, as they’re more likely to form social bonds and trust in relationships, making them valuable assets for your eCommerce store.

    To effectively target this customer segment, identify customers who have a secure attachment style. This can help you create an efficient returns process, as these customers are most likely to have a positive return experience and maintain long-term relationships with your store.

    Store attachment, or attachment to a store, has a big influence on people’s interactions with a store. Attached customers are more likely to return to the store, spend more, and are more likely to be proactive.

    Take the time to assess your customers’ attachment styles and adjust your products and services accordingly, to create a loyal customer base and drive sustainable growth for your business.

    Use Attachment Styles to Improve Your Returns Process

    By understanding these different attachment styles, you can better anticipate and manage customer behavior in product returns.

    Now that you know how attachment theory can impact customer behavior in returns, and the role of trust and connection in reducing returns, you can apply attachment theory to your returns management strategy and be more effective in your communications.

    The relationship between a customer and an eCommerce store is multifaceted, involving interactions, communication, and a level of trust. By prioritizing the customer’s experience, communicating effectively, and building trust, you can foster strong relationships with customers and ultimately drive long-term business success.

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    The ROI of Sustainable eCommerce Returns Wed, 03 May 2023 09:30:00 +0000 Sustainable returns aren’t just good for the environment – they’re also good for your bottom line. By implementing a sustainable eCommerce returns process, you can save money and reduce waste while building customer loyalty and driving repeat business.

    The Connection Between Sustainability and ROI

    When you make sustainability a priority for your business, it can actually help you make more money in the long run. 

    By cutting down on waste, reducing costs, and attracting more eco-conscious customers, you can improve your ROI and help the environment at the same time.

    How Sustainable Returns Can Increase ROI

    In today’s world, where environmental sustainability has become a major concern for customers and businesses alike, adopting sustainable practices can benefit your eCommerce store in several ways.

    Tax Benefits and Other Financial Incentives

    In many countries, the government provides tax benefits and other financial incentives to businesses that adopt sustainable practices. 

    In recent years, renewable energy has become increasingly recognized as having economic, environmental, and political value, and many government agencies and organizations offer incentives for businesses to invest in renewable energy.

    Incentives include things like income tax credits, sales and property tax exemptions, grants, rebates, and “green loans.”

    Moreover, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has regulations for pollution prevention that manufacturers must follow, so make sure you are in compliance with them.

    Some incentives provided by local and national entities include:

    • Business Energy Investment Tax Credit – The Business Energy Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is a federal tax credit for businesses for building or purchasing equipment that generates renewable energy. 

    For example, if you buy solar panels for your business, you can get up to 30% credit on their cost. You may also be able to claim city and state tax incentives for installing solar panels for your business.

    • Energy Star – The Energy Star program, run by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy, helps businesses save money and reduce carbon footprint by providing resources and guidance on energy efficiency.
    • Green Jobs Initiative – The Green Jobs Initiative is a federal program that provides grants to businesses that educate their staff on sustainable business practices.

    Stay up-to-date about relevant regulations and use available resources to increase your profits through sustainable eCommerce practices.

    Reduced Costs

    Sustainable returns practices can help you reduce costs associated with returns management. 

    Returns management can generate a significant amount of waste, which can be costly to dispose of properly. By implementing sustainable returns practices, you can reduce the amount of waste generated from returns and save on disposal fees.

    For example, you can implement a program to recycle returned items. Working with a recycling company can help make sure that materials are properly sorted and processed.

    You can also encourage customers to return items in their original packaging to reduce the need for additional packaging materials.

    By minimizing the amount of waste generated from returns, you can save on disposal costs and production costs, reducing your environmental footprint while increasing your bottom line.

    Competitive Advantage

    Adopting sustainable returns practices can also give you a competitive advantage in the eCommerce market

    Today’s customers are increasingly aware of the impact their purchases have on the environment and are looking to buy from businesses that share their values. 

    78% of customers say their buying decisions are influenced by a business’s environmental practices – customers want to know that the stores they shop at are committed to sustainability. 

    By demonstrating your commitment to sustainability through your returns management process, you can appeal to eco-conscious customers and gain a competitive edge in the market.

    Additional Revenue from Returned Products

    Sustainable returns practices can also help you generate additional revenue from returned products by implementing a circular economy

    By refurbishing or reselling returned items, you can turn what would otherwise be a loss into a profit. This additional revenue can help increase your store’s ROI and improve your bottom line.

    Some ways to gain additional revenue from returned products include:

    • Refurbish and resell – Instead of simply discarding returned items, you can repair them for resale. 

    This reduces waste and generates additional revenue by enabling you to sell refurbished products at a discounted price.

    • Sell to liquidation companies – Another option is to sell returned products in bulk to secondary markets or liquidation companies. 

    These companies will purchase products at a reduced rate and sell them in other markets, providing you with additional revenue from items that would otherwise go to waste.

    • Resell as “open-box” – Returned items that are in good condition can be resold at a discount on your site or on third-party reCommerce sites.

    By offering open-box items at a discounted price, you can appeal to budget-conscious customers who are willing to buy products that have been opened or slightly used. 

    Think about this – if you don’t resell those returned products, where will they go? 

    To the garbage dump, or to sit on your warehouse shelves collecting dust? If that’s the case, it definitely makes more sense to resell returned products than to lose money on them.

    Increased Customer Lifetime Value

    It is important to remember that customers who are satisfied with your returns process are more likely to continue doing business with you in the future. 

    Customer loyalty is one of the most valuable assets your store can have. Loyal customers spend an average of 67% more per purchase than new customers.

    When customers feel a strong connection to your store, they are more likely to spend more, buy more often, and recommend your store to others.

    Customers are becoming increasingly conscious of their impact on the environment, and they want to buy from stores that do their part to reduce their environmental footprint. 

    By implementing sustainable returns practices such as repairing and reselling returned items, using eco-friendly packaging materials, and donating returned items to charity, you can show your customers that you are committed to minimizing waste and protecting the environment.

    Customers who prioritize sustainability are more likely to be loyal to businesses that share their values. By offering a sustainable return process, you can attract more customers and increase customer loyalty, repeat business, and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

    Real-World Examples of Sustainable Returns Management

    Sustainable returns management is becoming more important for businesses of all sizes, as customers become increasingly conscious of their environmental impact. 

    Let’s take a look at some real-world examples of how stores are improving their ROI and reducing waste through sustainable practices.

    Best Buy

    One of the more environmentally-conscious stores, Best Buy is ranked among the top 5 of Barron’s 100 Most Sustainable Companies.

    Best Buy aims to protect the environment, conserve natural resources, and prevent pollution by:

    • Reducing carbon emissions
    • Recycling returned products
    • Offering a variety of sustainable products

    Between 2009 and 2023, Best Buy has already:

    • Collected over 2 billion pounds of recyclables from customers.
    • Reduced carbon emissions by 61%.

    Waste diversion is one of Best Buy’s major goals. 

    In order to achieve this, Best Buy offers a recycling program, through which customers can recycle electronics such as phones, laptops, and tablets for free at Best Buy store locations.

    The company also has a service that removes TVs and appliances, which is convenient for those who prefer not to dump used items in the trash.

    At the same time, Best Buy uses machines that create custom boxes and envelopes designed to fit the products being shipped out, resulting in a 40% reduction in cardboard waste and no need to use plastic fillers.


    Patagonia has implemented several sustainability initiatives, including:

    • Worn Wear –  Worn Wear is an online program to trade in and buy used Patagonia gear, encouraging customers to partner with Patagonia to extend the life of those products. 

    On this reCommerce site, customers can trade in used Patagonia clothing and receive credit for a used or new Patagonia item.

    Most items are cleaned using CO2 technology, saving water and energy (compared to conventional methods) and capturing microfibers.

    Through this initiative, Patagonia has awarded over $140 million in cash and in-kind donations to domestic and international grassroots environmental groups that make a positive difference in their communities. 

    To encourage other businesses to do the same, Patagonia’s founder Yvon Chouinard and Blue Ribbon Fly’s owner Craig Mathews created a non-profit corporation in 2002.

    • Action Works – Patagonia Action Works connects people with organizations working on environmental issues in the same community. 

    The goal of this program is to make it easy for anyone to discover and connect with environmental action groups and get involved with their work.

    In addition to those sustainable programs, Patagonia also provides DIY repair and care tutorials to show customers how to keep their gear in usable shape for as long as possible.

    As an industry leader in retail sustainability, Patagonia is working hard to become a zero-waste company and strives to set a high standard for businesses and customers to follow.


    What’s impressive about Ikea is that their commitment to sustainability extends far beyond the initial appeal of their products. In fact, their products are intentionally designed to be reusable and sustainable.

    Ikea aims to use only renewable or recycled materials and to provide new solutions for customers to prolong the life of products and materials. This includes manufacturing products using sustainable materials and ensuring that the majority of their waste is recycled or incinerated into energy.

    To ensure that products can be reused, refurbished, remanufactured, and eventually recycled, Ikea has developed circular product design principles. 

    Designing for standardization and adaptability ensures that products can be reused and refurbished with scalable maintenance and repair services. Standardized parts also facilitate remanufacturing by making it easier to reuse parts in another product.

    Another sustainable returns initiative Ikea has implemented is a buyback program in around 30 countries, including at the Ikea store in Vancouver, Canada, which rewards customers for bringing in their used Ikea furniture. Customers simply upload a photo of the furniture online, wait for the return to get approved, and drop it off. 

    The returned items, after being cleaned, go to a special section of the store. In 2020 alone, the company helped give 39 million used products a new life. 

    By creating circular solutions for both existing and new customers to acquire, care for, and pass on products, Ikea reduces waste and extends the life of their products.

    Sustainable eCommerce Returns Initiatives of Industry Leaders

    When it comes to sustainable eCommerce returns, many businesses are following the lead of companies like Best Buy, Patagonia, and Ikea and prioritizing waste diversion, offering recycling programs, and designing products with circular principles in mind.

    As sustainability becomes a growing concern, eCommerce stores are adopting more sustainable practices. By following the lead of sustainable stores and implementing their own initiatives, more and more businesses are demonstrating their commitment to a greener future while improving their bottom line.

    Make Sustainability a Priority for Your eCommerce Business

    Implement a sustainable returns process to benefit the environment while also benefitting your business in terms of revenue and profitability.

    By making sustainability a priority and taking steps towards reducing waste and improving your returns process, you can create a win-win situation for both your business and the planet. 

    Take action today and see how sustainable eCommerce returns can help you achieve your business goals while making a positive impact on the world.

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    Returns to Revenue: Boosting eCommerce ROI Mon, 01 May 2023 08:18:00 +0000 Product returns are often viewed negatively in eCommerce – but what if we told you that embracing returns could actually boost your eCommerce ROI?

    By implementing the right strategies, you can turn eCommerce returns into an opportunity to increase revenue and retain customers. 

    Understanding the Financial Impact of eCommerce Returns

    Returns can be costly. Processing returns manually can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. 

    Let’s break it down: If, for example, each return request requires 10 touchpoints, each taking 12 minutes to process, that’s around two hours of wasted time and productivity per return, in addition to the associated labor costs.

    In addition to the cost of processing the returns, there are costs such as shipping and restocking items and the cost of managing inventory.

    However, the financial impact of returns is not just negative. With the right strategy, returns can also be an opportunity to increase revenue and profitability.

    How to Turn a Negative into a Positive

    The potential ROI of product returns is often overlooked. Returns can be an opportunity to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. By offering hassle-free returns and exchanges, you can show customers that you value their satisfaction and are committed to providing a positive shopping experience.

    By optimizing your returns process and automating it where possible, you can turn returns management into a profitability booster. 

    Boost Your ROI Using eCommerce Returns

    By implementing a few key strategies such as maximizing the value of returned items and retaining revenue with exchanges, you can maximize your ROI through returns and turn a potential liability into a profitable opportunity.

    Maximize the Value of Returned Items

    Maximizing the value of returned items is a key strategy for increasing your ROI on returns. While some returned items may not be able to be resold as new, there are still ways to extract value from them. 

    Here are some strategies for maximizing the value of returned items:

    • Resell –  Instead of throwing away returned items that are in good condition, you can resell them at a discount. This prevents waste and offers customers an opportunity to purchase sustainable items.

    A great way to do this is to work with third-party repair companies and reCommerce companies. 

    Reselling returned items can help you get back some of the money you lost and even generate additional revenue.

    • Recycle – Incorporate recycling into your returns process to reduce waste and prevent materials from ending up in landfills. 

    Returned products can be recycled and used as raw materials for new products, thereby extending the product’s life, reducing waste, and helping the environment.

    • Donate – Encourage customers to donate returned items instead of shipping them back. This can help reduce waste and demonstrate social responsibility, and generate customer trust.

    Instead of letting returned items go to waste, find ways to reuse and repurpose items to create a circular economy, which both maximizes the value of returns and contributes to a more sustainable world.

    Retain Customers Through a Positive Experience

    When a customer returns an item, it’s an opportunity to engage with them and provide a positive experience so they’re more likely to come back and shop with you again.

    Customer loyalty is one of the most valuable assets your business can have. Loyal customers spend an average of 67% more per purchase than new customers. 

    To retain customers through a positive returns experience, it is important to make the process as easy and straightforward as possible. 

    Provide a self-service return portal to make it easy for customers to request a return or exchange. 

    Offering customers the convenience of initiating and tracking their returns online empowers them to feel in control of the process. This helps to reduce the frustration and anxiety that can come with returning a product and can lead to a more positive experience. 

    Some ways to create a positive return experience:

    • Make returns easy – Provide a hassle-free returns process, with clear instructions and an easy-to-use online return portal.
    • Offer free returns – Offer free returns or return shipping to show your customers that you value their business.
    • Provide fast refunds – Process refunds and exchanges quickly to keep your customers satisfied.
    • Personalize the returns experience – Use personalized messaging to communicate with your customers throughout the returns process.
    • Offer incentives – Offer loyalty points or discounts on future purchases as a way to incentivize customers to shop with you again.
    • Analyze returns data – Analyze returns data and customer feedback to identify ways the returns process can be improved to improve the customer experience.

    By providing a positive returns experience and showing your customers that you care about their needs and concerns, you can build customer loyalty and keep them coming back to your eCommerce store.

    Increase Revenue with Exchanges

    When a customer returns an item, you can offer them the option to exchange it for a different item rather than issuing a refund. This can help you retain revenue and even generate additional revenue if the customer chooses a more expensive item as a replacement.

    For example, let’s say a customer purchases a shirt for $50 and then decides to return it. If the customer asked for a refund, the store would lose the entire $50 in revenue. 

    However, if the customer requests an exchange instead, the customer might choose to exchange the shirt for a different one of equal value, in which case the store retains the $50 in revenue. 

    Alternatively, the customer might choose to exchange the shirt for a more expensive one that costs $60, in which case the store retains the original $50 in revenue and generates an additional $10 in revenue from the exchange.

    Here are some tips for using exchanges to retain revenue:

    • Make the exchange process easy – To encourage customers to choose an exchange over a refund, make the process as easy and convenient as possible. 

    Provide clear instructions for how to initiate an exchange, and consider offering free shipping on the replacement item to sweeten the deal.

    • Offer discounts or incentives – To incentivize customers to choose a replacement item of equal or greater value, offer discounts or other incentives. 

    For example, you could offer a 10% discount on the replacement item, or offer free return shipping.

    • Use data to personalize exchanges – Use customer data to personalize the exchange and make it more relevant to the customer’s needs. 

    For example, if a customer is returning a blouse in a particular size or style, suggest similar items in that size or style.

    • Cross-sell or upsell – Use the exchange request as an opportunity to cross-sell or upsell related items. 

    For example, if a customer is exchanging a pair of shoes, you could recommend a matching handbag or accessory.

    By offering easy exchanges, you can retain revenue and even generate additional revenue from customers who choose to exchange their returned product for a higher-value product. 

    Streamline Returns With Automation

    Automating your returns process is a powerful way to reduce costs and increase efficiency since processing returns can be a labor-intensive and time-consuming task. Automating the process can help streamline the entire process from start to finish.

    With an automated returns management system, you can automatically generate return labels, keep track of return shipments, and issue refunds instantly

    By automating these tasks, you can save time and resources that would otherwise be spent manually managing returns.

    Automating your returns process also improves accuracy. Returns management systems ensure that data is captured consistently and accurately, minimizing the chance of returns being processed incorrectly. This can make inventory records more accurate and reduce costs associated with incorrect or fraudulent returns.

    By automating your returns, you can improve profitability and ROI in the following ways:

    • Reduce costs – Reduce costs associated with manual returns processing and free up your staff to focus on other tasks. 
    • Streamline return processing times – Speed up the returns process, from approving the return to issuing the refund to validating the returned items.
    • Prevent errors and inaccuracies – Minimize the risk of errors or inaccuracies that can lead to additional costs.
    • Gain data insights – Get insights into return trends and customer behavior, helping you make informed business decisions to optimize your operations and profitability.

    By reducing the amount of time and resources required to process returns, automating your returns can help you reduce costs, improve efficiency, and maximize profits.

    Chat with our experts to boost your customer return experience and LTV today.

    Case Study: How One Project Turned Returns into Revenue

    One example of a store that successfully turned returns into revenue is One Project, a multi-brand eCommerce fashion platform that uses exchanges and gift cards alongside refunds to retain and increase revenue.

    Previously, One Project only offered refunds, which made it difficult for customers to exchange products. If customers wanted to exchange a product, they would have to go through a complicated process of receiving a refund and then purchasing a new product.

    Because customers couldn’t easily exchange products, there was an increased level of frustration among customers and a higher workload for the team.

    Using ReturnGO, One Project was able to offer an easy exchange process, making it quick and simple for customers to exchange items. This saved the company a considerable amount of refund revenue and greatly reduced customer frustration.

    In addition to offering exchanges, One Project also started providing gift cards instead of refunds, which helped them retain even more customers and keep the revenue within the store.

    “By allowing customers to exchange products, and not refund them, we manage to save a lot of money on customers who don’t make a refund and just make an exchange. This helps us achieve our KPIs from a revenue aspect.”

    – Shmulik Konforty, CTO, One Project

    By implementing these changes, One Project has reduced their average refund rate by 10% and kept the revenue within the store for 40% of return requests. 

    With easy exchanges and gift cards, One Project has been able to generate new revenue and retain revenue that would have otherwise been lost through refunds.

    Check out the full case study here.

    Why Returns are an Opportunity, Not a Liability

    With the right strategies in place, you can actually turn returns into an opportunity to increase your revenue and retain happy customers. 

    Use strategies such as making the most of returned items, offering easy exchanges, and automating the returns process, to make returns management painless and profitable. 

    Instead of fearing returns, embrace them as a chance to grow your business.

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    The Power of Exclusivity in Luxury Returns Wed, 26 Apr 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Luxury customers expect a unique experience that reflects the exclusivity of the brand, even when returning items.

    How Exclusivity Enhances the Returns Experience

    Exclusivity can play a big role in your customers’ return experience, especially in the luxury industry. 

    Customers who buy luxury products often have higher expectations and lower tolerance for dissatisfaction than customers who buy mass-market products.

    Providing an exclusive, luxury return experience can help differentiate your store from competitors and boost the customer experience. 

    By focusing on exclusivity, you can transform returns from a dreaded process to an opportunity to create a positive connection with customers.

    “Customers are rarely buying just the luxury product. They are purchasing the entire experience and they expect that same experience at every touch point – in-store, in the call center, in the call center chat room and online.”

    Perry Kramer, Vice President, BRM

    Exclusivity vs. Convenience: Balancing Customer Needs

    While eCommerce has made purchasing luxury products easier and more convenient, it has challenged the idea of exclusivity. 

    As a luxury brand, you need to consider how to keep your exclusive status when in the world of eCommerce. It’s a balancing act that requires you to be conscious of the importance of both convenience and exclusivity.

    While trying to create a perception of exclusivity helps meet customer expectations, exclusivity makes it harder to manage your inventory and logistics when dealing with returns. 

    For example, if a customer returns a custom-made handbag made with rare leather and unique colors, you may not be able to find another customer who wants exactly the same item, so you’ll likely have to modify or dispose of it at an additional cost.

    In addition to the logistical challenges of exclusive returns, keep in mind that you still want to make returns convenient for all your customers. 

    Maintain a balance by providing tiered benefits with exclusive benefits to VIP customers while maintaining a convenient returns process for everyone.

    How to Create a Luxury Returns Experience Using Exclusivity

    When it comes to creating a luxury returns experience, one of the most important things you can offer is a sense of exclusivity. 

    By creating a unique and personalized experience for customers who are returning items, you can build your reputation as a luxury brand and keep your customers coming back again and again.

    Here are a few ways you can create an exclusive, luxury returns experience:

    Free Returns

    Offering free returns for VIP customers is a great way to create an exclusive returns experience. 

    Define what constitutes a VIP customer and create a custom return policy that applies only to this customer segment. For example, you might define a VIP customer as someone who has spent over a certain amount in your store or has made a certain number of purchases. 

    Once you’ve defined your VIP customer segment, create a custom return policy rule that offers free returns for these customers, which will help to make them feel valued and appreciated.

    Automated Refunds

    Another way to offer an exclusive returns experience is to offer automated refunds for certain types of returns. 

    For example, you might offer automatic refunds for returns of a certain value or for items that meet certain conditions.

    By automating the refund process, you can offer a faster and more convenient returns experience for your customers, helping you build customer loyalty and satisfaction.

    Chat with our experts to boost your customer return experience and LTV today.

    Personalized Communication

    Personalize your communications with your customers for a more luxurious experience.

    For example, you can send personalized emails to customers who have returned items, thanking them for their business and offering them exclusive promotions or discounts. 

    71% of customers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions, and companies that are good at personalization generate 40% more revenue from such activities than average companies.

    By communicating with your customers in a more personalized and exclusive way, you can create a stronger connection with your customers and build customer loyalty over time.

    Extended Return Windows

    Another way to create a luxury experience is to offer an extended return window for high-value customers. 

    To offer an extended return window for high-value customers, define what constitutes a high-value customer, such as customers with a certain average order value (AOV), and set up a custom return policy rule that gives them a longer amount of time to return products.

    By offering a returns process that is tailored to different customer segments, you can create a more personalized and exclusive customer experience.

    Perception vs. Reality: How Exclusivity Shapes the Luxury Returns Experience

    When it comes to luxury returns, perception is everything. Customers who perceive a brand to be exclusive and high-end are likely to have higher expectations for the returns process. 

    High-value customers expect a smooth and efficient returns process, and to be treated with the same level of exclusivity they received during the initial purchase.

    The results can be dramatic when customers shopping at luxury eCommerce stores have a returns experience that doesn’t meet their expectations.

    Therefore, a luxury customer experience should include a returns process that is aligned with the initial shopping experience.

    Turn Returns into a Luxury Experience

    Offering an exclusive returns experience using strategies such as free returns and extended return windows for high-value customers can have a significant impact on customer satisfaction, loyalty, and perception of your brand.

    By providing exclusive benefits to certain customers, you make them feel valued and special.

    Use the power of psychology and perception to provide a luxury returns experience that enhances customer satisfaction and builds brand loyalty.

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    How to Select Dropship Suppliers to Avoid Returns and Refunds Sun, 23 Apr 2023 07:40:00 +0000 Dropshipping is a lucrative business that has become popular for aspiring entrepreneurs to start an online business. Sadly, most dropshippers fail because they selected a bad supplier.

    These suppliers hurt dropshippers as they often provide faulty or low-quality products, resulting in numerous returns and refunds. This not only hurts the business’s profitability, but also gives dropshipping a bad reputation.

    The negative consequences of unreliable dropship suppliers are not limited to the dropshippers themselves; it also affects the customers who receive faulty products. These customers are often left angry and dissatisfied. This leads customers to leave negative reviews, undermines their trust in the brand, and discourages them from coming back to buy more. 

    That’s why it is essential for dropshippers to have a reliable supplier that can consistently provide high-quality products and a positive customer experience.

    To help dropshippers avoid returns and refunds caused by bad dropship suppliers, we have developed a research method to select reliable suppliers. By following our method, dropshippers can find trustworthy suppliers who can provide high-quality products and a positive customer experience, which will ultimately lead to greater success in their dropshipping business.

    In this post, we will discuss in detail our research method for selecting reliable dropship suppliers and provide helpful tips and insights for dropshippers to avoid returns and refunds caused by bad suppliers.

    How to Discover Dropship Suppliers

    Before we dive into the research method, let’s talk about finding the right dropship supplier for your business. Before you select reliable dropship suppliers, you need to know where to find them. There are many ways to find dropship suppliers and we are going to reveal the best places to find them.

    Method 1: Search Engines

    One way to discover dropship suppliers is by using search engines like Google. When you use Google, enter keywords related to your niche so that you can find potential suppliers who offer the products you are looking for. 

    You can then create a list of the suppliers that you have found on Google on a spreadsheet to keep track of who you can potentially work with.

    Picking out a dropship supplier from the Google search results will allow you to find dedicated dropship suppliers in your niche. However, there are a few problems, such as:

    • It is time-consuming – checking out each and every dropship supplier site in the search results is tedious
    • You cannot integrate their product directly to your Shopify store – supplier sites normally do not have built-in tools to help you integrate their product directly into your store, so you would have to add their product to your store manually
    • Fulfilling orders is manual – every time you get an order, you will have to manually go to the supplier’s site and place the order to dropship. Imagine if you are sourcing from the independent sites of multiple suppliers…it will be a nightmare.

    That’s not to say that you can’t work with an independent dropship supplier site you found on Google. But there are certainly other alternatives to make your life easier when sourcing and fulfilling products from your dropship supplier.

    Method 2: SaleHoo 

    Using a dropship tool like SaleHoo Dropship can make your dropshipping journey a breeze. SaleHoo Dropship offers a pre-vetted list of AliExpress suppliers and allows for easy one-click integration for products to be added to your Shopify store.

    Not sure what product to sell? No worries! You can use product research tools like SaleHoo Labs. SaleHoo Labs offers advanced search filters to find hot products to sell, so that you can decide on what hot dropship product to sell before finding your supplier on SaleHoo Dropship. 

    SaleHoo Labs Advanced Search Filters

    Method 3: AliExpress

    Another alternative is Aliexpress. Aliexpress is like a marketplace full of dropship suppliers. So instead of scouring the internet for suppliers, you can just head to Aliexpress and find all of them there.

    Aliexpress is a great site to use, but it is also infamous for having a lot of scammy suppliers that can send faulty products to your customers.

    Hence, it is best you use Aliexpress alongside tools that filter out the scammy suppliers and leave you with the reliable ones. Tools like SaleHoo Dropship do this.

    How to Evaluate Dropship Suppliers

    Now that you know where to find dropship suppliers, it is time for you to learn how to evaluate their reliability.

    Step 1: Look at Reviews

    First, you will want to look at the Google reviews of the supplier. This is so you can check what the experience of others was like working with that supplier. If there are many good reviews, great! You can then proceed with checking out that supplier’s product offering.

    When checking out the supplier’s product offering, ensure that the product photos are high quality with detailed descriptions of the product so you know what to expect in terms of product quality.

    Step 2: Check Order Count

    Take it a step further and take a look at their order count. Ensure that multiple people have ordered from them in the past. This can give you assurance that they have a track record of success fulfilling your particular product. You don’t want to be the first customer they are fulfilling the order for the product you want to sell.

    Step 3: Compare Price

    Price is also an essential factor in selecting a dropship supplier. Check if the supplier’s prices are reasonable and comparable to competitors. Some suppliers may offer discounts for larger orders, so it is worth exploring this option if it is available.

    Step 4: Explore Shipping Options and Times

    Timely and consistent shipping times are also essential in ensuring that your customers receive their orders on time. If you are getting a sample, make sure that it arrives on or before the expected shipping time stated by the supplier.

    Also, check if the supplier provides multiple shipping options with transparent pricing. 

    Step 5: Contact Supplier

    The next step is to reach out to potential suppliers to ask questions and gather more information. Inquire about their policies and procedures for returns, refunds, and exchanges.

    When in contact with the supplier, you should expect:

    • Prompt and professional customer service
    • Clear communication
    • Quick resolution of issues

    It is also essential to confirm their inventory level and their willingness to work with you.

    Step 6: Order Samples

    Next, you should order samples from suppliers you shortlisted to test product quality, packaging, and shipping times. Then you will know what the customer experience will be like if you dropship with that supplier.

    How to Develop Your Brand and Ensure Customer Satisfaction

    Transition from Dropship to Wholesale Suppliers

    One way to reduce refunds and returns in the long run is to transition from dropshipping to wholesale suppliers. With wholesale, you will have more control over the quality of the products you sell and you can ensure that they meet your customers’ expectations. 

    Additionally, private labeling products with dropship or wholesale suppliers can increase the perceived value of your brand and help you stand out from your competitors. If you are looking for Private Label Suppliers, you can find them in supplier directories like the SaleHoo Directory.

    Dropship Supplier Offering Private Label Options in The SaleHoo Directory

    Ensure Customer Satisfaction

    Choosing a reliable dropship supplier is not enough to reduce refunds and returns if you don’t take care of your customers on your end. 

    To ensure customer satisfaction, you should provide clear and detailed product information to set expectations with your customers. This can include accurate details of the product. 

    You should also respond quickly to customer inquiries and issues and offer transparent return, refund, and exchange policies. 

    Being transparent on shipping times is also important to set expectations with your customers. By prioritizing your customers’ satisfaction, you can build a strong brand reputation and increase customer loyalty.

    Grow Your eCommerce Business With Reliable Suppliers

    Selecting reliable dropship suppliers is crucial for the success of your eCommerce business. 

    Doing thorough research and evaluation of potential suppliers is necessary to ensure that they meet your needs and standards.

    It’s also important to consider the transition from a dropship supplier to wholesale suppliers as your business grows to reduce refunds and returns in the long run. You can even further increase perceived value by private labeling products. 

    Taking these steps will help ensure customer satisfaction and the long-term success of your eCommerce business.

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    5 Email Marketing Tips for Boosting eCommerce Sales and Minimizing Returns Thu, 20 Apr 2023 07:30:43 +0000 As an eCommerce business owner, you cannot undervalue the importance of having a strong email marketing strategy in place. Email marketing can be an incredibly powerful tool for driving sales, building customer relationships, and minimizing returns.

    It’s often considered the best marketing channel by those in the industry. After all, for every $1 spent, it drives an average ROI of $36. That’s pretty impressive, right?

    However, to achieve an ROI like this, you’ll need to use email marketing wisely. This involves a careful and considered approach. Below, we’ll reveal some practical and actionable tips you can use to take your email marketing game to the next level. 

    Why Email Marketing is Important for eCommerce Businesses

    There are a number of reasons why email marketing makes sense for eCommerce businesses:

    • Increased sales – Email marketing allows you to promote your products to a large audience quickly and easily. You can send targeted emails to customers who have shown an interest in specific products or categories, resulting in increased sales.

    • Retain more customers – You can stay in touch with customers on a regular basis by using email marketing, ensuring they’re engaged with your brand. This helps build consumer loyalty and increase the chances of a repeat purchase.

    • Personalization – Email marketing allows you to personalize your messages based on customer data such as purchase history, browsing behavior, and preferences. This personalization can help increase the relevance of your emails and improve engagement rates.

    • You don’t need a huge budget – Email marketing is a cost-effective marketing channel. Unlike traditional marketing channels, email marketing does not require a significant investment in resources or budget to get started.

    • You can target your messages for better engagement – It’s possible to segment your audience and send targeted messages based on specific criteria such as age, location, or purchase history. This targeting and segmentation can result in higher engagement rates and more effective marketing campaigns.

    • It’s measurable – You can track metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to understand the effectiveness of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize your strategy.

    Email Marketing Tips for Boosting eCommerce Sales and Minimizing Returns

    Now that you have a good understanding of why email marketing is important, let’s take a look at how you can use it to boost sales and lower returns. 

    1. Re-Engage Customers With Win Back Customer Email Templates

    Win back customer email templates and examples are a powerful way to re-engage with customers who have not made a purchase or interacted with your brand in a while.

    The goal of a win back email campaign is to remind customers of your brand and incentivize them to make a purchase. These templates can be customized to fit your brand voice and messaging.

    Win back email campaigns also provide an opportunity to gather feedback from customers who have not made a purchase in a while. You can use this feedback to improve your products, customer service, and overall shopping experience, which can help reduce the likelihood of returns in the future.

    2. Personalize Your Message

    By tailoring your message to the individual recipient, you can make your email more engaging and increase the likelihood of conversion.

    Here are some of the ways you can achieve this:

    • Segment your email list – Segmenting your email list based on factors such as past purchases, interests, and demographics can help you create more targeted and relevant messages for each group.

    • Use dynamic content Dynamic content allows you to personalize specific parts of your email based on the recipient’s interests or past behavior. For example, you can show product recommendations based on their browsing history.

    • Leverage past purchasing data – Use the recipient’s past purchase data to create personalized recommendations and promotions. For example, if they previously purchased a certain product, you can send them an email promoting a related product.

    • Make the most of behavioral triggers – Behavioral triggers such as abandoned cart reminders and post-purchase follow-ups can be used to create personalized messages based on the recipient’s actions.

    3. Offer Incentives to Entice More Sales

    Offering incentives is a powerful way to increase engagement and drive sales in your email marketing campaigns. There are numerous ways you can go about this:


    Offering a discount is a common incentive that can encourage recipients to make a purchase. You can offer a percentage off the total purchase price or a dollar amount off a specific product.

    Free Shipping

    Free shipping is another popular incentive that can reduce the barrier to purchase for recipients. Consider offering free shipping for a limited time or for purchases over a certain amount.

    Free Samples

    Offering a free sample can encourage recipients to try your products and potentially make a purchase in the future.

    Exclusive Promotions

    Offer special promotions that are exclusive to your email subscribers, such as early access to new products or limited-time offers.


    Consider implementing an email loyalty program that rewards customers for making purchases or engaging with your brand on social media.

    Personalized Incentives

    Use recipient data to create personalized incentives, such as offering a discount on a product they’ve previously viewed or purchased.

    4. Leverage Social Proof

    Using social proof in your email marketing campaigns is an effective way of building trust and credibility with your audience.

    Image source

    Social proof is the idea that people are influenced by the actions and opinions of others, and it can be used to encourage recipients to take action and make a purchase.

    There are a number of different ways you can use social proof in your email marketing campaigns to boost sales and lower returns:

    • Customer reviews – Include customer reviews or testimonials in your email campaigns to showcase the positive experiences of other customers. This can help to build trust and credibility with recipients who may be on the fence about making a purchase.

    • User-generated content – User-generated content, such as photos or videos of customers using your products, can help to showcase your products in a real-life context and provide social proof of their effectiveness.

    • Social media mentions – Social media mentions of your brand or products can show recipients that others are talking about your brand and encourage them to engage with your social media accounts.

    • Influencer endorsements – Consider partnering with influencers in your industry to promote your products and services. Including endorsements from these influencers in your email campaigns can provide social proof and help to build credibility with your audience.

    • Awards and recognition – If your brand has won awards or received recognition for its products or services, include this information in your email campaigns. This can help to build credibility and trust with recipients, encouraging them to buy from you.

    5. Optimize Your Emails for Mobile Use

    Optimizing your emails for mobile is crucial in today’s digital age, as more and more people are accessing their emails on their mobile devices. In fact, almost 1.7 billion users check emails on their mobile phones

    Here are some tips when optimizing your emails for mobile use:

    • Keep it simple – Use a simple, easy-to-read font and avoid using too many images or graphics that can slow down load times on mobile devices.

    • Choose a responsive design – A responsive design will ensure that your email is optimized for viewing on all screen sizes, from desktop to mobile.

    • Use a clear, concise subject line – Make sure your subject line is short and to the point, and make sure it’s visible on mobile devices.

    • Use short paragraphs – Break up your text into short paragraphs that are easy to read on a mobile screen.

    • Choose a single-column layout – A single-column layout can be read on a mobile screen with greater ease when compared with a multi-column layout, which can be difficult to navigate.

    • Use buttons instead of links – Buttons are easier to click on a mobile screen than links, which can be difficult to select accurately.

    • Utilize alt text for images – Make sure to include alt text for your images so that mobile users who have images turned off can still understand what your email is about.

    Lower Returns and Boost Sales With These Email Marketing Tips

    So there you have it: the tips and strategies you can use to take your email marketing campaign to the next level. If you follow the advice provided above, you can increase your sales and lower the chances of a return too.

    About the Author

    Kerry Leigh Harrison has over 11+ years of experience as a content writer. She graduated from university with a First Class Hons Degree in Multimedia Journalism. In her spare time, she enjoys attending sports and music events. 

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    What’s the Ideal Return Window for Your eCommerce Store? Wed, 19 Apr 2023 08:00:00 +0000 As an eCommerce store, setting a return window is an important part of building trust and loyalty with your customers. But with so many factors to consider, what’s the ideal return window for your business?

    Factors to Consider When Setting a Return Window

    It can be challenging to determine the ideal return window for your eCommerce store. 

    While the most common eCommerce return window length is 30 days¹, some stores offer a longer return window in an attempt to be more customer-friendly while others offer a shorter one to minimize their revenue loss.

    Ultimately, the ideal return window for your store depends on several factors, including industry standards, customer expectations, product types, and legal requirements.

    So, what do you need to take into account when setting your return window?

    Industry Standards

    While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, it’s helpful to know what other eCommerce stores in your industry are doing.

    For example, electronics stores often offer longer return windows than toy stores¹. This might be to give customers time to try out the products and decide if they want to keep them, as electronics are typically higher-value and have a longer lifespan. 

    On the other hand, toy stores may offer shorter return windows in order to keep their inventory fresh.

    “Our toy store offers a 14-day return window, which is enough time to allow customers to return items if they’re not satisfied, while also providing our online store with the opportunity to keep our inventory fresh and current.”

    – Ray Lauzums, CEO, Poggers

    To get a sense of what the industry standards are for your specific niche, do some research and look at what other eCommerce stores in your industry are offering.

    Some ways to find out what standard practice is in your industry are to search online, consult with industry associations or trade groups, or go to competitors’ sites and take a look at their return policies.

    Keep in mind that while industry standards can be helpful, they shouldn’t be the only factor in setting your return window. Your final decision should be based on your specific business and customer needs.

    Customer Expectations

    It’s important to consider customer expectations when setting your store’s return window. A return window that aligns with your customers’ needs can help build trust, loyalty, and a positive reputation for your business.

    Customers today expect a certain level of convenience and flexibility when it comes to returns. They want a return window that gives them enough time to try out a product and decide if they want to keep it or not, without feeling rushed or pressured.

    To get a sense of your customers’ expectations, collect customer feedback and use return analytics to track return behavior. Look for patterns in the timing and frequency of returns, and consider surveying your customers to get direct feedback on their return preferences. 

    The more aligned your return window is with your customers’ expectations, the more likely you are to increase customer satisfaction and reduce negative reviews.

    Product Types

    Different products have different return requirements and considerations, so it’s important to tailor your return window to the types of products you sell.

    For instance, products that have a short shelf life or expiration date, such as food or beauty products, may warrant a shorter return window to prevent customers from returning expired or unusable products that can’t be resold.

    On the other hand, more expensive items or items that require more time to evaluate such as furniture or clothing, often call for a longer return window in order to give customers enough time to try and test the product before deciding whether to keep it. 

    You can also offer different return windows for different product categories, such as a longer return window for clothing and accessories and a shorter return window for electronics.

    By tailoring your return window to each product type, you can ensure that your customers have enough time to evaluate and return products as needed, while also protecting your business from excessive returns or fraudulent activity.

    Return Costs

    Returns can be expensive, as they often require shipping and restocking fees, and can also result in lost inventory or damaged products. As such, it’s important to balance the needs of your customers with the operational costs of handling returns when setting your return window.

    A short return window can result in customers feeling rushed to make a decision about returning a product, resulting in a higher rate of customer complaints and lost revenue.

    On the other hand, if your return window is too long, you may receive a higher volume of returns, which can be costly and time-consuming to manage.

    To find the right balance, consider the types of products you sell and the average cost of processing returns for those products. If you sell high-end or luxury products, you may be able to offer a longer return window without significantly impacting your costs. If you sell low-margin products, however, a shorter return window may be necessary to keep your costs in check.

    In order to offset your return costs, you may want to consider implementing a restocking fee or limiting the number of returns allowed per customer.

    Maintaining a balance between the costs of handling returns and customer needs is key to setting a reasonable return window.

    Return Fraud Prevention

    How you set your return window can make a big difference in preventing return fraud

    Return fraud is a growing concern in eCommerce. Return fraud happens when a customer abuses your return policy for their own gain under false pretenses, such as returning products they didn’t buy from your store, or claiming a product was defective and returning a damaged product or another product altogether.

    “One particularly memorable incident involved a customer who tried to return a set of off-road lights that had clearly been used and damaged.

    The customer contacted us to request a return, claiming that the lights did not work and were defective. We asked for photos of the damage or defect, but the customer was unable to provide any evidence to support their claim. 

    Despite our suspicions, we agreed to process the return and issue a refund, as we wanted to maintain a positive relationship with the customer. 

    When we received the returned item, we were shocked to see that the lights had clearly been used extensively and were now damaged beyond repair. It was obvious that the customer had taken the lights out on a trail ride and then deliberately damaged them in order to make it look like a manufacturing defect.”

    – Chad Brinkle, Owner & Founder, High Country Offroad

    Setting a long return window can increase the likelihood of return fraud, while a short return window can alienate customers by making them feel rushed in making a decision about returning an item. 

    A good rule of thumb is to set a reasonable return window that gives customers enough time to receive and test their purchases, while also implementing return fraud prevention measures such as product authentication and tracking. 

    Using a returns management system like ReturnGO can help you track and analyze returns data, identify patterns of return fraud, and prevent fraudulent returns from being accepted.

    Legal Requirements

    Depending on your location, there may be legal requirements regarding returns that you need to take into account when setting your store’s return window.

    Some states or countries require a minimum return window or require you to provide customers with specific information about the return policy, such as how refunds will be processed and what items are eligible for return.

    For example, UK law imposes a minimum return window of 14 days, and in California, stores that don’t accept returns within 7 days must clearly display their return policy otherwise customers may return products for a full refund within 30 days of purchase.

    In addition to legal requirements, you should also be aware of any contractual obligations you have with third-party providers such as payment processors or eCommerce platforms, that may have their own return requirements.

    Failure to comply with legal requirements can result in legal repercussions such as fines or legal action from customers.

    To ensure compliance with legal requirements and contractual obligations, make sure to review the relevant refund laws and regulations and consult with a legal professional as needed.

    How Long Do Customers Actually Take to Return?

    It’s important to take into account the actual behavior of customers in addition to things like industry standards and return costs when creating your return window.

    ReturnGO data shows that while the average return window is 30 days, customers tend to return items in a shorter time frame, within an average of 19 days from purchase.

    The time between order and return varies significantly by industry, with toys and games being returned the quickest at an average of 7 days, and electronics taking the longest to be returned at an average of 32 days. 

    Seeing how long it takes customers to decide to return items can help you decide how to set your return window based on the types of products you sell.

    It’s also worth noting that the average time between order and return is often shorter than the industry average return window, which indicates that the industry average is sufficient since customers don’t usually take advantage of the full amount of time they are given to return items.

    When setting your store’s return window, it’s important to take into account the behavior of your specific customer base as well as the types of products you sell.

    A return platform like ReturnGO can provide this valuable data on your customer behavior and give you insights to help you make informed decisions about your return window.

    Best Practices for Setting a Return Window

    When setting your store’s return window, be sure to communicate your return window clearly and to track customer feedback.

    Implement these best practices to create a clearly-defined return window.

    Take a Tiered Approach

    Offering tiered return windows can help incentivize customers to stay loyal to your store.

    For example, you can offer a longer return window for exchanges and store credit and a shorter window for refunds, to show your customers that you value their business and want to keep them coming back.

    Having a shorter return window for refunds than for exchanges helps discourage return fraud and incentivizes customers to opt for an exchange or store credit, which retains the revenue in your store and keeps your customers coming back.

    A returns management platform like ReturnGO gives you the flexibility to set different return windows for refunds, exchanges, and store credit, so you can customize your return policy to fit your business.

    Communicate Your Return Window

    When it comes to setting a return window for your eCommerce store, clear communication is essential. Customers should know exactly what your return window is and what the process entails. 

    Here are some tips for communicating your return window clearly:

    • Make your return window easy to find – Your return window should be clearly stated in your return policy which should be easily accessible on your website and other sales channels. Include a link to your return policy in your order confirmation emails and on your product pages.
    • Use clear and concise language – Avoid using jargon or technical terms that might confuse customers. Use simple language to explain your return window and what customers can expect.
    • State the length of the return window clearly – Make sure to clearly state how the return window is calculated, for example, whether it starts when the order is placed or when the product is delivered.
    • Specify any exceptions – If there are certain products or conditions that have different return windows, be sure to specify them clearly.

    By communicating your return window clearly, you can help avoid confusion and frustration, leading to a better customer experience and increased customer loyalty.

    Monitor Customer Feedback

    Keeping an eye on what customers are saying about your returns process can give you valuable insights into how customers feel about it and identify areas for improvement.

    Monitor customer feedback by tracking customer reviews and ratings on your website, social media, and other online platforms. Look for comments related to the returns process, such as how easy or difficult it was to initiate a return and what they thought about the return window.

    Additionally, track your customer behavior and see how long it actually takes customers to return items, and use that information to adjust your return window as needed.

    Being open to adjusting your return window shows customers that you value their feedback and are committed to providing an excellent customer experience.

    Make sure to communicate any changes in your return window to your customers so they know what to expect from the returns process.

    Automate the Returns Process

    Use a returns management system like ReturnGO to automatically uphold your return window. 

    With ReturnGO, you can easily set up your return policy and specify the length of the return window for each product or category. 

    Customers will only be able to request returns during the return window, so you aren’t burdened with return requests that don’t meet your store’s requirements.

    ReturnGO also provides you with real-time return analytics and reporting to help you identify return patterns and optimize your return policy accordingly. Based on this information, you can adjust the length of your return window as needed to improve customer satisfaction and reduce return costs.

    Set a Return Window That Works For Your Business

    Setting a return window for your eCommerce store is an important decision that requires careful consideration of industry standards, customer expectations, product types, return costs, fraud prevention, legal requirements, and customer feedback. 

    By following these best practices and being flexible, you can find the ideal return window for your business that balances customer satisfaction with profitability.


    ¹ ReturnGO Data 2023

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    How to Build a Circular Economy With eCommerce Returns Mon, 17 Apr 2023 08:00:02 +0000 As an eCommerce retailer, you have a unique opportunity to participate in building a circular economy through your returns process. 

    Take action to make a difference by embracing a circular economy, extending the life of products, and driving the shift toward sustainable practices. 

    What is a Circular Economy? 

    A circular economy is a system of production and consumption that aims to keep materials in use for as long as possible, reduce waste, and minimize the environmental impact of retail. 

    Simply put, this means creating a closed-loop system where products are designed to be reused or recycled instead of being discarded as waste. 

    In the world of eCommerce, a circular economy can be created by implementing sustainable returns practices. By encouraging customers to return items for reuse or recycling, you can reduce waste and significantly improve your environmental impact. 

    The concept of a circular economy is gaining traction as the world becomes increasingly aware of its limited resources and the impact of eCommerce waste on the environment.

    The Role of Returns in a Circular Economy

    As technology advances and eCommerce continues to thrive, you’re presented with a unique opportunity to participate in building a circular economy by effectively managing your returns process. 

    Product returns can be a source of waste and inefficiency, damaging the environment and reducing profitability.

    However, with the right strategies in place, returns can also play an essential role in building a circular economy. By implementing a sustainable returns process, you can reduce waste and increase your store’s impact.

    Customers are more aware and conscious of the impact their purchases have on the environment than ever before. 78% of customers say a store’s environmental practices influence their buying decisions. 

    Having a sustainable returns process can attract eco-conscious customers and build trust with customers who want to buy from a store that’s committed to sustainability.

    How to Build a Circular Returns Process

    Building a circular returns process includes implementing solutions for managing returned products in a responsible manner, such as refurbishing, recycling, and donating returns. 

    By implementing a circular returns process, you can become more sustainable while meeting customer expectations.

    1. Offer Sustainable Return Methods

    Offering sustainable return methods to customers is a key step toward achieving a more sustainable returns process. 

    One way to do this is by partnering with sustainable logistics companies that specialize in eco-friendly transport and handling of returned items. 

    Another option is to implement a return drop-off program that lets customers bring returns to a drop-off location without a label or packaging. This enables you to consolidate return shipments, reducing the number of shipments you send back to the warehouse.

    By taking the initiative to implement sustainable return methods, you can lead the way toward a circular economy while improving customer satisfaction. 

    2. Encourage Donation of Returned Products

    By partnering with charities or creating a donation program, you can divert returned products from landfills and give them a second life. 

    Besides being a sustainable option, it can generate goodwill among customers who value social responsibility. When customers know that the products they return will be donated to a worthwhile cause, they are more likely to shop with you again.

    You can also offer incentives to customers who choose to donate their returned products instead of shipping them back. By incorporating donation options into your returns process you can reduce waste, help those in need, and demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

    3. Repair or Resell Returned Products

    Instead of throwing away returned items that are in good condition, you can repair them and resell them at a discounted price. This prevents waste and offers customers an opportunity to purchase sustainable items.

    A great way to do this is to work with third-party repair companies and reCommerce companies. 

    It’s important to note that not all returned products will be suitable to resell or donate. Create a clear process for assessing the condition of returned items and determining if they can be repaired or resold.

    By implementing a system for repairing and reselling returned items, you can reduce waste, offer sustainable options for customers, and contribute to a more circular economy.

    4. Recycle Returned Products

    Contribute to building a circular economy by incorporating recycling into your returns process. Recycling returned products can help reduce waste and prevent materials from ending up in landfills. 

    Partner with recycling facilities to properly dispose of products that can’t be repaired or resold. Returned products can be recycled and used as raw materials to create new products, thereby extending their life, reducing waste, and benefiting the environment.

    Embracing recycling as a part of your returns process is a critical step towards building a circular economy, which aims to reduce waste and reuse materials as much as possible.

    5. Use a Returns Management System

    Using a returns management system like ReturnGO can help you create a more sustainable returns process by automating your returns process and providing transparency into your returns so that you can monitor and improve your environmental impact.

    Returns management systems enable you to track and analyze your returns data, providing valuable insights into why products are being returned and identifying patterns and trends. This information can help you make more informed decisions about your inventory management and product design, reducing the likelihood of returns and minimizing waste.

    Through ReturnGO you can also offer sustainable return methods such as letting your customers keep or donate their items instead of shipping them back, and integrating with return drop-off services.

    By providing customers with convenient and responsible ways to dispose of unwanted items, you can reduce landfill waste and contribute to a more sustainable economy.

    6. Communicate Your Commitment

    It’s important to let your customers know that sustainability is a priority for your eCommerce store. 

    One way to do this is by prominently displaying your sustainability practices on your website and social media platforms. Include information about your recycling, repurposing, or donation programs, as well as any sustainability initiatives your business is involved in.

    For example, Silk & Salt, an eco-friendly fashion brand, has a page dedicated to its sustainability statement, outlining its sustainability practices and values. 

    You can also incorporate sustainability messaging in your emails, packaging, and product descriptions. Use language that highlights the benefits of sustainable practices such as reducing waste and emissions and supporting local communities.

    Additionally, it’s a good idea to add a section to your return policy that outlines how returned items will be processed for reuse or recycling so that customers will know what will happen to the products they return.

    By being clear and transparent about your commitment to sustainability you can inspire customers to take part in building a circular economy.

    “Every retailer, on every scale, must do their best to create a sustainable business model, and reducing returns will help the amount of emissions to get a bit smaller. The more we narrow it down the better.” – Assaf Neuman, Head of Operations, Silk & Salt

    Start Building a Circular Economy Today

    Embracing a circular economy approach can help you reduce waste, save costs, and enhance your reputation. 

    By optimizing your reverse logistics and leveraging technology, you can bring returned products back into the value chain and reduce your store’s environmental footprint. 

    As the world moves toward a more sustainable future, building a circular economy with eCommerce returns is an important step for your store, for the planet, and for customers alike.

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    Ensure Accurate Returns with Item Validation Thu, 13 Apr 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Validating returned items ensures accurate returns while enabling you to verify their condition.

    ReturnGO offers easy item validation to streamline the returns process, improve communication between teams, and minimize losses.

    What is Item Validation? 

    Item validation is the process of checking and verifying the accuracy and condition of returned items. This involves making sure the right product was returned and determining whether the returned item can be restocked.

    ReturnGO’s item validation feature lets you have your warehouse team (whether in-house or outsourced) inspect the contents of incoming packages, document the results, and upload images as proof of what was received and its condition.

    You can then see the item’s status in your ReturnGO account, enabling you to decide whether to refund and restock the item based on its condition. 

    Why is Item Validation Important?

    Item validation is an important step in the returns process because it helps ensure accurate returns and streamline communication between teams.

    Here are a few reasons why it’s important to validate returned items:

    Minimizes Losses

    Validating returned items helps minimize losses caused by damaged or unsellable products. 

    By verifying the condition of the returned items, you can determine whether they can be resold or need to be disposed of, to prevent losses and reduce the impact of returns on your bottom line.

    Streamlines Communication Between Teams

    Having a clear item validation process can help streamline the communication between your teams, so that your warehouse team can document the results of their inspection, and your returns management team can issue refunds accordingly.

    Additionally, documenting everything in ReturnGO gives you a reliable record for future reference, easily accessible in the RMA details.

    Using ReturnGO, you can also automate your returns process to automatically issue the refund or exchange as soon as the returned item is marked as validated.

    Improves Inventory Management

    Making sure that returned items are recorded accurately can help reduce errors and improve your inventory management.

    Item validation can help you track your inventory more accurately, preventing refund and restock mistakes, as well as helping you make better business decisions.

    Prevents Return Fraud

    Return fraud can be a serious problem, with customers sometimes resorting to creative and deceitful tactics to take advantage of the return process. The item validation feature in ReturnGO can help prevent return fraud and protect your business from financial losses.

    Some examples of return fraud include customers attempting to return items that weren’t actually purchased from your store or items that don’t meet your return policy requirements. 

    In some cases, customers may even go so far as to send empty boxes, rocks, or completely different products in place of the items they received.

    By verifying the condition and purchase history of returned items, you can reduce the risk of fraudulent returns.

    “A customer ordered a product from us about two weeks ago. Then we received an email from them saying that our product was faulty. We handled the issue on an urgent basis and said that they would return the product and we would reimburse them accordingly. 

    But what came in the package was shocking. It was a bag full of stones and junk that they found in their homes. This came as a concern to us, and we contacted the concerned party, but since then they are nowhere to be found.”

    – Guillaume Drew, Founder, Or & Zon

    Configuring Item Validation

    When the item validation feature in ReturnGO is activated on your account, validating returned items is quick and easy. 

    To validate a returned item, simply navigate to the relevant RMA and click the “Validate Items” button. This opens a screen where you can view detailed information about the returned item and mark whether it is the correct item and in good enough condition to be restocked. 

    You can also include images and notes about the item to help document any incorrect items or the condition of the returned item. 

    The item validation feature helps you make sure that only valid returns are processed and that your inventory is kept up-to-date with accurate information about the condition of returned items.

    How Does Item Validation Work?

    The item validation process involves verifying that the returned items match the RMA and validating their condition before restocking or disposing of the returned items. 

    If you integrate with a warehouse management system (WMS), you can have the warehouse validate the returned items and see that information reflected in ReturnGO.

    Here’s how the item validation process works:

    1. Verify That the Item is Correct

    Validating an item begins with verifying that the returned item matches the information in the RMA. 

    Validate each item as it enters your warehouse to prevent items that aren’t what they claim to be from getting through your inspection.

    By ensuring that the correct item has been returned, you can avoid processing fraudulent returns and minimize losses.

    2. Validate the Item’s Condition

    After you’ve verified that the correct item has been returned, it’s time to verify the condition of the returned product. This involves checking whether the item is in good enough condition to be restocked or whether it needs to be disposed of. 

    Validating returned items helps make sure they comply with your return policy. Depending on your return policy, there may be different criteria for validating the condition of returned items. 

    For example, some stores may require that the product be in its original packaging, not be opened, or not be damaged.

    3. Add Images and Notes

    After inspecting the item and verifying its condition, you can mark the item as validated and add notes and images as needed. 

    You can update the item’s status, add notes about the returned item, and add any images or other documentation related to the validation process. 

    By adding detailed notes and documentation, you can make sure to keep accurate records of returned items and improve the accuracy of the returns process.

    Use Item Validation to Ensure Accurate Returns

    By ensuring that the correct items have been returned and validating their condition, you can minimize losses, prevent return fraud, and manage your inventory more efficiently. 

    Use ReturnGO’s item validation feature to streamline the process of receiving returned items and keep detailed records of returned items for more efficient returns management.

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    The Ultimate Guide to Reverse Logistics for eCommerce Mon, 10 Apr 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Reverse logistics, the process of managing the flow of products from the customer back to your warehouse or store, is a key element of eCommerce management. 

    While reverse logistics may not receive as much attention as forward logistics, it is just as important, if not more so, for maintaining customer satisfaction, reducing costs, and increasing sustainability. 

    Here’s everything you need to know about reverse logistics for eCommerce, along with tips for optimizing your process for maximum efficiency.

    What is Reverse Logistics?

    Reverse logistics is the process of getting a returned product back from the customer to the store or warehouse. 

    When a customer returns a product, reverse logistics manages the flow of the product back to the store or warehouse, including return shipping and tracking, item validation, and restocking or disposal.

    Understanding the ins and outs of reverse logistics helps you stay competitive and keep your customers happy. 

    What’s the Difference Between Traditional Logistics and Reverse Logistics?

    The difference between traditional logistics and reverse logistics is that traditional logistics, aka forward logistics, refers to the process of getting products from the store to the customer. Reverse logistics, on the other hand, refers to the process of returning products from the customer back to the store. 

    Reverse logistics involves managing the logistics of shipping returned products, receiving them, evaluating their condition, determining whether they can be resold, and processing refunds or exchanges. 

    In comparison with traditional forward logistics, reverse logistics involves additional challenges such as tracking returns, processing returned products, and restocking or disposing of returned products.

    How to Build an Effective Reverse Logistics Strategy

    For reverse logistics to be effective, it is essential to have a well-defined process, to communicate clearly with customers, and to utilize technology to improve efficiency.

    Building an effective reverse logistics strategy requires careful planning, with a lot of things to take into consideration. Let’s break down what you need to know to create an effective strategy for managing reverse logistics.

    1. Identify the Scope of Your Reverse Logistics

    Understanding the scope of your store’s returns is the first step in managing reverse logistics effectively.

    The scope of your reverse logistics includes the types of returns you receive, the frequency of returns, the condition of returned products, and the channels through which they are returned. 

    By identifying the scope of your reverse logistics, you can tailor your reverse logistics strategy to maximize efficiency and minimize costs. 

    If you know what your reverse logistics process looks like now, you can design a strategy to maximize efficiency and reduce costs.

    2. Invest in Technology and Automation

    Many aspects of your reverse logistics can be automated so that you can manage returns more effectively. Use technology such as returns management systems, warehouse management systems, and third-party logistics providers to streamline your reverse logistics.

    Returns Management Systems (RMS)

    A returns management system (RMS) is a software solution designed to streamline the returns process for eCommerce businesses. An RMS can automate the entire process, from receiving the return request to processing the return and issuing a refund or exchange. With an RMS in place, eCommerce businesses can:

    Reduce Processing Time – An RMS can automate the process of receiving returns and tracking their progress. This eliminates the need for manual tracking and data entry, saving time and reducing errors.

    Improve Customer Experience With an RMS, eCommerce businesses can provide their customers with a hassle-free returns process. Customers can initiate returns online, track the progress of their return, and receive timely updates on their refund or exchange.

    Increase Efficiency – An RMS can help eCommerce businesses optimize their returns process by identifying patterns in returns and identifying areas for improvement. This can help reduce the number of returns and improve the overall efficiency of the process.

    Using a returns management system such as ReturnGO can significantly streamline your reverse logistics by enabling you to efficiently manage the returns process, providing you with real-time visibility into the status of each item, from receipt through inspection, disposition, and final resolution. 

    These systems can help you automate key tasks, reducing the risk of errors and speeding up the entire returns process. 

    Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)

    A warehouse management system (WMS) is a software solution designed to optimize warehouse operations and manage inventory. 

    Using a WMS will help you manage the process of receiving returned products back to your warehouse, and you can integrate it with ReturnGO to manage your reverse logistics all in one place.

    By implementing a WMS, you can:

    Optimize Inventory Management – A WMS helps you track returned products, optimizing inventory management and ensuring that returned products are processed quickly and accurately.

    Improve Order Fulfillment – A WMS can help you fulfill orders faster by identifying the location of returned products and making them available for resale.

    Increase Efficiency – A WMS can optimize your returns process by tracking item validation, restocking, and disposal of returned products.

    By automating and streamlining your reverse logistics process, a warehouse management system (WMS) will make managing and tracking returned items easier.

    3rd-Party Logistics (3PL) Providers

    3rd-party logistics (3PL) providers are companies that specialize in logistics and supply chain management. 3PLs provide logistical services such as order fulfillment, inventory management, and warehousing.

    Using a 3PL can help you streamline your returns process and save you money by:

    Providing Expertise – 3PLs are experienced in managing logistics and supply chain operations and can provide expert guidance on optimizing reverse logistics.

    Offering Scalability – 3PLs can help you scale up and manage the volume of returns as they increase without having to invest in additional resources or facilities.

    Reducing Costs – 3PLs reduce the costs associated with managing returns by offering a more cost-effective solution than managing the process in-house, saving you money on labor and other expenses.

    There is a growing trend towards using 3PLs – 40% of retailers use a 3PL to handle returns. By outsourcing reverse logistics to a 3PL, you can focus on other tasks while being confident that your returned products are being handled efficiently.

    3. Develop a Process for Handling Returned Products

    Set up a clearly-defined process for how your store handles returned products. Determine who is responsible for what, and what the protocol is for different types of products, conditions, and situations.

    Establish clear rules for what products will be accepted and what happens to them.

    Define what condition products must be in in order to be restocked, and what happens if they are not in good condition.

    Elements to Define in Your Reverse logistics Process

    Define the following aspects of your reverse logistics process and how you want to handle them:

    • The conditions for a return – Which products can be returned or exchanged? Does the original tag need to be attached? What other conditions apply?
    • How customers can return items – What shipping carriers do you use? How do you track return shipments?
    • Who is responsible for validating returned items – Do you use a WMS? Do you have a dedicated returns team? What do they look at when validating returns?
    • What happens to returned products – Are they restocked and resold? When do they get discarded or recycled? Do you resell them at a discount?

    Follow the 5 “R”s of Reverse Logistics

    When developing your reverse logistics process, it can help to consider the 5 “R”s of reverse logistics:

    1. Returns – How are returns handled and processed?

    2. Receiving – How are returned products received and validated?

    3. Refurbishing – Do you refurbish returned products and if so, what’s the process for that?

    4. Reselling – Do you resell returned products and if so, how?

    5. Recycling – What happens to products that can’t be resold, can you recycle or repurpose them?

    By taking into account the 5 Rs of reverse logistics, you can make sure that your returns process is optimized at every stage, from receiving and processing returns to restocking, refurbishing, or recycling products.

    4. Establish a Clear Return Policy

    A clearly-defined return policy helps set expectations and clarify the returns process for customers. This transparency helps increase customer satisfaction and reduces the likelihood of return fraud and returns that don’t meet your requirements. 

    Establish a clear return policy that outlines the acceptable reasons for returns, the timeline for returning products, acceptable product conditions, and the types of returns and exchanges offered.

    When creating your return policy, consider the following:

    Return Window

    Define how long customers have to return products. The average eCommerce return window is 30 days, but what makes sense for your store may vary depending on the type of products you sell, your target market, and your industry.

    For example, products with a short shelf life or expiration date, such as food or beauty products, often have a shorter return window to prevent customers from returning expired or unusable products that can’t be resold. 

    On the other hand, expensive items or items that require more time to evaluate, such as furniture or clothing, usually require a longer return window so that customers can try and test the item before deciding whether to keep it. 

    It’s important to clearly state your return window on your website and anywhere you sell your products, so customers know what to expect.

    Condition of the Product

    Be clear about the condition of the products that you will accept for returns. This helps to prevent misunderstandings, as customers will have a clear understanding of what is expected of them when returning a product.

    For example, if you sell apparel, you may only accept returns on unworn, unwashed items with tags still attached.

    Alternatively, if you sell electronics, you might accept returns only for items that are still in their original packaging and have not been opened or used.

    Make sure that your team members are trained to inspect returned items to make sure they comply with your return policy. This will help you avoid accepting items that don’t meet your requirements, and help you process returns more efficiently.

    Who Pays for Shipping

    Specify whether your customers will be responsible for paying for return shipping or if you offer free return shipping in certain circumstances.

    Despite the fact that customers increasingly expect not to be charged for returning items, less than half of eCommerce stores offer free return shipping, so offering free return shipping gives you a competitive advantage.

    You can use free return shipping as an incentive during the holiday season, as a loyalty reward, or to encourage exchanges over refunds.

    Refund or Exchange Options 

    Clearly outline what options customers have for refunds, exchanges, store credit, or gift cards.

    There are different types of returns you can offer, depending on your business and the types of products that you sell. Some common options include:

    Refunds – Refunds are the most commonly requested type of return. You can refund customers in various ways, such as back to the original payment method, or directly to their bank account.

    Exchanges – Exchanges enable customers to exchange an item for a different size, color, or product. This can be a good option for customers who received an item that didn’t fit, or who changed their mind about the product.

    Store credit or gift cards – Store credit and gift cards can be offered to customers instead of giving them a refund. This keeps the revenue within your store and encourages customers to purchase again.

    It’s important to clearly outline the refund or exchange options that you offer to customers, including any conditions or limitations that may apply.

    Shipping and Handling Fees

    Clarify whether customers will be charged any fees associated with their return. Provide an estimate of the cost so as to set expectations in advance.

    Some types of fees commonly associated with returns include:

    Restocking fee – A restocking fee is typically a percentage of the product’s original price and is intended to cover the costs of inspecting, repackaging, and restocking the returned item. 

    Processing fee – A processing fee may be applied to cover the administrative costs associated with processing a return. 

    Return shipping fee – A return shipping fee can be charged in cases where the customer is responsible for paying for return shipping. 

    Whatever fees you choose to charge, it’s important to clearly communicate these fees to your customers in your return policy to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings.

    Return Instructions

    Give customers clear instructions on how to initiate a return, including what information they need (i.e order number), how long to expect the process to take, and how they’ll be expected to return the item.

    Make sure that your return policy is clearly displayed on your website and that it’s written in easy-to-understand language.

    Add a link to your return policy on product pages, in emails, and on your website header or footer to make it easy for customers to find. 

    Having a clear return policy will help reduce misunderstandings and prevent customers from trying to return unsuitable items or contact customer support, thus streamlining the reverse logistics process.

    5. Analyze Returns Data for Opportunities to Improve

    Returns are a valuable source of data that can provide insights into customer behavior, product quality, and process efficiency. 

    By analyzing your returns data, you can identify opportunities to reduce returns, improve product quality, and streamline your reverse logistics process.

    Some metrics to track include:

    Product Return Rate

    The percentage of products that are returned. This can help you identify patterns such as specific products or product categories that have a higher return rate.

    Return Reasons

    Distribution of reasons that customers give for returning products. This can help you identify recurring issues with a certain product or areas where product descriptions can be improved.

    Reverse Logistics Costs

    The costs associated with processing a return, including shipping, handling, and restocking. This can help you identify opportunities to reduce costs and improve the efficiency of the reverse logistics process.

    Tracking these reverse logistics metrics will give you a better understanding of your reverse logistics process and help you pinpoint opportunities for improvement.

    “ReturnGO’s analytics provides more than basic statistics such as how many products were returned and what the return rate is, it also provides other interesting insights from which you can really conclude which products are more profitable and which are less so.”

    – Felix Leshno, Co-Founder and CXO, Underoutfit

    6. Monitor and Improve Your Strategy

    It’s important to continually monitor and improve your reverse logistics to ensure that it remains effective over time.

    Each stage of the reverse logistics process, from receiving and processing returns to restocking, repairing, or disposing of products, presents opportunities for optimizing the process and reducing costs.

    To monitor the efficiency of the reverse logistics process, you can:

    Track Return Metrics

    Keep track of your returns data and the efficiency of your logistics to keep an eye on how things are going and make improvements where necessary.

    Collect Customer Feedback

    By asking customers for feedback on the returns process, you can identify areas for improvement and make changes to boost customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

    For example, customers may provide feedback on how easy the return process is, how clear the return policy is, or what kind of customer service they received throughout the returns process.

    One way to gather actionable feedback from customers is by hopping on a call and having them walk you through their return process. Record the call and revisit it later to gain valuable insights into areas for improvement. 

    Conduct a Process Audit

    An audit of your reverse logistics process can help you identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement. This can be done internally or with the help of a 3PL that specializes in reverse logistics.

    Best Practices for Successful Reverse Logistics

    Follow these best practices to create and maintain a successful reverse logistics process.

    Automate Your Reverse Logistics Process

    Implementing automation can be a game-changer for streamlining your reverse logistics process. Automating your reverse logistics can help reduce labor costs, speed up processing times, and improve accuracy. 

    Use a returns management system like ReturnGO, together with warehouse management systems, 3PLs, shipping carriers, and other logistics partners to streamline your reverse logistics process and manage returns more efficiently.

    Implement Circular Economy Practices

    A circular economy is one where resources are kept in use as long as possible, waste is minimized, and materials are continually reused. This can be applied to reverse logistics by implementing practices that prioritize sustainability and reduce waste. 

    Sustainability is becoming increasingly important for customers, who are increasingly aware of the environmental impact of shopping and are looking to buy from stores that are committed to sustainability. 

    In fact, 78% of customers say their purchasing decisions are influenced by a brand’s environmental practices.

    Some examples of circular economy practices you can implement:

    Reselling – Consider repairing and reselling returned products instead of discarding them. This reduces waste and extends the life cycle of the product.

    Recycling – If a returned product can’t be repaired and resold, you can recycle it to recover valuable materials and cut down on waste.

    Donating – Donate returned products to charities or nonprofit organizations instead of throwing them out to keep the products in use. Besides reducing waste, this is an opportunity to give back to the community and create a positive social impact.

    By implementing these circular economy practices into your reverse logistics process, you can reduce waste and minimize your environmental impact while creating new opportunities for revenue and customer engagement.

    “We have a dedicated team that assesses the condition of returned flowers and prepares them for resale at a discounted price. In addition, we have partnered with a local charity that collects and repurposes used flowers. This not only helps us to reduce waste but also supports a good cause in our community.”

    –  David Cohen, CEO, Love Rose

    Communicate Clearly With Customers

    Make sure your customers know exactly what to expect from the returns process and that they receive prompt, professional responses to any queries or concerns they have.

    Provide clear return instructions – Give clear instructions for returning products, including information on how to issue a return request, where to send returned products, and the requirements for returns.

    Keep your customers updated – Provide customers with regular updates throughout the returns process on the status of their returns, tracking information, and notifications when their refund or exchange has been processed.

    Respond promptly to customer concerns – Address customer concerns promptly and professionally and offer solutions or alternatives to resolve issues and show customers that they are valued and supported. 

    Communicate clearly with customers throughout the return process to make sure that they have a positive return experience.

    Most customers say that efficiency, convenience, knowledgeable help, and friendly service are the most important factors for a positive customer experience.

    Train Your Team

    Make sure that your team understands the process for handling returns and is familiar with the software or systems used. This will help ensure that returns are processed quickly and accurately.

    Warehouse staff should be trained on how to properly inspect returned products, including identifying any damage or defects, checking that all components are included, and verifying that the product is in good condition for resale. 

    Train your customer support team to communicate effectively with customers during the returns process. This includes providing customers with clear and timely information on the status of their returns, answering any questions or concerns, and resolving issues as they arise.

    Having a competent team is one of the best ways to ensure an efficient, streamlined reverse logistics process and a positive customer experience.

    Challenges of Reverse Logistics

    Managing reverse logistics can be a challenging process. Some of the common challenges of reverse logistics include:

    Part of managing reverse logistics involves ensuring compliance with legal regulations related to product returns, disposals, and recycling. These laws can be complex and vary by location, making compliance challenging.

    Consult with legal professionals to make sure your business meets all applicable legal requirements and follows protocol.

    Keeping Down Costs

    Reverse logistics can be costly, and managing these costs can be a significant challenge. Costs such as shipping, processing, refurbishing, and disposal costs can quickly add up, especially if you receive a high volume of returns. 

    It’s important to find ways to minimize your reverse logistics costs while still maintaining high-quality service.

    Managing Inventory

    Returns often include products that have been opened, used, or damaged, which can complicate inventory management and make it hard to determine which products can be resold or refurbished and which need to be discarded. 

    Using a warehouse management system (WMS) can help you keep an eye on inventory levels and ensure that returned products are processed efficiently.

    Addressing Customer Concerns

    Returns can be a frustrating experience for customers, and a poorly managed reverse logistics process can exacerbate the issue. 

    Ensure a positive customer experience by being responsive to customer concerns, having a clearly-written return policy, and offering refunds and exchanges in a timely manner.

    Examples of Successful Reverse Logistics in eCommerce

    Here are a few examples of eCommerce stores that have implemented a successful reverse logistics process.


    Apple is one example of successful reverse logistics. Customers are encouraged to trade in their old devices for discounts on new products. 

    Returned products are sent back to be broken down and recycled into new parts that are used to manufacture new products. 

    In recent years, Apple has worked to minimize the impact of its products on the environment. Its first sustainability policy was created in 1990, and since then the company has designed new ways to be more energy-efficient and reduce environmental damage.

    By offering a trade-in program for repurposing and recycling used products, Apple has an eco-friendly reversal logistics process and saves money on production costs.

    Brava Fabrics

    Brava Fabrics has created an efficient reverse logistics process that enables them to manage returns smoothly and automatically.

    By automating reverse logistics through ReturnGO, Brava Fabrics now manages returns more efficiently and saves thousands of dollars a month.

    Automating the process and eliminating manual work enables Brava Fabrics to focus on its core mission of creating durable and iconic apparel.

    One of the key components of Brava Fabrics’ efficient reverse logistics process is its integration with multiple shipping carriers. By integrating with various shipping carriers in different regions around the world, they can efficiently handle returns from customers in different locations. 

    The automation and scalability of the reverse logistics process enable Brava Fabrics to efficiently manage returns as volumes increase, without incurring additional costs or adding staff. This ensures that Brava Fabrics can continue to provide its customers with the highest level of service, even as the business expands.

    “We choose carriers according to price and time. So, the best thing about ReturnGO is being able to change these carriers according to our priority, whenever we want.”

    – Gabriela Meyer Torres, Senior Operation Executive, Brava Fabrics

    H&M Group

    H&M Group aims to recirculate clothing and textiles through repair, reuse, and remake, taking action to increase sustainability and circularity in the reverse logistics process.

    To maximize the resources in existing products, H&M offers garment collection points in nearly all of its stores. Over 140,000 tons of textiles have been collected since the garment collection program began.

    Collected items are sorted and recirculated according to their condition: items that can be worn again are resold as second-hand clothing, worn clothes and textiles are turned into new products, such as cleaning cloths, and anything that can’t be resold or reused is shredded into textile fibers and used for things like insulation materials. 

    In 2021, H&M recycled around 500 tons of textile waste from garment production factories back into products.

    By sharing clear, accurate, and relevant information about its supply chain, products, and business standards and policies, H&M demonstrates its commitment to sustainability and circularity. 

    Streamline Your Reverse Logistics for Smoother Returns

    Efficient reverse logistics is crucial for any eCommerce business looking to provide the best possible customer experience while also saving time and money. 

    By implementing best practices such as automation, using circular economy practices, and establishing a clear return policy, you can save time, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction. 

    With the growth of eCommerce and the movement towards sustainability, it’s important to be proactive in managing your reverse logistics process.

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    How to Use Returns Data to Grow Your Online Store Tue, 04 Apr 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Returns data is a valuable source of information that can help you analyze customer behavior, identify new sales opportunities, and make data-driven decisions. 

    Start collecting and analyzing your returns data in order to grow your online store.

    The Importance of Returns Data in eCommerce

    Returns data is about more than handling returns; it’s about seeing them as an opportunity for growth. By understanding the reasons behind returns, you can identify areas for improvement, optimize your processes, and ultimately provide a better customer experience.

    The key performance indicators (KPIs) of returns data are one of the most important types of information that can be tracked by an eCommerce store. Understanding what products are being returned and why can help you make informed decisions to improve your bottom line.

    Here are two ways in which returns data can help you grow your online store:

    1. Understanding Customer Behavior

    Returns data can provide insights into customer behavior, such as why they are returning products, what items they are returning, and how often they return items. 

    Determine trends in customer behavior, like how often certain items get returned, and then work on addressing them. For example, if a particular product is frequently returned due to size issues, you might invest in more detailed sizing information or add a sizing chart. 

    By analyzing returns data, you can identify patterns and preferences and adjust your inventory accordingly. 

    Additionally, you can use returns data to analyze customer feedback and reviews to understand their pain points and improve the customer experience.

    2. Identifying Opportunities for Improvement

    Returns data can help you identify areas where your business can improve, such as reducing return rates, improving product descriptions, or identifying quality issues. 

    For instance, if customers are frequently returning a specific item, you can investigate whether there is a quality issue with that item or whether the product description is misleading.

    Collecting and Analyzing Returns Data

    Returns data can be collected and analyzed through manual methods or by using a returns management system.

    Manual Methods for Tracking Returns

    Manual methods involve tracking returns through spreadsheets or other manual processes. While this method can work for small businesses with low return volumes, tracking returns data manually can be time-consuming, error-prone, and difficult to scale.

    The Benefits of Using a Returns Management System

    Returns management systems like ReturnGO automate the process of collecting returns data, saving time and reducing errors. 

    An easy-to-understand return analytics dashboard gives you a visual representation of your returns data and displays it in an easy-to-understand format.

    Here are some benefits of using a returns management system (RMS) to track and analyze returns data:

    • Reduces manual work – Automating data collection with an RMS eliminates the need for manual data entry, saving time and making the process more efficient.
    • Improves accuracy – Tracking returns data with an RMS reduces the likelihood of errors and ensures that the data is accurate.
    • Streamlines the returns process – Using an RMS simplifies the returns process, making it easier for customers to return items, which can improve the customer experience.

    Ways to Use Returns Data to Grow Your Online Store

    Now that you understand the importance of returns data and how to collect it, let’s look at how you can use returns data to grow your online store. 

    1. Improve Products

    By analyzing returns data, you can identify patterns and preferences, such as customers’ preferred sizes, colors, or materials, and adjust your inventory accordingly.

    Returns data can also help you identify common complaints or issues that customers have with your products. By analyzing this data, you can make data-driven decisions to improve your products, such as adjusting the design, improving the material quality, or updating your product descriptions.

    2. Enhance the Customer Experience

    When it comes to handling returns, providing a high-standard customer experience is important, which is where returns data comes in. 

    Analyzing your returns data can help you uncover trends and insights and gain a deep understanding of your customers’ needs and wants, which you can use to optimize your online shopping journey to better meet their expectations. 

    You can use returns data to identify areas where you can improve the customer experience during the returns process. For example, tracking the time it takes to process returns can help you streamline the process to reduce customer wait times and improve customer satisfaction. 

    Additionally, you can gain valuable insight into customer preferences and pain points by tracking customer feedback, and you can use this insight to make adjustments to your product offerings and marketing strategies to better meet the needs of your customers.

    For example, if you see that the average amount that repeat customers spend is higher than that of first-time customers, you can focus your attention more on customer retention as that’s where you can get the most value.

    3. Identify New Sales Opportunities

    Returns data can be a valuable source of information for identifying new sales opportunities. 

    By analyzing return analytics, you can unlock insights into product performance, customer behavior, and operational efficiency. 

    With the help of a returns management system like ReturnGO, you can tap into this treasure trove of data to gain a competitive edge in the crowded eCommerce landscape. 

    By understanding why customers return products, you can improve your product offerings and take advantage of untapped segments of the market. 

    Additionally, optimizing internal processes, such as restocking and dealing with damaged products, will free up resources you can reallocate to growth initiatives. 

    Use returns data to make informed decisions, improve customer satisfaction, and drive sales growth.

    4. Reduce Return Rates

    Return rate is one of the most important KPIs to track for returns management. Your return rate is the percentage of products that are returned.

    Tracking your return rate enables you to measure customer satisfaction, identify customer return reasons, determine order accuracy, and take action to reduce your return rate. 

    The average eCommerce return rate hovers around 20-30%. Tracking your return rate can help you manage your returns more effectively.

    Based on your returns data you can improve product descriptions, adjust sizing charts, and improve the quality of your products to reduce your return rate.

    Streamline your returns process and reduce the time and resources required to process returns by using a returns management system such as ReturnGO. By doing so, you’ll be able to reduce your return rate, improve customer satisfaction, and save money on returns processing

    One example of an eCommerce store that used returns data to reduce its return rate is Silk & Salt, an eco-conscious fashion brand. When Silk & Salt realized that the most common reason for returns was “doesn’t fit”, they decided to look into it further.

    Silk & Salt used customized follow-up questions on the ReturnGO return portal to collect customer feedback. Using the ReturnGO return analytics dashboard, they discovered a product with a 90% return rate and determined that its high return rate was due to incorrect sizing for the “small” option. They turned to the manufacturer to make more accurate sizing for that product.

    Since then, Silk & Salt has taken an active approach to reducing returns by reviewing their returns data on a monthly basis.

    “Return trends can be easily understood with the amount of data in ReturnGO’s analytics.” 

    – Assaf Neuman, Head of Operations at Silk & Salt

    Harness the Power of Returns Data

    Analyzing returns data and understanding customer behavior will help you make data-driven decisions that will improve your business. 

    Gain actionable insights into your eCommerce business by using a returns management system like ReturnGO, which automates the data collection process for faster and more accurate reporting.

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    The First Recorded Return Request in History Sun, 02 Apr 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Wherever there’s trade, there will be return requests and complaints. But have you ever wondered how far back this goes?

    Let’s take a journey back in time to the first documented return request in history – around 3,000 years ago.

    The First-Ever Return Request: The Complaint Tablet to Ea-nasir

    The earliest recorded return request in history dates back to 1750 BCE, in the ancient city of Ur in Mesopotamia, on a clay tablet known as the Complaint Tablet to Ea-nasir, written in Akkadian cuneiform.

    This tablet is believed to have been written by a man named Nanni, a merchant who had ordered copper ingots from Ea-nasir, a fellow merchant. Upon receiving the goods, Nanni found that the copper was of poor quality. 

    In frustration, Nanni wrote a letter in which he detailed his complaints, stating that he had not accepted the copper, but had paid the money for it, and demanding a refund: 

    “What do you take me for that you treat me with such contempt? …

    … How have you treated me for that copper?

    You have withheld my money bag from me in enemy territory;

    it is now up to you to restore it to me in full.”

    Full Translation

    The complaint tablet to Ea-nasir is a valuable historical artifact as it provides insight into the way transactions were conducted in ancient times and highlights the importance of customer service even back then.

    The complaint tablet was discovered in the ruins of the city of Ur, in a house that may have been the residence of Ea-Nasir, and is currently on display at the British Museum

    Understanding the Complaint: What it Tells Us About Early Returns

    The complaint tablet to Ea-nasir is an excellent example of how returns have always been a part of trade, and provides us with valuable insights into the early history of returns. 

    It tells us that customers have always had high expectations of the products they buy and that they are not afraid to voice their dissatisfaction when those expectations are not met. It also shows that merchants have always been held to high standards of honesty and fairness.

    While the specifics of the complaint tablet are unique to its time and place, the basic principles underlying it are still relevant today. 

    Customers still expect high-quality products that meet their expectations, and merchants are still expected to resolve customer complaints satisfactorily.

    Comparing the Complaint Tablet to Modern-Day Returns

    Considering that the earliest complaint we’ve found was from 1750 BCE, it’s safe to assume there were others before then – this is just the oldest to have been discovered.

    Returns have come a long way since the days of the complaint tablet to Ea-nasir. While the basic principles underlying returns have remained the same, the way they are managed has evolved significantly over the past 3,000 years.

    In modern times, thanks to technology, the process of initiating a return request is faster and simpler – to the point where customers can easily initiate a return request online and instantly receive a refund.

    The Evolution of Returns Management

    Over the past 3,000 years, returns have evolved from a complicated and time-consuming process to a much simpler and more efficient one. 

    In ancient times, it was complicated to request a refund. Think about how much effort Nanni had to put into sending his complaint to Ea-nasir, engraving the message into a small clay tablet in cuneiform script and sending it by messenger. The effort put into making it conveys the magnitude of Nanni’s dissatisfaction.

    Fast forward to the 19th century, and returns were still a complicated and lengthy process, although less so. Mail-order catalogs, which were popular at the time, enabled customers to order products by mail, which they could only return the same way, if at all. This process could take weeks or months, and it wasn’t guaranteed that the customer would receive a refund.

    The 20th century saw the development of new retail technology such as barcodes and point-of-sale systems. While these innovations made returns easier to process in-store, they still demanded a lot of time and effort.

    It wasn’t until the rise of eCommerce in the 1990s that returns began to truly evolve. Even then, customers would need to contact the merchant by phone or email to initiate a return, and then merchants would have to process the return manually, which involved a significant amount of paperwork and tracking.

    The introduction of digital returns management systems enabled merchants to automate the return process, reducing the amount of time and resources required to process returns. 

    Today, returns management systems like ReturnGO are able to handle the entire returns process from start to finish, making returns more efficient and customer-friendly than ever before. 

    Customers can initiate a return online with just a few clicks of a button, and merchants can process the return automatically, with the system automatically generating shipping labels and tracking information.

    Embracing Returns: A Natural Part of Trade

    The complaint tablet to Ea-nasir, dating back to 1750 BCE, shows that customers have been unhappy with their purchases for thousands of years. 

    Over time, returns have evolved into a simpler, more efficient process. Today, returns management systems like ReturnGO make the returns process easier and more efficient than ever before.

    When we think back to the days of the complaint tablet to Ea-nasir, it’s hard not to wonder what merchants of the time would think if they knew what technology we have now. The ability to automate the entire returns process from start to finish would have seemed like magic to them.

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    9 Overlooked Returns Management Mistakes to Avoid Tue, 28 Mar 2023 08:00:00 +0000 It’s easy to make mistakes when it comes to handling returns, from not having a clear return policy to not leveraging return data to seeing returns as negative.

    By understanding some of the most commonly overlooked mistakes in returns management, you can prevent problems and prioritize your efforts to create a more efficient returns process.

    9 Overlooked Returns Management Mistakes to Avoid

    Steering clear of returns management mistakes is key to effectively managing returns, boosting customer satisfaction, and reducing costs.

    Here are some common mistakes in returns management, along with some of the best returns management tips for avoiding them.

    1. Not Having a User-Friendly Returns Process

    When your returns process is confusing and unclear, customers may not know how to initiate a return or what to do if they encounter a problem. This can lead to a decrease in the number of returns, as customers may simply abandon the process out of frustration.

    84% of customers would stop doing business with an online store after a bad returns experience.

    Moreover, a confusing returns process can lead to inefficiencies, as customers are more likely to contact customer service for assistance, adding to the workload of the customer service team and increasing return processing time.

    Simplifying the returns process for your customers can greatly improve their experience and reduce frustration. This includes providing clear instructions on how to initiate a return, the steps involved, and a self-service return portal to make it easy for customers to initiate a return.

    Returns Management Tip

    Provide a user-friendly, easy-to-understand returns process that includes clear instructions on how to initiate a return.

    2. Not Having a Clear Return Policy

    Without a clear return policy, customers may not know what to expect when they initiate a return. This can lead to misunderstandings and disputes, as customers may have different expectations for the return process.

    A clearly-defined return policy is essential for avoiding confusion and establishing trust with customers. 

    Customers want to know what to expect when they initiate a return, and a clear return policy provides them with the information they need.

    Your return policy should include:

    • Eligibility for returns (timeframe, eligible products)
    • Steps in the return process (initiating a return, required documentation)
    • Expected outcome for the customer (replacement, refund, store credit)
    • Fees associated with returns (restocking fee, return shipping fee)

    Clearly communicate your return policy across all your channels, including your website, email notifications, and product pages.

    Returns Management Tip

    Create a clear return policy that is easily accessible and clearly states the conditions for returns, including what items are eligible, how long customers have to initiate a return, and how the returns process works.

    3. Not Viewing Returns as Positive

    One of the most common mistakes in returns management is viewing returns as something negative. This mindset can lead to an inefficient returns process, which can increase costs and the amount of time it takes to complete the return.

    Additionally, if you only see returns as a negative thing, you’ll miss out on the opportunities that returns can provide, such as the ability to gather customer feedback and insights into customer preferences and shopping habits.

    It’s important to recognize that returns are a normal part of eCommerce and can even be an opportunity to improve the customer experience and build customer loyalty. 

    A smooth and customer-friendly returns process can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading to repeat business and word-of-mouth recommendations. Returns can also provide valuable insights into customer preferences and purchasing habits, which can be used to improve product offerings and the overall customer experience.

    With a positive approach to returns, you can turn a potentially negative experience into a positive one and improve the customer journey.

    Returns Management Tip

    Take returns as a way to understand customer preferences and improve your products and customer satisfaction, rather than as a burden.

    4. Not Leveraging Return Data

    By not leveraging return data, you miss out on the opportunity to improve the customer experience, increase customer satisfaction, and make your returns process more efficient. 

    Analyzing your returns can help you identify common return reasons such as sizing or product defects, which can then be addressed to reduce the number of returns and improve the customer experience.

    Your return data can also be used to optimize the returns process, identify inefficiencies, and reduce costs. By analyzing your returns, you can determine the most cost-effective shipping methods, improve the speed of the returns process, and ensure a smooth customer experience.

    Use your return data to analyze return trends, customer preferences, and the effectiveness of your return policy. Using this information, you can make informed decisions and continually improve your returns process.

    Returns Management Tip

    Use ReturnGO to track and analyze your return data to gain insights into your returns patterns and improve your returns process.

    5. Not Automating Your Returns

    Handling returns manually is a common mistake in returns management, particularly for small and growing eCommerce businesses. 

    Manually managing returns leads to errors in record-keeping and a lack of visibility into return data and trends. This can also lead to inefficiencies in the returns process, as your team has to spend time processing returns instead of focusing on other tasks.

    Efficiency is key when it comes to managing returns. More and more eCommerce stores are turning to automated returns management systems (RMS) like ReturnGO. ReturnGO helps you automate the entire returns process, from tracking returns to providing return shipping labels to analyzing return data.

    Automating your returns can improve efficiency, reduce errors, and speed up the return process.

    Returns Management Tip

    Automate your returns process with returns management software such as ReturnGO to simplify returns management, increase accuracy, and easily track and manage your returns in one place.

    6. Not Prioritizing Exchanges

    Another often-overlooked returns management mistake is not prioritizing exchanges over refunds. While it may seem easier to simply give customers a refund, this would be a missed opportunity to retain revenue and establish a lasting relationship with the customer.

    By prioritizing exchanges, you can turn a potentially negative experience into a positive one, showing customers that you value their business and are committed to providing an excellent experience.

    Using a ReturnGO return portal can help you better understand the reasons for returns and make it easy to offer seamless exchanges for another variant or another product altogether, all from within the return portal.

    For example, if a customer returns a jacket because they didn’t like the color, offering to exchange it for the same product in a different color can provide an easy solution.

    Returns Management Tip

    Prioritize exchanges to retain revenue from returns and keep customers instead of losing them after one purchase.

    7. Not Limiting Your Return Eligibility Rules

    When customers can return items without any restrictions or limitations, it can lead to abuse of the system and an increase in fraudulent returns. 

    To avoid this mistake, clearly define and communicate your return eligibility rules to customers, making it clear what the conditions are for returning and exchanging items. 

    Return conditions can include limitations on the timeframe for returns, the condition of the item being returned, and the type of item that can be returned.

    Limiting your return eligibility rules can help you better manage and process returns, reduce the likelihood of fraudulent returns, and ensure that your customers understand the limitations on returns before purchasing.

    Automating the return process with an online return portal can help you limit your return eligibility rules. Using ReturnGO, you can set up rules and conditions to ensure that only eligible returns are accepted.

    Returns Management Tip

    Establish clear return eligibility rules and automate the process to better manage returns and prevent return fraud.

    8. Not Understanding the Costs of Returns

    Without a clear understanding of the costs of processing returns, it can be difficult to assess the full impact of returns on the bottom line and identify areas for improvement.

    Costs associated with returns management can include:

    • Labor
    • Storage and inventory management
    • Equipment
    • Shipping
    • Non-resellable inventory
    • Software

    Track your returns management costs, including return costs per item, unsellable inventory costs, and costs associated with processing returns.

    By tracking your returns costs you can identify areas where costs can be reduced and develop strategies for managing returns more efficiently.

    Reduce your return costs by improving the efficiency of shipping, warehousing, and processing returns.

    Automating your workflows can help reduce the costs of managing product returns by streamlining the process of handling returned items. 

    With the right technology, such as a returns management system, you can fully automate the returns process, which helps reduce errors and improve efficiency, thus reducing returns costs.

    Returns Management Tip

    Track the cost of returns and automate your workflows to reduce returns management costs.

    9. Not Preventing Return Fraud

    One of the biggest challenges in returns management is dealing with return fraud.

    Return fraud is the act of returning products for illegitimate reasons to get a refund. Some common types of return fraud include returning damaged, used, or stolen products, or using counterfeit receipts to claim a refund.

    Not taking action to prevent return fraud can be a costly mistake, leading to financial losses and an increase in operational costs. The US retail industry suffers annual losses of around $24 billion in return fraud and return policy abuse, making up an average of 8% of returns. 

    To prevent fraudulent returns, implement clear return policies and processes to validate the legitimacy of returns. 

    Set clear restrictions on the timeframe for returns, the conditions in which products must be returned, and the types of products that are eligible to be returned.

    Technology can also help you prevent return fraud. There is various return fraud-detecting software that can help you identify and prevent fraudulent returns. 

    For example, you can track product movement throughout your supply chain with barcode scanning technology to detect and prevent fraudulent returns and use analytics tools to identify patterns of fraudulent behavior, such as multiple returns from the same customer or repeated high-value returns.

    Returns Management Tip

    Establish a clear return policy and use technology to detect and prevent return fraud.

    Streamline Your Returns

    Efficient returns management is a crucial aspect of running an eCommerce store, and avoiding the common mistakes highlighted above can help you create a smoother and more cost-effective returns process.

    By having a user-friendly returns process and return policy, as well as utilizing return data and automation, you can improve the customer experience, reduce costs, and optimize your returns process.

    ReturnGO can help you implement the returns management tips mentioned above to streamline your returns.

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    Lessons from the Great Outdoors: Applying Camping Principles to eCommerce Returns Sun, 26 Mar 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Embracing an outdoor mindset, such as that of a camper, can help you improve your store’s return management and boost the customer experience. 

    Let’s explore how you can apply principles of camping to the eCommerce returns process, such as how to remain organized and prepared, how to choose the right tools for the job, and how to be adaptive and flexible when conditions change.

    Camping and eCommerce Returns: What They Have in Common

    Camping and eCommerce returns have more in common than you might think. Both require careful planning and consideration of all possible scenarios to ensure a successful outcome. 

    When camping, you need to make sure you have the right supplies and know the best places to set up the tent. With eCommerce returns, you have to make sure your store is ready to accommodate customers who want to return or exchange their online purchases. This requires a well-thought-out returns process and returns management system. 

    By taking a few lessons from the great outdoors and applying them to your eCommerce returns management strategy, you can make sure your customers have a great experience and that your returns process runs smoothly.

    1. Be Prepared for Anything

    One of the key lessons to be learned from camping is to always be prepared for anything. Just like camping, running an online store requires careful planning and preparation. 

    It’s important to set up processes and workflows to ensure a smooth returns process, including having a well-defined return policy that is easy for customers to understand. 

    An automated returns management system will also help you process returns quickly and efficiently.

    2. Adapt to Changing Conditions

    Another lesson the great outdoors can teach us regarding eCommerce returns management is the importance of adapting to changing conditions. 

    Just like in camping, your store must be prepared for the unexpected, and be able to adapt to changing customer needs and expectations. 

    Returns management is an ever-evolving process and it’s important to update your return policy and process as needed to ensure your customers have a positive returns experience.

    3. Leave No Waste

    In camping, it’s important to leave the natural environment as undisturbed as possible, and this includes minimizing waste. Similarly, your store can take steps to reduce the waste generated by returns

    Returns generate billions of pounds of landfill waste and create huge amounts of carbon emissions.

    Transport, packaging, and processing of returns generate carbon emissions, and products that can’t be resold are often sent to landfills, causing significant environmental damage. 

    One way to reduce waste is by encouraging customers to donate or recycle items they no longer want or need rather than sending them back to your store. You can also consider using more sustainable packaging materials and partnering with companies that offer eco-friendly disposal options.

    4. Stay Organized

    In camping, staying organized can help campers keep track of their gear and supplies.

    In eCommerce returns, staying organized can help you keep track of returned items and ensure that they are processed correctly.

    Use a returns management system to keep track of returned items, ensure that they are properly processed and restocked, and minimize errors in the returns process.

    Staying calm and collected can help campers make rational decisions and stay safe in stressful situations. When it comes to eCommerce returns, staying calm can help you resolve customer complaints and keep things moving smoothly. 

    What You Can Learn From Camping to Improve Returns

    Camping can teach us a lot about how to manage eCommerce returns. Taking camping principles such as being prepared, adaptable, sustainable, and organized and applying them to managing eCommerce returns for a smoother and more efficient returns process. 

    ReturnGO can help you implement these principles and make your returns process simple, cost-effective, and efficient.

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    Enhance Your ReturnGO Subscription Plan With Add-Ons Wed, 22 Mar 2023 08:00:00 +0000 With add-ons, you can enhance your ReturnGO subscription to fit your unique needs, resulting in a more personalized returns management solution. Here’s what you need to know about add-ons if you’re looking to take your returns management to the next level.

    What Are Add-Ons?

    Add-ons enable you to enhance your subscription plan to fit your needs by adding specific features that aren’t included in your subscription plan.

    Some of the add-on features available include video upload, product exchange, and more. Choose the add-ons that best suit your store’s return policy and business needs to personalize your returns management.

    Why Use Add-Ons?

    Add-ons help you personalize your subscription plan to fit your needs, enabling you to manage returns more efficiently and offer a more seamless return process.

    By selecting the add-ons that are most relevant to your store, you can create a subscription plan tailored to your store’s needs, which can help you better manage returns and reduce costs.

    Add-ons offer a more flexible and cost-effective solution than upgrading to a higher-tier subscription plan. With add-ons, you can add only the specific extra features you need instead of paying for a bigger plan.

    When upgrading your plan to one that already includes the add-on as a regular feature, you will no longer be charged for the feature separately.

    Benefits of Add-Ons

    Add-ons provide a wide range of benefits, including:

    Flexibility – Add-ons enable you to add specific features you need, giving you greater flexibility and control over your returns process.

    Affordability – Add-ons are priced individually, so you can choose to add only the features you need, without the expense of upgrading to a higher subscription plan. This makes it more affordable to add features as needed.

    Efficiency – Add-ons enable you to add features such as product exchange, white-label return portal, and item validation, which can help you improve your returns process and manage returns more efficiently.

    Scalability – Add-ons can be added or removed at any time, making it easier for you to scale your returns solution as your business grows. 

    Setting Up Add-Ons

    Setting up add-ons is simple and can be done directly from your ReturnGO dashboard. All you need to do is go to your store account page, select the features you want to add to your plan, and then you’ll be able to see the updated price of your plan including the add-ons, after which you’ll be redirected to the Shopify billing page where you can confirm the new billing. 

    With just a few clicks, you can enhance your ReturnGO plan to fit your business needs and make the most of your returns management. 

    What Types of Add-Ons Can You Choose?

    ReturnGO add-ons offer a wide range of features you can add to your plan to help you manage returns more effectively. 

    Currently, the features you can enable as add-ons include product exchange, white label return portal, video upload, and item validation. Keep in mind that new add-ons are being made available all the time.

    Product Exchange

    Adding product exchanges to your return resolutions enables customers to exchange an item they want to return for a different product, directly through your store’s return portal.

    Product exchanges can help streamline the exchange process and improve the customer experience, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

    Benefits of product exchanges include:

    Improved Customer Experience – Enabling customers to exchange products can greatly improve the customer experience. Customers are more likely to return products if they know they can easily exchange them for something else, resulting in increased customer satisfaction.

    Streamlined Process – Product exchange helps streamline the returns process by enabling customers to initiate exchanges directly from your website. This can reduce your workload and minimize the risk of disputes and return fraud.

    Increased Repeat Purchases – By offering product exchanges, you can increase your repeat purchases and thereby your bottom line. Customers who exchange a product are more likely to come back and buy something else from your store, resulting in more revenue.

    Customizable Exchange Policy – ReturnGO’s product exchange feature is fully customizable, giving you the flexibility to control the cost of exchanges, set product-specific exchange policies, and ensure that the exchange process runs smoothly and efficiently.

    White-Label Return Portal

    With a white-label return portal, there’s no indication that your return portal is powered by ReturnGO, giving your customers a seamless, consistent return experience. 

    Instead of having “Powered by ReturnGO” at the bottom of your return portal, your portal will be fully integrated into your website, with only your own branding, colors, and logo.

    All ReturnGO return portals are customizable so that they look and feel like the rest of your eCommerce store. White-labeling adds that final touch of making your return portal your own, so your customers won’t know that it’s powered externally.

    Video Upload

    With the video upload feature, you can ask customers to upload a video of the product they want to return, demonstrating any defects, damages, or issues with the product. 

    All merchants using ReturnGO can require customers to upload photos. The video feature enables customers to upload videos as well. The storage limit for videos is 15GB, which translates to approximately 1000 videos.

    Videos are helpful to provide a more accurate and detailed view of the product, making it easier to assess the return request and decide whether to approve it or not.

    For example, if you get a lot of damaged item returns that need a more thorough inspection, you can add the video upload add-on so customers can upload videos to show you the item’s condition more accurately. 

    By reducing the need for further correspondence between the customer and your team, the video upload add-on can streamline your returns process, by helping you understand the issue and make a decision more quickly.

    Item Validation

    With item validation, you can have your team inspect returned items, validate their condition, and mark whether they are restockable.

    By having an efficient system in place for validating returned items, you can reduce the amount of time it takes to process returns, and document more information.

    You can also use item validation to set up automations that help streamline your returns process, such as automatically triggering refunds when the item is validated.

    The item validation feature is also useful if you integrate with a warehouse management system (WMS), as it enables the WMS to validate your returned items and for that information to be reflected on your ReturnGO dashboard accordingly.

    These are just a few examples of the many add-ons available to ReturnGO users. With a range of features to choose from, there’s something to suit every need and every business. 

    Whether you’re looking to streamline the returns process, improve the customer experience, or maximize the value you receive from your ReturnGO subscription, add-ons are a flexible and cost-effective solution.

    Use Add-Ons to Enhance Your Returns Management

    Add-ons offer another level of flexibility to your ReturnGO returns management solution.

    By enabling you to add specific features you need, add-ons help to create a returns management solution that is tailored to the unique needs of your online store. 

    Whether you’re looking to streamline the inspection process, improve the customer experience, or maximize the value you receive from your ReturnGO subscription, add-ons are a great option.

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    The Impact of Impulsivity on eCommerce Returns Mon, 20 Mar 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Online shopping has made it easier than ever for customers to purchase products with just a few clicks. However, this ease of access has also led to increased levels of impulsivity, which can result in higher return rates.

    It’s important to understand the impact of impulsivity on eCommerce returns and take steps to mitigate its effects.

    What is the Impact of Impulsivity on eCommerce Returns?

    Impulsive buying behavior can lead to more product returns because when customers make purchases without fully considering their options, they often end up with products that don’t meet their needs or expectations.

    Some of the ways customer impulsivity increases return rates:

    Not Considering the Return Policy

    Impulsive buyers are more likely to make purchases without carefully considering the return policy, which can lead to confusion or frustration if the return policy is not clearly communicated or doesn’t align with the customer’s expectations.

    Experiencing Buyer’s Remorse

    Impulsive purchases are more likely to result in buyer’s remorse, which is the feeling of regret or anxiety after making a purchase. When customers experience buyer’s remorse, they are more likely to return the product, even if there’s nothing wrong with it. 

    Not Planning Ahead

    Impulsive purchases are often made without a plan or consideration for future needs or preferences. Ultimately, this can result in customer returns when they realize the product doesn’t fit their overall plans.

    Engaging in Bracketing Fraud

    Impulsive buyers are more likely to engage in bracketing return fraud, which is the act of buying multiple versions of the same item in different sizes, colors, or styles with the intention of returning those that don’t fit or don’t meet their needs.

    Impulse Purchases Lead to High Return Rates

    Impulse purchases lead to high return rates as customers are more likely to return items they bought impulsively.

    A high return rate can have several negative impacts, including:

    • Reduced Profit Margins – Every time an item is returned, your store loses revenue. High return rates can significantly impact your profit margins.
    • Decreased Customer Satisfaction – High return rates may be indicative of customer dissatisfaction, resulting in negative reviews and reduced customer loyalty.
    • Increased Workload – Processing returns can be time-consuming and require additional resources. High return rates can increase your team’s workload, resulting in decreased efficiency and higher costs.

    By understanding the impact of impulsivity on eCommerce returns and taking steps to mitigate its effects, you can improve your bottom line and provide a better customer experience.

    Tips to Mitigate the Impact of Impulsivity on Returns

    Here are a few practical steps you take to reduce the likelihood of impulsive purchases and subsequent returns:

    Provide Clear Product Descriptions and Images

    Providing detailed and accurate product descriptions and images can help customers make more informed purchasing decisions, reducing the likelihood of them making impulsive purchases that may not meet their needs or expectations. 

    By using high-quality images and descriptive text, you can provide a more accurate representation of the product, which can reduce the chance of eCommerce returns and exchanges.

    Display Reviews from Previous Customers

    Customer reviews and ratings can provide valuable feedback and social proof for potential customers who are considering buying a certain product.

    97% of customers typically read product reviews and look at ratings before making a purchase. Reviews can help build trust with potential customers and provide them with a more accurate representation of the product. 

    By highlighting customer reviews, you can provide a more balanced perspective on products, which can help reduce the likelihood of impulsive purchases.

    Communicate Your Return Policy Clearly

    Reduce confusion and manage customer expectations by clearly communicating your return policy.

    Customers want to know what to expect if they need to return a product, including any deadlines, requirements, and potential fees. Make sure your return policy includes everything customers need to know about the returns process.

    By clearly communicating your return policy on your website, product pages, and post-purchase emails, customers can make more informed decisions about their purchases, reducing the likelihood of returns and exchanges.

    Offer Personalized Product Recommendations

    Personalized product recommendations can help customers find products that meet their specific needs and preferences, reducing the likelihood of them making impulsive purchases that may not be a good fit.

    By using customer data to personalize messaging and promotions, you can create a sense of exclusivity and relevance that can help reduce impulsive purchases. 

    80% of customers are more likely to make a purchase if they receive a personalized experience, and that purchase is more likely to meet their expectations.

    Address Impulse Purchases to Reduce Return Rates

    The impact of impulsivity on eCommerce returns is something many people fail to consider, and it should be taken seriously. 

    By taking steps to mitigate the effects of impulsive buying behavior, you can help customers make more informed decisions and reduce the likelihood of impulsivity-related returns.

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    8 eCommerce Experts Share Returns Management Tips Tue, 14 Mar 2023 08:00:00 +0000 In eCommerce, returns can make or break the customer experience, which is why effective returns management is important.

    Here are some brilliant insights from 8 leading eCommerce experts who share their tips for managing returns smoothly and efficiently. From automating your returns to improving your return policy, these tips will help you manage returns effectively.

    1. Put Someone in Charge of Returns

    “Having someone who is in charge of the return process for your eCommerce business ensures that it goes smoothly. 

    When you have someone dedicated to making the return process simple and done right, then you increase the chances of a happy customer. 

    It also makes your life easier as a manager or business owner as you have trusted people on your team who can focus on this aspect of owning an eCommerce company. 

    Doing this helps to streamline the return process which makes it easier for customers to trust how you do returns and therefore will continue to shop with you.”

    Daniel Climans 

    Senior Manager, Digital Marketing & Partnerships 


    2. Communicate Effectively

    “Communication is key in managing customer returns. Regular updates and proactive notifications can help reduce customer frustration and increase satisfaction. 

    Respond promptly to customer inquiries acknowledge receipt of returned items, and keep customers informed about the status of their return. 

    Consider offering a chatbot for quick and easy access to information, and provide clear and concise answers to frequently asked questions about returns on your website.”

    John Frigo

    eCommerce Manager

    Best Price Nutrition

    3. Have a Clear Return Policy

    “Make sure you have a clear return policy in place. This will help customers know what they’re allowed to do and what they need to do to return your product. 

    Make sure to include information about how long the product must be unused, the shipping costs associated with returning the product, and any other relevant details.”

    Febra Alexander


    Doggy Bag Treat

    4. Actively Encourage Reviews

    “When determining whether or not to purchase, online customers are naturally drawn to user reviews, so it’s always a good idea to include them on your product pages. 

    You may undoubtedly meet negative evaluations along the way, but you should not regard this as a negative. Take the time to reply to any feedback, positive and negative, and you will be able to resolve any concerns. 

    Actually, how you treat your clients after they have made a purchase is more significant than how you handled them before they made a purchase. 

    Those efforts to assure customer satisfaction and resolve any concerns, if necessary, will foster brand loyalty and keep customers coming back for more.”

    Mark Valderrama

    Owner and CEO

    Aquarium Store Depot

    5. Collect Customer Return Reasons

    “Use the data from your returns to reduce your future return rates. By asking your customers for the reason they wish to send back items, you can quickly identify widespread issues. 

    These insights can help find problems with the products, such as quality or fit, and can also help you edit product listings for fewer returns in the future.

    For example – if many items of a particular SKU are coming back as “too large” then you’ll know that you need to have the manufacturer double-check their measurements and maybe alter the sizing for future shipments (could be there was an issue, or type of material fits differently, etc). You’ll also want to QA the rest of the sizes in that batch to make sure they measure correctly.

    By also offering an open-ended feedback comment box, you can better identify pain points and customers’ exact issues. 

    This can help you better dial in product descriptions – what are customers saying they wish they knew before they purchased?

    If it is something frequently reported, consider adding that note to the product description to help future buyers.”

    John Cheng



    6. Set Well-Defined Steps

    “Focus on establishing straightforward but effective processes. 

    However, in order to reach this degree of returns management, stores must implement clear, efficient processes at the point of return, such as collecting all essential data, swiftly analyzing the condition of the returned item, and assigning it to its final destination.”

    Raine Gui

    Founder and Creative Director

    Model Chic

    7. Understand the Cost of Returns

    “A solid return policy is crucial to maintaining customer satisfaction, and shoppers adore shops that provide free returns.

    However, it’s critical to comprehend how much returns are costing you financially in terms of paying for reverse shipping and tracking, as well as how many man hours are required to manage returns, from answering phones to refilling shelves.

    These calculations can provide a lot of information; for instance, if the data reveals that customer returns cost nearly as much as developing a new product or buying one in bulk, you might want to consider offering a refund and letting customers keep the original to immediately decrease your losses. 

    If the figures make sense, it might be advisable to refrain from doing so since research indicates that 79% of buyers won’t make a purchase from an online business that charges return shipping costs. 

    Additionally, providing free eCommerce returns may result in a significant enough boost in overall sales to eventually pay for itself.”

    Steve Pogson

    Founder & E-commerce Strategy Lead

    First Pier

    8. Make Returns Trackable

    “Why should logistics be any different now that we can get whatever information we require or desire? We can track a product from the manufacturer to your warehouse and, if necessary, back to you thanks to advanced technology. 

    Tracking your items’ entire path, including the reverse logistics process, has never been simpler. And as we all know, information is power.

    As a result, you gain control over your returned merchandise and give your customers the ability to check on the progress of their returns. Return monitoring is crucial on your end for preventing returns fraud, which can be easily avoided and dealt with if it does occur. 

    After a customer returns a product, you should keep track of the situation at all times. This, along with additional features like partial refunds, can assist you in preventing return fraud and abuse while still delivering top-notch customer service.”

    Gene Fitzgerald

    Head of Content Marketing

    Best Osmosis Systems

    Streamline Your Returns Management

    Follow these eCommerce experts’ returns management tips to streamline your returns, improve customer satisfaction, and build a loyal customer base. 

    By approaching returns with a positive attitude with a focus on automation and tracking, returns can be turned into an opportunity for growth.

    Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your returns management to the next level, these tips provide practical advice and actionable steps to improve your returns process.

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    What Rock Climbing Teaches Us About eCommerce Returns Sun, 12 Mar 2023 08:30:00 +0000 As a climber, I thought it would be interesting to explore how climbing and eCommerce returns can be compared, and how some climbing principles can help improve returns management.

    Let’s take a look at how climbing and returns management both require careful planning, adapting to unexpected challenges, and attention to detail.

    Here are a few valuable lessons I found from the world of rock climbing that can be applied to improve your returns process.

    Lessons from Rock Climbing for Better Return Management

    At first glance, rock climbing and eCommerce returns may not seem to have much in common. 

    However, there are some interesting parallels we can draw between the two:

    Planning and Preparation

    Just like rock climbing, successfully managing eCommerce returns requires careful planning and preparation. 

    When preparing to climb a rock face, climbers carefully study the route, assess the risks, and plan their approach. They must assess the risks, plan their approach, and prepare the necessary gear and equipment. This preparation helps the climber anticipate potential obstacles and prevent unpleasant and dangerous surprises.

    Similarly, make sure to carefully plan your return policy, including processes for handling returns, packaging, restocking, and refunding, and set up return technology and software to help you manage your returns.

    Consider factors such as the types of products you sell, the customer base, and shipping and logistics. By planning ahead and preparing for returns, you can prevent confusion and reduce the risk of dissatisfied customers.

    Adapting to Challenges

    Rock climbing and eCommerce returns can both present unexpected challenges that require quick thinking and adaptability.

    It might seem like returns are straightforward – a customer is unsatisfied with their order, they request a refund, and you refund them. Climbing, too, might seem as simple as grabbing a rock and pulling yourself up.

    The truth is, they aren’t quite so simple, and a lot can go wrong, making it important to be flexible and adaptable.

    While climbing, there may be equipment malfunctions, a foothold might break off, or it may start raining. Climbers need to adapt to these challenges on the fly, finding solutions to complete their climb safely.

    Similarly, managing returns involves adapting to unexpected challenges that might come up, like mislabeled packages, disputes over refund amounts, or logistical issues.

    It’s important to be able to think on your feet and find solutions to these challenges.

    By being prepared and flexible, you can keep your customers satisfied and ensure a smooth return process.

    Attention to Detail

    Attention to detail is a crucial aspect of eCommerce returns management that can make a significant difference in the success of your business. 

    Like in rock climbing, where every foothold and handhold must be carefully assessed and considered, attention to detail in the returns process involves carefully examining each return and making sure all the details are accurate.

    Paying attention to the details of the returns process helps you reduce the likelihood of damaged or lost products and ensure that returned products are properly restocked or disposed of.

    When customers experience problems with the returns process, they are less likely to return again. They may also share their negative experiences with others, leading to lost sales and damage to your brand reputation. 

    By paying attention to details and providing a smooth, efficient returns process, you can build customer loyalty, improve your reputation, and increase customer satisfaction.

    Tracking and Analysis

    Just as climbers track their progress and analyze their performance, you can use data and analytics to track and analyze your store’s returns

    It’s important for climbers to keep track of their performance and progress by tracking workouts, measuring climbing speed, filming climbs to analyze and improve, and more.

    When managing returns, track and analyze return metrics to gain valuable insights into the return management process, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your returns. 

    You can track things like return rates, reasons for returns, costs associated with returns, and the time required to process returns.

    For example, if you have a high return rate for a particular product, you can improve the product description or images, and if you notice that returns are taking longer than usual to process, you can look for bottlenecks or inefficiencies that could be addressed.

    Climbers track their progress so they can improve their technique and reach new levels of climbing ability.

    Similarly, by monitoring your return rates, return reasons, and outcomes, you can identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to improve the returns process.

    Applying Climbing Principles to eCommerce Returns

    While rock climbing and eCommerce returns may seem like unrelated topics, they actually have a lot in common. 

    Both require careful planning, adaptability, focus on details, and the use of data and analytics to track and improve performance.

    By learning from the techniques and strategies of rock climbers, you can improve your returns process and provide a better customer experience.

    If you’re looking to take your returns management to the next level, look to the world of climbing for inspiration and start climbing with confidence today, with ReturnGO by your side to help you reach the top.

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    How to Reduce Return Rates With User-Generated Content Wed, 08 Mar 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Picture this: While scrolling through Instagram, you notice one of your favorite influencers wearing a stunning outfit. “I want that!” you think. 

    You click on the link in their bio, but you’re not quite sold yet. Then you see the product reviews and customer photos. People just like you wearing and loving the outfit. 

    Suddenly, you feel more confident about buying it.

    That’s the power of user-generated content for eCommerce. By providing social proof, user-generated content helps potential customers make informed purchase decisions, reducing the likelihood of a return.

    What is User-Generated Content?

    User-generated content (UGC) is content created and shared by your customers about your products. UGC can be in the form of reviews, photos, videos, and more.

    Including user-generated content on your eCommerce store offers potential customers valuable information about the products, which helps reduce return rates and improve the customer experience.

    You can use a UGC platform such as Loox to easily collect and display user-generated content for your online store.

    How Does User-Generated Content Reduce Return Rates?

    User-generated content reduces return rates by providing potential customers with relevant information about the products they are considering purchasing. 

    Customers are more likely to trust information coming from other customers rather than the eCommerce store itself. In fact, 80% of customers say they value customer photos more than brand photos.

    UGC provides an authentic and reliable representation of the product, and customers can see real-life examples of how the product is used and what others think of it. 

    86% of customers prefer UGC because it enables them to see what the product looks like in real life. Brand-produced photos and videos can show off a product’s best features, while user-generated content shows a real person using the product in real situations, giving customers a more realistic view of how it might benefit them.

    By displaying user-generated content on your eCommerce store, you can tap into this customer trust and provide potential customers with valuable information to help them make informed purchasing decisions, reducing return rates and improving customer satisfaction.

    How To Encourage User-Generated Content

    Here are some ways you can encourage your customers to create UGC for your eCommerce store:

    Offer Incentives

    Offer incentives such as discounts, special promotions, or exclusive access to products and services to encourage customers to create UGC.

    By offering incentives to create user-generated content, you motivate customers to engage with your brand and create UGC that can help other customers with their buying decisions.

    Make it Easy

    Make it easy for customers to create user-generated content by including a simple review or feedback form on your website or product pages.

    The process of submitting UGC should be simple and straightforward, without lengthy forms or complicated authentication processes. 

    By streamlining the process and reducing any barriers or obstacles to leaving reviews, photos, or feedback, you can encourage more people to contribute valuable UGC.

    Respond to UGC

    Responding to user-generated content shows that you value your customers’ opinions and feedback, which can encourage them to create more content in the future.

    When responding to UGC, it’s important to be timely and professional. Acknowledge the customer’s contribution and thank them for taking the time to share their experience. Address any concerns or questions they may have raised. 

    Make it a standard practice to respond to all UGC in a timely manner, regardless of whether the feedback is positive or negative, to demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction.

    5 Types of User-Generated Content for eCommerce

    User-generated content can come in many different forms such as product reviews, customer photos and videos, and FAQs. 

    Incorporate different types of UGC into your eCommerce strategy to improve the customer experience and reduce return rates by providing customers with the information they need to make purchasing decisions. 

    Here are five types of eCommerce UGC and how they can help you reduce return rates.

    1. Product Reviews

    Product reviews are one of the most common forms of UGC. They provide valuable insights into the product’s quality, functionality, and usage, and can help potential customers make informed purchasing decisions. 

    97% of customers typically read product reviews and look at ratings before making a purchase.

    Reviews can provide an inside look into the quality, fit, and overall experience of a product, giving customers a more informed perspective and helping to reduce the risk of them buying a product that doesn’t meet their expectations.

    Customers who interact with ratings and reviews on a product page convert at 120.3% the rate of those who don’t.

    Positive reviews from other customers can provide social proof that a product is of good quality, which can lead to customers feeling more confident in making a purchase. 

    Product reviews can also provide valuable information about a product that isn’t included in product descriptions or other marketing materials, helping customers make more informed purchasing decisions.

    By monitoring and responding to customer product reviews, you can demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction, improve the customer experience, and identify recurring problems with specific products.

    2. Customer Size & Fit Information

    User-generated content is important for helping customers with sizing and reducing return rates because it provides customers with real-life examples of how a product fits. 

    Customers are more likely to feel confident about the sizing of a product when they see pictures or videos of other people wearing the product or read about their experiences. This can help reduce returns due to sizing issues.

    Ask customers to share sizing information by asking for it when they submit a product review. Encourage customers to include their height, weight, and measurements along with a photo of themselves wearing the product. Other customers can then use this information to determine how the product might fit them.

    75% of customers say that user-generated content helps them get a better sense of the product’s sizing. 

    By providing customers with size and fit information from real people, you can reduce the number of returns due to sizing issues. 

    3. Real-Life Photos & Videos

    Encouraging customers to share real-life photos and videos of your products can provide potential customers with a more realistic idea of what the product looks like and how it works. 

    85% of customers say they’re more likely to buy a product that has photos and videos included in the reviews. 

    User-submitted photos and videos can help you convert more browsers into buyers, especially in highly visual categories such as apparel and home improvement.

    With customer photos and videos, you can reduce return rates as customers are more likely to make a purchase if they have a clear understanding of what they are getting.

    4. FAQ of Customer Questions

    An FAQ section can be a valuable resource for customers, as it provides answers to common questions about your products. 

    Regardless of how comprehensive your product descriptions are, some customers are likely to still have questions. In this situation, customers are likely to check your FAQ section to see whether another customer has already asked the same question, and if not, they can ask it themselves.

    Customers’ interactions with FAQ sections can greatly affect their buying decisions. FAQs are the most effective form of user-generated content, driving a 157.1% increase in conversions. Getting quick answers to questions (and reading answers to questions that have already been asked) gives visitors the confidence they need to convert.

    Encourage customers to ask questions and answer them in a detailed FAQ section that can reduce return rates by giving potential customers the information they need to make an informed purchase decision.

    5. Customer Feedback

    Customer feedback is an essential type of UGC as it provides valuable insights into what customers like and dislike about your products. 

    Feedback from customers can be used to make improvements and enhance the customer experience, reducing return rates due to product defects, functionality issues, or other types of customer dissatisfaction. 

    For example, if a customer provides feedback indicating that a product is too small or too large, you can use that information to adjust the sizing. Alternatively, if a customer provides feedback indicating that a product is difficult to use or has a short lifespan, you can improve the product design or quality.

    How to collect customer feedback:

    • Online Surveys Collect customer feedback with online surveys, which can be used to gather information on customer satisfaction, product feedback, and suggestions for improvement.
    • Social Media Monitoring – Monitor mentions and comments about your brand on your social media channels.
    • Customer Service Interactions – Encourage your customer service team to ask customers for feedback during phone or live chat interactions.
    • Post-Purchase Emails – Ask for customer feedback in post-purchase emails, which can include a rating or feedback form, and ask customers for their thoughts about the product.

    By using customer feedback to improve products, you can reduce returns and improve customer loyalty, since customers are more likely to make repeat purchases from your store if they know you take their feedback into consideration. 

    Customers Want User-Generated Content

    A growing number of customers depend on user-generated content such as photos, videos, and reviews to make purchase decisions.

    UGC can be an effective tool for reducing eCommerce return rates, as it provides information in advance so that customers feel more confident and are less likely to return items due to misunderstandings.

    Displaying product reviews, highlighting customer size information, and using customer feedback to improve products can help increase customer trust and provide valuable insights into customer preferences. 

    Leverage the power of user-generated content to reduce return rates, improve customer satisfaction, and optimize your products.

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    27 Innovative Ways to Make Returns a Competitive Advantage Sun, 05 Mar 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Returns are an inevitable part of any eCommerce business, but they don’t have to be a headache. In fact, if handled correctly, returns can actually become a competitive advantage. 

    Here’s an extensive list of innovative ways to make returns a competitive advantage for your eCommerce store and stand out from the competition.

    27 Innovative Ways to Make Returns a Competitive Advantage 

    1. Personalize the Return Experience

    Making returns more personalized can make a big difference for customers. Personalize the return process by providing personalized messaging and offering return options that suit the customers’ preferences. 

    Customers appreciate a personalized return experience because it makes them feel seen and cared for, and people prefer shopping at stores that make them feel seen as individuals at every step of their journey. In fact, 80% of customers are more likely to make a purchase when provided with a personalized experience.

    You can provide tailored suggestions for replacement products by tracking customers’ returns and purchase history. For example, if a customer often returns shoes due to sizing issues, suggest a different size or style that may fit better. 

    Personalization can also extend to the branding of the return process, creating a cohesive and positive experience for the customer.

    Only 15% of stores offer personalized customer experiences, so now is the time to get ahead of the competition by personalizing your return process.

    2. Provide a Self-Service Return Portal

    Self-service return portals give customers the ability to initiate and track their own returns. 81% of customers want more self-service options, which is why providing self-service returns is so important. Customers who can issue return requests on their own will be more satisfied with their experience.

    An online return portal can reduce the time and resources needed to process returns, freeing up your customer service team to focus on other tasks. 

    Additionally, you can increase customer satisfaction and reduce the likelihood of negative reviews by providing a self-service return portal, since customers appreciate having control over their return process and appreciate the ability to track their returns in real-time.

    3. Offer Buy Online, Return In-Store (BORIS)

    Buy Online, Return In-Store (BORIS) is an increasingly popular option for returns, that offers customers the convenience of returning online purchases in-store. 

    This can improve the customer experience by providing customers with a physical location to return items, which can be more convenient and cost-effective for both the customer and your store. 

    BORIS can also increase foot traffic to physical stores, leading to potential upsells and cross-sells. 

    Additionally, BORIS enables you to check returned items on the spot, giving customers an immediate resolution to their issues and reducing the time it takes to process the return.

    4. Provide Fast Refunds

    Fast refunds can help build trust with customers and improve the overall return experience. Nowadays, customers expect immediate results and quick turnaround times – including for refunds.

    Having a slow and complicated refund process can cause frustration, damaging customer trust, while a fast and efficient refund process can increase customer satisfaction and the likelihood of repeat purchases. 

    Customers are 77% less likely to recommend your store if the refund process takes too long.

    The best way to process refunds quickly is by providing instant refunds using an instant refund solution such as Refundid and Reveni, which enable you to refund customers instantly.

    By providing fast refunds you can reduce the stress and uncertainty that often comes with returns. The refund experience may be a deciding factor in whether a customer will shop with your store again, so speeding up your refund process is important.

    5. Encourage Exchanges

    Providing easy exchanges can turn returns into a positive experience for customers. By offering exchange options, you can reduce the likelihood of losing the sale altogether. 

    You can also provide personalized exchange options that match the customer’s preferences and purchase history, which can lead to upselling opportunities. 

    For example, if a customer returns a dress due to sizing issues, you can suggest that they exchange it for the same dress in a different size. 

    Exchanges are more profitable for your store because instead of refunding customers, you retain the revenue that would have been lost.

    Encouraging exchanges and providing an easy exchange process can lead to a higher customer satisfaction rate and can help you maintain positive customer relationships.

    6. Provide Pre-Paid Return Shipping Labels

    Provide pre-paid return shipping labels to reduce the hassle for customers so they don’t have to go out of their way to find a shipping provider or pay for return shipping costs out of their pocket. 

    With pre-paid return shipping labels, customers can simply print out the label, attach it to the package, and send it back without any additional costs. 

    Return shipping labels include information such as: 

    • Shipping carrier and service type. 
    • Sender and recipient information and their addresses. 
    • Shipping barcode and/or QR code. 

    Pre-paid return shipping labels help prevent errors because if customers have to figure out how to return the item themselves, they might fill out the return address incorrectly or use incorrect postage, which could lead to the package being sent to the wrong place.

    Return shipping labels are scanned at every stage of shipment until the package reaches its destination. Using ReturnGO to integrate with carriers and generate return labels, you can track the status of your return shipments and stay up-to-date in real-time.

    7. Make Returns as Easy as Possible

    The ideal return process encourages customers to come back to your store again and again instead of looking for another store to buy from. 

    When the returns process is too long and complicated, customers are likely to give up and keep their unwanted items, and not buy from your store again. Earn your customers’ trust by showing them that if they need to return or exchange an item they can do so quickly and easily.

    To make returns as easy as possible, provide clear instructions on how to return products and provide an online return portal where customers can easily request a return or exchange without needing to contact customer service.

    Self-service return portals reduce the likelihood of miscommunication, speed up the returns process, and give your online store a competitive edge.

    By making returns easy you make customers more comfortable about buying from your store, as they know they can easily return the item if it doesn’t meet their expectations. 

    8. Collect and Implement Customer Feedback

    Listening to what customers have to say about their return experience can help you identify pain points and opportunities for improvement. 

    Getting feedback from customers can help you improve the returns process and make it more customer-focused, resulting in higher customer satisfaction.

    You can collect customer feedback through surveys, social media, or other channels, and then use that feedback to implement changes in your returns process. 

    For example, if customers consistently report issues with the pre-paid return shipping labels, you can work to address those concerns and improve the label design or shipping provider. 

    9. Use Returns as an Opportunity to Build Customer Loyalty

    Returns can be a great opportunity to build customer loyalty. By handling returns with care and attentiveness, you can show customers that you value their business and are willing to go above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction.

    For example, if a customer has a defective item, offering a replacement or repair at no cost can be a powerful gesture that demonstrates your store’s commitment to customer satisfaction. 

    Having a loyal customer base is one of the most valuable assets an eCommerce store can have, given that loyal customers spend an average of 67% more per purchase than new customers.

    By using returns as an opportunity to build customer loyalty, you can keep your customers coming back to your store and strengthen customer relationships.

    10. Offer Gift Returns

    Gift returns enable customers to easily exchange gifted items without involving the original purchaser.

    People often receive gifts of clothes and accessories, only to discover the sizes are wrong and then the gift recipient ends up stuck with a gift that they can’t use. 

    When buying gifts in a physical store, gift receipts are usually included so that recipients can exchange whatever doesn’t fit or they don’t like. Even though more and more people do their gift shopping online nowadays, many online stores don’t offer online gift returns. 

    This gives you an advantage if you choose to offer gift returns and exchanges, as it can make gift shopping less stressful and make it more convenient for gift recipients.

    Make sure your return policy clearly explains how gift returns work, so customers know what their options are.

    11. Deliver an Omnichannel Customer Experience

    Customers expect a seamless and consistent experience across all channels. This is especially true for returns. 78% of customers use multiple channels to start and complete a transaction.

    By offering an omnichannel experience for returns, you can differentiate yourself from competitors and build customer loyalty.

    Provide flexibility by giving customers the option to return items through multiple return methods and offer a range of refund options, such as store credit and exchanges.

    Create a consistent branded experience across all channels by being consistent in language, fonts, colors, and messaging.

    A return management system like ReturnGO provides an omnichannel solution by streamlining the returns process and providing a consistent brand experience across all channels.

    12. Analyze Reasons for Returns

    Analyze why customers are returning items, in order to make informed decisions about product design, marketing, and customer service.

    For example, if a particular product has a high return rate due to sizing issues, you could add more detailed sizing information to product pages or offer free variant exchanges.

    Looking at common return reasons can also help you identify potential issues with product quality, customer service, or shipping, and address them before they become major problems.

    By collecting customer feedback and analyzing the reasons for returns, you can gain valuable insights into customer behavior and use this information to make informed decisions that improve the returns process and build customer loyalty.

    13. Offer a Clear Return Policy

    Make sure that your return policy is clear and easy to understand. Customers want to know what they can expect when it comes to returning items, so it’s important to clearly outline your return policy

    Your return policy should include information such as:

    • The length of time customers have to request a return.
    • Refund and exchange conditions.
    • The products that are eligible for return.
    • Steps for customers to request a return.

    When writing a return policy, make sure to be specific, use easy-to-understand language, and make sure it reflects your brand values and voice.

    A clear return policy helps build trust with your customers. When customers know that they can easily return items if they’re not satisfied, they’re more likely to make a purchase in the first place.

    14. Make Your Return Policy Easy to Find

    Beyond writing a clearly-defined return policy, it’s important to make it easy to find. Customers shouldn’t have to hunt around to figure out how to make a return or what the conditions are.

    Your return policy should be prominently displayed in your website’s header or footer. Consider also including a link to your return policy on your product pages and on your checkout page to make your return policy easily accessible throughout the online shopping journey.

    By making your return policy easy to find, you reduce the friction of making a return. Customers will appreciate the fact that they can quickly and easily find the information they need.

    15. Accept Returns Through Multiple Return Methods

    Make the return process more convenient by offering multiple return methods for customers to choose from.

    Return methods specify what the customer should do with the products that are being returned or exchanged. You can offer a variety of return methods such as shipping the products back, returning them to a store location, or donating them.

    Some customers may prefer to return items in person, while others may prefer to ship back items by mail or take them to a drop-off location. 

    Offering returns through multiple return methods gives customers the option of returning products in a way that’s convenient for them.

    16. Automate Your Returns Process

    Automating your returns process can be a game-changer for your eCommerce store, especially if you’re dealing with a high volume of returns. 

    A returns management system like ReturnGO can help you streamline your returns process and make it more efficient.

    Using automation to manage returns and exchanges takes the hassle out of managing return requests while also improving the customer experience.

    Benefits of automating the returns process include:

    • Reduced risk of errors – Managing returns can be complex, with a lot of moving parts. Automating the process reduces the risk of errors and ensures that returns are processed accurately and efficiently.
    • Faster returns processing – Rather than manually processing returns, you can automatically generate return labels, approve returns, and issue refunds, freeing up your team to focus on other tasks.
    • Improved customer experience – By automating the returns process, you can improve the customer experience, as customers can initiate a return online, receive a return label, and track the status of their return all from one platform. 

    Automating the returns process gives your eCommerce store a huge competitive advantage because it enables your business to react quickly and smoothly to return requests and process returns efficiently. 

    Automated returns are the future of eCommerce, and having an automated returns process is a must for any eCommerce store that wants to stay competitive and keep its customers happy.

    17. Provide a Realistic Return Window

    There is no right or wrong length for a return window, so it’s really up to you to decide how long to give customers to return items. Offering an extended return window or setting specific conditions for products or categories can give you a competitive advantage.

    For example, Zappo offers a 365-day return window, which makes it stand out and is one of its unique selling points.

    Use your return window to stand out from other eCommerce stores by creating a positive customer experience and setting clear expectations.

    Things to consider when setting your eCommerce store’s return window:

    • Industry standards – Look at what your competitors are doing and what the standard return window is in your industry. If you give a longer return window than your competitors, that can give customers an incentive to buy from you instead of them.
    • The nature of your products – When setting a return window, take into account that products have different lifespans and usage cycles. For example, a return window of 30 days might be too short for a piece of furniture that customers might not assemble or use for weeks.
    • Shipping times – Your return window should give enough time for customers to receive the product, inspect it, and decide whether they want to keep it or return it.

    Clearly communicate your return window on your website, in your marketing materials, and in order confirmation or shipping emails to set clear expectations. 

    Make sure to be clear about the definition of the return window. Does it begin when an order is shipped or once it’s delivered?

    Software like ReturnGO can help you implement your specified return window and automatically only accept eligible returns to make the process as smooth and efficient as possible.

    18. Make Your Returns Process Sustainable

    Sustainable returns can give your store a competitive advantage because they show that you’re committed to environmental responsibility. Customers today are more conscious than ever about the impact that their purchasing choices have on the environment

    By focusing on eco-friendly returns, you’re sending a clear message that your business cares about the environment and is doing its part to be sustainable. This can make a powerful impression on customers and attract more customers who share those values.

    How to make your returns more sustainable:

    • Use eco-friendly packaging – Reduce the amount of packaging that ends up in landfills by using eco-friendly packaging such as compostable or recyclable packaging or reusing packaging from returned products.
    • Recycle or resell returned products – Instead of sending returned products straight to the garbage, consider recycling or reselling returned products. This gives products a second life and reduces the amount of waste caused by returns.
    • Offset your carbon footprint – Offset your carbon emissions from return shipping by investing in renewable energy and reforestation projects through carbon offsetting programs.

    Many customers are willing to change their buying habits and 72% of customers are even willing to pay more for sustainable products. 

    As more people choose to shop at eco-friendly stores, taking action to be sustainable will encourage customers to choose your store over your competitors.

    19. Communicate Throughout the Returns Process

    Communicate with customers throughout the return process for a competitive advantage over other stores. By keeping customers informed and providing transparency at every step of the returns process, you can build trust, reduce frustration, and increase satisfaction. 

    94% of customers are likely to buy again after having a positive experience with customer service.

    How to communicate with customers throughout the returns process:

    • Provide clear return instructions – Clearly communicate your return policy, including any conditions or restrictions, to set expectations and avoid misunderstandings.
    • Send return status updates – Keep customers updated on the status of their return, such as when it’s been received, processed, and refunded, to reduce anxiety and uncertainty.
    • Offer multiple support channels – Make it easy for customers to ask questions and get help throughout the return process by providing multiple channels of support such as email and live chat.
    • Automate notifications – Use an automated returns management system such as ReturnGO to automatically send branded return notification emails and communicate with customers during the returns process. 

    By keeping customers informed throughout the returns process, you can differentiate yourself from other eCommerce stores and build a reputation for providing excellent customer service. 

    20. Offer Incentives for Certain Types of Returns

    By encouraging customers to return certain types of items or providing rewards for returning items within a certain window, you can increase customer trust, drive repeat business, and reduce your return costs.

    When customers feel that they are being treated fairly and are given additional incentives to make returns, they are more likely to choose your store over competitors.

    With ReturnGO, you can automatically apply incentives or rewards based on certain conditions, such as bonus store credit or free return shipping for specific items, such as seasonal products or overstocked inventory.

    Offering free return shipping or enabling customers to return items in-store in certain situations makes returns more convenient for customers while incentivizing them to return products in ways that are beneficial to your store.

    21. Use Return Data to Improve the Returns Process

    Tracking your return data can provide you with valuable insights that can help optimize your store and gain a competitive advantage over other eCommerce stores. 

    Return data can provide valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences, helping you improve the return process and provide a better customer experience. 

    By analyzing return data, you can identify patterns and trends in the types of items being returned, return reasons, and return methods used. 

    For example, if you notice that a certain product is frequently being returned due to sizing issues, you can provide more detailed sizing information or turn to the manufacturer if there’s a recurring issue.

    A returns management system like ReturnGO can help you efficiently analyze return data. With features like real-time analytics and insights, you can easily identify trends and patterns and make data-driven decisions to improve the return experience.

    By using return data to continuously improve the returns process, you can create an exceptional customer experience that sets your store apart from competitors.

    22. Track the Market

    When you track the market, you can gain valuable insight into industry trends, customer preferences, and competitor offerings, helping you find ways to make your store better than your competitors. 

    Ways to track the market:

    • Monitor competitors Keep a close eye on your competitors and what they offer to help you identify gaps in the market and opportunities to offer a unique experience. 
    • Track industry trends – Follow the latest trends in your industry and incorporate them into your business to stay ahead of the curve and appeal to customers who are looking for the latest and greatest.
    • Use customer feedback – Collect feedback from customers in order to identify areas that can be improved.

    Tracking the market and staying up-to-date on industry trends is crucial for staying competitive in the eCommerce space. By offering something that your competitors don’t, you can differentiate your store and attract customers who are looking for something different.

    23. Outsource the Reverse Logistics Process

    Outsourcing the reverse logistics process can help you stay competitive in the eCommerce space by freeing you up from having to worry about how to manage your returns and exchanges.

    Since reverse logistics is such an important part of eCommerce, it makes sense to outsource it to a reliable service provider. For example, a third-party logistics (3PL) provider is a company that can help you manage your logistics, including returns processing, validation, and restocking. 

    Outsourcing your reverse logistics can help you provide a more efficient and reliable returns process for your customers. By partnering with a 3PL provider that specializes in returns management, you can improve the accuracy and efficiency of your returns process.

    Less than half of retailers use a 3PL to handle returns, so outsourcing your reverse logistics can differentiate your store from your competitors who might still be struggling to manage returns in-house.

    24. Prevent Return Fraud

    Preventing return fraud can protect your store’s revenue, maintain customer trust, and save your reputation.

    Return fraud is when customers intentionally abuse the returns process for personal gains, such as returning used or damaged items, items that weren’t purchased from your store, or items that were purchased with a stolen credit card.

    It can be costly to deal with return fraud, both in terms of lost revenue and the resources required to investigate and prevent fraudulent returns. 

    In the US retail industry, return fraud and return policy abuse result in around $24 billion in losses each year, accounting for an average of 8% of returns. 

    To prevent return fraud, set clear expectations with a detailed return policy that outlines exactly what items are eligible for return and the conditions under which returns are accepted. 

    Tracking and analyzing return data is also a good way to identify suspicious behavior and prevent return fraud. Identifying potential return fraud cases and taking appropriate action can help you prevent future fraud.

    25. Encourage Customers to Donate Items

    Encouraging customers to donate returned items instead of shipping them back to your store can lower your costs of processing returned items, and reduce the amount of waste generated by returns.

    At the same time, customers can feel good about their return, knowing that their unwanted items are going to a good cause.

    70% of customers say that a business’ involvement in the community influences their decision to buy from them.

    Customers are increasingly looking for ways to support businesses that have a positive impact on society, and by offering a donation option you show your commitment to social responsibility and gain a competitive advantage. 

    26. Give Bonus Store Credit

    Giving bonus store credit for returns is a great way to incentivize customers to make future purchases and establish customer loyalty. 

    By offering bonus store credit, you can incentivize customers to make additional purchases, rather than looking elsewhere. Customers are more likely to be loyal to a store that offers rewards and benefits, and bonus store credit can be an effective way to establish that customer loyalty.

    With so many eCommerce stores vying for customers’ attention, offering bonus store credit can be a unique and effective way to differentiate your store and attract customers.

    27. Offer Free Return Shipping

    Offering free return shipping is a great way to show your customers that you care about them and will go above and beyond to make their experience a good one. 

    When customers know that they can return an item without incurring any additional costs, they are more likely to make a purchase in the first place. 

    One of the biggest benefits of offering free return shipping is that it can help build customer loyalty. Customers who have a positive experience with the return process are more likely to make future purchases and recommend your store to friends and family.

    In spite of the fact that customers increasingly expect to not be charged for returns, less than half of eCommerce stores offer free return shipping, so offering free return shipping will give you an advantage.

    Use Returns to Your Advantage

    From personalization to automation to instant refunds, there are many innovative ways to make returns a competitive advantage. 

    Take advantage of these strategies to get ahead in today’s fast-paced eCommerce landscape. 

    By prioritizing the customer experience and finding new ways to stand out, you can make returns a competitive advantage for your eCommerce store.

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    How to Track Business Expenses with an eCommerce Financial Dashboard Thu, 02 Mar 2023 08:00:00 +0000 In today’s fast-paced world of eCommerce, efficiency is key to staying competitive. Take advantage of recent technological innovations to simplify things like managing eCommerce returns and tracking your finances.

    Just as ReturnGO’s returns management system helps you manage and track your eCommerce returns more efficiently, financial platforms such as Floodlight can help you streamline your eCommerce finances.

    Having a bird’s eye view of your business, in terms of both returns and finances, helps you stay ahead of the competition and grow your business.

    What is an eCommerce Financial Dashboard?

    An eCommerce financial dashboard is a software tool that provides a centralized view of your business’s financial data, enabling you to monitor and analyze key metrics such as revenue, expenses, and profit margins in real-time.

    With a financial dashboard, you can quickly identify trends and potential issues before they become a problem. 

    Financial dashboards for eCommerce combine financial services, analytics, and domestic and international payments into a comprehensive dashboard to make it easy for you to track and manage your store’s finances.

    Using a financial dashboard is essential for store owners and managers who want to keep track of their eCommerce store’s financial performance and optimize their profits. 

    Providing real-time transparency into your store’s finances, eCommerce financial dashboards enable you to identify cost-saving opportunities and areas for improvement.

    Metrics to Track on a Financial Dashboard

    A financial dashboard can be a useful tool to help you visualize your store’s finances and track key metrics. 

    Financial dashboards help you track eCommerce metrics such as:


    Track how much revenue you make each month and where it comes from, and use this information to make strategic decisions about pricing, promotions, and products.

    Knowing how much money is coming in and where it is going can help you make informed decisions as your business grows.

    Expenses by Category

    Track how much you spend on different categories such as marketing, shipping, inventory, and other business expenses, and follow trends of your overall spend per category.

    Using a financial dashboard gives you a clear overview of your expenses by category so that you can track your spending and identify cost-saving opportunities.

    Profit Margins

    Monitor your profit margins to understand how much money you are making on each sale.

    You can use this information to make informed decisions about pricing, promotions, and products.

    Top Channels

    Identify which channels bring you the most revenue, and which aren’t performing as well. 

    Having a bird’s-eye view of your various channels helps you see what’s most profitable and take action to strengthen your weak points.

    The Benefits of Using an eCommerce Financial Dashboard

    For your eCommerce business to grow with confidence, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your finances. 

    By tracking your eCommerce finances on a financial dashboard you can gain valuable insights into your business’s financial health and make informed decisions to drive growth.

    1. Control Over Your Business

    Keeping track of cash flow, categorizing your expenses, and understanding revenue trends can be overwhelming. A financial dashboard helps automate these processes and provides a clear view of the financial health of your business.

    Floodlight’s financial platform enables you to track all of your revenue and expenses in one place, including multiple business accounts, Google Ads, bank accounts, PayPal, and more.

    By managing multiple business accounts, eCommerce stores, and virtual cards all in one place, you can be better organized and more confident in your finances. 

    2. Save Time and Money

    A financial dashboard can help you save time and money by providing you with real-time visibility into your eCommerce finances. With all your financial data in one place, you can quickly and easily analyze your sales, expenses, and profit margins without having to manually compile reports or dig through spreadsheets. 

    Using a financial dashboard can help you identify areas where you can cut costs and optimize your spending, which will help you maximize your profitability. 

    By having a clear understanding of your financial situation, you can focus your time and resources on the areas that are most important for the growth of your eCommerce business. 

    3. Make Data-Driven Decisions

    Analytics and insights into your eCommerce store finances can help you make data-driven decisions about where to allocate your resources.

    One of the key benefits of using a financial platform like Floodlight is that insights are presented in an intuitive, visual, and user-friendly way. You don’t have to be a financial expert to understand the data.

    Data-based insights can help you identify areas where your store is performing well and areas that need improvement. You can use these insights to identify which products are most popular, which marketing channels are driving the most traffic, and where you can reduce costs to improve your bottom line.

    4. Monitor Profit Margins

    Tracking profit margins can help you identify which products or categories are generating the most revenue, enabling you to adjust your fulfillment and marketing strategies accordingly. 

    Profit margins can be calculated by analyzing data like the cost of goods sold, revenue, and expenses. Knowing your profit margins can help you find ways to optimize them and drive growth for your eCommerce business.

    5. Identify Bottlenecks and Take Action

    Identify areas where you can reduce costs and better manage your finances.

    For example, high return rates can negatively impact your revenue trends, since when a product is returned, the revenue from the initial sale is lost. If your store has a high number of returns, this can have a significant impact on the overall revenue. 

    6. Optimize Your Finances

    Optimize your eCommerce finances by tracking revenue trends and investing in growth-generating activities such as expanding your product offerings or entering new markets. 

    Analyzing your revenue trends and taking action to improve them can help you achieve maximum profitability throughout your business, from marketing to pricing to returns and everything in between.

    The Financial Impact of Returns

    Product returns often result in hidden costs (which can be difficult to track) that can have a significant impact on your store’s profits.

    Tracking your return data with ReturnGO can help you manage your return costs and improve your return rates.

    To get a clear picture of your store’s costs, it is important to track all expenses related to running an eCommerce store. Floodlight provides a complete view of all your revenue and expenses, making it easier to manage your finances.

    Taking into account the costs associated with returns, like return shipping, the labor of receiving and validating returned items, and warehousing for returned items, and looking at your overall expenses broken down by category, can help you better manage your workflows and resource allocation.

    Optimize Your eCommerce Finances

    With all the moving pieces of managing an eCommerce business, it can be hard to stay on top of your finances. That’s where a financial platform like Floodlight comes in. 

    Floodlight’s financial platform gives you insights into key areas of your eCommerce business, helping you make more informed decisions, identify issues, and track your finances across all of your departments and channels.

    Using Floodlight, you have access to an automated multichannel eCommerce financial dashboard that provides a comprehensive overview of products, customers, promotions, inventory, fulfillment, and more, all in one place.

    Tracking your revenue trends and analyzing everything about your finances will help you make your eCommerce business more profitable.

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    How to Use Game Theory to Improve eCommerce Returns Wed, 01 Mar 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Have you ever considered how game theory could be applied to eCommerce returns management? When we think of game theory, we often imagine strategic decision-making in competitive settings, like in a game of chess or poker. 

    Returns management presents a classic game theory problem, where stores and customers have conflicting interests. Stores want to minimize returns, while customers want returns to be as easy as possible. 

    By applying game theory to eCommerce returns, you can design an effective return policy that benefits both customers and your store. 

    Game Theory and eCommerce Returns

    Game theory is a mathematical framework used to model strategic interactions between decision-makers. In eCommerce, the decision-makers are the store and the customers. 

    Online stores want to minimize returns, while customers want returns to be as easy as possible. This interaction creates a classic game theory problem known as the Prisoner’s Dilemma.

    What is the Prisoner’s Dilemma?

    The Prisoner’s Dilemma is a classic game theory problem that involves two decision-makers who must make a decision without knowing what the other party will choose.

    Each decision-maker is incentivized to choose the option that is in their own self-interest, however, if they both act in their own interests, the outcome is worse overall.

    This dilemma comes into play in eCommerce when a store and a customer need to make decisions about product returns. 

    The scenario is called the Prisoner’s Dilemma because it is based on a scenario in which two people are arrested for a crime.

    The dilemma arises from the fact that neither prisoner knows what the other is going to do. If they both cooperate and remain silent, they can only be sentenced to one year in prison each, however, if one testifies while the other doesn’t, the one who testifies will go free and the other will get five years. If both testify against each other, they will both be sentenced to three years in prison.

    If each of the prisoners pursues a strategy of maximum self-interest – that is, each testifies against the other – the collective outcome will be worse than if they corporate and both refuse to testify. You can read more about the prisoner’s dilemma here.

    The relationship between an eCommerce store and a customer can be thought of in the same terms. If each party seeks only to maximize the benefit for themselves, neither will achieve an optimal outcome.

    For the store, the ideal situation is to create a return policy that minimizes returns, as processing returns can be time-consuming and costly. However, customers prefer a lenient return policy that makes it easy for them to return products they are dissatisfied with.

    If the store adopts a strict return policy to discourage returns, they may end up losing customers, while if the store offers a lenient return policy, the customer might take advantage of it and cost the store a lot of money.

    This creates a dilemma for both parties, as their individual best strategies lead to an outcome that is less than ideal for both parties as they are unable to communicate and reach an agreement.

    Game theory provides a framework for analyzing this situation and finding a solution that is optimal for both parties – the Nash Equilibrium.

    What is the Nash Equilibrium?

    The Nash Equilibrium is a solution concept in game theory that represents a stable state in which neither party has an incentive to change their strategy. 

    In eCommerce, this means finding a return policy that balances the interests of both the store and the customers. 

    The ideal return policy is one that encourages customers to make purchases without the fear of making returns while also discouraging abuse of the system by customers.

    How to Use Game Theory to Improve eCommerce Returns

    Game theory provides a useful framework for understanding the strategic decisions made when it comes to product returns. By applying game theory to eCommerce returns, you can optimize your store’s return policy and return process to achieve a win-win outcome for both parties. 

    Ways to use game theory in eCommerce to improve the return process:

    Encourage Cooperation

    Encourage customer cooperation by creating a generous return policy that provides customers with an easy and hassle-free return process. 

    This can include free returns, pre-paid return shipping labels, or easy product exchanges, which can increase customer satisfaction and reduce the likelihood of customers taking advantage of the returns process.

    Analyze Customer Behavior

    Use returns to better understand customer behavior when it comes to returns, such as the types of products that are most frequently returned and the reasons for returns. 

    By analyzing return data, you can create a more targeted return policy that is tailored to your specific customer base.

    Be Transparent About Returns

    Make your return policy transparent and easy to understand. 

    Clearly communicate the return policy, provide customers with a convenient returns process, and keep customers informed about the status of their returns.

    Incentivize Positive Return Behavior

    Provide incentives for customers who make return decisions that benefit both the store and the customer. 

    For example, offer customers discounts or rewards if they keep the product instead of shipping it back or make returns within a specific timeframe. These incentives encourage customers to make return decisions that benefit both the store and the customer.

    Finding ways to align both parties’ incentives in a mutually beneficial way can reduce return costs and increase customer loyalty.

    Apply Game Theory in eCommerce Returns

    Thinking about eCommerce returns from a game theory perspective, it’s clear that the best approach is to provide a return process that is beneficial to both parties.

    By finding the Nash Equilibrium between customer needs and business goals, you can create a return process that is convenient and flexible for customers while also being practical and cost-effective for your store. 

    Apply game theory in eCommerce to manage returns to create a more positive customer experience and improve your bottom line at the same time. 

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    Simplify Returns with Pre-Paid Return Shipping Labels Tue, 28 Feb 2023 18:31:25 +0000 Pre-paid return shipping labels help simplify your reverse logistics by making it easier for customers to ship back their returned items. 

    ReturnGO enables you to provide a seamless, intuitive return process including convenient pre-paid return shipping labels.

    What Are Pre-Paid Return Shipping Labels? 

    Shipping back items with pre-paid return shipping labels is a type of return method, together with Return to Store Location, Ship With Any Carrier, and No Shipment Required. As part of your return policy, you can define the return methods you offer depending on customer, order, or item details.

    Offering a variety of return options enables customers to choose their preferred return method and streamlines the return process.

    With pre-paid return shipping labels, after a return request is submitted, customers receive pre-paid return shipping labels that include the store’s return address along with a barcode or QR code for easy drop-off at the post office.

    Once their return request has been approved, you can send customers pre-paid return shipping labels, and all they have to do is print them out, attach them to the package, and send the items back to you.

    ReturnGO enables you to generate pre-paid return shipping labels either through direct integration with a shipping carrier such as USPS, Canada Post, or Australia Post, or through a shipping aggregator such as EasyPost, Sendcloud, or Shippo.

    Return shipping labels include information such as: 

    • Shipping carrier and service type. 
    • Sender and recipient information and their addresses. 
    • Shipping barcode and/or QR code. 

    The return shipping label is scanned at each stage of the delivery until the package reaches its destination. By integrating with shipping carriers and aggregators, ReturnGO receives tracking information about the status of the return shipment and keeps you updated.

    Why is it Important to Provide Pre-Paid Return Shipping Labels?

    Providing pre-paid return shipping labels has many benefits including convenience, accuracy, and customer satisfaction.

    Pre-paid return shipping labels are important because they:

    Provide Convenience for Customers

    When a customer uses pre-paid return shipping labels, they don’t have to figure out how to ship their returned items, where to send them, or how much it will cost because they are provided that information in advance.

    Improve Return Shipping Cost Transparency

    Pre-paid return shipping labels provide customers with cost transparency, since the shipping price, including any return fees, is displayed to them at the end of the return request process.

    Reduce Errors 

    If you don’t provide pre-paid return shipping labels, customers may fill out your store’s return address incorrectly or put the incorrect postage when trying to return a product, which could cause the package to be sent to the wrong place. 

    Simplify the Return Process

    Providing pre-paid return shipping labels simplifies the return process for customers and makes it easy and simple for them to return items. 

    Prevent Waste

    Emailing customers pre-paid return shipping labels that are charged when used or generated is much more eco-friendly than including pre-printed return labels with the original shipment.

    Pre-paid return shipping labels are a win-win for all sides involved:

    • Your store can control which shipping carrier and service level are used for returns, so you’ll know exactly how much it will cost and how long it will take to receive returned items.
    • Customers don’t have to worry about figuring out how to ship back their returned items to your location, making it convenient to return items and get updates on the status of their return shipments.
    • Shipping carriers have fewer mislabeled return packages to cause issues, making the reverse logistics process more efficient and accurate.

    Setting Up Pre-Paid Return Shipping Labels

    When setting up your pre-paid return shipping labels in ReturnGO, you can define which shipping carrier is used, your return address (where returned items should be sent), and the package dimensions that must be used.

    Connect shipping carriers with your ReturnGO account to generate pre-paid return shipping labels, ship back returns, and keep you updated in real-time on the status of your return shipments. 

    Make sure to define under what conditions customers will be offered to ship back returned items with a pre-paid return shipping label. Some conditions you can add include:

    • Categories of products.
    • The weight of the product.
    • The location of the customer.

    How do Pre-Paid Return Shipping Labels Work?

    Using ReturnGO’s self-service return portal, customers can easily initiate a return request for the items they want to return. Once their return request is approved, customers immediately get the return shipping label from the return portal and by email, which they can print out, attach to their package and send it back with the selected shipping carrier.

    Pre-paid return shipping labels are automatically generated based on the weight and dimensions of the items, your return address, and customer information.

    Who Should Pay for Return Shipping Labels?

    There is no one-size-fits-all answer to whether your store should offer free return shipping labels or charge customers for return shipping. Base this decision on factors such as your store’s return policy, the type of products being returned, and the cost of return shipping. It’s important to consider your eCommerce store’s specific needs before making any decisions.

    Unique Types of Return Shipping Labels

    ReturnGO offers a lot of flexibility in return shipping labels in order to make the return process as convenient as possible for all sides involved. One of the ways it does this is by offering QR codes on return shipping labels.

    QR Codes

    QR codes make it easy for customers to return items they’ve purchased without needing to print a return label. Some shipping carriers provide the option of giving customers a QR code that they can scan at the shipping carrier’s office and the clerk will handle the rest.

    Use Pre-Paid Return Shipping Labels to Simplify Your Reverse Logistics Process

    Pre-paid return shipping labels can help simplify your reverse logistics by making it easy for customers to ship back returned items. Providing pre-paid return shipping labels makes returns easier, more efficient, and more accurate.

    ReturnGO enables you to provide a seamless return process including self-service returns and convenient shipping options.

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    Refundid & ReturnGO Integration: Instant Refunds Made Easy Mon, 27 Feb 2023 08:00:00 +0000 ReturnGO is happy to announce a new integration with Refundid. With this new integration, your store can offer instant refunds for a hassle-free return experience.

    Refundid is an Australian-based instant refund solution, that enables your eCommerce store to offer risk-free instant refunds.

    How Does the Refundid and ReturnGO Integration Work?

    Integrating Refundid with your ReturnGO account enables your store to offer instant refunds.

    When customers select the instant refund resolution, they are sent to Refundid’s portal, where they log in or register. Upon completion, customers receive a refund directly to their bank account within seconds and then they must return the items. If they do not return the items within a week, Refundid revokes the refund.

    Then, once you receive back the items, you inspect them and pay back Refundid only if you’re happy with the return. If the return isn’t in a refundable state, you don’t need to pay Refundid anything.

    What are Instant Refunds?

    Instant refunds are a modern way of making refunds more efficient. An instant refund solution such as Refundid integrates with your returns management system to offer your customers their refund before they’ve sent back their items at zero risk to your store.

    When customers choose the instant refund method, they receive the money immediately, and only then have to deal with returning the item.

    When it comes to refunds, customers want to know that they can get their money back quickly and easily, with as little friction as possible. By offering instant refunds, you leave customers with a positive return experience, increasing the chances of them buying from you again. Refundid’s instant refunds can lead to an average increase of 90% in repurchases.

    Setting Up the Refundid Integration

    Setting up the Refundid integration in your ReturnGO account is simple and straightforward. To add Refundid to your ReturnGO account, just navigate to the integrations page and select Refundid from the list of available integrations. 

    You’ll need to make sure you’ve downloaded the Refundid Shopify app before connecting it to ReturnGO. To download Refundid, reach out to

    Benefits of Offering Instant Refunds

    Offering instant refunds improves the online return experience and creates a competitive advantage over other eCommerce stores, most of which still use slow, expensive, and inefficient refund methods.

    Some of the benefits of instant refunds include:


    When customers receive their refund quickly, they’re happier, more loyal, and are likely to spend more in the future.

    Online refunds usually take 3-10 days to process, and many businesses only offer a refund after receiving the returned item.

    Using an instant refund solution such as Refundid can help speed up the process and leave your customers satisfied and more likely to come back and buy from you again.

    52% of customers would spend more with an eCommerce store if they knew they would receive a refund quickly – in fact, customers will spend an average of 23% more if offered faster refunds. Traditional refund methods such as bank transfers can’t provide the speed that customers have come to expect. 

    A long and slow refund process can be frustrating for customers, who are 77% less likely to recommend your business if they experience a slow refund process. To stay relevant, this is a challenge you need to overcome. Instant refunds are the future of online returns.

    Customer Satisfaction

    Customer satisfaction is a key benefit of offering instant refunds. When you offer instant refunds, your customers won’t have to wait for their returned items to get back to your warehouse – their money will be refunded immediately, which will greatly improve their overall satisfaction with your store.

    Offering instant refunds demonstrates to customers that you value their time and that you’re committed to providing a positive customer experience. 

    Instant refunds can also reduce customer complaints. Customers are less likely to contact customer support to inquire about the status of their refund if they know they will receive it instantly. This can help reduce the workload for your customer support team and create a more positive experience for the customer.


    Offering convenient refunds is a great way to keep your customers happy and coming back for more. It shows that you’re committed to providing a positive return experience, and also helps increase customer retention and revenue.

    When customers are happy with their purchase, they’re more likely to come back and buy again and tell their friends and family about your store.

    Customers shopping online have come to expect a streamlined return process – and that starts with instant refunds. 

    The convenience of instant refunds improves the online return experience and lets your customers shop with confidence, knowing they can easily and efficiently return items that don’t work out.

    Competitive Advantage

    Offering instant refunds is a great way to give your store a competitive advantage over other eCommerce stores. 

    An efficient refund process shows that you value customer satisfaction and are willing to go the extra mile to ensure that they are satisfied, which leads to customer loyalty and repeat business.

    84% of online shoppers would stop buying from a store after a negative return experience. As the world of eCommerce becomes more competitive and customers have more choices of where to shop online, they are more likely to buy from online stores that provide a fast and easy refund process.

    Refundid’s integration with ReturnGO, which provides instant refunds and a hassle-free return process, helps improve the online shopping experience and offers a huge competitive advantage.

    Improve Your Return Experience with Instant Refunds

    Instant refunds are designed to give customers a frictionless refund experience, giving customers complete confidence when they make a purchase.

    If you’re not already offering instant refunds, now is the time to start. It’s a win-win for everyone involved, and your bottom line will thank you for it.

    Use the Refundid integration with ReturnGO to streamline your refunds and provide a fast and convenient return process.

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    How to Optimize Packaging for Returns & Exchanges Mon, 20 Feb 2023 18:16:57 +0000 By optimizing your packaging for returns and exchanges, you can streamline the return process and improve the return experience. 

    Consider factors such as packaging materials, size, and layout, and provide clear instructions on returns and exchanges. Optimizing your packaging can save you time and money, minimize waste, and improve the efficiency of your reverse logistics. 

    Why Packaging Matters for Returns

    Packaging is important for returns because it helps protect the product on its way to the customer and prevents customers from receiving damaged products that they would then need to return or exchange. 

    Additionally, providing reusable packaging makes it easier for customers to ship back their returned items.

    If your packaging is well-designed and easy to reuse or recycle, it can help reduce waste and improve the overall customer experience.

    How to Optimize Your Packaging for Returns

    Packaging plays an important role in preventing damage from the elements and human error, as well as making it easier to ship and store returned items.

    Below are 4 things to consider when it comes to package optimization:

    1. Packaging Materials

    Consider the material your packaging is made of. Opt for reusable and eco-friendly materials that are durable yet lightweight.

    Use reusable packaging – Customers can more easily initiate returns if they receive a product in reusable packaging, as they can simply repackage the product and return it, rather than finding new packaging.

    • Reusable plastic containers: Using reusable plastic containers for packaging can make it easier for customers to return items. Just make sure to include clear instructions for how to properly package the items for return.
    • Envelopes with peel-and-seal closures: Envelopes with peel-and-seal closures are easy to use and can be used to return small items.

    Using packaging materials that are easy to reuse can make it more convenient for customers to send back a return and can also help reduce waste.

    Choose lightweight materials – Using lightweight packaging materials can reduce shipping costs and make it easier for customers to handle the package. For example, bubble wrap is lightweight and provides excellent protection for fragile items, and it can also be easily reused or recycled.

    Consider the durability of the packaging – Packaging should be sturdy enough to protect the product during shipping, without being excessively thick or bulky. A good example of this is corrugated cardboard, which is strong and lightweight and can also be easily recycled.

    Use eco-friendly packaging – Choose materials that are easy to recycle or that have a low environmental impact. Eco-friendly packaging materials, such as recycled paper and biodegradable plastics, have a lower environmental impact than traditional materials and can help reduce waste. 

    71% of customers say they’re more likely to buy from stores that package their products in paper or cardboard rather than other materials because they are better for the environment and less wasteful.

    It can be helpful to test out different packaging materials to see which ones work best for your products and your customers.

    2. Space Efficiency

    Space efficiency in packaging is important for reducing shipping costs and minimizing waste. 

    One way to ensure that return packaging is space efficient is to use packaging materials that can be easily folded or collapsed. For example, using a cardboard box that can be flattened when not in use can help reduce the amount of storage space needed for return packaging.

    3. Packaging Sizes

    When it comes to return packaging, it’s important to use packaging that is appropriately sized for the product. 

    Using packaging that is too large can create unnecessary waste and increase shipping costs, while packaging that is too small may not provide enough protection for the product during shipping.

    A simple way to determine the correct packaging size is to measure the product and add a few inches for cushioning material on all sides. This can help ensure that the product is well-protected during shipment.

    4. Order Consolidation  

    Multiple returned items can be consolidated into one package to reduce waste and create an eco-friendly return process. By reducing the number of boxes on a truck, transportation emissions are decreased.

    Consolidating returns can help streamline the return process since you’ll only have to track and handle one batch of returned items instead of multiple smaller packages.

    Benefits of Package Optimization

    Package optimization can help you make your reverse logistics easier, more cost-effective, and more customer-friendly. Using packaging materials and design techniques that are appropriate to your product, customer needs, and business objectives will help you optimize your packaging for returns.

    More Cost-Effective

    Optimizing your packaging for returns and exchanges can lead to more cost-effective shipping and packaging materials.

    Shipping costs can be reduced by using lightweight packaging materials and packaging sizes that are appropriate for the returned product.

    Reducing waste and packaging usage can reduce the cost of packaging and make your return process more cost-effective. 

    Easier Reverse Logistics

    Reverse logistics can be made easier and more efficient by optimizing packaging and reducing the number of packages that need to be handled.

    Additionally, customers can initiate returns more easily if the packaging makes it easy to repackage the returned items.

    By reducing the number of packages that need to be handled and making it easy to repackage returns, your reverse logistics will be more efficient and streamlined.

    Less Damage

    Optimize the packaging of your products to reduce the chance of the items getting damaged on their way to the customer, which in turn reduces the chance that the items will be returned.

    This can be achieved by choosing packaging materials that are both sturdy and able to protect the product during shipping, as well as having enough room for cushioning.

    By ensuring your items arrive undamaged to your customers, you can reduce your return rates.

    Additionally, providing strong, suitable packaging that customers can use for returning their items reduces the chances of returned items getting damaged on their way back to your warehouse. 

    Reducing damage to returned items will reduce the amount of time and money spent on processing returns. 

    Better Return Experience

    Make it convenient for customers to repackage returns to make the return process easier. Reusable containers and clear instructions on how to package returned items will help provide a better return experience.

    Offering prepaid return labels can further simplify the return process for customers and make it easier to return items. By making the return process more straightforward and convenient, you can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty

    Optimize Your Packaging for Easier Returns

    Optimizing your packaging for returns and exchanges can help you save time and money, improve the return experience, and minimize waste. 

    Consider packaging materials, size, efficiency, and instructions for returns to streamline the return process and make it more convenient and cost-effective both for your team and your customers.

    Take the time to optimize your packaging to increase the efficiency of your reverse logistics and make it easier for customers to send back returned items. 

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    The Ultimate Guide to Sustainable eCommerce Returns Wed, 15 Feb 2023 17:38:12 +0000 Sustainable eCommerce returns can help reduce the environmental impact of returns. Take steps to make your returns more sustainable, appeal to eco-conscious customers, and build trust with your audience. 

    Whether you’re just starting to think about sustainability or you’re looking to take your efforts to the next level, this guide is for you. Learn about ways you can make your returns process more sustainable, from reducing packaging waste to shipping returns in bulk, offering in-store returns, or reselling returned products. 

    In this guide, you’ll find tips for how to become a more sustainable business, how to communicate your sustainability efforts to your customers, and examples of eCommerce stores that have implemented sustainable returns strategies.

    Table of Contents

    The Importance of Sustainability in eCommerce Returns

    Sustainability is becoming an increasingly important issue in the world of eCommerce. With the rise of eCommerce, the number of returns has grown significantly, and this has led to an increase in the environmental impact of returns. 

    From transportation emissions to natural resource depletion and landfill waste, eCommerce returns have a significant impact on the environment.

    Meanwhile, customers are becoming more eco-conscious, and are increasingly looking for more sustainable shopping options. 78% of customers say a business’s environmental practices influence their buying decisions – customers want to know that the stores they buy from are committed to working towards a more sustainable future. 

    The Environmental Cost of Returns

    Returns cause significant environmental damage due to transportation, packaging, and processing, which cause carbon emissions and waste.

    Products that can’t be resold are often discarded, which adds to waste and natural resource consumption. Returns generate billions of pounds of landfill waste and create huge amounts of carbon emissions. 

    • Carbon Emissions – The transportation of returned products can generate significant carbon emissions, which contribute to climate change and pollute the environment.
    • Waste – Returns can generate large amounts of waste, both in packaging materials and discarded products that cannot be resold, putting a strain on landfills and natural resources.
    • Energy Consumption – Return processing requires energy and resources, such as electricity and water, which adds to consumption and environmental impact.

    By understanding the environmental damage caused by returns and taking steps to minimize that impact, a more sustainable future can be achieved.

    Customers Want Sustainable Shopping Options

    Customers are becoming increasingly eco-conscious and looking for ways to make more sustainable shopping choices, and they seek out online stores that share their values.

    Environmental awareness has risen to the point where 72% of customers are willing to pay more for sustainable products and are more likely to buy from stores that are committed to sustainability. 

    Customers are looking for clear and transparent information about the environmental impact of products and how stores are working to mitigate it. By clearly communicating your sustainability efforts you can build customer trust, set yourself apart from your competitors, and increase customer retention.

    How to Make Your Returns More Sustainable in 5 Steps

    Use this 5-step process to identify areas for improvement and take action towards a more sustainable future. 

    From assessing your current returns process and setting goals to implementing a sustainable returns process and monitoring the results, these steps will help you reduce the environmental impact of your returns while aligning with your business objectives and customer expectations.

    Are you ready to make your returns more sustainable? Let’s dive in.

    Step 1: Evaluate Your Current Practices

    The first step towards improving your store’s sustainability is to take a look at your current returns process and see where you can cut down on waste and be more eco-friendly. 

    How to Measure Your Level of Sustainability

    Measuring the sustainability of your eCommerce returns process can be a complex task, but there are a few key areas you can focus on to get a sense of how sustainable your current process is.

    • Resource consumption – One key aspect of sustainability is the impact that your returns process has on natural resources. This includes the energy and water used to process returns, as well as the materials used to package and transport them. 

    You can measure resource consumption by tracking the amount of energy, water, and materials used during the returns process, and comparing it to industry benchmarks or to your own past performance.

    • Waste generation – Another important aspect of sustainability is the amount of waste that is generated during the returns process. This can include packaging materials, damaged or defective products, and other waste. 
    • Carbon emissions – Return shipping can also have a significant impact on the environment, as it often involves shipping products long distances. 

    Tracking the distance your returns are shipped and the mode of transportation used, and then calculating the carbon emissions resulting from those, can help you determine the carbon footprint of your returns process.

    • Efficiency – Evaluate how efficient your eCommerce returns process is. You can address bottlenecks in the return process by tracking your return processing time, return rates, and the cost of handling returns.

    Evaluating your current returns process can help you determine what areas your store can focus on to make its returns process more sustainable.

    “Our eCommerce store evaluates our returns process in terms of sustainability by measuring how much of the returns process can be reused or recycled. We track the amount of materials used in packaging and shipping, the number of returns that are successfully reused or recycled, and the amount of energy consumed in the returns process. 
    Additionally, we measure customer feedback and satisfaction to ensure that our returns process is easy and efficient for customers. Through this data, we can identify areas for improvement and make changes to be more sustainable.”

    Umit Kemal, MD and Manager, DK Klinik

    Step 2: Set Sustainability Goals

    It’s time to start planning your sustainable returns process. In order to do that, you’ll need to decide what you’re going to focus on and then set measurable goals accordingly.

    Planning out your approach is important to help you to make the most of your efforts and achieve the best results while avoiding potential roadblocks and ensuring that your sustainability efforts are efficient and effective.

    Decide What You’re Going to Focus On

    To plan your sustainability goals, decide what you want to focus on first.

    There are many different aspects of the returns process that you could address, such as packaging sustainability, return shipping emissions, return rates, and what happens to returned products. Rather than trying to tackle all of these areas at once, it can be helpful to start by focusing on just one or two areas and working on making those more sustainable. 

    By taking a step-by-step approach, you can keep from overwhelming yourself and your team, and build momentum and success as you go. After making improvements in one area, you can move on to other areas and keep improving your returns process.

    Some of the areas you can focus on are packaging, return shipping, return rates, and returned items. Choose the areas of your store in which you want to be more sustainable and set goals accordingly.

    Let’s take a closer look at some of the areas in which your store could focus on sustainability, why they’re important, and how they can be improved.

    Eco-Friendly Packaging

    Packaging is one area you can focus on in your sustainability goals. Using less material and adopting eco-friendly alternatives can reduce your environmental impact and appeal to customers who value sustainability.

    Improving the sustainability of your packaging is important for a few reasons:

    • Packaging waste – A major reason for focusing on sustainable packaging is to minimize packaging waste. Returns often generate a lot of packaging materials that end up in landfills. 

    Use eco-friendly packaging materials and designs to reduce waste generated during returns.

    • Shipping efficiency – Another reason to focus on packaging is to make the shipping process more efficient. By using lightweight, compact packaging, you can reduce the amount of fuel required to ship returns and exchanges, thus reducing your carbon footprint.

    Additionally, reducing the number of boxes on each truck by consolidating orders reduces transportation emissions.

    How to Make Your Packaging More Sustainable

    When looking to use more sustainable packaging, it’s important to consider the materials that you use and the products they are best suited to. 

    Make sure that your packaging is durable and will last for a long time, and consider how it can be recycled and reused.

    Take into account the environmental impact of the packaging, including emissions, energy use, and toxicity. 

    Taking these factors into consideration will help you choose the most effective and sustainable packaging for your products.

    To make your packaging more sustainable, consider using:

    • Recyclable materials – Choose packaging materials that can be easily recycled, such as cardboard, paper, or corrugated plastic.

    Recycling plastics or cardboard gives them another life, reducing the amount of waste generated by landfills, decreasing landfill waste, and preventing pollution.

    • Reusable packaging Invest in packaging materials that can be reused, such as sturdy boxes or resealable mailers.

    Using reusable packaging can make returns more sustainable since customers can easily repackage a product and return it instead of having to find new packaging.

    • Biodegradable materials – Use compostable materials made from organic materials that break down naturally over time and do not release harmful chemicals.

    A popular type of biodegradable packaging is bioplastics, which are plastics made from renewable resources. Bioplastics help reduce fossil fuel use for plastic production and are made from natural materials such as corn, wood, algae, and sugarcane. 

    • Less packaging – Reduce the use of packaging whenever possible. Avoid the use of excess packing materials such as bubble wrap, Styrofoam, and other single-use materials. 

    Use materials such as cardboard, paper, and reusable containers, and consolidate orders into fewer packages to reduce waste and create a more eco-friendly return process. 

    By improving the sustainability of your packaging, your store can demonstrate its commitment to sustainability and make a positive impact on the environment.

    “At our online store, we try to be as eco-friendly as possible. We minimize our usage of excess packaging and ship in bulk whenever possible. We also make use of a large box that can be reused for several shipments. This allows us to lower our carbon footprint and pass on the savings to our customers.” 

    Henffrey M. Muthama, Head of Marketing, Ledask

    Sustainable Return Shipping

    You can focus your efforts on sustainable return shipping by reducing carbon emissions associated with the transportation of returned products.

    The environmental impact of return shipping can be reduced in a few ways:

    Offset Your Carbon Emissions

    Offset your carbon emissions from return shipping by investing in renewable energy and reforestation projects. 

    Carbon offsetting is a way to compensate for your store’s carbon emissions by investing in projects that remove or reduce an equivalent amount of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

    There are a few ways in which you can offset your carbon emissions:

    • Purchase carbon offset credits – When customers initiate a return, you can offer them the option of purchasing carbon offset credits to offset their return shipping carbon emissions.
    • Use a sustainable shipping provider – Work with a shipping provider that reduces the carbon emissions from transportation through carbon credits, consolidated delivery routes, green delivery vehicles, or other sustainability initiatives.
    • Invest in sustainable infrastructure – Invest in sustainable infrastructure that enables eco-friendly return shipping, such as using electric vehicles instead of gasoline or diesel cars, using clean energy for shipping, and using biodegradable packaging.

    Make sure to choose offset providers who adhere to international standards and whose projects contribute to sustainable development. By offsetting the carbon emissions caused by return shipping, you can reduce the environmental impact of your returns process and become more sustainable.

    Ship in Bulk

    One strategy you can use to reduce the environmental impact of your eCommerce returns is to ship returns in bulk. Consolidated returns reduce the number of individual shipments and associated transportation emissions. 

    ReturnGO’s integration with Happy Returns enables you to have customers bring their returns to a Return Bar drop-off location, where multiple returns are consolidated and shipped back to your warehouse all at once. This reduces the number of shipments and helps lower the overall carbon footprint of your returns process.

    In addition to reducing the environmental impact, shipping returned products in bulk can also reduce your operational costs. This can be a great opportunity to save money and be more sustainable at the same time.

    Have Customers Keep or Donate Items

    In most cases, you probably want to get back returned items so that you can restock and resell them. However, in some circumstances such as low-value or damaged products, it may be more cost-effective and eco-friendly to offer a returnless refund. 

    A returnless refund is when customers don’t have to return the item to get a refund or replacement, and they keep or donate the item instead.

    Having customers keep or donate returned items instead of shipping them back is a great way to make returns more convenient for customers while reducing your return handling costs and the environmental impact of returns.

    Returnless refunds are becoming more popular as online stores look to reduce return costs and increase sustainability. Many leading eCommerce stores, including Amazon, Target, and Walmart offer returnless refunds, and more and more are following suit. 

    Offering returnless refunds can be valuable for several reasons:

    • Reduces transportation emissions When customers keep or donate returned items instead of shipping them back, it reduces the need for transportation and the associated emissions, as the items do not have to be shipped back to your warehouse.
    • Decreases waste – Having customers keep or donate items reduces the amount of waste associated with returns. When items are donated, it gives them a second life and keeps them out of landfills. 
    • Reduces costs – Shipping items back can be costly for the business and customer. By having customers keep or donate items instead, you can save on transportation and return handling costs.
    • Builds customer loyalty – By giving customers the option to keep or donate returned items, your store can build loyalty because customers feel like their return is sustainable and has a positive impact on the community.

    Encouraging customers to keep and donate items instead of shipping them back can lead to a more sustainable and eco-friendly return process.

    Implement a “Buy Online, Return In-Store” Policy

    Have customers return online orders to physical store locations instead of shipping them back. By doing so, the emissions associated with returning products are reduced.

    A “buy online, return in-store” policy is a strategy that enables customers to purchase items online and return them to a physical store location. 

    By returning items in-store, customers reduce their carbon footprint associated with transportation, as there’s no need for shipping. 

    As a bonus, when customers return items in-store they can bring back the items back with the original packaging and tags, which reduces packaging waste from additional packaging.

    Use Eco-Friendly Shipping Methods

    Reduce carbon emissions by using more energy-efficient shipping methods, such as ground shipping instead of air shipping.

    The use of ground shipping instead of air shipping can significantly reduce carbon emissions. Since ground shipping is often more energy-efficient and consumes less fuel, the carbon emissions per package are lower. 

    Return shipping carbon emissions can also be significantly reduced by using electric or hybrid delivery vehicles as opposed to traditional gas-powered ones.

    When choosing a return shipping method, it’s important to consider the trade-offs involved, such as delivery time, cost, and the types of products being shipped.

    Use On-Demand Return Shipping Labels

    Take advantage of technology such as on-demand printing of return shipping labels to minimize waste and ensure that accurate information is included on the label. 

    Offering on-demand pre-paid return shipping labels is a great strategy that can help make the returns process more sustainable by having customers print out their own return shipping labels as needed instead of including a pre-printed label with every order.

    By having customers print out their own return shipping labels, you can reduce the number of pre-printed labels that are shipped to customers who don’t need to make a return. 

    You can use ReturnGO to generate pre-paid return shipping labels. When a return request is approved, the customer receives an email with a pre-paid return shipping label they can print out, attach to their package, and ship back.

    Taking steps to make return shipping more sustainable will help you make your return process more efficient, cost-effective, and eco-friendly.

    Return Rates

    High return rates can negatively impact the sustainability of your store, as they contribute to more transportation emissions.

    Here are a few ways to reduce return rates and make your store more sustainable:

    Provide Detailed Product Descriptions

    One of the most common reasons for returns is that the product received does not match the product described or shown online. 

    By providing accurate and detailed product descriptions you can help reduce the number of returns that happen due to miscommunications.

    Product descriptions should contain information about the product’s features and benefits, as well as answers to common questions.

    Make sure product descriptions include:

    • Descriptive product title to hook your audience, clearly stating what the product is.
    • Detailed paragraph that explains and tells a short story about the benefits of the product.
    • Bulleted list of technical product features.

    It’s important to clearly describe your products, including the materials they’re made of, how they’re packaged, what to expect of the fit, and how long shipping will take.

    Write a Clear Return Policy

    Having a clear and easy-to-understand return policy can help reduce the number of returns by setting customer expectations and providing a straightforward process for returning items.

    Your return policy should clearly answer questions such as: 

    • How long do customers have to return items?
    • What condition do items need to be in?
    • Do you charge any fees for returns?
    • What steps do customers need to take to request a return?
    • What types of returns do you offer?

    Encourage Customer Feedback

    Collect customer feedback to identify and address issues with your products or website that may be leading to a high return rate.

    Sending customers an email survey after a purchase or asking them to leave a review on your site can provide valuable insight into the shopping experience and product quality.

    Provide Size Charts and Fit Guides

    Provide size charts and fit guides to help customers choose the correct size and reduce the number of returns due to wrong sizing.

    In categories such as clothing, sizing issues are often a major contributing factor to returns. Reduce your return rates due to sizing issues by offering clear and easy-to-use sizing charts and guides so that customers are more confident in their purchases.

    Show High-Quality Product Images

    Multiple high-quality images of the products from different angles can help customers get a better sense of what they’re buying.

    When customers can see detailed and accurate images of a product, they can be more confident about their purchasing decision, which can reduce the likelihood of items being returned due to misunderstandings. 

    Analyze Return Data 

    Use a tool like ReturnGO to analyze your return data to identify trends and patterns in the products that are being returned and return reasons. 

    Analyzing your return data can help you identify areas to improve, such as tweaking your return policy or updating product descriptions, which can reduce your return rates and make your store more sustainable.

    Returned Items

    One of the biggest challenges in eCommerce is figuring out what to do with returned items, as they can take up warehouse space and contribute to landfill waste. 

    The best way to handle your returned items sustainably is to repurpose them instead of letting them go to waste.

    The three “R”s of sustainable management of returned items are:

    1. Resell 

    Reselling your returned products enables you to make money on otherwise wasted inventory and increases sustainability since products are reused rather than discarded. 

    Two of the simplest strategies for reselling your returned products are in a resale section of your site or through a third-party reCommerce platform. 

    By reselling returned items, you can recoup some of the cost, as well as offer these items at a lower price to customers.

    2. Refurbish 

    Refurbishing returned items can extend their life, reduce waste, and save money.

    Inspect, clean, and test returned items to ensure that they are in good working order and then resell them as “refurbished.” 

    Refurbishing returned items is an effective way to reduce the amount of returned items that go to landfills.

    3. Recycle 

    Some returned items may not be in a condition to resell or donate, but many materials can be recycled, reducing the environmental impact of these items. 

    You can recycle your store’s returned items by finding a local recycling facility that accepts the types of materials they’re made of, or by working with a recycling company that specializes in returned items.

    Recycling returned items’ materials and repurposing them for new products can reduce waste and the environmental impact of returns.

    Ultimately, how you handle returned items depends on your products and business. Consider all your options and pick the one you see as most sustainable, cost-effective, and manageable for your store.

    Set Measurable Goals

    Establish measurable goals based on the areas you decided to focus on first. Setting specific, measurable goals will enable you to track your progress and adjust accordingly.

    Your sustainability goals should be aligned with your overall business objectives and be challenging but achievable. 

    SMART goals are a widely used framework for setting and achieving goals. The acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. 

    Using SMART goals can help to ensure that your goals are clear, achievable, and effective, which can in turn increase the chances of success, and it can help to focus efforts and resources, establish priorities, and measure progress.

    Specific – Goals should be clear and specific, stating exactly what is to be accomplished.

    Measurable – Goals should be quantifiable, so progress can be tracked.

    Achievable – Goals should be realistic and achievable, given the resources and constraints.

    Relevant – Goals should be relevant to your industry and business objectives.

    Time-bound – Goals should have clear deadlines for completion.

    To set SMART goals for your sustainability efforts, follow these steps:

    1. Decide which areas of your returns process you want to improve, such as increasing the use of sustainable shipping methods or reducing packaging waste.

    2. Define what you want to achieve in each area. Put together specific and realistic targets for each goal. 

    3. Plan how you’ll achieve this goal, and determine what steps you need to take.

    4. Set a timeframe for achieving your goal, such as by the end of the next quarter or the next year.

    Setting measurable goals will help you keep track of your progress and ensure that your sustainability efforts are having the desired impact. This will enable you to stay on track to achieve your sustainability goals by making any necessary adjustments.

    “Our goal-setting process involves mapping out specific objectives, timelines, and resources needed. We break these down into smaller steps or goals and check in periodically to review progress made using KPIs and metrics. With this method, we are able to continually adjust our strategy so that we meet our short-term and long-term goals for increased sustainability.”

    Grace Baena, Director of Brand, Kaiyo

    Step 3: Implement a Sustainable Returns Process

    Once you’ve set your sustainability goals and decided which area of your business you want to focus on making more sustainable first, it’s time to take action.

    In order to effectively implement your sustainability goals, you’ll need to set up a system for tracking and recording returns data and work with reliable service providers to ensure that the right incentives and processes are in place to manage returns sustainably. 

    Use a Returns Management System (RMS)

    Using a returns management system can greatly help in implementing a sustainable returns process by automating and streamlining the returns process. 

    An RMS like ReturnGO enables you to track and monitor your returns. Another advantage of using an RMS is that it provides you with data about your returns that can help you improve your returns process and make data-driven decisions. 

    The ReturnGO returns management system also includes features like pre-paid return shipping labels, consolidation of return shipments, and incentives to encourage certain return methods, which can help reduce waste, emissions, and costs.

    Using a returns management system can make it easier for you to implement sustainable eCommerce practices because it simplifies the process and integrates with your shipping carriers, warehouse management systems, and helpdesks. This makes it easier to manage, scale, and track the sustainable practices you implement.

    Work With Reliable Service Providers

    It’s important to make sure that you are working with reliable service providers, whether that’s shipping carriers, warehouse management systems, or packaging suppliers. Work with companies that share your commitment to sustainability and have proven track records.

    Some of the most important things to look for in a service provider are reliability, expertise, and experience. Ideally, a service provider will deliver on their promises as well as provide excellent customer service and support.

    When choosing a service provider, look for service providers who have experience working with other eCommerce stores in your industry and who are familiar with the challenges that come with handling returns, and make sure your service providers have solid reputations by reading online reviews and asking for references. 

    Do your research when choosing service providers for a sustainable returns process, and make sure the companies you choose have relevant experience and knowledge. It can be helpful to evaluate several options in order to determine which is the best fit for your store’s needs.

    Put in Place the Sustainable Practices You Decided On

    Take the steps you laid out in your sustainability goals, whether that’s switching to eco-friendly packaging, setting up a carbon-offsetting program, reselling returned items, or any other changes you decided to make.

    When implementing your sustainability efforts, pay close attention to the details of the process. Define clear steps and assign responsibilities, and make sure the necessary resources are available. 

    Know that once you begin to implement your sustainable practices, there will be roadblocks and unforeseen challenges, and you’ll need to adapt your goals as necessary. That’s completely normal. Just review your sustainability goals and see where you need to make adjustments.

    Step 4: Communicate Your Commitment

    Once you’ve implemented sustainable practices in your eCommerce store, it’s important to communicate your sustainable efforts everywhere you can, including on your website and social media channels as well as in your return policy and product pages. 

    Communicating your sustainability efforts is an essential part of building trust and creating transparency with your customers. 

    Where to Communicate Your Sustainability Efforts

    Clearly communicating your commitment to sustainability is essential for inspiring change and gaining support. Promote your sustainability efforts everywhere from your product pages to your return policy to email marketing.

    Return Policy

    Reflect your sustainability efforts in your return policy. A well-crafted return policy can help to reduce the environmental impact of returns by encouraging customers to keep items instead of shipping them back or explaining how you repurpose returned items. 

    When writing your return policy, make sure to include clear information about your sustainable returns process, and make sure it’s easily accessible to customers. Display your return policy on your website header or footer, on product pages, and in confirmation emails. 

    A clear return policy can help educate customers about the steps you are taking to reduce waste and emissions, and also make it easy for them to see the impact they are making when they choose to shop with you.


    Include information about your sustainability efforts on your website, such as on your “About Us” page or on a dedicated “Sustainability” page. 

    This helps educate customers about the sustainable practices you have in place and shows them the impact they have when they choose to buy from your store.

    Product Pages

    Include information about the sustainability of your products on your product pages, such as the materials used, the environmental impact of production and shipping, and what happens to the products when they are returned. 

    Clearly communicating your sustainability efforts on your product pages helps build customer trust and reassures customers that their purchase is sustainable.


    Use marketing channels such as social media and email marketing to effectively communicate your sustainability efforts to a wide audience. 

    Through marketing your sustainability efforts, you can increase awareness about sustainability and educate customers about the impact of their purchases.

    Making your store stand out through sustainability initiatives and products can create a sense of community and loyalty among your customers, helping them feel part of something important, which can lead to repeat purchases and increased customer retention.

    Employee Communication

    Involve your employees and support agents in your sustainability efforts and ensure they know their role in helping your store achieve its sustainability goals.

    Mission Statement

    Make sure your sustainability efforts are reflected in your store’s mission statement. Your store’s mission statement communicates who you are, what you stand for, and why you’re doing what you do.

    Incorporating your sustainability efforts into your mission statement helps you align your efforts with your overall business goals and values. It also helps customers understand why sustainability is important to you and how you aim to make a difference.

    Regardless of where you decide to communicate your sustainability efforts, it’s important to be consistent, transparent, and honest in order to build trust with your customers.

    “We created an Instagram campaign in which we included what we’ll introduce. Our company collectively decided to share the campaign on the platform that already had a promising following – Instagram. We posted videos and Reels to inform our audience that we’d introduce climate-neutral shipping processes. An in-depth video was made highlighting the entire journey.”

    Melissa Collins, Food Scientist and Director of Content, Jupiter

    Step 5: Monitor and Measure Your Progress

    Once you’ve implemented your sustainability strategy, it is essential to monitor and measure your progress so that you can make adjustments as needed.

    Review your return data regularly to identify patterns and make adjustments as needed. Identify and track key trends over time so you can see how your efforts are impacting overall results.

    Tracking your progress helps you stay on track to achieve your sustainability goals. Then, once you achieve your sustainability goals, you can set new ones and continue improving and making an impact.

    Making your online store more sustainable is a never-ending process, and it’s important to keep updating, adjusting, and adding sustainable practices to keep reducing your environmental impact.

    “We track metrics like energy consumption, recycling rates, water usage, carbon emissions, waste production across every process involved in production as well as product lifecycle analysis (LCA). We also monitor customer feedback about their experience with us versus other stores to identify areas where we can improve toward achieving greater sustainability goals. 

    From there, we adjust our goals according to what data is telling us; this could mean investing more resources into certain parts of the supply chain or product design that consume larger amounts of energy or emit higher levels of carbon dioxide during manufacturing.”

    Eric Sornoso, CEO, Meal Fan

    The 5-Step Process to Sustainable Returns

    After breaking down each step, here’s a recap of the process of making your returns more sustainable:

    1. Evaluate your current practices

    • Measure your carbon emissions, waste generation, and efficiency.
    • Identify areas for improvement.

    2. Set sustainability goals

    • Decide what areas to focus on first.
    • Set specific, measurable goals.

    3. Implement a sustainable returns process

    • Use a returns management system.
    • Work with reliable service providers.
    • Put your new sustainability practices into action.

    4. Communicate your commitment

    • Clearly communicate your sustainability efforts through your website, product pages, return policy, and marketing channels.

    5. Monitor and measure your progress

    • Track your returns data.
    • Adapt and adjust your sustainability practices as needed.

    By implementing these steps, you can reduce waste, emissions, and costs, and create a more sustainable eCommerce business. 

    Best Practices for Sustainable Returns

    As you take action to make your returns more sustainable, keep these best practices in mind.

    Avoid Greenwashing

    Avoid greenwashing by being transparent about your efforts, practices, and process. Make sure not to make misleading claims about the sustainability of your products or return process.

    In addition to weakening trust and credibility, greenwashing can have negative effects on the environment and on your reputation.

    To avoid greenwashing, be transparent about your efforts, and make sure that any claims you make are supported by data and evidence. Openly communicate your sustainable efforts and be ready to provide more details upon request.

    Constantly Look to Improve

    Regularly evaluate and reassess your returns process, and make sure to consistently set new goals and implement new strategies as needed to reduce waste, emissions, and costs. 

    It’s important to constantly be looking to improve your store’s sustainability in order to remain relevant and effective over time and to keep up with customer preferences and industry developments.

    “Educate yourself constantly about current trends and solutions on how you could improve your sustainability efforts when dealing with product returns – there’s always room for improvement, so don’t feel like once you’ve started down this path there’s no more work left to be done here!”

    Carlos Barros, Director of Marketing, Epos Now

    Be Open to Customer Feedback

    Make use of feedback from customers to improve your returns process, meet expectations, and improve your store’s sustainability over time.

    Customer feedback is important because it helps you better understand how your business and sustainability efforts are perceived by your customers, identify areas of improvement, and make informed decisions. In addition to building trust and improving customer relationships, accepting feedback shows that you value customers’ input and are committed to improving.

    In order to receive customer feedback you can set up surveys, create a customer feedback box, and encourage customers to leave reviews on your site. Make sure to put a process in place to regularly review and respond to customer feedback.

    Make Use of Technology

    Use eCommerce software and tools such as shipping carriers, helpdesk software, and returns management systems to optimize your returns process.

    With today’s advanced technology, you can easily increase efficiency, and reduce costs and emissions as well as improve the customer experience.

    By using ReturnGO’s returns management system you can automate your returns process, track and monitor returns, and also provide customers with options such as sustainable return methods, pre-paid return shipping labels, and a clear return policy. 

    ReturnGO also provides valuable analytics and actionable insights to help you make data-driven decisions, identify areas for improvement, and improve your returns process. 

    4 Examples of eCommerce Stores With Sustainable Returns

    Let’s take a look at how some eCommerce stores are implementing sustainable returns practices. 

    Seeing real examples can give you a better sense of the different strategies and tools you can use to reduce the environmental impact of returns while meeting the needs of eco-conscious customers. 

    From innovative recycling programs to carbon offsetting programs, these examples show how online stores are finding creative and effective ways to be more sustainable. 

    1. Hellovein

    “We use biodegradable packaging whenever possible and recycle or repurpose all materials that can’t be reused. We also strive to reduce our environmental footprint by utilizing carbon offsets and renewable energy sources to power our operations. 

    We communicate the sustainability efforts of our business through multiple channels including our website, email campaigns, and social media posts. 

    On each platform, we feature stories about how we are minimizing waste, investing in renewable energy solutions, and creating sustainable partnerships with suppliers and customers alike. 

    We’re committed to being an environmentally responsible company, and we want shoppers to know that their purchases are making a positive impact on the planet.”

    Kreisel Jaquish, Owner and CEO

    2. Kate Backdrop

    “Our packaging is made from 100% recycled materials, which we source from post-industrial waste. 

    Our return process is designed to minimize our environmental impact. Any returned items are inspected for damage, and any damaged items are donated or repurposed by us. We then ensure that all of our packaging is reused as much as possible before it goes into the recycling bin. 

    Furthermore, we communicate our sustainability efforts to customers through various channels, such as our website and social media pages. We post regular updates about the steps we take to reduce our environmental impact, including details about how we package products and process returns. 

    We also hold special events where customers can come in to learn more about sustainability initiatives that our company is involved in.”

    David Zhang, CEO

    3. Soxy

    “We make use of biodegradable materials for product packaging to make the returns process as sustainable as possible. We use recycled fabric for our packaging. The use of plastic packaging for the return process can be detrimental to the environment. 

    Our e-commerce store focuses on sustainability as an objective. Our vision for a greener future is communicated through our social media posts, email newsletters, and product sourcing and packaging. 

    The sales and marketing department of the store actively communicates our sustainability efforts to the target audience on these platforms.”

    Jessica Kats, eCommerce and Retail Expert

    4. Aimvein

    “We’ve put in place several measures to ensure that our returns process is as eco-friendly as possible. 

    We use recycled materials wherever we can, such as paper and cardboard, and all of our plastic packaging is made from recyclable materials. 

    We also offer an option for customers to return their goods using a pre-paid postage label, so that goods don’t have to make multiple trips back and forth between the customer and our warehouse. This helps us reduce emissions associated with transportation.”

    Robert Leonard, Owner

    Take Action Towards a More Sustainable Future

    The environmental impact of eCommerce returns is a growing concern, and it is important to take action to reduce your store’s environmental impact. 

    By implementing sustainable returns practices, you can minimize your impact on the environment while meeting the evolving expectations of eco-conscious customers.

    This guide explored the importance of sustainability in eCommerce returns and looked at various strategies and tools to make your returns process more eco-friendly. 

    It’s important to note that sustainability is a journey, not a destination, and that it’s important to constantly look for ways to improve and to be open to feedback. 

    Now is the time to get started on making your returns more sustainable. Every small step can make a big difference.

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    3 eCommerce Money Management Tips to Increase Your Profits Sun, 12 Feb 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Follow these key eCommerce money management tips to improve your bottom line and increase your profits. Whether you’re a seasoned eCommerce merchant or just starting out, these tips will provide valuable insights and help you grow your business.

    3 Money Management Tips for eCommerce

    With the right approach to money management, you can streamline your financial operations, reduce costs, and increase profits. 

    Here are 3 tips to help you improve your eCommerce store’s profits with better money management:

    1. Know Your Costs

    In order to maximize your profits and improve your bottom line, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of all of your costs. This includes the cost of goods sold, as well as operational costs such as shipping and marketing, as well as overhead costs. 

    Keep track of your costs on a regular basis in order to identify areas for improvement. Tracking business expenses is made easy today with accounting software like Floodlight instead of using receipts and spreadsheets. 

    Tracking your business costs will help you make informed decisions about pricing, product sourcing, and other key aspects of your business.

    A few considerations when it comes to costs include:

    Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)

    COGS is a key metric that measures the direct costs associated with producing and selling your products. It includes the cost of materials, labor, and any other expenses directly related to the production of your products. 

    Keeping a close eye on your COGS is important because it directly affects your profit margins. Make sure you continuously review your COGS to identify opportunities for cost savings.

    Operational Costs

    Operating costs are the expenses incurred by operating your eCommerce store, including expenses such as shipping, returns, marketing, and customer service. 

    Make sure to track all of your operational costs and regularly review them to identify areas for improvement, such as using a fulfillment service that offers lower shipping rates or reducing packaging materials to lower your shipping costs.

    Overhead Costs

    Overhead costs are indirect expenses that are not directly tied to the production or sale of your products. This includes expenses such as rent, utilities, and insurance. 

    It is important to track your overhead costs and allocate them to your products or services appropriately. This will help you get a more accurate picture of your overall costs and improve your bottom line.

    By accurately tracking and understanding your costs, you can make informed decisions about pricing, product sourcing, and other key aspects of your business. This will help you reduce costs, increase profits, and grow your business. 

    Make sure you regularly review your costs and look for opportunities to reduce expenses and improve profitability.

    2. Automate Everything

    Automation is key to improving your bottom line in eCommerce. By automating key processes and tasks, you can reduce costs, streamline operations, and increase profits.

    Here’s a closer look at how automation can help:

    Returns Management Automation

    Handling returns can be a time-consuming and costly process. By automating your returns management, you can reduce the time and effort required to process returns and improve your bottom line. 

    You can use automated software such as ReturnGO to streamline the returns process, from tracking returns to processing refunds. This will help you reduce the costs associated with returns, increase efficiency, and generate more revenue.

    Financial Tracking Automation

    By automating your financial tracking, you can reduce the time and effort required to manage your eCommerce finances, and improve your bottom line. 

    A money management tool such as Floodlight can help you track and manage your eCommerce finances. This will help you stay on top of your expenses, identify areas for improvement, and make your business more profitable.

    Automation is a powerful tool for eCommerce businesses looking to improve their bottom line. By automating things like returns management and financial tracking, you can reduce costs, streamline operations, and focus on growing your business. 

    3. Reduce Return Rates

    Returns can be a significant cost to your business, eating into your profits and affecting your bottom line. 

    Here are some strategies to help you reduce your return rates and improve your bottom line:

    Accurate Product Descriptions

    Detailed and accurate product descriptions are essential for reducing return rates. When customers have a clear understanding of what they’re buying, they’re less likely to return items due to incorrect sizing or product expectations.

    81% of customers think that better product descriptions would help reduce false expectations and returns.

    Provide clear and detailed information about your products, including size, color, materials, and any other relevant details. 

    Consistent formatting across your product descriptions will help customers find the information they’re looking for and make informed purchasing decisions. Use bullet points and headers to break up the page and make it easy to skim.

    Clear Return Policy

    Having a clearly-defined return policy can also help reduce return rates by setting expectations.

    Outline the process for returning items in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. Include information on how to initiate a return, the conditions under which returns are accepted, and the time frame for returns.

    Make it clear who is responsible for shipping costs associated with returns, and define any additional fees that may apply. 

    A clear return policy can help set customer expectations and reduce the number of returns due to confusion or misunderstandings.

    Maximize Your eCommerce Profits

    Effective money management is essential for a successful eCommerce business. By following these tips you can improve your bottom line and achieve financial stability and growth. 

    Track your costs and invest in automation software and systems to help you manage your eCommerce finances more efficiently and effectively. 

    By implementing these strategies, you can ensure the long-term success of your eCommerce business.

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    Refund & Return Policy Laws: Is a Return Policy a Legal Agreement? Tue, 07 Feb 2023 10:10:00 +0000 It’s important to make sure that your eCommerce store’s return policy complies with all relevant laws and regulations as it is a legal agreement.

    What is a Return Policy?

    A return policy outlines the specific requirements as to how, when, and under what conditions customers can return purchased items to your online store.

    Online stores typically provide return policies to their customers and outline the steps that customers need to follow in order to return a product, as well as any limitations or exclusions that may apply. 

    Also included in a return policy is the timeframe within which customers can return a product, the required condition of returned products, and any restocking fees that may be charged.

    Is a Return Policy a Legal Agreement?

    A return policy is a legal agreement. If your eCommerce store has a return policy in place, you must adhere to the terms of the policy and cannot change it retroactively. 

    Your store must comply with any relevant consumer protection laws that apply to returns and refunds, such as the right to a refund within a certain timeframe or the requirement to issue a full refund in certain circumstances.

    Failure to comply with return policy laws can result in legal consequences for your store, such as fines or lawsuits.

    Are Return Policies Legally Required?

    Return policy laws vary by country and state and may be different depending on the location of your store and customers. Familiarize yourself with the specific laws and regulations that apply to your business and ensure that your return policy complies with these requirements.

    The Legal Importance of Return Policies

    Return policy laws may include the right to a refund within a specific timeframe, the requirement to issue a full refund in certain circumstances, or the obligation to clearly disclose the terms of the return policy to customers. 

    Failure to comply with these laws can result in legal consequences for your store, such as fines or a lawsuit from unhappy customers.

    Additionally, having a return policy can help reduce return fraud, and prevent chargebacks and other legal disputes.

    Reduce Return Fraud

    Return policies can help reduce return fraud in a few ways. 

    1. Having a clear and well-defined return policy can help to reduce the number of fraudulent returns by setting clear expectations for customers and making it more difficult for them to make false claims.

    2. You can choose to implement stricter return policies for high-risk items or customers with a history of fraudulent returns. For example, you may require a receipt or proof of purchase for certain items, or only offer store credit instead of a direct refund for these items. 

    3. Using return fraud prevention software or hiring specialized loss prevention staff to detect and prevent fraudulent returns can help you prevent return fraud. These tools can analyze return patterns and identify suspicious activity, helping you reduce your store’s risk of return fraud.

    Having a return policy can help to deter fraudulent returns and make it easier to identify and investigate suspicious returns.

    Prevent Chargebacks

    Return policies can help prevent chargebacks by reducing misunderstandings between you and your customers. 

    Chargebacks occur when customers dispute a charge on their credit card statement and the credit card company reverses the charge. As chargebacks often incur fees and may require a significant amount of effort to resolve, they can be costly and time-consuming for you to handle. 

    To prevent chargebacks, your store should have a clear return policy to reduce customer dissatisfaction, prevent misunderstandings, and reduce the risk of fraudulent chargebacks.

    If your customers are unaware of your store’s return policy, they may initiate a chargeback if they are unhappy. By clearly outlining the terms of your return policy and being very detailed in your conditions and requirements, you can help prevent misunderstandings and reduce the risk of chargebacks.

    Where to Find Your Country’s Return Policy Laws

    There are a few ways you can find information on the return policy laws that apply to your store:

    Consult with a Legal Professional

    A lawyer or attorney in your country will be able to provide you with information on the relevant laws and regulations regarding returns and refunds.

    Search Online

    You can often find information on your country’s return laws by doing a search online. Government websites, such as those of consumer protection agencies, can provide information on these laws.

    Check with Relevant Industry Associations

    Industry associations, such as trade organizations or professional associations, are likely to have information on the laws and regulations that apply to your store.

    Contact Relevant Regulatory Bodies

    Depending on your country, there may be regulatory bodies that oversee specific industries or types of businesses. These organizations can provide guidance on the laws and regulations relevant to your business.

    Examples of Return Policy Laws

    Each country has its own return policy laws and regulations, so make sure you verify what laws apply to your store. 

    Below are a few examples of how return policy laws work in certain countries. Please note that these are only examples; you should check your local laws for the most current information.

    United States

    The U.S. has no federal laws requiring a return policy. Return policy laws vary from state to state. 

    A limited amount of protection is provided to customers under federal law by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which enforces federal consumer protection laws to prevent fraudulent, deceptive, or unfair business practices such as false advertising.

    Each state has its own return policy laws and regulations. For example, in California, stores that do not accept returns within 7 days must clearly display their return policy. If this requirement is not met, customers may return products for a full refund within 30 days of the purchase.

    United Kingdom

    In the U.K., the Consumer Rights Act of 2015 lays out rules regarding returns, refunds, and exchanges.

    UK law imposes minimum timeframes for requesting a return. Customers have 14 days to return online purchases.

    Customers are entitled to a replacement or repair if the product they purchased is defective or doesn’t match the description online.

    If a customer returns an item within 6 months because it is defective, you must repair or replace it, unless you can prove that it was not defective at the time of purchase. If a customer requests a repair or replacement after 6 months, you can ask them to prove the item was faulty when they purchased it.

    Deliberately misleading or deceiving customers about their rights, such as stating that you don’t accept returns or refunds, is illegal.


    Australia leaves the return and refund policy mostly up to the stores. There are, however, some basic consumer laws that apply in Australia.

    Customers have the right to return a product if they think there’s a problem with it. The product doesn’t have to be in its original packaging, but the store can ask for proof of purchase, such as a receipt.

    It is illegal to have a policy that says refunds are not permitted under any circumstances. It is also illegal to fail to take responsibility for a defective product unless it is identified as such at the time of purchase.  

    As you can see, refund and return laws vary widely from country to country and from state to state, and each place approaches the topic differently, so it’s important to verify what laws and regulations apply to your eCommerce store.

    Automate your returns so you don’t have to worry about it, as your return policy will be enforced automatically without you having to think about each case and decide whether it’s eligible. 

    With ReturnGO, you can set up your return policy to fit your local laws. For example, you could set the return window to 30 days, and then every return request would be automatically marked as eligible or ineligible.

    Make Sure Your Return Policy Complies with the Law

    It’s important to have a return policy in place in order to prevent disputes and return fraud by setting clear expectations.

    While return policies are not legally required in many countries, you must adhere to any relevant consumer protection laws that apply to returns and refunds. 

    Familiarize yourself with the specific laws and regulations that apply to your business and ensure that your return policy complies with these requirements. To find information on the return laws that apply to your country, you can consult with a legal professional, search online, check with relevant industry associations, or look for guidance from relevant regulatory bodies.

    Make sure that your return policy complies with all relevant laws and regulations as it is a legal agreement, and use a returns management system like ReturnGO to automatically implement your return policy.

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    10 Post-Purchase Emails That Drive Customer Loyalty Sun, 29 Jan 2023 11:07:20 +0000 Post-purchase emails are an effective way to keep customers engaged with your store beyond checkout, and are a valuable opportunity to nurture your relationships with customers and increase customer lifetime value. 

    What are Post-Purchase Emails?

    Post-purchase emails are emails that are sent after a customer has completed their purchase. Post-purchase emails can include transactional emails (order confirmations, return request updates, etc) and marketing emails (upsells, loyalty program promotion, etc).

    The purpose of post-purchase emails is to keep customers engaged and informed after checkout and to continue the customer relationship.

    Why are Post-Purchase Emails Important?

    Post-purchase emails are a great way to boost customer loyalty and build brand awareness, as well as to keep customers coming back and increase their lifetime value.

    Increase Customer Lifetime Value

    Post-purchase emails can be a powerful tool to help increase customer lifetime value (LTV) and can be used as an effective marketing tool to drive future sales. 

    Maintaining customer engagement post-purchase is a great way to increase sales, and utilizing post-purchase emails to upsell and cross-sell is an effective way to maximize customer lifetime value.

    Build Customer Trust and Brand Awareness

    Sending branded and personalized post-purchase emails is one of the most effective ways to create a consistent brand experience throughout the customer journey. 

    Create brand awareness and customer trust by providing branded post-purchase emails, so customers recognize your store’s emails immediately and know what to expect since it matches the rest of their shopping experience.

    Boost Customer Loyalty and Retention

    Keeping customers engaged after the purchase is a key component of customer retention. Sending post-purchase emails is an effective way to engage customers and keep them coming back.

    By providing customers with engaging content and timely shipping updates, post-purchase emails can help to build an ongoing customer relationship that leads to repeat purchases and increased customer loyalty and retention. 

    10 Post-Purchase Emails to Keep Customers Coming Back

    Post-purchase emails can be used to build customer relationships, remind them of the value of their purchase, and encourage them to continue shopping with your business. 

    From discount offers to product recommendations, there are a variety of post-purchase emails you can use to keep customers engaged. Knowing which to send and when can help ensure that your post-purchase emails are effective. 

    Keep your customers engaged with these post-purchase emails.

    Transactional Emails

    Transactional emails such as shipping, order, and return emails are the most basic kind of post-purchase emails sent after a customer places an order. 

    Post-purchase transactional emails are informative and typically contain details such as the customers’ order and product details. 

    Providing timely and accurate updates about the status of customers’ orders builds trust and makes customers feel valued, helping to create a positive customer experience.

    1. Order Confirmation Emails

    Order confirmation emails inform customers that their order has been processed, confirm the details of the order, and lets them know what to expect next.

    More than just confirming product details, order confirmation emails represent your brand and are often the first emails that your customers receive after making a purchase.

    Send branded, personalized order confirmation emails to provide customers with peace of mind about their purchase and create strong and lasting customer relationships.

    2. Shipping Updates Emails

    Keep your customers informed by sending them email updates regarding their shipments and return shipments. Update your customers about the progress of their orders by sending shipping confirmations, delivery notifications, and tracking information.

    3. Return Request Emails

    Notify your customers throughout each stage of the return process, from when they request the return to the point when the refund or exchange is approved and issued. 

    Keeping your customers informed about the status of their return requests in real-time by including return notification emails in your post-purchase flow will help provide a smooth return process.

    ReturnGO makes it easy to customize your return emails according to your brand’s colors, voice, and style, and automate your return update emails to keep your customers informed throughout the entire return process.

    4. Return Shipping Update Emails

    Provide customers with real-time updates on the status of their return shipments. Let them know when their returned items are in transit, received, and processed.

    Keeping your customers in the loop reduces the number of customer support queries your team has to handle.

    Marketing Emails

    You can use post-purchase marketing emails to increase customer retention and lifetime value, upsell and cross-sell, and establish your store as a trustworthy brand.

    5. Thank You Emails

    Demonstrate your appreciation for your customers by sending them a dedicated thank-you email in addition to transactional emails.

    Send a separate thank-you email to promote your brand, provide more information about your products, remind them of your return policy, and reassure customers that they made the right choice by buying from your store. 

    6. Educational or How-To Emails

    With post-purchase educational or how-to emails, you can provide tips on how to care for, use, and assemble your store’s products.

    Educating customers about how to use the products they bought can increase your repeat purchase rate and decrease the number of returns. Your how-to emails are also a great opportunity to reassure customers that they can return their purchased items if necessary.

    7. Loyalty Program or Loyalty Rewards Emails

    Send post-purchase loyalty rewards emails inviting customers to your loyalty rewards program if you have one, or sending them a special discount for their next purchase. 

    Customer loyalty is important as loyal customers are more likely to recommend your business to others and make repeat purchases, which helps increase sales and revenue

    Loyalty rewards give you the opportunity to demonstrate your appreciation for your customers. Having customers earn rewards for their purchases is a great way to capture their interest and keep them coming back.

    8. Review Request Emails  

    The best way to get more reviews is to ask for them. Send a clear review request email to your customers, asking them to leave a review of the products they bought.

    86% of customers see reviews as an essential factor in their purchase decisions. Reviews increase conversion by helping your customers make more confident purchases, leading to an average of 65% conversion increase.

    Keep your review request emails short and to the point. Include a direct call to action to leave a review, and avoid other marketing elements, links, or banners that might distract customers from writing a review.

    When sending review request emails, it’s important to get the timing right – before your customers’ excitement over their new purchase has worn off, but after they’ve had time to use the products.

    Combining asking for feedback with asking for a review can help you gain insights into your products, website, and return process. See how your products and customer experience can be improved by getting a sense of what your customers think and how their experience was.

    The more frequently customers interact with your store, whether by purchasing, returning, or repeat purchases, the more opportunities you have to ask them for feedback and reviews, and the more loyal they are likely to become.

    9. Cross-Sell or Upsell Emails

    Post-purchase emails are an effective way to cross-sell or upsell to customers. 

    For example, a certain amount of time after a customer has placed an order, you can suggest that it might be time to reorder, or suggest a related product or an upgraded version of the product they bought. These emails can increase sales and customer loyalty by encouraging customers to purchase more from your store.

    Personalizing your cross-sell and upsell emails to each customer is key to creating a positive customer experience. Show your appreciation by sending them emails that are relevant to their interests, based on their purchase history.

    10. Product Recommendation Emails

    Send personalized product recommendation emails to customers after their purchase to increase customer loyalty, boost brand awareness and drive sales.

    Use your customers’ purchase history and demographics to personalize their product recommendations.

    5 Tips for Writing Effective Post-Purchase Emails

    After customers make a purchase, keeping them engaged is key to providing an exceptional customer experience and keeping them coming back to buy again. To ensure your post-purchase emails are effective and successful, here are some practical tips to keep in mind.

    1. Get Creative With Your Copy

    Don’t let your emails get lost in customers’ inboxes – make them stand out by investing in good copywriting.

    From your subject lines to your calls to action, your email copy should be engaging, creative, and most importantly, in line with your brand voice. 

    2. Include Personalized Information

    Personalizing your post-purchase emails is an effective way to boost customer retention and satisfaction.

    Include the customer’s name in the subject line and body of the email, information relevant to their recent purchase, or offers tailored to the customer’s interests to create a personalized experience.

    By personalizing all your post-purchase emails, you can see up to 81% increase in click rates, 133% increase in conversion rates, and 22% increase in open rates compared to only sending static, generic emails. 

    3. Consider the Timing of Your Emails

    Creating a positive post-purchase experience that anticipates customer needs and questions is dependent on getting the timing of the different emails right. 

    Consider when to send each type of email in relation to the purchase, delivery, and other emails.

    4. Segment Customers Based on Behavior

    Segmenting customers based on their behavior is an effective way to send relevant post-purchase emails. 

    You can segment your customers by tracking data from customer interactions to identify patterns in behaviors and preferences. By segmenting customers into different groups, you can tailor your post-purchase emails to their interests. 

    Customer segmentation can help your store provide a better customer experience, increase customer loyalty, and boost sales.

    5. Automate Your Post-Purchase Emails

    Automating your post-purchase emails is a great way to streamline the post-purchase process and improve customer satisfaction. 

    In addition to providing fast and accurate information about orders, shipment status, return requests, and more, automating your post-purchase emails will drastically reduce the amount of time spent manually managing your emails, enabling you and your team to spend more time on other tasks.

    Additionally, automated emails make it easy to give customers a personalized post-purchase experience.

    Create a post-purchase email flow with triggers for each email to create a positive customer experience and increase customer loyalty.

    Use Post-Purchase Emails to Keep Customers Engaged

    Post-purchase emails can be an effective way to engage with your customers even after checkout. 

    From transactional emails updating customers on the status of their shipment or return to marketing emails thanking customers for their purchase, encouraging them to leave a review, or promoting other products, post-purchase emails can add value to customers and keep them in the loop even after they leave your site.

    By continuing the customer relationship beyond the initial purchase, you can build customer loyalty and increase customer lifetime value.

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    Manage eCommerce Returns Efficiently with Integrations Mon, 16 Jan 2023 10:59:00 +0000 Seamless returns integrations help you efficiently manage the entire returns process in one place by automating and streamlining your workflow.

    By integrating with services and tools such as shipping carriers and warehouse management systems, you can streamline your returns processing, increase productivity, and reduce costs.

    What are Return Integrations? 

    Return integrations enable you to connect a wide range of services and tools to your ReturnGO account so that you can manage every stage of the returns process without switching between multiple systems.

    Using an integration to connect between ReturnGO and other systems can serve a variety of purposes, such as return shipping management, customer service, and inventory management. Through these integrations, ReturnGO updates the connected systems about changes in the return. 

    Why are Integrations Important for Returns Management?

    Integrations are important for efficient returns management. ReturnGO is a powerful open platform that enables your store to integrate your existing tools and services with ReturnGO so that they update each other automatically with return-related information. 

    By integrating customer service, shipping, and inventory management systems into your ReturnGO account you can streamline your return workflow and reduce costs associated with returns. 

    ReturnGO’s seamless return integrations make it easy to manage and track returns without having to switch between multiple platforms, which saves you time and money.

    Setting Up Integrations

    Connect with your favorite tools and services using ReturnGO’s easy return integrations that help streamline your workflow. 

    In order to set up your integrations, you will need certain credentials, such as API keys, account numbers, or subscription keys, which you can find in your account of the service provider you want to integrate with.

    Once the integration is complete, ReturnGO updates the service provider and streamlines your workflow for you.

    What Types of Integrations Are There?

    ReturnGO offers seamless integration with various types of services, from shipping carriers to helpdesks to warehouse management systems and more.

    Shipping Integrations

    ReturnGO simplifies return shipping with seamless integrations with a range of shipping carriers and aggregators. No need to switch carriers – you can keep using what you’re already connected to.

    ReturnGO integrates with more than 50 shipping carriers, directly or via aggregators, enabling you to choose what best fits your store’s needs.

    Shipping Carriers

    Direct integration straight to shipping carriers such as USPS, Canada Post, and Australia Post enables you to use your shipping carrier account to generate return shipping labels. 

    Additionally, the integration enables you to automatically select a specific or the cheapest shipping service level, calculate shipping rates based on weight, size, distance, and other factors, and create international shipping return labels, depending on the carrier you use.

    Shipping carrier integrations are a great way to streamline your return shipping process, making it easier for you to manage return shipments efficiently. Instead of manually generating return shipping labels and sending them to customers in the box with their order, you can have your integrated shipping carrier automatically generate return shipping labels as needed. Once their return request is approved, customers receive a return shipping label by email, that they can print and use to ship back their items.

    Shipping Aggregators

    Through ReturnGO’s integration with shipping aggregators, you can generate labels from the different carriers available in your aggregator account. This makes it easier to manage your return shipping, track return shipments, and select different shipping carriers for different situations.

    When integrated with a shipping aggregator such as Shippo, Shipstation, or Sendcloud, you can have the system automatically select the cheapest shipping carrier or service level or manually define specific carriers or service levels to use. 

    Using auto-select-cheapest, ReturnGO automatically selects the cheapest combination of shipping carrier and service (for example, Carrier: UPS – Service Level: Ground Service).

    Helpdesk Integrations

    ReturnGO also integrates with helpdesk apps such as Zendesk and Gorgias that help you communicate with customers throughout the return process.

    Every time an RMA is created by ReturnGO, a ticket is generated within the helpdesk, along with constant updates, enabling customer service agents to see the status of each RMA within the helpdesk app they use to provide customer service.

    Integrating a helpdesk app with ReturnGO will help speed up your resolution times and improve your customer service throughout the return process.

    Warehouse Management System Integrations (WMS)    

    ReturnGO integrates with warehouse management systems (WMS), such as third-party logistics (3PL) providers or other WMSs to sync restocking, receiving of packages, and available inventory levels with your ReturnGO account. 

    WMS integrations enable your warehouse team to continue working with the system they’re used to, with return status updates automatically synced with your returns management system.

    When an RMA is created by ReturnGO, an open return request is generated in the WMS, which is updated when the return shipment arrives at the warehouse and the returned items are validated and restocked.

    By integrating a warehouse management system into your ReturnGO account, you can track return shipments arriving at the warehouse and receive updates on return inspections and validations, whether your WMS is an independent system or part of a 3PL.

    Instant Refund Integrations

    Integrating with instant refund providers enables your store to offer instant refunds to credit cards or bank accounts, depending on the provider.

    When customers select the instant refund resolution, they are sent to the instant refund provider’s portal, where they log in or register for the refund service. Upon logging in, customers receive a refund directly to their credit card or bank account, depending on the provider, and then they must return the items. If they do not return the items within a certain amount of time, the instant refund provider revokes the refund.

    Refund providers handle the entire refund process for your store and ensure that the items are received within the time frame, otherwise they revoke the refund.

    Online refunds typically take 3-10 days, and many eCommerce stores only issue refunds after receiving returned items. 52% of customers spend more with an eCommerce store if they know they’ll receive a refund quickly.

    By integrating an instant refund solution, you can speed up the refund process and keep your customers happy so they will come back and buy again.

    Returns API 

    By using the ReturnGO API, other platforms such as ERPs can easily send information to ReturnGO, including updates on the status of an RMA or refund. 

    For example, a store using a return shipping pickup service could use the API to update the RMA status in ReturnGO when the items are picked up and in transit. This enables seamless communication and efficient handling of returns.

    Use Return Integrations to Manage Returns Efficiently

    Return integrations such as warehouse management systems, helpdesks, and shipping carriers can help you automate and manage the entire return process from start to finish in one place.

    Integrate ReturnGO with the tools and services you use most to help you save time and money by automating your workflow and streamlining your return process.

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    ReturnGO & Happy Returns Integration: Return Drop-Offs Made Easy Thu, 12 Jan 2023 14:26:19 +0000 ReturnGO is happy to announce a new integration with Happy Returns, a PayPal company. With this new integration, your store can offer box-free, label-free return drop-offs at over 5,000 locations across the US including FedEx, Ulta Beauty, and Staples.  

    How Does the Happy Returns and ReturnGO Integration Work? 

    The integration with Happy Returns enables you to offer US customers the option to take returns to a drop-off location, known as a Return Bar, instead of shipping them back directly to the store. 

    With the Happy Returns integration in place, the drop-off location return process will look like this: 

    1. Customers initiate a return through your store’s ReturnGO return portal and choose to return the items at a nearby Return Bar. 

    2. Once the return is approved, the customer receives instructions on how to return the items to a Return Bar location. The customer brings the item to a Return Bar of their choice, along with a QR code they receive by email. 

    3. The Return Bar processes the return for you, including a Return Bar staffer validating the items being returned.  

    4. ReturnGO automatically refunds the customer and/or releases an exchange once the returned items are received and validated at the Return Bar. 

    5. The returns are aggregated and shipped to a Happy Returns Return Hub, where they are consolidated and shipped back to your store or warehouse. 

    The Happy Returns integration makes it convenient for customers to return items and easy for you to process returns efficiently. 

    Setting up the Happy Returns Integration 

    You can configure your Happy Returns integration in your return methods settings, where you can create a return method that uses its Return Bars. You can then adjust your return policy to specify when customers are offered the option of returning items to a Return Bar. 

    Offering free drop-off returns while charging for returns by mail can encourage customers to choose the return method that costs you the least while providing a positive customer experience. 

    In fact, a survey of over 2,000 U.S. shoppers commissioned by PayPal in late 2022 showed that 72% of shoppers reported they are more likely to shop with a merchant that offers in-person returns1

    Benefits of Using the Happy Returns Integration 

    By integrating with Happy Returns, you can streamline the return process, making it convenient for customers to return items, reducing your shipping costs, and helping to improve sustainability. 

    Customer Convenience 

    The integration with Happy Returns provides an easy and convenient option for customers to return items. This can lead to higher customer satisfaction, as they are able to return items in a way that is convenient for them.  

    More than half of customers prefer an in-person drop-off return method to any other return method, so offering the option of drop-off returns can help increase customer loyalty. 

    Many customers don’t have a printer with which to print pre-paid return labels, or don’t like the hassle of repackaging and shipping out returned items. 78% of Americans live within 10 miles of a Return Bar2, helping to make the return process with Happy Returns convenient for customers. 

    Reduced Shipping Costs 

    The Happy Returns drop-off return method can help reduce the cost of shipping returns, as customers can return items in person rather than having to ship their returns back to you.  

    By consolidating returns at a central location and shipping them from there to your warehouse, the number of shipments will be reduced. This can lower the overall cost of the returns process, as shipping costs can add up, especially for stores that handle a high volume of returns.  

    Drives Sustainability 

    Using Happy Returns’ Return Bars is a sustainable return method, as it can reduce the amount of shipping required for returns. This can help lower the overall carbon footprint of your returns process, as shipping contributes greatly to greenhouse gas emissions. 

    The Happy Returns integration can also help you reduce packaging waste since customers can return items without cardboard boxes instead of repackaging them for shipping. 

    Streamlined Return Process 

    With the Happy Returns integration, you can reduce the amount of time and resources required to process returns.  

    By having the Happy Returns team validate returned items at the Return Bars, you don’t have to spend precious resources processing mailed-in returns. 

    The integration with Happy Returns can also help to improve the accuracy of the returns process, since customers can return items in person and they are validated right away by Return Bar staff who are accepting these pieces. This can help to reduce errors and misunderstandings, which can save time and resources in the long run. 

    Using Happy Returns to consolidate your returns can make it easy to track and process them, improving the overall efficiency of the returns process. 

    Integrate with Happy Returns to Streamline Your Returns 

    ReturnGO’s new integration with Happy Returns makes it easy for you to provide your customers with a convenient and efficient way to return items. 

    Given that 72% of customers are more likely to shop with a store that offers in-person returns 1, integrating Happy Returns with your ReturnGO account can help make returns beautiful for retailers, shoppers, and the planet.   

    Get started today to reduce shipping costs, streamline returns, and increase sustainability. 


    1. TRC, commissioned by PayPal, September 8-19, 2022. The research was conducted by TRC, with fieldwork administered by Forsta across 2,002 U.S. consumers who returned an online purchase within the past year (n=2,002). 

    2. U.S. Census Data, 2020

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    ReturnGO & Shipedge Integration: Warehouse Management Made Easy Thu, 12 Jan 2023 13:32:09 +0000 ReturnGO is happy to announce a new integration with Shipedge. With this new integration, your store can track return shipments arriving at your warehouse and receive updates on return inspections and validations in real-time.

    How Does the Shipedge and ReturnGO Integration Work?

    ReturnGO integrates with the Shipedge warehouse management system (WMS) to sync restocking, receiving of packages, and available inventory levels with your ReturnGO account and online store. 

    When ReturnGO creates an RMA, an open return request is generated in Shipedge, which is updated when the return shipment arrives at the warehouse and the returned items are validated and restocked.

    The Shipedge integration enables your warehouse team to continue working with the system they’re used to, with return status updates being automatically synced with your ReturnGO account.

    Setting Up the Shipedge Integration

    Setting up the Shipedge integration with your ReturnGO account is straightforward and easy. Simply navigate to the integrations settings within your ReturnGO account and select Shipedge from the list of available integrations. 

    From there, follow the prompts to complete the integration setup process. This includes entering your Shipedge login credentials and providing other relevant information.

    Once you’ve completed the setup process, the Shipedge integration will be fully integrated into your ReturnGO account and you can start using it right away. 

    Benefits of Using the Shipedge Integration

    The Shipedge integration can help you streamline your returns process and improve the efficiency of your warehouse operations by providing real-time tracking, synced information, item validation, and restocking updates.

    Return Shipment Tracking

    When an item is returned to your warehouse, the shipment status is updated in ReturnGO so you are always in the loop on the status of returned items. 

    This enables you to make sure that no items are lost or misplaced during the return process, and you can easily keep track of every returned item.

    Item Validation

    The integration with Shipedge enables real-time updates to the return status once your warehouse team has scanned and verified these items to ensure that they meet your return policy requirements.

    Item validation can reduce the risk of return fraud by verifying each item before it enters your warehouse, preventing items that may not be what they claim to be from making it through your inventory checks. 

    Integrating with Shipedge helps you validate returned items on arrival back in order to ensure they are properly accounted for and marked as received.

    In the long run, item validation can save your business time and money by preventing return fraud and improving the efficiency of your return process. 

    Updated Inventory Levels

    The Shipedge integration with ReturnGO helps you update your store inventory when a returned item is restocked in your warehouse.

    By updating your store’s inventory in real-time and tracking the status of returned items as they are validated and restocked, the Shipedge integration streamlines your return process and improves warehouse efficiency.

    Synced Information

    A major benefit of integrating Shipedge into your ReturnGO returns management account is the ability to sync information between your warehouses, ReturnGO, and your store. 

    With the Shipedge integration, you can track the status of returned items as they move through your warehouses, from receipt to validation to restocking. This synced information can help you keep your returns process organized and efficient.

    Integrate with Shipedge to Streamline Your Returns

    With the new Shipedge integration, your store can track return shipments arriving at your warehouses and receive updates on restocking and item validation.

    Shipedge enables you to keep everything in sync with the latest information about returned items which saves you time and improves accuracy.

    Use the Shipedge integration with ReturnGO to streamline your returns process and increase the efficiency of your warehouse operations.

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    Should Your eCommerce Store Offer Free Return Shipping? Wed, 11 Jan 2023 10:45:01 +0000 When deciding whether to offer free return shipping, it’s important to consider the pros and cons, and consider factors such as the cost of providing free return shipping, the impact on the customer experience, and more.

    What’s the Difference Between Free Return Shipping and Free Returns?

    While “free returns” and “free return shipping” are often used interchangeably, they don’t always mean the same thing.

    “Free returns” means not charging customers for making a return, i.e not charging restocking or processing fees, while “free return shipping” means covering the cost of customers shipping returned items back to your warehouse or fulfillment center. Free return shipping is usually offered by providing customers with a pre-paid return shipping label to attach to their package.

    It’s up to you to decide what your store offers. As you make a decision for your store, take into account the pros and cons of offering free return shipping.

    Pros & Cons of Offering Free Return Shipping

    When considering whether offering free return shipping is the right choice for your store, it’s important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, free return shipping can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty. On the other hand, it may also lead to an increase in return fraud and cost your store a considerable amount of money. 

    Consider all the pros and cons before deciding whether to offer free return shipping and if so, under what conditions.

    Pros of Offering Free Return Shipping

    Free Return Shipping Boosts Sales

    Offering free return shipping is a great way to show your customers that you care about their satisfaction and are willing to go the extra mile to make sure they have a positive experience.

    Customers are more likely to feel confident making a purchase if they know they can return items with no return shipping charge. This can lead to a higher conversion rate and more loyal customers in the long run. 

    Customers Expect Free Return Shipping

    79% of customers say that free returns are important to their purchase decisions, so offering free return shipping can help improve the customer experience.

    Although customers increasingly expect not to be charged for returning items, less than half of eCommerce stores offer free return shipping, so offering free return shipping can put you at an advantage.

    Offering free return shipping reduces friction in the returns process for customers, creating a smoother and more enjoyable customer experience.

    Free Return Shipping Increases Customer Loyalty

    Free return shipping helps increase customer loyalty and encourage repeat purchases, making it an effective way to boost sales and provide customers with a positive shopping experience.

    With free pre-paid return shipping labels, customers can easily return and exchange items without having to pay for return shipping, increasing the likelihood that they will become repeat customers and recommend your store. In fact, 86% of customers say the option of free returns will make them loyal and more likely to keep coming back to a store.

    Cons of Offering Free Return Shipping

    Offering Free Return Shipping Costs Your Store

    While offering free return shipping may help attract more customers and sales, it comes at a cost. 

    Many online stores are hesitant to provide free return shipping because of the impact it can have on profit margins. 

    Consider the associated costs when deciding whether to offer free return shipping. Depending on the item’s value and shipping costs, you might want to offer free return shipping on some items and not on others.

    Free Return Shipping Can Increase Return Fraud

    Offering free return shipping can be a potential risk, as customers may take advantage by engaging in return fraud such as bracketing, where customers buy several size or color variations to try at home and then return them, or wardrobing, where customers purchase an item, use it, then return it for a refund.

    Return fraud can be costly, as it often results in lost profits, damaged inventory, and reduced customer loyalty. 

    Return fraud can be reduced by limiting return conditions as well as identifying and mitigating fraudulent returns using an automated returns management system like ReturnGO.

    When Should You Offer Free Return Shipping?

    Free return shipping doesn’t have to be all or nothing. There are situations where offering free return shipping is beneficial for your store, and others where the costs might outweigh the benefits. 

    Return shipping can be used to encourage exchanges rather than refunds, as a loyalty reward, or as an incentive during the holidays.

    Offer Free Return Shipping as a Loyalty Reward

    Free return shipping can be a great way to reward customer loyalty and boost customer retention. This kind of incentive encourages customers to stay loyal to your store, as customers recognize that their loyalty is being rewarded. 

    Loyal customers are much more profitable to your store than new customers, as the average amount spent per purchase by loyal customers is 67% higher than by new customers.

    Providing free return shipping to your most loyal customers is a way of acknowledging their continued support of your business, and is a good incentive for other customers to spend more in order to qualify for this added benefit.

    Offer Free Return Shipping on Exchanges

    Encourage customers to exchange their items by offering free return shipping only for exchanges. This keeps the revenue within your store and makes your customers more likely to return for future purchases.

    Exchanges are an excellent way to maintain and enhance customer relationships, as they can help retain revenue. Customers who have a positive exchange experience are more likely to purchase more items from you in the future, as well as recommend you to their friends and family. 

    Offering free return shipping exclusively on exchanges is a great incentive for customers to request an exchange instead of a refund.

    Offer Free Return Shipping for Holidays

    Providing free return shipping as a special offer during the holiday season can be a great way to increase sales. Limited-time offers of free return shipping could be just the incentive your customers need to make a purchase from your store. 

    If you’re planning to offer free return shipping during the holidays, make sure to highlight that in your store’s return policy

    When Not to Offer Free Return Shipping

    It isn’t always worthwhile for your store to pay for return shipping. To mitigate costs, define clear conditions for when you offer free return shipping and when you don’t, based on the value of the item, the size of the item, or any other conditions.

    Below a Certain Threshold

    When determining which items to offer free return shipping for, consider the cost of the item to your store compared to the cost of return shipping. This can help you make the decision of whether free return shipping is worthwhile for items of that type.

    Offering free return shipping on all orders, regardless of size, can be a costly expense that may not be worth it for low-value items.

    To help keep costs down, set a limit on the value of items that qualify for free return shipping. 

    Oversized or Heavy Items

    Due to the high costs associated with shipping oversized or heavy items, offering free return shipping is often not worthwhile.

    Oversized or heavy items require special packaging and handling, as well as additional labor and storage space, which can all drive up the costs of return shipping. It may be more cost-effective to offer a discount or credit to customers instead of absorbing the cost of return shipping for oversized or heavy items.

    Boost Customer Satisfaction With Free Return Shipping

    So should your eCommerce store offer free return shipping? That’s up to you to decide, after weighing up the pros and cons.

    While there is an extra expense associated with covering return shipping costs, it can pay off in the long run since customers that feel secure and happy with their purchases are likely to come back and buy from your store again.

    It’s important to consider all the factors carefully before making a decision for your store about who pays for return shipping. Fortunately, ReturnGO makes it simple to set up endless conditions for returns and return shipping, so that the return process is as convenient and stress-free as possible.

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    How to Write a Return Policy: The Ultimate Guide Sun, 01 Jan 2023 10:42:49 +0000 Writing a clear return policy is important for setting expectations with customers about your store’s return process.

    Return policies help you give your customers all the information they need about the return process before they make a purchase, including how long they have to return items, what condition the items need to be in, and how they should go about requesting a return. 

    Use the tips, best practices, and steps laid out in this guide to write an effective return policy that increases customer trust, reduces return fraud, and improves the customer experience.

    Table of Contents

    What is a Return Policy?

    A return policy outlines the specific requirements as to how, when, and under what conditions customers can return purchased items to your online store.

    Use your store’s return policy to explain to customers how returns, refunds, and exchanges work, including the accepted returns, refund timelines, and any restocking fees that might apply. 

    Why is it Important to Have a Return Policy?

    Having a return policy is important because it lets your customers know exactly how your store’s return process works, reducing misunderstandings and return fraud. Most customers are unlikely to purchase a product if the store has an unclear return policy. 

    Your return policy should be simple and straightforward, so that customers will have fewer questions, resulting in a better customer experience and increased customer trust.

    • Improve the Customer Experience

    Having a clear return policy can help improve the customer experience by setting expectations and promoting honesty and transparency.

    Giving customers a clear understanding of the return process before they place an order can help reduce confusion and frustration for customers later on, and leave them with a positive shopping experience. 

    • Prevent Return Fraud

    A well-defined return policy can help prevent return fraud because having clearly defined conditions makes it harder for people to commit return fraud than if conditions are vague or unclear.

    Return fraud is an ongoing issue for eCommerce stores around the world. There are many forms of return fraud, ranging from unintentional fraud to organized crime.

    Common forms of return fraud include:

    • Wardrobing – when customers buy an item planning to use it once or twice and then return it for a refund.
    • Bracketing – when customers buy multiple items with the intention of returning the ones they don’t want once they receive them.
    • Empty Box Fraud – when customers claim they received an empty box or never received the package at all, and request a refund while secretly keeping the item.
    • Price Arbitrage – when customers buy two similar-looking but differently-priced items and return the cheaper item as if it’s the more expensive one. 

    Customers will be deterred from fraudulently returning items if there is a clear return policy because they’ll know the conditions for returning items, and that they won’t be able to get a refund for items that don’t fit those conditions.

    • Build Customer Trust

    Having a transparent return policy helps build customer loyalty. Customers are more likely to trust stores that are open and honest about their return process, fees, and conditions.

    Communicate your return policy clearly to your customers to make sure that your customers know exactly what to expect from the return process.

    Be sure to explain what types of returns you accept, what fees they are responsible for, and the expected timeline for returns. By being transparent and upfront with your return policy, you can build a customer base that trusts you and will come back and buy again.

    • Reduce Customer Support Queries

    Making it clear to customers what to expect from your store’s return process can reduce the number of customer support queries your team has to handle about returns.

    Your return policy should answer all questions customers might have about the return process, so they won’t need to contact your customer support team.

    The more customers know about the return process, the less likely they are to feel frustrated or confused later on when trying to return an item, and the fewer customer support queries your team will need to handle regarding returns, freeing them up to focus on other tasks.

    How to Write a Return Policy in 7 Steps

    Write a return policy for your online store following these 7 steps that will take you from defining your return conditions to formatting, editing, and publishing your return policy.

    This guide will help you write a return policy that is effective, clear, and reflects your brand.

    Are you ready? Let’s dive in.

    Step 1 – Prepare to Write a Return Policy

    Before you start writing your store’s return policy, it is important to take the time to think, plan, and decide what will be included in it.

    Questions to Answer Before Writing a Return Policy

    Decide on answers to some basic questions before writing your return policy. These answers will help you define your return policy and set customer expectations.

    It’s important to understand what your store requires, how it handles returns, and what the return process looks like before writing a return policy.

    Some of the essential questions you need to decide on answers to include:

    • How long do customers have to return items?
    • What condition do items need to be in?
    • What types of returns do you offer?
    • What steps do customers need to take to request a return?
    • Do you charge any fees for returns?

    Your answers to these questions will be based on considerations such as your costs, processes, item value, customer base, and brand values.

    The decisions you make at this stage will be used to define your return conditions later on in the process.

    What to Consider When Writing a Return Policy

    When deciding on what to include in your return policy, there are several factors to keep in mind. 

    Depending on your business considerations, your store may prioritize some of these over others. For example, while some stores may be more concerned with standing out from their competitors, others may be more concerned with meeting customers’ expectations. 

    Review the list below and take these factors into consideration when creating a return policy for your store.

    1. Competition

    When writing your return policy, it’s worth taking a look at your competitors’ return policies. Your return policy should aim to create a competitive advantage and help you stand out from other eCommerce stores in your industry.

    While staying competitive, it is also important to create a return policy that meets the specific needs and requirements of your store.

    2. Shipping Costs 

    Take into account your shipping costs when deciding whether to offer free return shipping or not.  Your return shipping costs may vary depending on the size and weight of the products. 

    For example, offering free return shipping on large, bulky, or heavy items may not be worth your time since shipping can be expensive for those items.

    3. Customer Expectations 

    Consider customer expectations when writing your return policy. A clear and straightforward return policy will help customers feel secure in their purchases and encourage repeat business.

    Create a customer-centric return policy that offers a reasonable return window, provides a range of return methods, and is easy to understand. 

    By taking into account customer expectations when writing your return policy, you can provide a positive customer experience that will help drive customer satisfaction, loyalty, and trust.

    4. Profit Margins 

    Consider your profit margins when deciding what return fees to charge and what types of return resolutions you offer for each product or category.

    Look at factors such as the impact the return rate has on your profits, and think about whether you should charge customers the cost of returns or cover them yourself.

    Your return policy should help your online store stay profitable while meeting customer expectations.

    5. Reverse Logistics 

    When writing your return policy, take into account how your store handles reverse logistics.

    Consider how you process returns, how return shipping works, and how customers are refunded, as well as your costs of processing and restocking returned items.

    Take a look at how your store handles returns and see if that process can be streamlined and scaled. Consider using an automated returns management system to streamline your returns process, reduce logistics costs, and save time and energy.

    6. Laws and Regulations

    Many countries and states have laws regarding return policies, so make sure yours meets the requirements in your country.

    Some laws address cancellations, while others are focused on making sure customers see the return policy on the store’s website.

    For example, in New York, stores are legally required to advertise their return policies, and if they don’t, they must accept returns within 30 days.

    Review your country or state’s return policy laws to ensure you are following them properly.

    Step 2 – Write Down Your Return Conditions

    Once you’ve decided on your return conditions, it is important to put them into writing. Writing everything down in one place will help you to organize and refine your return conditions, and ensure you’ve covered everything. 

    Break your conditions down into different categories, such as: which items can be returned, how long customers have to return them, what documentation is required, etc. This will make it easier for you to structure your return policy. 

    What Should a Return Policy Include?

    When writing down your return conditions, make sure to include the following elements. This will help you make sure you’ve covered everything customers need to know to request a return.

    Return Window

    Specify the return window, that is, the timeframe within which customers must return their items.

    The return window should be clearly defined and long enough to provide customers with enough time to try out the product, decide if they want to keep it, and initiate a return if it does not meet their needs or expectations. 

    While there is no right or wrong length of time for a return window, many eCommerce stores use 30 days as a standard. However, every eCommerce store should take its own considerations into account when deciding on a return window. This can include the types of products, how often they are returned, and anything else that might affect your return window length. 

    There are stores with 14-day return windows, stores with 365-day return windows, and everything in between. ReturnGO data shows that the most common return window is 30 days, and that very few stores have a return window smaller than 14 days. 

    It’s important to remember that you get to define your store’s return window based on your business needs and considerations.

    You may want to experiment with different return windows in order to strike a balance between establishing trust and preventing return fraud.

    Whatever length of time you choose to define for your store, make sure to be clear about the definition of your return window. When does the return window begin? When an order is shipped or once it’s delivered?

    For example, Zappos is an eCommerce brand that is known for its generous 365-day return policy. In spite of the higher return rates this leads to, customers end up spending more money and staying loyal to the brand since they know they can easily return anything that doesn’t fit.

    Return Fees

    Return fees are the costs associated with returning an item, such as return shipping costs or restocking fees.

    Be clear about what types of fees your store charges and under what conditions. This will help ensure that customers understand what they are responsible for when returning an item.

    For example, you may want to specify that there are no return fees if the item is returned within a certain amount of time or under a certain condition. 

    Offering free returns or free return shipping can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty. On the other hand, it may also lead to an increase in return fraud and cost your store a considerable amount of money. 

    86% of customers say they’re more likely to come back to an online store that offers free returns, and 75% say that free returns will make them buy more from a store over time.

    When deciding whether to offer free returns, consider the associated costs. Depending on the value of the item and the size of the item, you might want to offer free returns on some items and not others.

    While it can be costly for your store to cover the return shipping, handling, and restocking costs, it can pay off in the long run since happy and confident customers are more likely to buy from your store again.

    Return Methods

    In your return policy, define how customers can return their items.

    There’s a variety of return methods you can offer, such as shipping back the products, returning them to a physical store location, or donating them.

    • Ship With Any Carrier – customers ship items back with a shipping carrier of their choice. 
    • Ship With Pre-Paid Label – customers ship items back using pre-paid return labels you provide.
    • Return to Store Location – customers bring items to your physical store instead of shipping them back. 
    • No Shipment Required – customers keep or donate the items instead of shipping them back. 

    Different customers will prefer different return methods. Offering a range of options gives customers the ability to choose their preferred return method, but on the other hand, offering too many options can make it hard to choose.

    By offering bonus credits or fees, you can encourage customers to choose the return methods that are most convenient and cost-effective for your store.

    • Incentivize customers to choose certain return methods by giving them bonus credit for choosing a certain return method. 

    For example, offering an extra 10% for returning products to your store location encourages customers to choose that return method, saving you the cost of handling return shipping and handling.

    • Disincentivize customers from choosing certain return methods by charging fees for a certain return method. 

    For example, charging a shipping fee for returning products with a pre-paid label can discourage customers from returning products that way, leading them to choose another method that is better for your store.

    You can specify return methods in your return policy based on product, location, or customer. 

    For example, if your physical store location is in California, you can define that only customers in California will be offered the option of returning their items to a store location.

    Return Resolutions

    Depending on your store policy, you can choose to offer refunds, exchanges, store credit, or gift cards as return resolutions. Define which option you will offer under which circumstances, as each has its benefits and downsides.

    • Refund

    The simplest and most common form of return resolution offered by online stores is a refund, which involves refunding your customers for returned items. Refunds are direct and straightforward and are what many people think of first when considering returns.

    • Exchange

    A great alternative to a refund is an exchange, where customers return their item and get a different one – either a different variant (size, color) or a completely different product. Exchanges can help retain revenue and keep customers.

    • Store Credit

    Store credit is a return resolution that can keep customers with your store by giving customers account-based store credit which they can use to purchase another item from your store. Store credit keeps customers loyal and retains revenue that might have been spent elsewhere.

    • Gift Card

    Offering a gift card as a return resolution means that customers receive a virtual gift card with the refunded amount on it, which they can use for future purchases and combine with other gift cards and discount codes. Gift cards are a great way to keep customers loyal to your store without being account-based.

    Visit our blog to learn more about refund and exchange resolutions you can offer your customers and the pros and cons of each.

    Special offers can incentivize and disincentivize customers to choose certain resolutions. For example, to encourage customers to ask for an exchange instead of a refund, you can offer free return shipping exclusively for exchanges.

    Defining exactly what return resolutions you offer and under what conditions lets your customers know exactly what they will receive if they request a return, and what their options are.

    Conditions for Accepting Returns

    Set clear expectations for your customers by defining what condition items must be in to be returned. Do the products need to be undamaged? With the original tags on?

    Make it clear which items are and aren’t eligible to be returned, and what conditions they must be in to be returned.

    Specify if products must be returned unopened, in their original packaging, or with the tag still on, and if customers need an authorization number, a shipping address, or a receipt to request a return.

    Additionally, define which items are not eligible for a return, such as clearance items, undergarments, or customized items.

    Clearly defining the conditions for returning items can help reduce return fraud because people will know that if they try returning something that doesn’t meet those conditions, they won’t receive a refund.

    Process for Requesting a Return

    Lay out the steps customers will need to take to request a return and what the return process will look like so that customers know what to expect. 

    Use a self-service return portal so that customers can easily request returns and you can process them without manually handling emails or phone calls. Within your return policy, include a link to your return portal or explain exactly how customers should request a return. 

    Clearly outline all the steps customers need to follow to request a return, as well as what to expect once their return request has been approved, how long it will take for them to receive their refund or replacement item, and what they will need to do with the returned item.

    Being transparent about your return process will help build trust with your customers and prevent misunderstandings.

    Step 3 – Draft Your Return Policy

    Once you’ve decided on and written down your return conditions, it’s time to draft your return policy and put those conditions into a format.

    There are two main ways to create a return policy:

    1. Use a free return policy generator to automatically generate a return policy.

    2. Manually input your return policy into a template.

    1. Automatically Generate a Return Policy

    ReturnGO’s return policy generator takes the information you give about your return conditions and automatically generates a return policy in a suitable format. 

    Automated return policies are quick and convenient, and save you time while ensuring everything has been covered with minimum effort.

    The downside to using an automated return policy generator is that you don’t have much control over the layout of the return policy. If you want to customize your return policy to fit your brand style and language, you might prefer to write out your return policy yourself.

    2. Write Out Your Return Policy Yourself

    If you prefer to write out your return policy yourself instead of using a return policy generator, you can do so without too much difficulty.

    The easiest way to write a return policy is to take a layout from a free return policy template

    With a template as the basic structure, you can customize your return policy by adding relevant sections and adjusting font and color styles.

    Make sure to include all your return conditions in a way that makes sense and is easy to understand. Format your return policy with headers and bullet points, and use a clear font that’s easy to read.

    Once you’re done writing out your return policy, read through it one last time as if you were a customer, see if there are any questions left unanswered, and add any information that is missing.

    Step 4 – Edit and Proof Your Return Policy

    After you’ve drafted your return policy, it’s important to review it and make sure it’s clear, easy to read, and reflects your brand.

    Use Easy-to-Understand Language

    Write your return policy in simple language to make it easy to read. Help customers quickly and easily understand the return process. Customers should be able to look at the return policy and immediately know what to expect from the return process. 

    To help customers understand the return process, don’t use confusing jargon or make it too complicated. Your return policy should be clear and concise, explaining your return process in detail without being too long-winded. 

    Reflect Your Brand Values and Voice

    When writing your return policy, make sure it reflects your brand values and voice. Keep your tone consistent with the rest of your brand, use the same words used on the rest of your site, and use your brand’s colors and fonts.

    82% of customers want to buy from stores that share their values. Your return policy should convey your store’s values and priorities and reassure customers that they are in the right place.

    For example, if your store has a focus on sustainability, make sure to reflect that in your return policy with green return shipping options or “donate the item” return resolutions.

    Having a branded return policy instead of just a generic one makes customers trust your store more and keeps your messaging consistent throughout the customer experience.

    Make Sure it’s Scannable

    In today’s world of TikTok and Instagram, people’s attention spans are shrinking. If it takes more than a few seconds to scan and understand your return policy page, customers are likely to get discouraged and leave. 

    Create a return policy that’s easy to scan. Use bolding, headers, and bullet points to break up the page and make it easy to skim.

    Start with the most important information so that even if customers don’t read through the whole policy, they’ll understand the most important points.

    Be Clear on the Next Steps

    Make it clear what customers need to do in order to return an item. Provide a link to your return portal, and let them know what to expect during the return process.

    Explain the steps customers must take to request a return, how long it will take them to receive a refund or replacement product, and what the return requirements are.

    After reading your return policy, customers should know exactly what to expect from the return process, without any confusion or misunderstandings.

    What to Avoid in a Return Policy

    When writing a return policy, it can be easy to overcomplicate things and confuse customers. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when writing your return policy.

    Don’t Be Too Technical

    Make sure your return policy isn’t too technical. Write as if your customers have never returned an item before – don’t assume they know anything about returns. 

    Use clear, straightforward language and break everything down into simple steps. Avoid using technical jargon or terms customers might not be familiar with.

    Avoid Ambiguities

    Be straightforward and transparent with your customers. Your return policy should be clear and without ambiguity.

    Make customers fully aware of the terms and conditions associated with returning a product before they make a purchase. Your return policy should be straightforward with no ambiguity or confusion in what is expected of customers in order to return a product. 

    Providing a clear and transparent return policy helps build customer trust and loyalty, as customers are more likely to feel confident in their purchase, knowing they can easily return items if necessary. 

    Avoid Grammatical Errors

    Make sure your return policy is grammatically correct, as a return policy with grammatical errors is likely to be perceived as unprofessional.

    It can make your store appear less trustworthy if your return policy contains grammatical errors.

    Use a grammar-checker such as Grammarly to ensure your return policy is error-free.

    Make Sure There are No Formatting Inconsistencies

    It is important to format your return policy consistently to make it appear professional and to make it easy for customers to understand.

    Use consistent capitalization for headings and proper nouns, as well as consistent spacing and list types (bullet points, numbers, etc). You can use formatting such as bolding and italics to make words stand out, but make sure to use them consistently and in a way that makes sense.

    Avoid formatting inconsistencies in your return policy as they will reflect negatively on your store.

    Step 5 – Publish Your Return Policy

    When your return policy is ready, publish it on your store site. Add links everywhere so customers can easily find it. Make it impossible to miss. 

    Where to Display Your Return Policy

    Display your return policy everywhere you interact with customers. 

    Some of the places you can link to your return policy include:

    • Website footer
    • Website header
    • Checkout page
    • Emails
    • Product pages

    Include a link to your return policy in the footer and/or header of your website so that customers can easily find your return policy no matter what page they’re on. 

    Additionally, consider including a brief summary of your return policy on each item’s product page, to make it clear what your return policy is before customers place an order.

    Make sure that your return policy is clearly visible wherever you interact with customers.

    By making your eCommerce return policy easily accessible, you can establish trust and transparency with your customers and ensure a smooth return process.

    Step 6 – Implement Your Return Policy

    Once your return policy is in place, you need to make sure that you have a system for implementing and upholding it.

    An effective way to implement your store’s return policy is by using an automated returns management system such as ReturnGO.

    ReturnGO automatically implements your store’s return policy using a self-service return portal, where customers are offered return methods and resolutions based on the return conditions you define in your policy.

    Manually implementing a return policy can take a lot of time, effort, and manpower. By automating your returns process, you can uphold your store’s return policy conditions while freeing up your team for other tasks.

    Step 7 – Review and Update Regularly

    Lastly, it is important to review and update your eCommerce return policy on a regular basis.

    Make sure that your return policy is up-to-date, accurately reflects your brand values, and accounts for any changes to your products or services.

    By reviewing your return policy regularly, you’ll be able to keep up with changes in your store and customer behavior and ensure that your customers have a positive return experience.

    The 7-Step Process of Writing a Return Policy

    Before we wrap up, let’s take a moment to review the steps involved in writing a return policy:

    1. Prepare to write your return policy

    • Decide on answers to questions 

    2. Write down your return conditions

    • Make sure to include all the conditions

    3. Draft your return policy

    • Use a return policy generator or a template

    4. Edit and proof your return policy

    • Make sure it’s clear and formatted correctly

    5. Publish your return policy on your site

    • Clearly display your return policy anywhere customers will see it

    6. Implement your return policy

    • Use an automated return system to effectively implement your return policy

    7. Review and update regularly

    • Keep your return policy up-to-date

    Set Clear Expectations With a Well-Written Return Policy

    A clearly-defined return policy sets expectations with customers and shows that your business is professional and reliable.

    Follow the steps laid out in this guide in order to write an effective return policy that is easy to understand and represents your store in the best way possible.

    Include all the information customers need about the return process, including how long they have to return items, what condition the items need to be in, and how they should go about requesting a return.

    Writing a return policy can be easier than it seems – by following a step-by-step process and thinking it through carefully, you can create a return policy that drives sales, increases customer trust, and prevents fraud.

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    How to Write Product Descriptions That Help Reduce Returns Tue, 27 Dec 2022 10:22:01 +0000 Clear product descriptions can help reduce return rates by helping customers choose the right products.

    The more confident customers are in their decision to buy a product, the less likely they’ll be to return it later on. It’s worth taking the time to create clear, scannable, detailed product descriptions to provide customers with as much information as possible before they place an order.

    Why Are Product Descriptions Important for Reducing Returns?

    Product descriptions are important because they give potential customers a clear idea of what a product is and what it does, reducing the likelihood of returns due to miscommunications or false expectations. 

    Since your customers can’t physically touch your products before buying, your product descriptions become an important factor in whether or not they buy from your store. 81% of customers think that better product descriptions would help reduce false expectations and returns.

    When customers have a clear understanding of a product and know what to expect from it, they are more likely to be satisfied with their purchase and less likely to return it.

    Product descriptions are more than just a list of features; they are an opportunity to communicate values, increase engagement, and build customer trust.

    What’s the Difference Between a Clear and Unclear Product Description?

    Whether a product description is clear or unclear can make the difference between a customer buying the right product and buying one they later return.

    A clear product description will be clear and concise and give customers a good sense of what the product is and what it can do for them. An unclear product description, on the other hand, will often be vague, hard to understand, and likely to turn potential customers away. 

    To make sure your product descriptions are helping you make sales and reduce return rates, ensure they’re clearly written, benefit-focused, and give a good overview of the product. Customers should be able to see at a glance what the product is and what its benefits are.

    If customers read a product description and still have questions about it, then it didn’t do its job.

    What to Include in a Product Description

    A product description should describe the product’s features and benefits, and answer common questions about the product.

    Product descriptions should include:

    • Descriptive product title to entice customers.
    • Detailed paragraph that explains and tells a short story about the benefits of the product.
    • Bulleted list of technical product features.
    • Answers to any questions your customers may have about the product.

    7 Steps to Writing a Clear Product Description

    Follow these steps to write a clear product description that will help reduce returns.

    1. Define Your Target Audience

    The first step to writing clear and powerful product descriptions is to define your target audience – who is going to buy your product?

    For example, if you sell high-end, professional computers, you probably have a different target audience from a store that sells gamer laptops or kids’ tablets. It is important to consider your customers’ intent and motivation in buying these products when you write about them.

    As you write your product descriptions, keep these questions in mind:

    • How did your customers arrive on your page?
    • What are their interests?
    • Why would they be interested in your product?
    • How would they describe the product to a friend?
    • What features or benefits would interest them most?

    Considering these questions will help you write product descriptions that are tailored to the type of customer who will purchase the product, increasing the chance they will be satisfied and reducing the likelihood they will return it.

    2. Tell a Story

    Besides giving relevant product details and convincing customers of its benefits, product descriptions should pack an emotional punch and tell a story.

    When writing product descriptions, it’s important to remember that emotions influence customer behavior. Therefore, your product description should be written in a way that elicits emotions. 

    Lead your customers to imagine what it would be like to own and use your product. How would they feel? How would their lives be improved?

    3. Focus on the Product Benefits

    Features are technical information about a product, while benefits describe how the product can improve the customer’s life. While features are important, it’s not enough to just list out the product’s features – customers want to know how those features benefit them.

    Explain in relatable terms what effect your product will have on the customers, how it will make them feel, and what result they will gain from using your product.

    4. Make Product Descriptions Easy to Scan

    Nowadays, people have short attention spans and read only a fraction of the text on a page, so it’s important to make your product descriptions scannable and clearly formatted. 

    • Use bullet points to highlight the most important features and benefits.
    • Make sure your product descriptions aren’t too long.
    • Include plenty of white space.
    • Use headers and bolding to break up the page.

    Make your product descriptions easy to read by designing them in a clear, scannable format.

    5. Use Photos and Videos

    In addition to describing your products with words, it can be better in some cases to show than to tell. Consider incorporating product photos and videos to describe the product more clearly. 90% of customers say that product images influence their buying decisions.

    Display your products using icons, images, and mixed media such as video to get across as much information as possible and reduce returns.

    6. Reflect Your Brand Values and Voice

    Is your brand voice casual or professional? Do you like to use tongue-in-cheek humor, or do you keep things more straight-laced?

    Use a consistent tone that matches your brand to build customer trust and make your brand memorable.

    The way you write about your products should also reflect the values your brand stands for. For example, if your brand has a focus on sustainability, write about how your products are eco-friendly in your product descriptions.

    7. Include Sizing Charts

    Customers are often hesitant to buy online because they can’t try on the products before purchasing, and each store has slightly different sizing, which can be difficult to determine from images. One of the most common reasons for returns is sizing issues. Providing accurate sizing charts/guides will ensure customers get the right size, which will lower the chance of returns.

    Make the sizing charts easily accessible by displaying them clearly on your product pages, and include as many details as possible. Help customers make confident and informed purchasing decisions so that they won’t need to return their products later.

    In addition to sizing charts, it is also important to include information about the fit of a specific product in its product description. For example, use descriptive words such as oversized, flowy, or stretchy when describing the product. This will give customers a better idea of what to expect when they purchase the item. 

    It Pays to Have Clear Product Descriptions

    Product descriptions play a huge part in conversion and in reducing returns. Invest the time and effort into writing powerful product descriptions, and you will quickly see results.

    Make product descriptions easy to read, and use complementary resources like sizing charts and media to give customers a clear idea of what your products are and how they can benefit from them.

    The more confident customers are in their decision to buy a product, the less likely they’ll be to return it later on. Make sure your product descriptions are clear, scannable, and detailed so customers can get as much information as possible before placing an order.

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    How to Reduce Holiday Return Costs for your eCommerce Store Mon, 19 Dec 2022 09:52:02 +0000 It’s that time of year again when eCommerce stores see a surge in sales and an influx of returns. While returns are inevitable during the holiday season, there are ways to reduce the cost of holiday returns for your store. 

    Follow these tips to keep your return rates and return costs low, and maximize your profits from the holiday season.

    What’s the True Cost of Holiday Returns?

    Factoring in transportation, processing, and other costs, holiday returns cost online stores anywhere from 17-66% of the price of the original item. 

    Regardless of whether the returned item is in good condition, the entire return process can still be expensive due to labor, transport, and inspection costs, as well as the environmental impact of returns.

    Because of the high cost of returns, it’s essential to know how to reduce your holiday return rates and properly handle product returns in order to increase your profits this holiday season.

    Reverse Logistics Costs

    Reverse logistics costs include shipping, labor, processing, and restocking costs. Expect reverse logistics costs to rise during the holiday season as a result of increased sales and returns.

    The influx of returns can slow down distribution centers during the peak holiday season. During the holiday season, the focus is more on delivering outbound products, so accepting returns can slow down operations.

    Finding ways to make shipping, warehousing, and processing returns more efficient is essential for reducing your return costs. 

    Loss of Customers

    If it’s a pain to return products, customers are likely to stay away from buying holiday gifts from your store in the future. In fact, 84% of customers would stop buying from an online store after a negative return experience.

    Losing customers comes at a great cost to your store, as it is more expensive to acquire new customers than to retain existing ones.

    The lost lifetime customer value (LTV) and the expense of winning back customers or acquiring new ones add up to a significant cost in both revenue and reputation.

    Damaged Reputation

    Returns can have a negative impact on your store’s reputation if not handled properly. If someone receives a holiday gift and can’t easily return it, they are unlikely to recommend your store to their friends and family.

    Each customer you lose can have a ripple effect, costing you further business down the line, as negative reviews can prevent future customers from completing their purchases.

    If your reputation is damaged, you could lose potential customers and referrals, which can have a long-term negative impact on your business.

    Environmental Cost

    While nearly half of customers and gift recipients will return unwanted gifts in the weeks after the holidays, what many holiday shoppers may not know is that shipping back returned products contributes to carbon emissions, and each year, billions of pounds of returned products end up in landfills. Returns have a huge environmental cost unless handled wisely.

    Online returns typically result in more emissions and waste than returns made to brick-and-mortar stores, due to the extended transportation process required. 

    When customers return items bought online, they often have to ship them back to the retailer or drop them off at a designated location, after which the product is shipped to a warehouse and then very often to a landfill. 

    Tips to Reduce Your Holiday Return Costs

    This holiday season, reduce your holiday return costs by following these tips.

    Offer “Just Keep It” Returns

    Give customers the option of keeping items instead of shipping them back with a returnless return. By eliminating the shipping, processing, handling, and restocking of returned products, your store can save on reverse logistics costs and reduce the environmental impact of returns.

    The “just keep it” option is great for products you can’t resell and is based on customers’ purchase history, the value of the products, and the cost of processing the returned products.

    It often makes sense to let customers keep lower-priced items as processing the return of these items often isn’t worth it. Products that are difficult or unhygienic to repackage are also often eligible for a returnless return.

    Returnless returns during the holidays are already implemented by many leading eCommerce stores such as Amazon, Walmart, and Target.

    Give the Option to Buy Online, Return In-Store (BORIS)

    Providing customers with the option to return online purchases to brick-and-mortar stores can reduce transportation, labor, and processing costs. 

    More than half of customers plan to do their holiday shopping online. Customers are more likely to shop online if they can return an item in-store. If they’re buying a gift, they’ll want their gift recipient to have the choice of how they can return the gift if they don’t like it.

    Offer the option to buy online and return in-store to create a seamless shopping experience and increase customer satisfaction, while reducing your return handling costs. 

    Reduce Return Rates

    Reducing your return rates minimizes the costs associated with returns. Reduce your holiday return rates by optimizing your eCommerce store to ensure customers have as much information as possible up-front and optimizing your workflows to reduce the likelihood of returns after the holidays.

    • Create a Special Holiday Return Policy

    It’s important to have a well-thought-out holiday return policy in place, as 44% of customers say that return policies influence what holiday gifts they purchase. 

    When creating your holiday return policy, take into account that some customers may be purchasing gifts well in advance of Christmas, and a return policy with a 30-day return window may not be sufficient. 

    Consider making your holiday return policy more lenient, with a 60- or 90-day return period, so gift recipients have plenty of time to return items.

    Display your holiday return policy clearly on your website and make sure to highlight any special rules in place for the holidays. 

    • Optimize Your Delivery Times

    Every year, overwhelmed supply chains, unexpected weather events, and understaffed delivery drivers lead to millions of packages not arriving in time for Christmas. This is a problem, as no one wants to receive their Christmas gifts in January.

    Reduce post-holiday returns by guaranteeing on-time delivery. Make sure you check your shipping carrier’s cut-off dates and update the holiday shipping cut-off dates on your product pages. 

    •  Learn from Last Year’s Holiday Returns

    To reduce post-holiday returns, collect holiday return data from past years and determine what you can learn from it. 

    Look at data such as: 

    • How many items were returned? 
    • What were the most common reasons for returns? 
    • Which items were most often returned?

    With in-depth return data and customer feedback, you’ll have the information needed to implement new workflows, forms of communication, and ways to ensure product integrity. All of these can help you reduce the number of holiday returns this year.

    Automate Returns Management

    An automated returns management system like ReturnGO can reduce your holiday return costs by automating the return process from start to finish. This saves you time and money by reducing the need for manual processing, and improves customer satisfaction by providing an efficient returns process. 

    Automating your return process during high-volume seasons like the holidays can free up your team to focus on other tasks such as fulfillment and customer service inquiries, which often peak during the holiday shopping season.

    Reduce return rates, encourage repeat business, bring down costs, and improve your store’s reputation by automating your returns process.

    Optimize Your Reverse Logistics

    Reverse logistics during the holiday season can be tough for even large, well-established eCommerce stores because with returns come increased shipping costs, disruptions in warehouse operations, and questions about what to do with returned products.

    Having efficient reverse logistics processes in place before the holiday return rush is essential for reducing return costs and environmental damage.

    A great way to optimize your reverse logistics processes is by using a third-party logistics provider (3PL). 3PLs handle inventory management, return shipping, and returned product processing, which can save you time and money compared to managing these tasks yourself or using multiple different providers.

    Using a 3PL for reverse logistics is becoming an increasingly popular choice for eCommerce stores – 40% of retailers use a 3PL to handle returns.

    Integrating your 3PL with your returns management system gives you a complete and efficient solution for handling the reverse logistics process during the busy holiday season.

    Reduce Your Return Costs This Holiday Season

    Make sure your store is ready for the holiday return rush. Provide cost-effective return methods and optimize your returns process to reduce the costs of holiday returns, maximize your profits, and start off the New Year ahead of the game.

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    Keep Customers Updated With Return Notification Emails Thu, 15 Dec 2022 13:36:47 +0000 Keep your customers updated on the status of their return requests with return notification emails. By making sure your customers are informed in real-time, you can create a smooth return experience and boost customer loyalty.

    What are Return Notification Emails? 

    Return email notifications are automated emails that your customers get throughout the returns process, updating them on the status of their return requests.

    Different actions trigger different email notifications. Email notifications that customers receive will depend on various actions taken by the store, customer, or automation rules during the returns process.

    Notify your customers throughout each stage of the return process, from when they request the return to the point when the refund or exchange is approved and issued. ReturnGO makes it easy to customize your store’s return email notifications to match your brand colors, voice, and style.

    Why are Return Notification Emails Important?

    Return notification emails are an important part of the return process as they help to keep customers updated and informed, reducing customer support queries and improving the customer experience.

    Customizing Return Notification Emails

    When customizing ReturnGO return email notifications, the general structure of email notifications is maintained, while the subject and the middle section of the email body can be customized to fit your needs. 

    ReturnGO automatically inserts your store and customer information into your notification emails, while all other texts can be edited manually.

    You can customize the logo, colors, and text of return notification emails to make them match the rest of your eCommerce store’s brand style. This helps create a seamless brand experience for your customers and helps them instantly recognize emails with updates about their return status as coming from your store.

    What Types of Return Notification Emails Are There?

    During the return process, different types of return notification emails are sent to address the various stages of the return process, including notifications about the status of the customer’s return request, return shipment, and resolution.

    Return Request Notifications

    Once a customer has initiated a return request in your return portal, they receive an email updating them on the status of their request. 

    Depending on your return automation rules, these emails may be sent automatically once they submit a return request, or once you have manually approved or rejected the request.

    Pending Approval 

    If a customer requests to return an item that requires manual approval, they will automatically receive an email notification letting them know that you have received the return request and will update them once it has been reviewed.

    Request Approved 

    Customers receive an email when their return request has been approved. This email includes instructions for what to do with the returned items, whether shipping them back or returning them in-store. If necessary, a pre-paid return shipping label will be included.

    Request Rejected

    When a return request is rejected for not fitting the return policy rules, customers receive an email letting them know that it has been rejected and why.

    Return Shipment Notifications

    Once a customer’s return request has been approved, they receive email notifications updating them on the status of their return shipment.

    Shipment In-Transit

    If the shipping carrier used offers live tracking, customers will receive an email once the return shipping label has been scanned and the shipment is in transit. This email usually includes a link to the shipment tracking page. 

    Shipment Received

    When you mark the return shipment as Received, the customer receives an email letting them know that their shipment has been received.

    Return Resolution Notifications

    Customers receive email notifications with the details of their return resolution, such as refund, store credit, or open invoice.

    Refund to Payment Method 

    When customers select the option of receiving a refund to the original payment method used at checkout, they get an email confirming that they have received the refund. This email comes directly from Shopify and includes the refunded amount and order summary.

    Store Credit

    When customers select the option of receiving store credit, they get an email confirming that they have received the store credit. This email includes the store credit amount, discount code, and redemption instructions.

    Gift Card

    When customers select the option of receiving a refund as a gift card, they receive an email that includes the gift card amount, which triggers Shopify to send a separate email with the gift card information and the next steps to take – whether that’s shipping, keeping, or donating the items.

    Order Canceled 

    When customers request to cancel an order, they receive an email confirming the cancellation request, followed by a separate email from Shopify confirming that the order has been canceled.

    Invoice for Exchange Price Difference

    When customers request a product exchange that has a price difference (exchanging one product for a more expensive one), they receive an email from Shopify with an invoice for the amount to be settled and a link to pay the remaining balance.

    Tips for Setting Up Return Email Notifications

    Set up effective return email notifications by following these tips.

    Personalized eCommerce Emails Get Opened More

    Personalization is essential to email marketing because customers want to be seen as individuals, and 71% of customers expect businesses to provide personalized interactions.

    Sending personalized emails can:

    • Help you stand out in your customer’s inbox.
    • Make your emails more likely to be opened and clicked on.
    • Improve the customer experience.
    • Build customer trust and loyalty.

    When sending return notification emails, always use the customer’s name and make sure the content is personalized, relevant, and has a clear purpose. You can make each email more personal by including direct links to the customer’s account page, wishlist, or recent orders.

    Personalized emails can lead to an 81% increase in click rates, a 133% increase in conversion rates, and a 22% increase in open rates compared to only sending static, generic emails. 

    Consistency is Key

    Email notifications are important for conveying a consistent brand experience across every customer touchpoint.

    By keeping your branding consistent, you create a seamless customer experience that boosts customer trust and loyalty. In addition, branded email notifications help you stay top-of-mind with your customers, keeping them engaged with your store.

    Use Return Notification Emails to Keep Customers Updated

    Including return notification eCommerce emails as part of your return process is a great way to keep your customers updated on the status of their return requests in real-time to provide a smooth return flow. 

    Use ReturnGO to send effective return notification emails and show customers that your eCommerce store is dedicated to providing a positive customer experience.

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    How to Use the Return Process to Improve Customer Loyalty Tue, 13 Dec 2022 09:41:22 +0000 The return process can be a great opportunity to improve customer loyalty by delivering a positive customer experience. By making returns easy and convenient for customers, you can keep them coming back while boosting your bottom line.

    Customer Expectations in Returns

    The explosion of fast-fashion eCommerce with effective return services has increased customer expectations when it comes to online returns.

    In recent years, businesses such as Amazon, ASOS, and Zappos have set an exceptionally high standard when it comes to choice, delivery times, and easy returns.

    Customers want a quick, easy, and flexible return process. 92% of customers say they’ll buy again if the return process is easy, which is why it’s important to optimize your returns in order to improve customer loyalty and retention.

    How to Measure eCommerce Customer Loyalty and Retention

    Loyal customers are one of the most valuable assets your eCommerce store can have. The average amount spent per purchase by loyal customers is 67% higher than by new customers.

    Keep your customers coming back to your business by focusing on their post-purchase experience. Retaining existing customers is much more cost-effective than looking for new ones.

    What is Customer Loyalty?

    Customer loyalty is what prompts people to buy over and over again from the same store, even when cheaper or more up-to-date alternatives are available.

    Each time customers make a repeat purchase, they are more likely to feel confident that your business will deliver what it promises, leading to increased customer loyalty and increased lifetime value (LTV).

    How do you measure customer loyalty? Loyalty is, after all, an emotion, a sense of belonging.

    While customer loyalty isn’t directly measurable, tracking your customer retention rate is a good indicator of customer loyalty.

    What is Customer Retention Rate?

    Customer retention rate is the percentage of customers who continue to do business with your store after a specific timeframe (month, year, etc). Tracking this metric can help you understand what keeps customers loyal to your store, and identify opportunities to improve your customer experience.

    To calculate your customer retention rate, subtract the number of new customers you acquired within the timeframe from the total number of customers you have at the end of the timeframe. Divide that number by the number of customers you started the timeframe with, and multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

    Keeping track of your customer retention rate is a good place to start when it comes to measuring your customer loyalty and improving it.   

    How to Optimize Your Returns to Improve Customer Loyalty

    The ideal return experience keeps customers coming back to your store over and over again instead of looking for new stores to buy from. 

    According to the Pareto principle, 20% of repeat customers generate up to 80% of your profits. This is why optimizing your returns process is essential for improving customer loyalty and increasing LTV.

    Here are some ways you can improve your returns to boost customer loyalty.

    Create a Return Policy That’s Easy to Understand

    Make sure your store has a clearly-defined return policy so that customers know exactly what to expect before buying from you.

    Your eCommerce return policy can have a big impact on customers’ purchasing decisions. 61% of customers check the return policy before buying, and customers are less likely to click ‘buy’ if they aren’t sure they’ll be able to return the items.

    In your return policy, define clearly what you will and won’t accept as a return. How long do customers have to return items? Do customers have to pay for return shipping? What kind of return resolutions do you offer (refunds, exchanges, store credit, etc)?

    Make sure your return policy is clearly displayed on your website and is easy to understand, with no confusing jargon. An easy-to-understand return policy builds customer loyalty by ensuring customers know what to expect before making a purchase.

    Provide Flexible Returns Options

    Providing easy and flexible return options will help improve customer loyalty and ensure that customers will buy from you again.

    Complicated return methods can be frustrating for customers, so making the returns process as hassle-free as possible is important.

    Keep in mind that not everyone has easy access to packing materials or a printer to print out shipping labels, so you may want to send customers pre-printed return labels with their order or partner with a third-party location for non-packaged items to be dropped off.

    Different customers will want to return their items in different ways, so give your customers a choice of return methods. Most customers ship back their returned items, while a smaller percentage prefer to drop them off at a physical location, such as a drop-off point or brick-and-mortar store.

    Offering flexible return options to your customers will increase customer loyalty and retention by making it easy for them to return items. Customers will be more likely to choose to buy from you regularly if they know they can easily return items if necessary.

    Process Returns Quickly

    Processing returns quickly will make your customers trust you more, increasing the likelihood that they will buy from you again in the future.

    52% of customers say they would spend more if they knew they would receive a refund quickly. This plays out with customers spending an average of 23% more when offered faster refunds.

    If the returns process is too long and complicated, customers may give up and keep the unwanted items, and simply not buy from your store again. 

    Communicate clearly to your customers that they will receive a refund quickly – efficient handling of returns will improve customer loyalty.

    Encourage Exchanges Over Refunds

    By enabling customers to exchange their purchased products, you can keep the money they have already spent with your store while providing them with the product they need. This benefits your customers without impacting your profits. 

    Incentivize your customers to ask for an exchange. Some ways to incentivize customers to request an exchange instead of a refund include offering coupons, discounts, or free shipping exclusively on exchanges.

    Make exchanges easy for your customers to keep them coming back to your store instead of getting a refund and taking their business elsewhere. A hassle-free exchange process can turn a potential customer loss into a lifelong loyal customer.

    Automate Your Returns

    The most effective thing you can do to improve your returns experience and build eCommerce customer loyalty and retention is to use an automated returns management system like ReturnGO.

    Automating your returns speeds up the returns process and enables you to resolve return requests in no time. 

    Using a self-service return portal and a powerful setup of automation rules, eligibility conditions, and seamless integrations, you can process returns efficiently, accurately, and securely. 

    Having an automated returns process makes it easier for customers to return products, making them more likely to buy again.

    Improve Customer Loyalty Through Returns

    Use the returns process as an opportunity to improve customer loyalty. Encourage customers to stay loyal to your store by making it easy to return products. 

    Make returns easy by providing a flexible, fast, automated returns experience that will make your customers stay loyal to your eCommerce store, make repeat purchases, and recommend your store to family and friends.

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    Let Customers Keep Items With Returnless Refunds Wed, 07 Dec 2022 10:00:00 +0000 With returnless refunds, you can let customers keep items they want to return instead of shipping them back. 

    ReturnGO makes it easy to offer returnless refunds which can increase customer loyalty while reducing your shipping, handling, and restocking costs associated with returns.

    What is a Returnless Refund?

    A returnless refund is a type of product return where the customer isn’t required to return the item in order to get a refund/replacement. This type of return is typically offered when the item is damaged, bulky, or not worth the price and hassle of handling the returned item. 

    Letting customers keep or donate the item instead of shipping it back is beneficial for both customers and for your eCommerce store. Customers benefit from not having to spend time and energy returning items, while you benefit from not having to handle processing, validating, and restocking returned items.

    Using ReturnGO, you can set up returnless refunds by adjusting your return policy to match your store’s requirements, then displaying the option to “keep the item” or “donate the item” in the return portal when customers meet the conditions.

    Why are Returnless Refunds Important in eCommerce?

    Offering returnless refunds is a great way to provide customers with convenience while cutting down on your return handling costs and minimizing the environmental impact associated with returns.

    Increased Customer Loyalty

    Returnless refunds are convenient for customers as they can receive a refund without having to wait for their return to be processed before receiving the refund. By making the refund process easier, customers are more likely to shop again with your store in the future. 

    Reduced Costs

    Offering returnless refunds with no shipment required can be a cost-effective solution for your store, as they reduce costs associated with return shipping and processing, especially in the case of products that can’t be resold.

    Better for the Environment 

    Letting customers keep items instead of shipping them back reduces wasteful packaging, transportation emissions, and energy usage associated with traditional returns.

    Many of the leading eCommerce stores offer returnless refunds, including Amazon, Target, and Walmart. The popularity of returnless refunds is growing as online stores look to reduce costs associated with returns and increase customer satisfaction.

    Disadvantages of Offering Returnless Refunds

    The main disadvantage of offering returnless refunds is that you run the risk of customers taking advantage of your return policy and committing return fraud.

    Mitigate the risk of return fraud by setting conditional rules for offering returnless refunds depending on the value of the item and shipping cost, and requiring photo proof for damaged products.

    Setting Up Returnless Refunds

    ReturnGO makes it easy to set up returnless refunds for your eCommerce store. You can customize your returnless refund settings for different products, categories, or customers, and update your return policy to reflect your eligibility conditions.

    Inform customers of your returnless refund policy before purchase so that they know what to expect. Having a clear understanding of the requirements for a returnless refund, such as if the item is defective or below a certain price, will enable customers to make informed purchasing decisions.

    Set up automated emails to be sent to customers when their returnless refund is approved, confirming their refund, store credit, or exchange, and letting them know what to do with the item (e.g. keep it, donate it).

    When Should You Offer Returnless Refunds?

    In most cases, you will want to receive returned items back so that you can restock and resell them. However, in some situations such as low-value or damaged products, returnless refunds may be the more cost-effective option to offer.

    Low-Value Products

    In the case of low-value products, it is often more cost-effective to have the customer keep the item rather than deal with the shipping and processing costs.

    Bulky Products

    For items that are particularly large or bulky, such as furniture, appliances, and mattresses, it may be more practical to have customers keep them with no shipment required, as bulky items can be difficult to package and costly to ship.

    Damaged Products

    If customers receive damaged or defective products, it’s often better to have customers keep the damaged items and just send them a replacement or refund, instead of having them ship back products that can’t be resold and may not be worth fixing.

    Products with Hygiene Issues

    Due to the potential hygiene concerns associated with products such as underwear and cosmetics, it can be a good idea to let your customers keep such items instead of shipping them back.

    Single-Use Products

    Single-use products are not often resellable and therefore it may make more sense for you to have customers just keep them.

    Seasonal Products

    Since it can be difficult to resell seasonal products off-season, you may not want to have them shipped back to you.

    The requirements for returnless refunds will vary from store to store, so it’s up to you to decide when it’s worth having customers ship back their returned items and when it’s worth having them keep the items, while you provide a refund or replacement.

    What Types of Returnless Refunds are There?

    ReturnGO enables you to offer a few different types of returnless refunds, which you can set up to match your store’s return policy.

    Keep the Item

    The simplest type of returnless refund is having customers just keep the item and do whatever they want with it, while you send them a refund or replacement.

    “Keep the Item” is the most hassle-free return method as it does not require the customers to do anything with the original items.

    Donate the Item

    ReturnGO offers the unique option of asking your customers to donate their unwanted items to a charity instead of shipping them back to your store.

    By donating their “returned” items, customers get a sense of satisfaction from being able to contribute to a good cause, while helping to reduce waste and minimize the environmental impact of returns.

    Returnless Exchange

    Offering returnless exchanges is a great way to keep customers satisfied while retaining revenue for your store. You can have customers keep the original item while you send them a replacement – either a functioning version of the original item or a different item altogether.

    Customers are more likely to buy from you again if you offer an exchange rather than a refund, as exchanges encourage repeat purchases and keep customers loyal to your store.

    Use Returnless Refunds to Save Time and Money

    By offering returnless refunds, you can minimize the time and costs associated with returns while keeping your customers satisfied. 

    In the case of defective, bulky, or low-value items, it often isn’t worth dealing with the returned items, especially when you’re not able to resell them – and that’s where returnless refunds come in.

    ReturnGO enables you to use returnless refunds strategically, which are often more cost-effective and eco-friendly than traditional returns.

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    Sustainable eCommerce Strategies for the Holidays Mon, 05 Dec 2022 09:32:47 +0000 The holiday season is a peak time for eCommerce stores, with many customers ordering gifts online. This results in large amounts of waste and carbon emissions. Implement these sustainable eCommerce practices to reduce the environmental impact of your store and make the holiday season more sustainable.

    The Importance of Sustainability During the Holidays

    There is an increasing emphasis on sustainable shopping among customers. 78% of customers say a business’s environmental practices influence their buying decisions. For holiday shopping, that number is even higher – 83% of customers look to shop sustainably during the holiday season.

    Sustainable eCommerce practices can help you reduce your environmental impact and build customer loyalty during the holiday season.

    How to Make Holiday eCommerce More Sustainable

    From more eco-friendly packaging to greener delivery options, here are a few practical ways to make a difference to the environment this holiday season.

    Use Sustainable Gift Packaging Materials

    With all the gift-giving during the holiday season, packaging waste accumulates quickly. In fact, Americans average 43% more waste during the holiday season.

    Switch to recyclable, compostable, and reusable packaging materials this holiday season to be more eco-friendly. 67% of customers consider sustainable packaging to be important when buying products.

    • Offer compostable gift packaging options, like flexible poly mailers, kraft paper mailers, and corrugated boxes, made from compostable materials such as recycled paper or biodegradable polymers that decompose quickly when composted. This saves a lot of waste from going to landfills.
    • Fill empty space inside your packages with compostable tissue paper, while adding an extra touch of branding to the gift unboxing experience.
    • Use shipping boxes of the right size to reduce costs and waste. When using boxes that fit the products, a greater volume of packages can be shipped at once, saving both time and money, since shipping costs are often determined by the weight and volume of packages. 

    Make sure the boxes you use are the right size for your products to avoid wasting materials and increasing shipping costs.

    Choose your packaging wisely to help your holiday gift packaging be as sustainable as possible.

    Provide Green Shipping and Return Options

    Throughout the year, customers expect fast fulfillment, and even more so during the holiday season. How can you balance quick fulfillment with sustainability? 

    Providing eco-friendly shipping options is an excellent way to reduce your carbon emissions.

    A third-party logistics provider (3PL) can help you shorten delivery routes and reduce emissions by sending deliveries from a nearby fulfillment center.

    3PLs such as Deliverr can also manage your reverse logistics, saving you time, money, and energy with an interconnected network of warehouses that enable you to easily receive returned items across the country. Fast and efficient return processing gives you a huge competitive advantage and reduces environmental impact.

    The concept of sustainable delivery is no longer limited to small or specialty businesses – everyone is getting involved, from Amazon switching to electric vehicles to Shopify offsetting their delivery carbon emissions.

    Offer the Option of Carbon Offsetting 

    During the busiest season for eCommerce, adding the option of carbon offsetting to your online checkout shows your customers that your store is committed to sustainability.

    Carbon offsetting refers to reducing carbon gas emissions or storing more carbon by restoring land or planting trees, as a way to compensate for unavoidable carbon emissions.

    If every eCommerce store would offset its emissions, it would make a huge environmental impact. Transportation is the biggest source of carbon gas emissions, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency – more than electricity or industry. 

    While many eCommerce stores offer the option for customers to add a small amount at checkout to offset their carbon footprint, you can take this one step further by covering carbon offset costs during the holiday season. Communicate this message with an announcement on your website, product pages, and checkout page, such as:

    Holiday special – carbon-neutral shipping on all orders!

    However you want to get the word out, let your customers know that your store offers carbon-neutral shipping over the holidays. 

    Communicate Your Sustainability Efforts

    Many online stores publicly report taking sustainability initiatives. However, only 23% promote sustainable practices for the holidays in their shipping options, on the homepage, or on product pages.

    Customers are actively looking for eco-friendly eCommerce stores to buy holiday gifts from, so make sure you clearly communicate your commitment to sustainability through photos, guides, animations, tools, and videos.

    For example, you can create a series of short videos that outline your store’s eco-friendly practices. If you use compostable packaging, you can create a short explanation teaching customers how to dispose of it correctly. Another great idea is to highlight products that are sustainable and made with eco-friendly materials.

    Most importantly, be transparent about what you do to reduce your store’s environmental impact during the holidays.

    Reduce Return Shipping

    The process of sending back returned gifts results in many unnecessary transportation trips every year.

    Directing returned products through a streamlined pick-up and drop-off (PUDO) network can reduce your environmental impact. Multiple packages dropped off at one location for the shipping carrier to pick up saves time, fuel, and carbon emissions. 

    Another option for sustainable returns is to allow customers to keep the items, and send them a refund or exchanged item.

    Reducing the number of return shipments will help to reduce the environmental impact returns have during the holiday season.

    Resell Returned Products to Reduce Waste

    Reselling returned products online is known as reCommerce, and is a great way to prevent returned items from going to waste. Many customers are looking to buy used or second-hand products as gifts, to reduce the environmental impact of the holiday season.

    By reselling returned products, you create a circular economy that reduces the environmental impact of eCommerce returns significantly.

    It has become increasingly popular for eCommerce retailers to resell returned products online. In fact, 50% of second-hand sales are expected to come from online resale by 2024. 

    There are many ways you can resell your returned products; in bulk, on third-party reCommerce sites, to liquidation companies, and more.

    One easy way to resell returned products is to add a reCommerce section to your online store, where you sell returned products at a discounted price. For example, Best Buy has a section of its online store dedicated to used, clearance, and refurbished products.

    ReCommerce can be a winning holiday strategy, as customers are likely to embrace the opportunity to save on their holiday shopping by buying used products, with the added benefit of staying sustainable. 

    Reduce Waste With Sustainable eCommerce Practices

    This holiday season, help reduce your store’s environmental impact by implementing these sustainable eCommerce practices. 

    From optimizing your packaging and shipping to reselling returned products, there are many ways to make your holiday season more sustainable.

    Take action this holiday season to reduce waste and promote sustainability.

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    7 Tips to Prepare for Handling Christmas Holiday Returns Wed, 30 Nov 2022 10:00:00 +0000 As the holiday season approaches, it’s important to prepare for handling the influx of holiday returns that come with it. 

    In order to keep customers coming back, provide a simple and straightforward Christmas holiday return process. A positive return experience will improve customer loyalty, repeat business, and may lead to after-season purchases.

    Make your post-holiday return process as smooth and painless as possible by planning ahead.

    7 Tips for Preparing for the Holiday Returns Rush

    In 2021, US holiday eCommerce sales grew 10.4% year over year (YoY) to $204.20 billion. Increased sales lead to increased returns. The more returns your business receives, the more efficient your return process will have to be to keep up with the spike in returns.

    Here are a few things you can do to prepare for the holiday return rush:

    1. Take Proactive Steps to Manage Holiday Returns

    Take proactive steps to manage holiday returns to avoid being overwhelmed by the increased volume of returns after the holidays.

    Here are a few proactive steps you can take to manage your Christmas returns more efficiently:

    • Have a clear return policy in place. 

    Make sure your customers know what your policy is before they make a purchase.

    • Make it easy for customers to return items. 

    Provide a pre-paid shipping label or offer free return shipping.

    • Process returns quickly. 

    Create a system for processing returns quickly and efficiently. 

    • Improve your customer experience. 

    Take the time to understand why customers are returning items and make changes accordingly.

    By taking these steps well in advance of the holidays, you can minimize the impact of holiday returns and avoid last-minute stress.

    2. Create an Effective Holiday Return Policy

    It’s important to have a well-thought-out holiday return policy in place, as 44% of customers say that return policies influence what holiday gifts they purchase. 

    By being upfront and honest with your customers about your policy, you can avoid any confusion or frustration down the line, ensuring that customers are satisfied with their purchase and that your business runs smoothly.

    Here are a few tips to create an effective holiday return policy:

    • Keep it clear and concise.

    Use clear and concise language when writing your holiday return policy to make it easy to understand.

    • Set realistic expectations.

    Promise only what you can deliver, and be generous with your return policy to keep customers coming back.

    • Be flexible.

    Make your holiday return policy flexible to allow for gift returns. 

    Make sure your customers can easily find your holiday return policy by prominently displaying it on your store website. Make sure to highlight any special policy rules for the holidays.

    Create a clearly-defined return policy to keep things running smoothly during the holiday season.

    3. Provide an Easy Gift Returns Process

    When it comes to gift returns, the process should be easy and effortless for both the gift giver and the recipient. No one likes the hassle of returning a gift, so make it as easy as possible for everyone involved.

    All too often, people are stuck with gifts that they do not want or cannot use. The global gift market is expected to reach around $68.5 billion by 2024, and eCommerce holiday return rates are about twice as high as the rest of the year. 

    Gift returns are an anticipated part of the holiday season, which is why it is so important to have an easy gift return process in place.

    By making the gift return process easy and convenient, you will take the hassle out of gift-giving and make it a more enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

    4. Offer an Extended Return Window for the Holidays

    ‘Tis the season of giving, and what better way to show your customers that you care than by offering them an extended return window for purchases made during the holiday season?

    When creating a holiday return policy, be sure to take into account the fact that some customers may be purchasing gifts well in advance of Christmas. A return policy that allows for a 30-day return window may not be sufficient. 

    Instead, create a more lenient holiday return policy for the holidays, with a 60- or 90-day return window. This will give gift recipients plenty of time to return items.

    For example, Amazon’s holiday return deadline is January 31 for orders shipped between October 11 and December 25, providing plenty of time for gift recipients to issue gift returns.

    An extended holiday return window shows that you are confident in the quality of your products, and also gives your customers the peace of mind that comes with knowing their gift recipients can return an item if it’s not quite what they were looking for.

    5. Provide a Self-Service Returns Process

    This holiday season, simplify your return process by offering self-service returns. Provide a self-service return portal so that customers can easily request a return, explain why they’re returning the item, and receive a refund or exchange – all without having to contact customer support.

    Self-service returns enable customers to initiate and track their own returns, which reduces the amount of time and resources required to process returns, and makes the customers feel in control of the process.

    If you have a return process that’s easy to navigate, customers are much more likely to exchange items rather than ask for refunds. 

    The holiday return season can be a busy time for your customer support team, with an exceptionally large amount of return requests coming in. Handling each return request manually can lead to delays in processing returns, and a poor return experience for customers.

    A self-service return portal makes the returns process as easy as possible both for you and your customers, and takes a load off your team, freeing them up to focus on other tasks.

    6. Encourage Exchanges Over Refunds

    Encourage customers to exchange products instead of asking for refunds. 

    An easy exchange process is key for keeping customers happy and encouraging them to shop with you again in the future. By making it simple and easy for customers to swap out their purchased items for something else, you’ll build their trust and loyalty. 

    Exchanges also present a great opportunity to increase order value by upselling or cross-selling. By making it easy to exchange items, you can keep your customers happy and reduce the number of refunds you have to process.

    Providing coupons, discounts, or free shipping on exchanges can help you incentivize customers to request exchanges instead of refunds.

    Easy exchanges promote brand loyalty by ensuring the right product reaches customers, resulting in repeat purchases and increased customer lifetime value.

    7. Automate Your Returns Process

    An automated returns solution like ReturnGO can help your store streamline the return process and improve the customer experience. 

    By eliminating lengthy, manual return processes during the holidays, you can turn returns from a point of friction into a positive experience that boosts customer satisfaction.

    An automated return solution enables customers to request returns or exchanges without needing to speak to customer support. Automatically encourage exchanges, enforce your return policy, and approve or reject returns as needed. This makes it easy to keep track of returns and make sure that your policy is being followed.

    An automated returns management system like ReturnGO is the perfect solution for managing your returns. ReturnGO is designed to integrate seamlessly with all the other tools your business uses, such as helpdesks, 3PLs, and ERPs. 

    Automating your returns process makes managing your returns a breeze, freeing you up to focus on other aspects of your business.

    • Manage all your return requests in one place.
    • Sync your Shopify store to automatically update inventory levels whenever a return is made.
    • Enable customers to choose between exchanges, store credit, and refunds.
    • Track return trends using in-depth analytics.

    When it comes to managing your Christmas returns, automating your returns process is a must. By automating your returns in time for the holidays, you can free up valuable time and resources and keep your business running smoothly.

    Streamline Your Holiday Returns

    Plan ahead and streamline your eCommerce return process to make handling Christmas holiday returns easy.

    A few simple steps like updating your return policy and automating your return process can make a real difference in the efficiency of your Christmas returns.

    While returns may be inevitable during the holiday season, by planning ahead you can make the return process less stressful for you and your customers.

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    Define Your Return Policy With Return Eligibility Rules Tue, 29 Nov 2022 09:21:39 +0000 Return eligibility rules enable you to tailor your return policy to your store’s needs. Define your own combination of eligibility rules to determine when a return request is eligible.

    What are Return Eligibility Rules? 

    Return eligibility rules are the sections of your eCommerce return policy that define the conditions under which items are eligible to be returned.

    You define your eligibility rules as part of your return policy, and then the return portal shows customers the relevant resolutions based on how the customer and order information relates to the eligibility rules you defined.

    Return eligibility rules are made up of three elements: Result – Condition – Logic

    Result – Whether the return request will be eligible or not

    Condition – Properties to be checked

    Logic – Connects multiple conditions (and/or)

    ReturnGO offers one of the most flexible return policy settings on the market, with over 25 different types of return eligibility rules you can define, in any combination.

    Why Are Return Eligibility Rules Important?

    Return eligibility rules are important so that you only receive return requests that are eligible and so that customers can see what’s eligible and what’s not, without any miscommunications or complications. 

    When you have return eligibility rules set up in your return policy, you can be confident that your returns process flows the way you want it to, based on your store’s requirements.

    Several important aspects of your eCommerce return policy are defined in its eligibility rules:

    • How long customers have to return items
    • Which items are eligible
    • How many times an item can be exchanged
    • And much more

    For example, you can define return eligibility conditions for different return windows, categories of items, or return reasons.

    Setting Up Return Eligibility Rules

    Define return eligibility rules based on a wide range of criteria ranging from order creation date to payment type, customer location, item price, and more.

    When setting up your return policy, you can define return eligibility rules to determine when each return policy rule applies. You can define any number of combinations of eligibility conditions to create a comprehensive return policy that fits your needs.

    For example, if you want customers to be able to return items only if they live in California, purchased the items less than 30 days ago for less than $100, and returned them with the return reason “Does not fit” – the return eligibility rules are where you can define all of that. 

    You can set up any combination of return eligibility rules, to automate even the most complex return policies. 

    What Types of Eligibility Rules Can You Set Up?

    There are 4 types of return eligibility rules you can define, each based on different criteria.


    Order-level eligibility rules are conditions the order must meet in order for the return request to be eligible.

    Return eligibility rules that apply to the order help you limit which orders are eligible to be returned.

    For example, you can have an eligibility rule that states that orders that have been created within 30 days are eligible to be returned, and that orders that were paid for using store credit are not eligible to be returned.


    Customer-level eligibility rules are conditions customers must meet in order for their return request to be eligible.

    Eligibility rules based on customer information let you limit return requests by customer; you may want to offer different return methods for customers depending on their location, or offer different types of refunds depending on customer tags.

    For example, you can have an eligibility rule that states that customers are only eligible to return items if they have created less than 3 return requests in the past. Limiting the number of times customers return items can be useful for preventing return fraud.


    Item-level eligibility rules are conditions that items must meet in order to be eligible for return.

    You may want specific items to be ineligible for return due to hygiene reasons, or you might want to allow returns only for items under a certain price. Item eligibility rules let you limit which items are eligible to be returned.

    A unique feature that ReturnGO has is the ability to limit the number of times an item can be returned – for instance, you can decide that an item cannot be returned if it has previously been exchanged, or only exchanged once, etc.


    RMA-level eligibility rules are conditions that return requests, otherwise known as RMAs (Return Merchandise Authorizations) must meet in order to be eligible for return.

    For example, you can limit the number of items that are being returned at once, or define that items over a certain weight are ineligible. This helps you control which items are returned.

    Use Eligibility Rules to Define Your Returns Process

    Well-defined return eligibility rules are what makes your return policy effective. Every store has different needs and different conditions that must be met in order for a return request to be eligible. 

    Using the many combinations of return eligibility rules you can create, you can automate even the most complex return policies.

    Whether you want to allow returns only for damaged items, or you want to give your customers a longer return window, ReturnGO enables you to build your own combination of eligibility rules to fit your store’s requirements.

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    Simplify the Return Process with eCommerce Return Methods Wed, 23 Nov 2022 11:39:37 +0000 Streamline your returns process by defining your return methods such as shipping back, keeping, or donating the item.

    What Are Return Methods? 

    Return methods instruct the customer on what to do with the products they’re returning or exchanging.

    You can define a variety of return methods such as shipping back the products, returning them to a physical store, or donating them.

    Return methods are part of your return policy, so you can define which return methods customers will be offered depending on the customer, order, or item details.

    For return methods that involve shipping the items back, ReturnGO enables you to integrate with shipping carriers to manage your return shipments and generate return shipping labels.

    Why Are Return Methods Important?

    Defining your return methods is important for creating a smooth return process.

    Different customers will prefer different methods of returning their items, and setting up a variety of options gives them the choice and streamlines the process.

    Make the return process as seamless as possible for both you and your customers, to save you time and money and ensure that your customers have a positive return experience.

    Transparency and clarity are essential for a smooth return process, so make sure that your customers know what to do with the items they’re returning and give them a choice of return methods. 

    Setting Up Return Methods

    You can define the different return methods as well as the conditions under which each return method is applicable.

    Define how customers should return items to your physical store location, where they can donate the items, and how they can ship them back.

    For shipping back returned items, you can set up integrations with shipping carriers and shipping aggregators such as Shippo, USPS, Shipstation, and Sendcloud which will be automatically notified about return shipping requests and can handle the return shipping for you. 

    Each return method has information, conditions, and email notifications you can customize to match your store’s requirements.

    You can encourage customers to select a particular return method by offering a bonus refund for choosing it, or by imposing a fee on return methods you don’t want them to select.

    What Types of Return Methods Can You Set Up?

    There are 4 main types of return methods you can set up. Each has its advantages and disadvantages as well as conditions that can be defined for its use.

    Ship With Any Carrier

    The Ship with Any Carrier return method lets customers ship the item back with a shipping carrier of their choice. 

    When customers choose this return method, they will receive an email containing instructions for how to ship back the item (address, packaging limitations, etc). You can fully customize these emails with your brand colors, logo, customized texts, and return address.

    Customers can bring the items they’re returning to the post office or send them back however they prefer.

    When you receive the returned items at your location (warehouse, fulfillment center, store, etc), you can update the status of the return request in the ReturnGO system to reflect that the items have been received/restocked.

    Ship With Any Carrier is the most flexible return method, enabling customers to ship back the returned items however is most convenient for them, while all you have to do is receive the items back at your location.

    Ship With Pre-Paid Label

    The Ship with Pre-paid Label return method lets you generate pre-paid return labels for your customers for shipping their items back. 

    ReturnGO generates pre-paid return shipping labels through your 3rd party shipping carrier, which you can integrate and link with your ReturnGO account. 

    Customers who select this return method option will receive an email containing a pre-paid return shipping label, which they can print out and attach to their package when returning the items. 

    You can either charge your customers for the pre-paid label or offer free return shipping and absorb the cost. This return method is the best way to offer free shipping, which can be used as a reward, incentive, or compensation.

    79% of customers say that free returns are important when shopping online, so providing free shipping on returns will make your store stand out and help you build customer loyalty.

    Ship with Pre-Paid Label is a convenient return method for customers, as they don’t have to figure out getting a return shipping label; all they have to do is print it out, stick it on, and mail out the item.

    Return to Drop-Off Location

    The Return to Drop-Off Location return method lets customers bring returned items to a physical location instead of shipping them back. 

    This return method can be particularly beneficial if you have a physical store location, as it saves the cost and hassle of return shipment and processing.

    Return to Drop-Off Location is also a more eco-friendly return method as it reduces transportation and therefore carbon emissions for each return.

    Integrating with a sustainable provider such as Happy Returns enables you to have customers drop off returns at designated Return Bars. Happy Returns enables you to consolidate return shipments and save customers the hassle of printing return labels and packaging the items.

    More than half of customers prefer an in-person drop-off return method to any other return method, so offering the option of drop-off returns increases customer loyalty. 

    By offering the option of drop-off returns, you can provide customers with a convenient and eco-friendly way to return items, while saving you the cost and hassle of return shipments.

    No Shipment Required

    The No Shipment Required return method lets customers keep the items with no need to ship them back. You can have customers donate the item they want to return, or just keep it. This return method is useful in cases where it’s not worth the cost and hassle of receiving the returned item.

    By eliminating the shipping, processing, handling, and restocking of returned products, your store can save on reverse logistics costs and reduce the environmental impact of returns.

    The No Shipment Required return method is useful for products you can’t resell and is based on customers’ purchase history, the value of the products, and the cost of processing the returned products.

    As processing the return of bulky items like furniture, appliances, and mattresses is often not worth the expense, it can sometimes be more cost-effective to let customers keep them or donate them to a good cause.

    Incentivizing Specific Return Methods

    You can incentivize or disincentivize customers to choose certain return methods by giving them extra credit for choosing certain return methods and charging for others.

    For example, providing an extra 10% for returning the product to your store location makes customers more likely to choose that return method, saving you the cost of handling return shipping and processing.

    Use Return Methods to Streamline Your Reverse Logistics Process

    Setting up different return methods and providing incentives to customers to choose certain ones will simplify your returns and streamline the return process.

    Offering a choice of return methods can improve the customer experience and streamline the returns process, as each return method has its own benefits that will appeal to different customers.

    Provide customers with information on their return options and what they will need to do to return items, so that they can enjoy a hassle-free return process.

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    How to Manage Black Friday Returns after Black Friday Mon, 21 Nov 2022 10:00:00 +0000 Now that Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over, it’s time to start thinking about how to manage your Black Friday returns. 

    1 in every 3 customers returns what they buy on Black Friday, with around 30 million unwanted products being sent back each year. For eCommerce stores, this sudden spike in returns can be a major logistical and business challenge.

    Use these tips to manage your eCommerce Black Friday returns more efficiently and minimize the impact on your bottom line.

    How to Manage eCommerce Returns after Black Friday and Cyber Monday

    What can you do to manage all of your eCommerce Black Friday returns efficiently and without too much stress? Here are a few tips:

    Analyze Sales Data

    Analyzing your sales data from Black Friday and Cyber Monday can help you better manage your product returns.

    Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales data helps you understand which products are most in demand and which get returned most frequently. By tracking this data, you can determine which products are most popular and identify any trends. This information can help you plan your inventory and marketing to maximize future sales.

    Looking over your sales data can provide important insights into your customers’ needs and wants. This, in turn, can help you improve your products and services. 

    Stay ahead of the competition and keep your business thriving by analyzing your customers and sales patterns.

    Automate Your Returns

    The best way to manage the influx of returns that comes after eCommerce Black Friday and Cyber Monday is to automate your returns process. This will help you to keep track of returns and ensure that they are processed quickly and efficiently.

    Automate your returns by implementing a returns management system that will automate the return process from start to finish.

    Integrate your returns system with your chosen shipping providers to ship and exchange products; this can save you time and money and help you easily keep track of your return shipments. 

    By automating your eCommerce returns, you can speed up the return process and make it more efficient, which saves you time and money and helps keep your customers happy.

    Offer Self-Service Returns

    Offering self-service returns with a branded return portal is a great way to streamline your returns process and provide a great customer experience. By enabling customers to initiate their own returns and track their progress, you can reduce the burden on your customer service team and improve customer satisfaction.

    Self-service returns also have the added benefit of reducing return processing time, as customers can enter all the necessary information themselves and you can set up automation rules to speed up the process even more. This can be a huge time-saver, especially during peak return seasons such as after Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

    If you’re not already offering self-service returns, now is a great time to start. Your customers will appreciate the convenience and you’ll be able to free up your team to focus on other tasks.

    Follow Up With Customers

    While it can be easy to get caught up in the post-holiday sales frenzy, it’s important to remember to follow up with your customers after they’ve made a purchase. 

    Sending a “thank you” email is a great way to show your appreciation for your customers’ business. While it may not result directly in another sale, it can make customers think positively about your brand – which could lead to new sales in the future.

    You can also use this opportunity to ask for feedback or offer a coupon for their next purchase. If you offer excellent customer service, your customers will be more likely to come back the next time they need something.

    Simple, automated “thank you” emails have double the open rate of dedicated marketing emails. “Thank you” emails are about more than just thanking customers for their purchase – they’re about creating a customer experience that keeps them coming back.

    Take the time to reach out to customers after they’ve done business with you to build customer relationships and ensure customer satisfaction.

    Turn Refunds into Exchanges

    Product exchanges are a great way to keep your customers happy and keep your return rate low. Encourage customers to request an exchange instead of a refund after Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

    Offer discounts or other incentives for exchanging products to encourage customers to request an exchange instead of a refund. This can help to reduce your refund rate and improve customer satisfaction.

    Exchange incentives can take many forms, such as offering a discount on the exchanged item, giving store credit that can be used for future purchases, or providing free shipping on exchanges. Whatever form the incentives take, they should be designed to make the exchange process as smooth and easy as possible for your customers.

    Encourage product exchanges to show that you are committed to customer satisfaction and that you are willing to go the extra mile to make sure your customers are happy.

    Look Ahead to the December Shopping Holidays

    While Black Friday and Cyber Monday are some of the busiest shopping days of the year, the holiday shopping season is far from over.

    As the winter holidays approach, now is the time to reflect on the successes of Black Friday and Cyber Monday and use those profits to invest in attracting even more customers in December. 

    Analyze your sales data and Black Friday returns to identify what strategies worked well and replicate them to drive even more success. 
    Many time-consuming tasks associated with product returns can be automated with software like ReturnGO. This holiday season, automate your returns process to free up your time and set your business up for a successful end to the year.

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    Boost the Return Experience With Easy Product Refunds Sun, 20 Nov 2022 10:25:18 +0000 ReturnGO makes it easy for you to manage online refunds and returns, so you can create a positive post-purchase customer experience.

    What are Refunds? 

    A refund is when your customers get their money back for returning an item. Refunds are the simplest and most well-known type of eCommerce return.

    Refunds can come in various different forms, such as store credit or refund to a payment method.

    With ReturnGO, you can streamline the refund process by configuring automatic approval of refunds under certain conditions, and setting up a self-service return portal that makes it easy for customers to request a refund.

    Why Are Easy Refunds Important?

    Based on our 2022 data, refunds account for 60% of product returns. As the majority of product returns are in the form of refunds, it’s important to make the refund process easy for your customers and handled efficiently by your team.

    Across all Shopify businesses, 65% of refunds are handled manually and the remaining 35% are managed using a return portal like ReturnGO.

    ReturnGO simplifies managing product refunds and exchanges and enables you to automate many parts of the refund process, so you don’t need to take any manual steps to ensure your customers receive their refunds.

    Setting Up Refunds

    Configure the different types of refunds, including how they are handled and under what conditions each type is offered.

    Refund resolutions are linked to your return policy, where you can specify how refunds work and when customers qualify for refunds depending on order value, customer history, number of returned items, etc.

    When customers issue a refund request on the return portal, they will able to choose from the refund methods their order is eligible for.

    What Types of Refunds Can You Offer?

    There are 4 main types of refunds you can offer. You can set the eligibility conditions for each type of refund based on the customer, order, product, or return request details. 

    Different refund types will be appropriate for different circumstances, and in certain situations, you can give customers the choice of their preferred refund method.

    Refund to Payment Method 

    The most direct form of refund is a refund to the payment method that was used at the time of purchase, such as credit card, Paypal, etc. While this might be most the common and straightforward type of refund, try and avoid it because it’s more costly for your store.

    Store Credit

    Store credit is a great way to refund a customer without losing the sale. Customers may like your brand but not the product they received, and if they don’t want to take the time to pick out a new item right now, it can be helpful to offer store credit that they can use later. 

    When a refund is given as store credit, the customer can use that amount to purchase another item from your store in the future. 

    While this isn’t ideal since your customers aren’t obliged to take immediate action, this is ultimately better for your store than giving refunds directly to a payment method, as your customers can use the store credit only at your store. Store credit helps you retain customers and revenue at the same time.

    Refund to Bank 

    A refund can be issued directly to a customer’s bank account. To do this, you’ll need the customer’s IBAN. 

    When a customer purchases through an offsite transaction, outside of your Shopify store, such as cash on delivery, the only way to issue a refund may be a bank transfer.

    Gift Card

    Gift cards can be used as a refund that keeps customers loyal to your store. When you offer a gift card as a refund, the customer receives a gift card with the refund amount on it, which they can use for future purchases.

    The advantage of gift cards is that they can be combined with other gift cards and discount codes.

    Special Refund Features ReturnGO Provides

    In addition to standard refunds such as refund to payment method and store credit, ReturnGO offers some special features that simplify the refund process and give you more flexibility when it comes to managing refunds and returns.

    Refund of Exchange

    With ReturnGO you can issue a refund for an item that was previously exchanged. 

    This can be useful in cases where a customer buys an item, exchanges it for another item or variant, and then isn’t satisfied with the new item or there’s a problem with the new item. By offering a refund for the exchanged item, you can ensure a positive customer experience.

    Store Credit as Rewards or Penalties

    Store credit can be used to reward or penalize customers.


    You can give a bonus amount of store credit to reward or incentivize customers. 

    For example, you can define that in cases where customers are returning an item due to 

    it being damaged or defective, you can refund them an extra 10% store credit.


    You can deduct penalties from the store credit refund and reduce the amount of store credit given. 

    For example, you can deduct a return shipping fee from the refunded amount of store 


    Instant Refund

    You can set up instant refunds so that customers will receive their refunds immediately upon submitting a refund request. 

    Instant refunds can be activated by integrating your ReturnGO account with an instant refund provider such as Reveni or Refundid, and then defining under what conditions customers will be eligible for an instant refund.

    Use instant refunds in cases where you know that a refund is eligible and there is no need to approve it manually.

    Use Refunds to Boost the Return Experience

    ReturnGO makes it easy for you to manage online refunds, so you can create a seamless return experience for your customers. 

    The easy-to-use platform enables you to customize refund types to meet your store’s needs, while automating and streamlining your refunds and returns.

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    How to Manage Shopify Returns and Exchanges Using Return Automation Tue, 15 Nov 2022 09:54:25 +0000 When running a Shopify store, it’s important to know how to manage returns and exchanges effectively. While there are various ways to manage Shopify returns and exchanges, the most efficient way is to use return automation.

    Return automation helps take the hassle out of managing returns and exchanges while also providing a better customer experience.

    Follow these simple tips to ensure that your Shopify returns and exchanges are handled smoothly and efficiently.

    Why You Should Automate Your Shopify Returns & Exchanges

    Although Shopify offers basic functionality for returns and exchanges, it involves a lot of manual work and isn’t very customer-friendly.

    In order to deliver a better returns experience, use a returns management app that integrates with Shopify. 

    By automating the returns process, you can provide a much better customer experience while reducing the amount of time and effort required to manage returns.

    An automated returns management system:

    1. Makes it easier to manage returns.

    2. Allows for different processes for different types of items.

    3. Increases the efficiency of your returns process.

    4. Provides a better post-purchase customer experience.

    There are always exceptions you need to be able to solve as quickly as possible, so instead of wasting time and energy on basic tasks, automate them and focus your attention where it’s needed.

    Benefits of Automating Shopify Returns & Exchanges

    Using a returns management app can help streamline the returns process and make your life much easier when selling on Shopify. 

    Trying to keep track of returns, associated values, and customer correspondence can be daunting and time-consuming using a manual system such as an excel spreadsheet.

    Here are a few benefits of automating your Shopify returns:

    Offer Self-Service Returns

    Set up a self-service return portal for customers to easily request a return or exchange.

    Include visible links to your return portal on all your online store’s pages so they can easily request a return or exchange.

    On the return portal, customers can:

    • Easily find their order. 
    • Initiate a return themselves instead of contacting customer support.
    • Select which item they want to return and why.
    • Request a refund, exchange, or store credit.

    You can customize your return portal to match your brand colors, fonts, and voice, so that your customers get a consistent experience across your entire store.

    Easily Track Returns Data and Analytics

    Using an automated returns management system makes it easy for you to track your returns and collect data, giving you insight into your products, customers, and business operations.

    Returns data you can track includes:

    • Common return reasons
    • Frequently returned products
    • Product return and exchange rates
    • And more

    Analyzing customer returns behavior can help you identify which parts of the business can be improved to reduce return rates and increase customer loyalty.

    Manage All Your Returns in One Place

    Track and manage your return requests in one place with a returns management dashboard. 

    Keep track of all your return requests at a glance and track the status of each one.

    Automate return processing, so that you don’t have to approve each return manually. Set up custom return policy rules and conditions to make sure your customers only return eligible items.

    Integrating your return workflow with your Shopify store allows you to manage returns and exchanges quickly and efficiently without involving your customer support team. 

    5 Steps to Automate Your Shopify Return Process

    The best way to streamline your business is to automate your Shopify return process. Automating your returns makes it easy for customers to return items and minimizes the impact on your business. 

    Set yourself up for success by automating your return process:

    1. Create a Clearly-Defined Return Policy

    Create a clearly-defined return policy to ensure that customers feel comfortable making purchases knowing how they can return items if needed.

    Clearly state the following in your return policy:

    • Types of items that are returnable
    • Return window length
    • Process for returning an item
    • Conditions of the return (e.g. must be in original packaging)
    • Restocking fees
    • Shipping costs for returned items

    By taking the time to create a return policy that is clear and concise, you can give your customers the peace of mind they need to buy from your business with confidence.

    2. Clearly Display the Return Policy on Your Website

    Be sure to communicate your return policy clearly to customers, displaying it prominently on your website footer, header, product pages, and checkout.  

    Most customers read a return policy before placing an order, making your return policy one of the most frequently visited pages on your site, so make sure it’s easy to find and understand. 

    Easy access to your return policy helps ensure your customers understand what to expect and feel confident in buying from you.

    3. Design a Branded Return Portal

    Create a fully branded return portal to match your brand to provide a consistent brand experience for your customers and make it easy for them to return items.

    By taking the time to design a branded return portal, you’re showing your customers that you care about their experience even after they’ve made a purchase.

    A generic return portal can create suspicion about entering personal details, which can result in more pressure on your support team to field inquiries from confused customers. Therefore, it is important to have a branded return portal in place.

    Customizing a branded return portal helps build customer loyalty and creates a seamless return experience. By using your brand colors, logo, and messaging, you strengthen your brand identity and improve customer relationships.

    4. Integrate Your Shipping Carriers

    Connect to the shipping carriers and logistics providers you already use to streamline the returns process and sync all your information.

    By integrating with these providers, you can take advantage of their features and benefits to make the returns process simpler and more efficient. By integrating with these providers, you can ensure that your inventory, shipping, and tracking information is up-to-date and accurate.

    Generate return shipping labels automatically and integrate your order data for easy returns and exchanges. Connect to your favorite tools and systems to save time and streamline your workflow.

    5. Collect Customer Feedback

    Collecting customer feedback is crucial for improving your products and services and increasing your NPS. Have customers submit reasons for returning items, and track your returns analytics to gain actionable insights into your returns process.

    By tracking your returns data you can identify patterns and trends that can indicate products or services that have room for improvement.

    Track the reasons your customers give for returning items, and request images as evidence to see what the problem was with the product they returned.

    Making changes based on customer feedback is essential for staying relevant and improving. 

    Shopify Returns and Exchanges Made Easy

    If you’re looking to streamline your returns process, a returns management app like ReturnGO is a great option. ReturnGO integrates seamlessly with your Shopify store, making it easy to manage returns and exchanges. 

    Check out ReturnGO on Shopify and start streamlining your returns now. Automate your returns to provide a smoother and more convenient experience for your customers while reducing the amount of time and effort you need to put into managing returns.

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    Retain Revenue With Easy eCommerce Exchanges Sun, 13 Nov 2022 11:02:47 +0000 Easy exchanges are a win-win both for your store and for your customers – customers are left satisfied and you get to retain revenue. 

    With ReturnGO, you can manage exchanges easily and more conveniently than ever before thanks to its unique exchange features such as exchanges with a price difference, multiple-item exchange, and more.

    What are eCommerce Exchanges? 

    ECommerce exchanges are when customers return a purchased item for another item from your online store.

    An exchange can be a variant exchange (different size, color, or style of the same product) or a product exchange (different product altogether).

    With ReturnGO, customers can request an exchange using a self-service return portal by selecting the item they want to exchange, the reason for the exchange, and the new product or variant they want. 

    An automated email will then be sent to the customer with return shipping instructions, and a draft order will automatically be generated in Shopify, which you can then go and fulfill. 

    This saves you a great deal of time by not needing to manually create a new order for every exchange.

    Why Are Exchanges Important?

    Exchanges are important because instead of refunding a customer, you retain the revenue that would have been lost. Exchanges also help you keep customers happy, which can result in repeat purchases and referrals.

    Your return and exchange policy should make the online returns process seamless and hassle-free, and give customers a clear incentive to choose an exchange over a refund.

    Keep Customers Coming Back

    Exchanges are an important part of maintaining customer loyalty and retention. By ensuring that the right product reaches your customers, you create repeat customers who are more likely to make future purchases and increase their lifetime value. 

    Additionally, exchanges help build customer trust and confidence in your brand, which leads to more word-of-mouth recommendations.

    Retain Revenue

    In contrast to refunds, in which you lose the sale and return your customers’ money, exchanges benefit both your customers and your store. You retain your revenue and your customers get the products they need.

    Setting Up Exchanges

    Set up your exchange resolutions and specify how variant exchanges and product exchanges work.

    Define your exchange policy, including the conditions for items to be eligible for exchange and how exchanges will take place. 

    Create auto-exchange automation rules to help you streamline your exchange process and enable the automatic release of an exchange when certain conditions are met.

    You can set up incentives such as bonus credit or free shipping to encourage customers to request an exchange instead of a refund.

    What Types of Exchanges Can You Offer?

    There are two main types of eCommerce exchanges you can offer: variant exchanges and product exchanges. 

    The different types of exchanges will be relevant in different circumstances. You can define different eligibility conditions and automation rules for each type of exchange.

    Variant Exchange 

    Variant exchange is when customers exchange a product for another variant of the same product – for example, another size or color. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as the customer finding that the variant they purchased doesn’t fit or is the wrong color.

    Making it easy for customers to exchange an item for a different variant that fits better or is the right style for them shows that you care about their satisfaction.

    Product Exchange

    Product exchange is when customers exchange a product for another product altogether. 

    For example, customers are likely to request a product exchange when an item arrives damaged or defective, or when an item isn’t what they expected. 

    By offering easy product exchanges, you can keep customers loyal instead of just refunding them and possibly losing them as customers.

    Special Exchange Features ReturnGO Provides

    Besides standard exchange types such as variant and product exchange, ReturnGO provides special features that simplify the exchange process and give you more flexibility with how you manage exchanges.

    Exchange of Exchange

    Offer customers the ability to exchange an already exchanged item for another item of their choice.

    For example, if a customer buys a pair of shoes in size 10, receives them, tries them on, finds them too big, and exchanges them for a smaller size, say a size 9, but then tries them on and still finds them too big – you can enable them to exchange the shoes again to ensure they get the right size.

    Define how many times an item can be exchanged in your return & exchange policy.

    Exchange With Price Difference

    Provide customers the option to exchange an item for a cheaper or more expensive one, and automatically calculate the price difference. 

    If the new item costs less, the customer will receive a refund (or store credit, or gift card, depending on your configuration) for the price difference. If the new item is more expensive, the customer will be sent an invoice to pay for the price difference.

    Exchange One Item For Multiple Items

    Let customers exchange one item for multiple items. 

    For example, a customer can exchange a $50 item for a $30 item and a $20 item, all within the ReturnGO return portal.

    Having an easy exchange process encourages customers to simply swap out their purchased items for something else instead of asking for their money back. 

    Use eCommerce Exchanges to Retain Revenue

    ReturnGO’s unique exchange features and easy exchange process make it easy to manage eCommerce exchanges, so you can retain revenue that would be otherwise lost on refunds.

    Streamline your exchange process and make it easy for customers to exchange their items. 

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    15 Strategies to Prepare for Managing Black Friday Returns Tue, 08 Nov 2022 22:00:00 +0000 As Black Friday approaches, it’s time to start preparing for the influx of returns. To ensure a smooth and efficient Black Friday returns process, plan out your return strategy in advance.

    Start thinking about how your eCommerce store will manage Black Friday returns as efficiently as possible.

    15 Strategies to Prepare for Black Friday Returns

    Here are a few strategies that you can use to prepare your eCommerce store for Black Friday returns.

    1. Adjust Your Return Policy

    Your return policy is the first step in the return process and it is important to set the right expectations for customers. 44% of customers say that return policies influence what holiday gifts they purchase. 

    Your return policy should be clear and concise, laying out the rules and procedures for returns. 

    If you plan on altering your return policy for Black Friday, make sure the changes are in place well before the Black Friday sales spike, to avoid unnecessary friction among customers.

    Black Friday sales generally lead to more returns, and you can reduce these returns or turn them into exchanges by setting up a special Black Friday return policy:

    • Make it clear up front which items are eligible for return and which are not. 
    • Offer flexible exchange options as part of your return policy.
    • Provide clear and concise instructions on how to request a return.

    2. Turn Refunds into Exchanges

    A hassle-free exchange process is essential to keeping your customers happy. By prioritizing exchanges over other types of returns, you can save your store time and money. 

    When a customer requests a refund, you lose the sale and often the customer too. Instead, try to offer an exchange. When a customer exchanges a product for another size, color, or another product altogether, you keep the sale as well as the customer. 

    Offer quick and easy product exchanges, so your customers can get the items they need as soon as possible. 

    Keep your exchange process as simple as possible to minimize returns and maximize your profits.

    3. Offer Incentives on Exchanges

    Offering incentives on product exchanges instead of refunds is a great way to keep customers happy and encourage them to do business with you again in the future. 

    Exchanges boost brand loyalty by ensuring the right product reaches your customers, resulting in repeat purchases as well as increased customer lifetime value.

    Incentivize customers to request an exchange instead of a refund by offering coupons, discounts, or free shipping exclusively on exchanges.

    Offering these incentives encourages customers to exchange their product instead of returning it for a refund. More exchanges mean reduced refund processing costs and more satisfied customers.

    Use exchanges as a second chance to make a good first impression and build brand loyalty.

    4. Extend the Return Window

    Many eCommerce stores give a return window of 15-30 days. However, this length of return window can cause a problem for customers who go shopping for gifts on Black Friday in November to give away a month later at Christmas. By the time Christmas rolls around, the 30-day return window has passed and the gift recipient is stuck with a gift they may not want. 

    To make your customers feel confident that they can buy gifts from your store, extend your return window during the holiday season. This way, if the gift recipient is not happy with their gift, they can return it without any hassle.

    Consider offering an extended return window during the busy months. For example, Amazon’s holiday return deadline is January 31 for orders shipped between November 1 and December 31, which gives gift recipients plenty of time to return gifts.

    By having a generous return window, you send a message that you are confident in your products and stand behind them. This builds customer trust and encourages them to shop with you again in the future.

    5. Communicate Your Return Policy

    Make sure your return policy is prominently displayed on your website and in any email correspondence with customers. If you have any changes to your return policy for Black Friday, be sure to highlight those as well. 

    Use a visible button or place links in easy-to-find places, such as in your site’s footer, on the checkout page, and in emails to your customers.

    The easier it is to find your return policy, the better. Display your policy in a way that’s impossible to miss.

    6. Reward Loyal Customers

    Black Friday is one of the best times to acquire new customers and reward loyal customers. With more people looking to shop on Black Friday, your store has the potential to reach a larger audience.

    The key is to make sure new customers from Black Friday join your brand for the ride, and setting up a loyalty rewards program is a great way to do that. By offering exclusive deals and discounts to loyal customers, you’ll keep them coming back for more. 

    Set up your loyalty program for success this Black Friday season:

    1. Promote Your Loyalty Program

    Inform or remind customers that you have a loyalty program and how it works.

    2. Offer Welcome Points

    Build customer loyalty and increase your customer base by offering welcome points.

    3. Match Your Brand Style

    Set your loyalty program colors, name, and VIP tiers to match the rest of your brand.

    4. Display Your Loyalty Program

    Clearly display your loyalty program on your site to increase participation.

    5. Give Extra Black Friday Rewards

    Offer extra reward opportunities for Black Friday – everybody loves getting a little something extra.

    Use your loyalty program to reward your loyal customers and turn your one-time Black Friday customers into lifetime brand advocates.

    7. Automate Your Returns

    Black Friday is one of the busiest shopping days of the year, and having a streamlined, automated process for returns will save you time and money. Your team can focus on fulfilling orders and keeping your customers happy, without having to worry about the logistics of returns.

    Managing the Black Friday return spike is easier with an automated returns management system such as ReturnGO. Using an automated returns system can boost customer satisfaction by making the return process faster and easier for both you and your customers, which is especially important around Black Friday. 

    Automating your returns can benefit your business in many ways:

    • Reducing the time it takes to process returns
    • Lowering the costs of processing returns
    • Increasing accuracy due to fewer manual errors
    • Enhancing customer satisfaction
    • Minimizing the number of customer support queries

    An automated returns process can help you keep track of returns, process refunds, and keep your customers updated about the status of their returns, which is a valuable time-saver during the busy Black Friday season.

    8. Secure Your Inventory Levels

    Give yourself time to make purchasing and production decisions. Plan ahead of time which products you’ll promote over Black Friday so that you can stock accordingly, which will help you avoid last-minute rush and make sure you have enough inventory to meet customer demand.

    Make sure to restock returned products as quickly as possible to get them back into circulation. 

    ReturnGO’s inventory automation rules make it simple to update your inventory when items are returned, so you can maintain your inventory without any extra work.

    9. Prepare a Black Friday Shipping and Returns Plan

    In order to ensure a successful Black Friday, make sure you have a plan in place for dealing with the increased volume of shipments and returns.

    Your Black Friday shipping and returns plan should include everything you need to have set up for fulfillment, shipping, returns, return shipping, and restocking. Make sure you have the right providers in place, and that everyone on your team is clear on how shipping and returns will work.

    Keep in mind that there may be bottlenecks in logistics such as production or fulfillment. Make sure you plan for buffers and find alternate logistics companies and suppliers who will be available as backup. 

    By having a shipping and returns plan in place, you can provide a better Black Friday shopping experience for your customers and avoid potential bottlenecks or delays.

    10. Use a 3PL to Manage Fulfillment

    Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t need to spend a lot of time overseeing how your products are received, distributed, and returned?

    To make your returns process easier, outsource your reverse logistics to a company that specializes in transportation, handling, and restocking. These external logistics companies are called Third-Party Logistics providers (3PLs).

    When using a 3PL you can automatically generate return shipping labels, track return shipments, and make sure that returned products are processed and restocked or disposed of appropriately. This can save you time and money, and ensure that your customers will be satisfied with their return experience.

    Using a 3PL is becoming an increasingly popular solution among eCommerce stores. In fact, 40% of retailers use a 3PL to handle returns.

    ReturnGO integrates with various 3PLs such as Deliverr to optimize your reverse logistics process and make sure returns are handled efficiently.

    By entrusting your reverse logistics to a 3PL, you can free up your focus to take care of other areas this Black Friday.

    11. Track Customer Return Data

    Take a look back at last year’s Black Friday return data. This will give you a good starting point for tracking returns this year. 

    Look at metrics such as the total number of returns, the average return value, and the most common reasons for returns. This information will help you to set up systems and processes to track returns more effectively this year. 

    By understanding the patterns of customer returns, you can make better decisions about stocking levels, product selection, and customer service.

    12. Build a Black Friday eCommerce Strategy

    Reducing your Black Friday return rate starts with having a good strategy in place for your eCommerce store. By planning ahead and being prepared, you can make sure everything runs smoothly when Black Friday arrives.

    To maximize your Black Friday eCommerce strategy, consider the following tips:

    1. Plan Ahead and Start Early 

    Get a jump on the competition by starting to promote your Black Friday deals well in advance.

    2. Prepare Your Website

    Make sure your website is ready and can handle the increased traffic and orders on Black Friday.

    3. Promote, Promote, Promote 

    Use all of your marketing channels to promote your Black Friday deals.

    4. Offer Discounts and Incentives 

    Offer discounts and incentives to encourage people to shop from your store on Black Friday.

    5. Provide Excellent Customer Service 

    Ensure your customer service is up to par to provide a positive shopping experience for your customers on Black Friday.

    Prepare for Black Friday by developing an effective eCommerce strategy and implementing it ahead of time.

    13. Make Returns Easy

    After Black Friday, there is usually a spike in returns, so it’s especially important to make it easy for customers to return items. 

    92% of customers say they’ll buy again if the return process is easy. By making returning items fast and convenient, you can retain your customers and keep them coming back year after year.

    How to make returns easy for customers:

    1. Have a return policy that is easy to find and understand. 

    2. Provide clear instructions and a streamlined return process. 

    3. Extend the return window for Black Friday purchases.

    By making returns easy for Black Friday shoppers, you’ll be sure to win their business – and their loyalty.

    14. Send Cart Abandonment Emails

    Online shopping cart abandonment rates are at a staggering 69.82% worldwide. By sending a reminder email to customers who have abandoned their shopping carts, you can boost sales and prevent returns.

    Cart abandonment emails are an effective way to win back customers who may have been distracted or simply changed their minds about a purchase. By offering a discount or incentive, you can encourage customers to complete their purchases.

    Sending cart abandonment emails is a great way to boost sales and prevent returns this Black Friday. Make sure your email marketing strategy is set up accordingly.

    15. Use Returns as a Marketing Strategy

    This Black Friday, use returns as a marketing strategy to promote your store. By offering customers a hassle-free return process, you can attract customers who might otherwise be hesitant to shop online and retain existing customers. 

    Clearly display your return policy on your website and in any ads or emails you send out. Highlight any special features in your return policy for Black Friday, and make sure your return process is easy to understand and follow. 

    Use returns as a way to let your customers know that you’re making it easy for them to shop with you this Black Friday.

    Perfect Your Black Friday eCommerce Strategy

    Black Friday can be a busy time for returns. Get ready for Black Friday by creating a plan to make the returns process as simple and painless as possible for both you and your customers.

    Use these 15 strategies for managing Black Friday returns to keep your customers happy and your business running smoothly during one of the busiest shopping days of the year.

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    Streamline Returns with Return Automation Rules Mon, 07 Nov 2022 12:05:03 +0000 ReturnGO helps streamline your returns using return automation rules. Automating your returns workflow frees up your team to focus on other tasks and makes your return process more efficient. 

    What Are Return Automation Rules?

    Return automation rules automate actions within your return process based on criteria that you define. 

    By automating your team’s processes and workflows, you eliminate the need to perform repetitive manual tasks. 

    Return automation rules follow a Trigger > Condition > Action workflow.

    Trigger: An event that triggers the activation of the automation rule.

    Condition: Requirements that must be met in order for the automation rule action to 


    Action: The part of the automation rule that completes a task.

    Let’s take as an example an automatic refund approval process.

    A return automation rule can be set up to automatically approve refunds when certain conditions are met. This automation rule might look like this:

    Trigger: A customer requests to return an item and receive a refund.

    Condition: The system detects that the date of purchase was less than 14 days ago.

    Action: The refund request gets automatically approved and the customer receives the 

    refund without your team needing to manually approve the refund request.

    Return automation rules enable you to replace time-consuming manual tasks with smart, automated return processes, saving time and improving efficiency.

    Why are Return Automation Rules Important?

    Return automation rules are an important part of improving your returns management workflow. With return automation rules, many key steps in your return process can be automated, increasing efficiency and saving time.

    Return automation helps you:

    • Boosts profits
    • Improves customers’ return experience
    • Streamlines the returns process

    Set up return automation rules such as auto-refund and auto-exchange to eliminate the need for manual data entry and make the return process more reliable, accurate, and efficient.

    By automating key steps in your return process, you can free up your team to focus on other tasks.

    Setting Up Return Automation Rules

    ReturnGO provides great flexibility when it comes to setting up return automation rules to fit your needs. 

    In order to set up your return automation rules, let’s break down how your return policy translates into conditions for the automation rules.

    Your return policy has conditions such as return timeframe, location, item returned, and more. These conditions are used to activate the return automation rules you define.

    For example, if your return policy defines a return timeframe of 30 days, you can have a return automation rule in which, when a customer tries to return an item within 30 days, the return request will be automatically approved. In this case, the 30-day return timeframe is the condition that enables the automation rule to be activated.

    Set up your return automation rules according to the conditions you define in your return policy, and choose the timing of the automation rule in relation to the condition.

    One of ReturnGO’s top features is the flexibility that you get in defining your return policy, automation rules, and other settings, enabling you to configure your returns process to your exact requirements.   

    What Return Automation Rules Can You Set Up?

    Here are some of the return automation rules you can set up to help streamline your returns workflow:


    The auto-refund automation rule enables you to automatically send a refund under certain conditions – for example, if an item is returned because it was damaged or defective.

    Automating refunds in cases where you know they will be eligible saves you time in your workflow.

    Auto-refund can be set to be initiated based on triggers: item validation, RMA approval, shipment in transit, or shipment receipt. You can configure the timing so that auto-refund is activated immediately or within a set amount of time after the trigger.


    The auto-exchange automation rule enables you to automatically release an exchange when a certain condition is met. 

    For example, you can set up auto-exchange so that when an item is returned and is in transit back to your store/warehouse, the exchange is released and a new draft order is generated in your Shopify account, which you can then fulfill and dispatch to the customer.

    Like with auto-refunds, auto-exchange can be initiated based on various triggers, such as once the returned items have been validated, once the RMA has been approved, or once the shipment has been received.

    Configure the timing so that auto-exchange is activated immediately or within a given amount of time after the action has occurred.


    The auto-approve automation rule enables you to automatically approve return requests based on criteria you define. 

    For example, you can define that if a customer requests a refund in the form of store credit and this is the first time that this customer has returned this item, the request will be automatically approved. The customer will immediately receive a confirmation email with a return shipping label or instructions on how to return the item.

    Auto-approve will automatically be enabled for auto-refund resolutions.

    By setting up auto-approval automation rules for certain conditions, you can automate the RMA approval process, saving you the time of manually going into the RMA card and approving each return request. 

    Auto-Mark as Done

    The auto-mark as done automation rule enables you to automatically mark the RMA (return merchandise authorization) status as Done once all required actions are completed for each item.

    Auto-mark as done applies to the entire RMA, so only once all policy rules are completed for all the items will the RMA be marked as done.

    In other words, once all the steps of the return have been completed, the RMA status will automatically be marked as done.

    Use Return Automation Rules to Save Time

    If you’re looking to streamline your returns process, return automation rules can be a big help. By automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, you can make your returns workflow much more efficient.

    Use ReturnGO’s return automation rules to automate key parts of the returns process. Save time, minimize errors and reduce your costs.

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    Track eCommerce Return Reasons to Improve the Customer Experience Thu, 03 Nov 2022 09:50:54 +0000 Return reasons offer valuable insights into why customers return products. This information can help you to make adjustments to your products and return policy.

    By tracking the return reasons your customers provide when requesting a return, you can identify patterns and make changes in order to reduce the number of returns and improve the customer experience. 

    Why Return Reasons Are Important

    Return reasons are important to track for analytics purposes. By understanding why customers return products, you can learn from these insights and improve your products and services.

    Have your customers answer follow-up questions and upload photos to give you an in-depth understanding of why your customers are returning items.

    For example, if a certain product is frequently being returned because it does not meet customers’ expectations, you may need to improve the product description or images. If a product is regularly being returned due to size issues, you may want to add or improve sizing charts on the product page.

    Setting Up Your Return Reasons

    Set up an unlimited amount of return reasons. Your return portal comes with default return reasons that you can edit, add and remove as needed.

    The return reasons you define can be used to create your return policy. You can establish eligibility conditions based on return reasons. 

    For example, if you offer a full refund for items returned within 30 days, you could add a return reason for “changed my mind” and only refund those items if they are returned within 14 days. Use return reasons to make your return policy more relevant and specific.

    Once you’ve defined your return reasons, you can customize which return reasons to display in your return portal, as well as how they are displayed and in what order. This will make it more convenient for customers when they need to request to return an item.

    How Return Reasons Appear in Your Return Portal

    When customers request to return a product, they are given the list of return reasons to choose from. Once they select a return reason, they are then asked follow-up questions related to that reason. This enables you to track and analyze the most common reasons for product returns, and take steps to address them.

    Setting Follow-Up Questions

    The ability to set up follow-up questions is a unique feature that ReturnGO offers. In addition to the standard return reasons, you can create follow-up questions to get more information and gather more accurate analytics about the reasons your customers are returning products.

    For example, in addition to the standard return reason of “doesn’t fit,” you can follow up with questions such as “too small,” “too large,” “too long,” or “too short.” 

    Alternatively, for the return reason of “damaged product,” you could follow up with questions such as “what part of the product was damaged?” and “upload images.”

    Create sequences of follow-up questions – as many as you want and in any order you choose. Choose from 6 different types of follow-up questions, giving a lot of flexibility. Follow-up questions can be a combination of multiple-choice questions, free text questions, image uploads, and more.

    Asking follow-up questions can help you further analyze your return reasons and collect additional information to identify specific issues with your products, processes, and customer experience.

    Image Upload

    The ability to request photos from customers when they select a certain return reason is a great advantage that ReturnGO offers.

    For example, you can require customers to upload a photo of the product when they’re returning a product due to damage, or when they received the wrong product. 

    The image upload feature helps to verify the return and prevent fraud, as well as identify product damage and other recurring issues. Use this information to improve your product quality and shipping processes to minimize these return reasons in the future.

    View the images your customers uploaded in the RMA card, which includes all the details of their return request, including the return reason they selected, the answers to follow-up questions, and the images they uploaded. 

    By having all the necessary information about the return request, you can make informed decisions about how to handle it.

    Tracking Return Reasons Analytics

    Return reasons can provide valuable insight into your customers’ experiences and your products, as well as how they can be improved.

    Track your return reasons on your analytics dashboard to see which return reasons are most frequently given, and how return reasons vary by product.

    Analyzing your store’s total return reason distribution can help you identify which return reasons are most common. The return analytics dashboard provides a clear visual representation of your return reasons. 

    Get a deeper understanding of your return process by comparing the rates of different return reasons. Determine what causes the most returns for particular products, and address those reasons to reduce your return rates.

    For example, if a product has a high rate of “does not fit: too small” returns, consider adjusting the sizing description or adding more detailed sizing charts. 

    If a product has a high rate of “not what I expected: functionality is not what I expected” returns, it may be worth rewriting the product description to add more detailed information. This will help future customers know what to expect and make purchase decisions accordingly.

    Use Return Reasons to Optimize Your Business

    Track the reasons your customers provide for returning products to identify patterns and make improvements to your products and customer experience. 

    By understanding the reasons behind returns, you can reduce your returns and optimize your returns process to make it as smooth and efficient as possible.

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    How to Reduce Online Return Bracketing Mon, 31 Oct 2022 13:37:00 +0000 Customers fill up online carts with items of multiple sizes and colors with the intention of trying them on at home and then returning what they don’t want. This increasingly common habit is called bracketing, and it can have a huge impact on your bottom line. 

    By taking a closer look at what bracketing is and why it happens, you can start to put processes in place to reduce online return bracketing while improving the customer experience.

    What is Online Bracketing?

    Online bracketing is when customers order multiple versions of the same item to try at home, planning to return what they don’t want. 

    Whether it’s size, style, color, or pattern, customers use bracketing to explore different options and return any items that don’t quite hit the mark. 58% of customers over-order with the intention of returning items that don’t fit or they don’t like. 

    Why Does Bracketing Happen?

    Bracketing happens when customers who are uncertain of their size or aren’t sure which color or pattern they prefer order a few different ones.

    Other categories other than apparel are also affected by bracketing. For example, when customers aren’t sure if a rug will look good between their couch and their TV, they are likely to buy the rug, try it, and then decide. 

    When shopping in a physical retail store, customers typically pick out items, try them on in the fitting room to make sure they like the look and fit, and then buy the items they want. 

    Similarly, bracketing turns customers’ bedrooms into personal fitting rooms. Instead of trying on items and then purchasing them, customers buy items and then try them in their own time, returning whatever doesn’t fit or they don’t like.

    What Are the Effects of Bracketing?

    Bracketing affects eCommerce stores by costing money on packaging, labor, shipping, and warehouse space.

    This can put a strain on your store’s resources, and it is important to manage returns efficiently in order to reduce the impact on your business.

    Another reason bracketing is problematic is that it can create artificial inventory shortages. A bracketed purchase involves several variants being taken out of inventory at once, only for some to reappear later. This makes it hard to keep track of inventory and anticipate replenishment needs.

    Returned items often aren’t resellable and are discarded, which leads to significant revenue loss and huge environmental damage.

    The negative effects of bracketing on your resources are a good sign to take a closer look at your customer experience and see what you can do to reduce online bracketing.

    How to Reduce Online Return Bracketing

    In order to reduce bracketing, focus on making it easier for customers to be sure of what they want to buy before placing the order, and to exchange items they don’t want for ones that will suit them better.

    Here are a few steps you can take to discourage online bracketing. 

    Provide Detailed Product Pages

    Make sure to include plenty of details on your product pages to ensure that customers are informed about products before making a purchase, so they can act with intention and feel confident in their decision.

    Provide clearly written and accurate product descriptions, and make sure to include all the details customers might need.

    Start by imagining your ideal customer. What level of humor do they appreciate? What type of language do they use? What questions do they ask?

    Consider how you would speak to your customers if you were selling to them face to face. And then incorporate that language into your eCommerce site, creating a similar depth of communication.

    Include sizing charts and high-quality photos and videos on your product pages to help your customers make their purchasing decision. 

    A combination of high-quality product descriptions, sizing guides, and imagery will ensure your customers can be confident they are buying the right product for them.

    Include User-Generated Content

    User-generated content (UGC) is original, specific content created by customers such as reviews, photos, testimonials, and more.

    89% of customers factor customer reviews into their buying decisions. Display user-generated content directly on your product pages to reassure customers and help them make sure they’re buying the right thing for them. Use an app like Loox to collect user-generated content and display it clearly on your product pages.

    USG is an authentic source of information that customers are more likely to trust than your branded content. This is because 88% of customers trust recommendations from people they know more than from any other channel. 

    Customers turn to user-generated content in the same way they’d ask their friends or family for an opinion. Think of user-generated content as modern-day word of mouth.

    Track Buying Trends

    As an online merchant, it can be challenging to identify a widespread bracketing problem. This is because you are only able to see a problem when a product has high sale rates as well as being returned often. 

    The returns process is a great opportunity to gather data on which items are most often returned and why. 

    Asking your customers for reasons for their returns can help you identify areas of friction in your online shopping experience that may be prompting bracketing.

    By determining which items are bracketed most frequently, you can adjust sizing, improve product pages and look for other ways to reduce bracketing.

    Offer Easy Exchanges

    Make it easy for customers to exchange items. 

    Save them the hassle of buying an item, trying it at home, finding out that it’s not suitable, returning it, and then making an entirely new order for the right size/color/type.

    Make the exchange process more efficient so that customers can quickly and easily exchange their purchased item for one that fits their needs.

    Use a returns management system to encourage customers to exchange rather than return items. Make it easy for customers to exchange their items by automatically suggesting alternative sizes when they list ‘size’ as their return reason, and other smart resolutions.

    Offering a convenient exchange process is a great strategy to reduce bracketing at your online store. Improve the returns and exchange experience so that bracketing is no longer necessary, instead of punishing customers who bracket.

    Less Uncertainty Means Less Bracketing

    Bracketing happens when customers aren’t sure exactly what they want. Reduce the element of uncertainty by providing clear product details, photos, and customer reviews. 

    Use an automated returns solution to make exchanges easier so that customers can replace items that don’t fit without a hassle.

    Reducing bracketing improves the online shopping experience for all sides involved.

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    How to Customize Your Branded Return Portal Mon, 24 Oct 2022 13:13:00 +0000 Customize your branded return portal to make it feel like a natural extension of the online shopping experience and build brand credibility. 

    A well-designed return portal that blends in with the rest of the site provides a smoother and more streamlined return experience, which ultimately leads to greater customer loyalty and satisfaction.

    Why is it Important to Brand Your Return Portal?

    Branding your return portal is essential in order to provide a consistent customer experience across all your platforms. 

    Directing customers to a generic return portal that doesn’t fit the rest of your eCommerce store causes a disruption to the customer experience and can create suspicion about entering personal details.

    You can brand every aspect of your return portal, from the colors and style of the portal itself to the return policy and return resolutions.

    Having a consistent brand identity helps increase revenue by 33%. When done correctly, returns can be a great branding opportunity and provide a seamless customer experience. 

    How to Customize Your Branded Return Portal

    While many return portals let you upload your logo or change your background image, without customizing your return portal on a deeper level it can be difficult to fit it to your brand.

    In a branded return portal such as ReturnGO, you can easily use intuitive settings to select colors, styles, and buttons to brand your return experience from end to end.

    Select Your Brand Colors and Style

    Brand your return portal to match your store’s colors and style. Brand colors, especially, can boost brand recognition by 80%.

    You can set up your button colors, accent colors, text colors, background colors, and more. Apply your brand colors to make your return portal blend in perfectly with the rest of your eCommerce store.

    Make sure that the return portal font, logo, and design elements (rounded buttons, bolded text, etc) match your brand style.

    By visually integrating your return portal into your website, customers will recognize it as part of your brand and feel comfortable using it because it won’t look any different from the rest of the website.

    Add Text in Your Brand’s Voice

    Branding your return portal isn’t just about the visuals – it’s also about the way you communicate with your customers, using CTAs and prompts.

    Implementing your brand’s voice and tone throughout the returns process makes your customers feel like they’re interacting with your brand at every step, creating a consistent brand experience that increases customer loyalty.

    Customize the text on every page of your return portal, from login all the way to confirmation. 

    Use the same CTAs that you use in the rest of your store and adjust the language used to fit your brand voice.

    Align your return portal with the personality and values your customers experienced throughout the shopping journey and provide a consistent user experience.

    Set Up Branded Emails

    Customize the emails your customers receive to make them immediately identifiable as coming from your store.

    Upload your logo, adjust colors, and create templates to make your emails consistent with your brand voice and style.

    This is your chance to stand out among the sea of confirmation emails your customers receive every day. Customizing the emails you send to your customers shows them that you care about their experience beyond the sale and builds credibility for your brand.

    Set up your branded emails to fit in perfectly with the rest of the customer journey.

    Customize Your Return Policy

    Every company is different, so it’s important to customize your return policy to reflect your brand’s unique voice and values. 82% of customers want to buy from brands that align with their values.

    Take some time and create a return policy that accurately represents your brand messaging, not just your return requirements. 

    By clearly defining your return policy and outlining the conditions under which customers can return items, you set the tone for your store and ensure that customers know what to expect from the returns process.

    It is important to remember that a return policy is not a one-size-fits-all process. What works for one eCommerce store may not work for another. Customize your return policy to fit your business.

    Having a branded return policy shows that you care about your customers and are committed to their satisfaction. 

    Turn the Return Process Into a Branding Opportunity

    Customize your return portal to make it feel like a natural extension of the online shopping process, avoiding friction for customers and creating a positive return experience.
    Many aspects of your return portal can be branded. Improve the customer experience by using returns as a major branding opportunity.

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    21 Effective Ways To Implement Personalization in eCommerce Tue, 18 Oct 2022 12:28:00 +0000 Make your customers feel special by personalizing your eCommerce shopping experience and making your customers want to buy from you again and again.

    Why is it Important to Implement Personalization?

    Offering a personalized shopping experience is important because customers like to feel seen, and to feel that your business knows and cares about them.

    When customers have a positive interaction with an online business, they are more likely to seek out that experience again the next time they want to buy something. 80% of customers are more likely to make a purchase when provided with a customized experience.

    Customers prefer shopping with eCommerce stores that recognize them as individuals at every step of their journey. 

    When customers have personalized interactions they are more likely to spend more. Personalized shopping experiences drive impulse purchases and encourage customers to spend more. In fact, customers spend an average of 34% more when their shopping experience is personalized.

    Only 15% of retailers have implemented personalization strategies, so now is the time to set up a personalized customer experience and stay ahead of the game. 

    21 Ways to Implement Personalization in eCommerce

    Personalizing your customer experience can be as simple as using the customer’s name in emails, or as advanced as offering AI-driven product recommendations.

    Take advantage of eCommerce personalization by delivering personalized content throughout the customer journey. Here are a few ways you can personalize your online shopping experience.

    1. Offer Tailored Product Education

    Provide personalized product training and information for the specific products your customer purchased. 

    If your customers don’t have all the information they need to use the product successfully, they will need to reach out to your support team for help or they might even turn to your competitors if they can’t easily figure out how to use your product.

    Make sure your customers have all the content they need to succeed, from the ‘whys’ to the ‘hows’. Each of your customers should know how to best utilize your product for their specific needs.

    When creating tailored products education, answer these questions:

    • What challenges are customers having and how can your product help?
    • What will customers be able to accomplish with your product?
    • In what ways can your product be used?

    Customer-facing knowledge bases and on-demand training material are the two most common forms of product education.

    2. Automate Your Customer Experience

    Automation can help provide a tailored, personalized customer experience while saving you time and money.

    Many parts of the customer journey can be automated, from order fulfillment to customer service, to returns processes, and more.

    Essential elements to automate:


    Inventory management is an integral part of eCommerce and automating your order tracking and stock management can make a huge difference to the customer experience.

    Everything from generating and printing shipping labels to marking orders as dispatched to creating order tracking numbers can be automated. 

    When you automate your inventory management and fulfillment process, you get your customers their orders faster and more efficiently, while giving them more options on shipping, payment, and stock.

    Customer Service

    Accelerate customer support with automatized personalization and self-service features.

    Using an app like Gorgias, you can set up your live chat so that customers can track an order, initiate a return, or cancel their purchase, without ever chatting with a live agent. Set up personalized templates so that customers will feel like they’re speaking with a human.


    Automate and personalize your returns process with an automated returns management system

    Using a branded return portal, you can provide a convenient self-service way for customers to request a return or exchange. Customers input their order details and automatically see the items they purchased, and then they can select which items to return and why.

    Using customizable eligibility conditions you can personalize the returns process and only show customers return options that are applicable to them.

    Offering a convenient returns process makes customers more likely to come back and buy from you again.

    3. Develop Customer Profiles

    Customer profiles are created to represent the types of customers who would typically use your products and to help make customer-focused decisions.

    One of the most important parts of delivering a personalized customer experience is taking the time to understand who your customers are. 

    A popular way of defining customer profiles is by creating semi-fictional personas that represent your target audience’s shared characteristics. 

    To develop customer profiles:

    1. The first and most crucial step in creating customer profiles is fully understanding your own products, services, and your business mission. 

    2. Survey your customers to get their feedback on your products and on their perception of your business.

    3. Identify your customers’ demographics, psychological characteristics, and behaviors.

    Once you have gathered all the information you can, it is important to document your findings in a database using an easy-to-read template. Your customer profile template should include sections for demographics, behaviors and habits, psychological characteristics, and environment. 

    Developing customer profiles help you better understand the characteristics shared by your target customers, so that you can market to them more effectively and personalize their customer experience. 

    4. Send Personalized Emails

    Stores that send personalized emails have better performance across the board, including an 81% increase in click rates, a 133% increase in conversion rates, and a 142% increase in revenue per email compared to stores that send only static one-time emails. 

    Make sure to send the right emails at the right times, depending on where the customer is in the customer journey.

    Segment your email list based on factors such as:

    • Demographics
    • Purchase history
    • Email opening times

    Beyond using the customer’s name, make sure to provide personalized content, messaging, intent, and visuals. Incorporating direct links to the customer’s account page, wishlist, or recent orders is an easy way to instantly make each email more personal and relevant to each customer.

    5. Offer Personalized Product Recommendations

    Personalized product recommendations can help increase revenue and session time, and make you stand out from your competitors.

    There are a number of places on your eCommerce site where product recommendations can be effective.

    Homepage Recommendations

    Your store’s homepage is the first thing that customers see when they visit your site. Homepage recommendations inform customers about the latest deals and discounts, display a selection of products, and provide personalized offers. 

    Product Page Recommendations

    Personalized product recommendations on your product pages entice customers to continue browsing, moving from one product they liked to another that complements it.

    Shopping Cart Recommendations

    Product recommendations in the shopping cart enable you to recommend accessories or products frequently bought together. Make it easy for customers to add recommended products directly to their cart so they don’t have second thoughts and abandon their cart.

    Product Category Recommendations

    Filters don’t help customers who aren’t sure what they need, especially when there are a large number of products in each product category. Product category recommendations can be used to direct customers towards what they might want to buy based on what you know about them.

    Offering personalized product recommendations can be extremely valuable in driving more revenue, increasing average order value (AOV), and providing a positive customer experience.

    6. Provide an Omnichannel Experience

    Provide a personalized and consistent customer experience across all channels.

    Providing an omnichannel customer experience means engaging customers through multiple channels, treating each touchpoint (e.g. social media, SMS, chatbots) as part of a single seamless, frictionless experience.

    Whether it’s face-to-face or by phone, email, social media, or live chat – customers expect your business to be there when they need something. 

    Using an omnichannel approach, your customers can start their experience on one channel and continue it seamlessly on another. 90% of customers use multiple channels to engage with a business throughout the process of placing an order. 

    Businesses that use three or more channels have a 494% higher order rate than those using a single channel.

    An omnichannel marketing strategy doesn’t have to mean being everywhere. It means being present and available where your target customers are and delivering a positive and personalized customer experience.

    7. Develop a Self-Service Process

    Offering a self-service customer experience reduces frustration by enabling customers to find the answers they need quickly and easily.

    A self-service customer experience can include accessible information such as FAQs, guides, how-to videos, and a knowledge base. You can also include tips, hints, and best practices to help customers.

    Benefits of offering a personalized self-service experience:

    • Helping customers solve issues themselves by using their past data and automatically suggesting solutions and tools. 
    • Providing easy problem resolutions, tools, and guidance strengthens brand loyalty and gives customers a positive shopping experience.
    • Addressing each customer by name, keeping a record of their past purchases and using customer data to create relevant content makes customers feel cared for.

    81% of customers want more self-service options. Customers who are able to solve issues on their own are usually more satisfied with their experience and give a high customer service rating. 

    8. Follow Up on Cart Abandonment

    Cart abandonment emails help re-engage customers who created but then abandoned online shopping carts. Abandoning online carts is pretty common – almost 70% of online shopping carts are abandoned before the customer completes the purchase. 

    Ask yourself the 5 C’s when creating cart abandonment emails:

    1. Customer – Is the email tailored to the customer using their name and other elements that make them feel seen and cared about?

    2. Context – Does the content of the email address the reasons the customer might have abandoned their cart?

    3. Customization – Does the email include personalized elements such as unique subject lines or product recommendations?

    4. Concise – Is the email engaging, short, and to the point?

    5. Call to Action – Is it easy to find a button or link to the checkout page?

    Personalization adds flavor to cart abandonment emails – the trick is to make what may seem like an unwanted marketing message feel like a life-saving, last-ditch opportunity.

    9. Speak Your Customers’ Language

    To communicate effectively with your customers, you need to speak their language. Using technical jargon will confuse and deter them. Remember that while you may be an industry expert, your customers are not necessarily – so fit the language you use to how your customers think and speak.

    Make sure your message doesn’t get lost in a sea of buzzwords and technical jargon. We often become so familiar with our products that we lose sight of the simpler terms that our customers are using. Build trust with your customers by communicating with them the way that they communicate with each other.

    To better understand how your customers speak:

    1. Read industry publications and see how situations are described. 

    2. Attend customers’ events and listen to the phrases and words used to describe challenges.

    3. Track current and potential customers on social media to see the phrasing they use. 

    4. Join LinkedIn and Facebook groups relevant to your customers’ industries and monitor the discussions and the most commonly used words.

    5. Follow industry blogs, online articles, and discussion boards, and see what people are writing about and what they care about.

    The goal is to figure out how to communicate your products in terms and phrases that your target customers already use. 

    10. Reward Loyal Customers

    One of the best ways to keep your eCommerce customers coming back is to reward them for their loyalty. Offer discounts, free shipping, or exclusive access to new products. 

    Let your loyal customers know that you appreciate their business and want to keep them coming back for more. 

    Everyone loves presents, and your customers are no exception. While traditional loyalty programs are limited to points for purchase, you can add a level of personalization to your customer experience by offering points for social media sharing, uploading images, leaving reviews, and answering surveys. Offering a variety of options for earning points allows the customers to interact with your brand on their terms.

    Ensure that you are offering relevant rewards by collecting customer feedback and checking in with your customers.

    11. Identify Customer Needs and Motivations

    Understanding what your customers want and need enables you to more effectively market to them and provide what they are looking for.

    For example, fashion shoppers looking for dress shoes are more likely to want to filter by color than durability, whereas the opposite may apply to a factory worker looking for work shoes (prestige motivated vs safety motivated).

    You can identify customer needs and motivations by running surveys, collecting feedback, performing competitor analysis, and doing other market research.

    Analyze which pages your customers view the most and do A/B testing on marketing messages that target different customer motivations.

    Turn insights into action by tailoring your eCommerce store’s visuals, navigation, and content according to the information you gathered about your customer needs and motivations.

    12. Focus on Customer Segmentation

    Customer segmentation involves grouping customers based on shared qualities, taken from existing data. 

    Factors by which to segment your customers:


    Group your customers by demographics such as age, gender, language, or occupation.


    Use geographic information to segment your customers by location.


    Leverage your customers’ behavior and product usage such as purchase frequency and login sessions per month to segment your customers.

    Customer Journey

    Your customers can be grouped by the stage of the customer journey they are in.

    Segmenting your customers enables you to more easily communicate with customers in a way that resonates with them, and personalize their shopping experience in a way that suits them best.

    13. Collect Customer Data

    Making sure that personalization is respectful and helpful, and not unwanted or creepy depends on designing the right customer data foundation and strategy.

    Your personalization experiences are only as good as your data. 

    Look at it this way – a personalized customer experience is a meal that you serve, and customer data is the raw ingredients that you’re using in the kitchen. To deliver eCommerce personalization that drives business, you need to start with the right data foundation. 

    There are 3 main types of customer data you can collect:

    1. First-party data is provided directly by customers through your channels, such as your website or mobile app.

    2. Second-party data is provided by an external source for whom that data is first-party.

    3. Third-party data is bought, collected, and sold by a data aggregator.

    Increased regulations over the last few years have made it more important to ensure that your personalization efforts are based on compliant customer data. 

    As consent preferences of data from third-party sources can be unclear, it’s preferable to focus on collecting first-party customer data, which you can track.

    Data-driven personalization in eCommerce requires a delicate balance between improving the relevance of the customer experience and respecting data privacy.

    To find that balance, follow these rules:

    • Collect customer data responsibly
    • Keep a customer-centric focus
    • Don’t overstep

    14. Check In on Your Customers

    Take the time to check in on your customers to send a clear message that you care about their experience with your business. This can go a long way in building customer loyalty and creating a positive reputation for your eCommerce store.

    You can send customers personalized emails about delivery updates, special promotions, or product recommendations to remind them that you haven’t forgotten about them, that you’re available if they have questions, and that you’re committed to their satisfaction.

    Ask your customers for a review after they receive their order or recommend similar or complementary products they may be interested in. Checking in on your customers reminds them that you care and that you see them as individuals. 

    15. Be Available Around the Clock

    Nowadays it is more important than ever to be available around the clock for your customers. With the click of a button, customers can purchase products and services at any time of day or night, and they expect the same level of customer service and support.

    To meet these expectations, your eCommerce store needs to have customer service and support available 24/7. This can be accomplished by using a combination of live customer service representatives and automated systems.

    By being available around the clock, you can provide your customers with an exceptional level of customer service, which helps build customer loyalty.

    16. Gather Customer Feedback

    Gathering customer feedback provides valuable insights into what is working well with your products and what can be done to improve the customer experience. 

    Customer feedback is a great way to listen and learn from your customers. You can gain valuable insight into what customers feel is lacking in your business by collecting feedback in a systematic manner. 

    When gathered effectively, customer feedback can be used to optimize your customer experience to make it more personalized. 

    Methods for gathering customer feedback:

    • Customer feedback surveys
    • Email and customer contact forms
    • Customer interviews
    • Social media listening
    • Website activity analytics

    Think about your most important goals and start with one simple method for collecting customer feedback before branching out to more complex methods such as analytics.

    Customer support channels are a great place to begin collecting customer feedback; you can approach every interaction as an opportunity to collect feedback.

    17. Create a Customer-Focused Vision Statement

    When creating a customer-focused vision statement, it is important to consider what your business wants to achieve and who your target customers are (based on your customer segmentation). Your vision statement should be aspirational yet attainable and should serve as a guide for your team as you work to grow your business. 

    Keep your customers at the forefront of your mind as you develop your vision statement. With a customer-focused vision statement, you can ensure that your company is always working to meet the needs of your target market.

    A good vision statement will be:


    Great vision statements are aspirational and ambitious, conveying a sense of passion for the ideal future toward which the business is working.


    Your vision should be something that your business will have to strive for while still being achievable.


    Zoom out and broaden the scope of your vision instead of making it finite or specific.


    Be strategic in selecting the ideas that feel the most relevant – your vision statement should focus on objectives that relate to your business’s mission and purpose.

    A vision statement will adapt and change as your business achieves goals, grows, expands its offerings, and updates its mission. Once a year, review your vision statement to make sure it still accurately describes your business’s vision.

    18. Offer Customer Support via Social Media

    Social media is a customer support channel that is becoming increasingly popular in eCommerce.

    1 in 3 social media users would rather use social media customer service than telephone or email customer service.

    Social media has become key to multichannel initiatives because it provides a convenient way for customers to engage with eCommerce stores. 

    Social channels provide a valuable source of information and insight that your business can use to personalize your online customer experience.

    19. Regularly Evaluate Your Products and Services

    It’s important to regularly evaluate your eCommerce products and customer service to make sure to keep offering a personalized experience. By understanding your customers’ needs and wants, you can make sure that you meet their expectations. 

    Consistently review your customers’ preferences and seek feedback from every available source. Use the insights you gain to develop more customized customer interactions.

    By taking the time to evaluate your eCommerce products and customer service, you can ensure that your customers have a more positive and personalized shopping experience.

    20. Use AI for Real-Time Personalization

    Real-time eCommerce personalization is now possible thanks to advances in artificial intelligence (AI).

    AI can help recommend products that a customer might be interested in, using AI-based algorithms that heavily rely on real-time behavioral data of the user, providing them with hyper-personalized experiences.

    In addition, AI can be used to provide customer support, by answering questions or resolving issues. As AI technology continues to advance, more and more businesses will use AI to create personalized customer shopping experiences.

    By using AI for real-time eCommerce personalization, you can provide your customers with a better overall experience, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and higher sales.

    21. Close the Personalization Loop with Returns

    Provide a personalized online return process to create an overall positive customer experience.

    Use data from your returns process to improve the customer experience. Look at which products are being returned and why, and then use those insights to improve the customer experience even more.

    For example, if you notice that certain products are being returned frequently for the same reason, you can take steps to address the issue.

    Give customers a choice in how they return or exchange products, and make the returns process as easy as possible. Use an automated return management system to provide a personalized return experience.

    Personalizing Your Customer Experience Goes a Long Way

    From the initial look through your site to the final checkout, an excellent customer experience must include personalized content that appeals to your customers’ wants and needs in order for them to be satisfied and come back and buy from you again.

    Digital technology has paved the way for eCommerce businesses like yours to go the extra mile to make every customer feel special by implementing personalization.

    Pick one element to personalize and get started on improving your eCommerce shopping experience and creating a competitive advantage.

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    7 eCommerce Return KPIs You Should be Tracking Wed, 12 Oct 2022 10:27:00 +0000 Understanding which eCommerce return key performance indicators (KPIs) to track helps you make data-driven decisions that will help your store’s performance.

    While there are a number of eCommerce return KPIs that are important to track, some of the most relevant ones include conversion rate, repeat purchase rate, and average order value. 

    By tracking relevant KPIs, you can get a better understanding of how your online store is performing and make informed decisions to improve your profitability and customer retention.

    What are eCommerce Return KPIs?

    Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are measurable metrics that help you track how your eCommerce store is performing.

    Measuring eCommerce KPIs provides you with updated and relevant information about your revenue, customer behavior patterns, return trends, and more.

    Tracking eCommerce KPIs relating to returns can help you make more informed decisions on how to improve your returns process.

    The Importance of Tracking eCommerce Return KPIs

    Tracking eCommerce return KPIs provides valuable insights into your customers’ buying behavior and the effectiveness of your returns process. 

    By monitoring these metrics, you can identify patterns and trends in returns, which can help you address the root cause of returns and make improvements to your products, shipping process, and customer experience.

    Your returns data can be used to optimize your returns strategy, reduce costs associated with returns, and increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

    Monitor and analyze your eCommerce return KPIs regularly to better understand your returns process and optimize your store.

    7 eCommerce Return KPIs to Track

    A successful eCommerce return strategy depends on tracking the right return KPIs.

    So which eCommerce return KPIs should you be tracking? And what do those metrics mean? 

    1. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

    Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is how much it costs your eCommerce store to acquire a new customer. Acquisition costs can include marketing and advertising expenses, sales commissions, and any other costs associated with attracting potential new customers.

    Tracking your customer acquisition cost helps you determine whether your marketing strategies are effective and how to maximize your return on investment (ROI).

    When tracking CAC as a KPI, you’ll be able to see exactly how much more expensive it is to acquire new customers than to retain existing ones, and focus your efforts accordingly.

    How to Measure Customer Acquisition Cost

    To calculate your customer acquisition cost, divide the amount spent on marketing and onboarding efforts by the number of new customers.

    2. Conversion Rate (CR)

    The conversion rate (CR) is the rate at which visitors are converting on your site. Usually, when talking about eCommerce stores, conversion means purchases.

    An effective way to reduce the perceived risk of making a purchase is having a customer-friendly return policy that’s easy to find on your site. 66% of customers check a return policy before making a purchase. 

    Making your return policy and return process easier and more convenient will improve your conversion rate, since visitors to your online store will feel more confident about making a purchase.

    How to Measure Conversion Rate

    To calculate your conversion rate, divide the number of conversions by the total number of visitors, then multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

    3. Average Order Value (AOV)

    Average order value (AOV) is how much customers spend per order. 

    Tracking your average order value gives you a clearer view of your revenue per customer and helps you make informed business decisions such as when to offer free shipping.

    Your AOV determines how much you are getting out of each customer, and as a result, out of each dollar spent on customer acquisition.

    Increase your average order value by getting high spenders and frequent customers to sign up for a loyalty program and rewarding them for their loyalty, and by targeting low spenders with special offers and cross-sells.

    How to Measure Average Order Value

    To calculate your average order value, divide your total revenue by the number of orders.

    4. Repeat Purchase Rate (RPR)

    Repeat Purchase Rate is the percentage of total customers that come back for a second purchase. 

    Having a customer return for a second time increases their likelihood of becoming loyal customers and buying from your store again and again.

    Repeat purchase rates vary depending on the industry. For example, groceries naturally have a higher rate of repeat purchases than electronics. Additionally, the size of the eCommerce store plays a role, with larger and more diverse stores such as Amazon receiving more repeat purchases than specialized stores.

    Product returns have a direct impact on your repeat purchase rate. Providing an easy and reliable returns process shows your customers what to expect if they need to make a return again in the future. Although it may seem counterintuitive, providing a hassle-free returns process makes your customers more confident to buy from you again.

    How to Measure Repeat Purchase Rate

    To calculate your repeat purchase rate, divide the number of repeat customers by the total number of customers, then multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

    5. Return Rate

    Product Return Rate is the percentage of products that are returned.

    It’s no surprise that tracking your product return rate is a central KPI for returns management. By tracking your eCommerce return rate, you can measure customer satisfaction, identify the reasons customers return orders, determine order accuracy, and take corrective measures to reduce your return rate.

    How to Measure Return Rate

    To calculate your product return rate, divide the number of returned products by the total number of sold products, then multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

    6. Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate

    Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate is the percentage of customers who add items to their shopping cart but then abandon it before completing the purchase.

    Your shopping cart abandonment rate is an indication of how intuitive and trustworthy your checkout process is. Tracking your cart abandonment rate can help you identify hiccups in the checkout process that might be preventing customers from finalizing their purchases.

    How to Measure Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate

    To calculate your shopping cart abandonment rate, divide the number of completed purchases by the number of shopping carts created, subtract that from 1 then multiply by 100 for the percentage.

    7. Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)

    Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) is the total value of a customer based on their overall sales. This KPI provides important insights into how customers interact with your business and if your marketing plan is working as expected.

    Keeping track of your LTV helps you increase customer loyalty and retention, which is important because returning customers buy more often and spend on average 67% more than first-time customers.

    Having a high customer lifetime value is a great sign of good customer retention, and boosting your customer LTV should be one of your eCommerce store’s key goals.

    How to Measure Customer Lifetime Value

    There are multiple definitions of LTV, from basic calculations that only look at revenue to more complex calculations that factor in gross margin and operational expenses. For the sake of simplicity, we’re calculating LTV using revenue.

    To calculate a customer’s lifetime value, multiply that customer’s Average Order Value by the number of purchases they’ve made. You can calculate an overall average LTV by calculating the average order value and the average number of purchases made per customer.

    Track Return KPIs with ReturnGO

    Tracking the right eCommerce return KPIs can hugely improve your eCommerce returns strategy. 

    Use an automated platform like ReturnGO to help you track the relevant return KPIs and streamline your returns process to maximize customer retention and sales.

    Keeping an eye on these eCommerce return KPIs will help you grow your business, keep more customers, and retain more revenue.

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    The Importance of Eco-Friendly Packaging in eCommerce Tue, 04 Oct 2022 09:23:00 +0000 As an eCommerce business, it’s important to consider the environment when making decisions about your packaging. Using eco-friendly packaging is a great way to reduce your impact on the environment. 

    There are many ways to make packaging more sustainable, from using recycled materials to choosing packaging that can be reused or recycled.

    Customers are becoming increasingly aware of what businesses are doing in terms of sustainability, so using eco-friendly packaging can be a huge factor in your success. 

    Why is Eco-Friendly Packaging Important?

    Eco-friendly packaging is important for reducing the environmental impact of eCommerce because it uses fewer materials, is more environmentally friendly to produce, and is easier to dispose of in a sustainable manner. 

    By reducing your carbon footprint, promoting sustainable business practices, and using eco-friendly packaging materials, you can ensure that your eCommerce store aligns with your customer’s values and that no huge environmental damage is caused.

    Here are some of the benefits of using eco-friendly packaging in eCommerce.

    Decreased Carbon Footprint

    Switching to eco-friendly packaging reduces your business’s carbon footprint.

    Packaging production is hugely energy-intensive and emits greenhouse gases that damage the environment and contribute to global warming. Creating new packaging from existing materials uses less energy than using raw materials.

    In spite of their convenience and affordability, plastic, styrofoam, and other non-biodegradable packaging materials negatively impact the environment by clogging water drains, raising global temperatures, polluting water bodies, and adding to landfills.

    Choosing sustainable packaging helps the environment and decreases your carbon footprint.

    Improved Brand Image and Increased Sales

    Your packaging is the first experience your customers have with your products. Using eco-friendly packaging shows customers that your brand is committed to sustainability.

    There has been a growing awareness of the need for sustainability in recent years, to the point where 83% of customers consider the environment when making purchasing decisions and 78% think that businesses could be doing more to be eco-friendly. 

    In a world where customers increasingly prefer buying from eco-friendly brands, using eco-friendly packaging improves your brand image and increases your chances of attracting environmentally-conscious customers.

    Reduced Waste

    More and more eCommerce stores are taking measures to reduce packaging waste and use more recyclable or reusable materials.

    Over 2 billion tons of waste end up in landfills worldwide every year, with 91 percent of packaging waste being sent to landfills

    Certain states in the US have established regulations around packaging waste, especially in regard to single-use plastics, shopping bags, and increased recycling.

    To reduce the amount of packaging that ends up in landfills, switch to compostable or recyclable packaging, or reuse packaging from returned products.

    Types Of Eco-Friendly Packaging Solutions

    Choosing the right packaging material will help your online store reduce its carbon footprint, improve its brand image, and increase sustainability.

    Corrugated Packaging

    Corrugated packaging is made up of around 70% to 100% of recycled material.

    Manufactured from paper pulp, corrugated packaging is commonly made from pine trees and can also be created from woodchips and by-products of many types of paper-making processes.

    The materials used in corrugated packaging usually come from sustainable forests, where harvested trees are replaced with seedlings to start the process again. This makes corrugated packaging highly renewable. 

    Besides being easily recyclable and renewable, corrugated packaging can also be reused, helping to further reduce packaging costs and environmental impact. Many corrugated boxes are designed to be easily collapsible and fully reusable.

    Compostable Packaging

    Compostable packaging is made from organic materials that break down in a reasonable period of time and leave no toxic chemicals or harmful particles behind. 

    The most popular type of compostable packaging is bioplastics, which are plastics made from renewable resources. Bioplastics help reduce the use of fossil fuels for plastic production and can be made from materials such as corn, wood, algae, sugarcane, and more. 

    One of the most commonly used bioplastics in packaging is PLA, which is a functional, renewable, and comparable replacement for traditional plastic packaging often made from cornstarch or sugarcane.

    Another example of a compostable packaging alternative is mushroom-based packaging called mycelium packaging, which is used as a replacement for Styrofoam.

    Recycled Packaging

    Recycled packaging is made of recycled materials, as part of a circular economy. By using recycled materials you give a second life to plastics or cardboard that have already been produced and used.

    By using recycled packaging you can reduce the use of natural resources, decrease landfill waste, and prevent pollution by minimizing the need for raw materials.

    Recycled Plastics

    Using 100% recycled plastic is a great way to maintain your commitment to sustainability even in cases where plastic packaging is the most practical solution for your business and shipping needs.

    You can reduce the need for raw materials by using recycled plastic for your packaging. It is important to note that most plastic can be recycled only 2-3 times, which means that even recycled plastic packaging will eventually end up in landfills.

    Recycled Paper and Cardboard

    Paper and cardboard are among the most recyclable materials that prevent waste pollution. When striving to maintain a high level of eco-friendly packaging, be sure to use recycled cardboard and paper that have been obtained from post-industrial or post-consumer sources.

    Sustainable Packaging is the Future

    Take part in reducing the environmental impact of eCommerce by shifting to eco-friendly packaging.

    From recycled plastics to biodegradable packaging, there’s a wide variety of options available for eco-friendly packaging, and you can choose to use whatever suits your products best. 

    Assess the packaging your eCommerce store uses and see what you can change to make your business more sustainable.

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    How to Reduce Your eCommerce Split Shipments Wed, 28 Sep 2022 09:13:00 +0000 Look at why split shipments happen and how to reduce them to cut down on costs, reduce waste, and improve the efficiency of your supply chain.

    There are a variety of reasons for split shipments, including having inventory stored in different places or not being able to fit everything into one box. Split shipments cost money, generate environmental waste, and are generally an inefficient way to ship out orders. 

    Let’s take a closer look at split shipments and how to reduce them.

    What are Split Shipments?

    A split shipment is when an order of multiple products is sent in a few separate shipments. The customer receives multiple packages even though they ordered everything together.

    Why are Split Shipments Used?

    Sending out an order in separate shipments can happen for the following reasons:

    Products are Sent From/To Different Locations

    Products may need to be shipped from a few different warehouses/fulfillment centers or at different times, and customers may request to receive different parts of their order to separate addresses.

    An order of multiple products may need to be fulfilled from two fulfillment centers if one doesn’t have enough stock to fulfill the entire order. This gets the products to the customers more quickly, instead of waiting for one fulfillment center to get more inventory.

    Similarly, if the products for the order aren’t all ready at the same time, you can ship them in parts, starting with the items that are ready.

    Another reason for split shipments is when customers want to split up their orders to be sent to multiple addresses. While many customers will create separate orders for each location, some customers may want to purchase a few products in a single order. This is particularly frequent during the holiday season when people are buying a lot of gifts.

    The Items Won’t Fit into One Package

    You might want to split your shipments when dealing with heavy or large products – equipment, furniture, etc.

    For example, an order of four watch straps will usually fit into a single package. Conversely, if you order two couches, you wouldn’t expect to receive one huge box containing both. It would make more sense for them to come in two separate boxes because each product is so big and heavy. 

    When calculating your packaging size and weight, you also need to make sure to leave space in the box or package for dunnage and protective materials, especially when shipping fragile items.

    Another thing to take into account is that different shipping carriers have their own rules and limitations, such as maximum weights and heights for shipments. 

    The Downside of Split Shipments

    Some of the main reasons you would want to avoid eCommerce split shipments include:

    Packaging Waste

    Shipping a few boxes instead of one wastes packaging, which can be a big issue for brands who want to be eco-friendly.

    Even when using eco-friendly packaging, regularly sending out split shipments isn’t environmentally conscious.

    83% of customers consider the environment when making purchase decisions, and shipping multiple packages separately might not sit well with those customers who care about shopping sustainably.

    Shipping Costs

    Sending out split shipments ends up costing more since you (or the customers) are paying for transportation to the same location twice or more times per order.

    Another factor to take into account is that depending on where the separate shipments are sent from, the final cost to the same destination may change based on shipping zones.

    How to Reduce Split Shipments

    Optimizing your supply chain can help you reduce the need for split shipments.

    Here are some steps you can take to reduce eCommerce split shipments:

    Have Enough Products in Stock

    Making sure not to run out of stock will reduce your split shipments.

    In order to make sure you always have enough inventory in stock, you can track:

    • How much inventory you have at each fulfillment center.
    • How much time you have to reorder each product before running out.
    • How your inventory is affected by seasons and sales.
    • How much money you can save on shipping by moving your inventory to a different fulfillment center.

    In addition, you can ensure you always have the relevant products on hand by recommending products to your customers that can only be fulfilled from the same location as the main item in their order. By consolidating the order, you can reduce the packaging and shipping costs.

    Spreading out your inventory across your different fulfillment centers can improve your shipping costs and times. Avoid running out of stock by planning ahead and tracking your inventory.

    Understand Customer Behavior Patterns

    Improve your eCommerce logistics process and provide a better customer experience by understanding your customers’ shopping behavior patterns.

    Think through the following questions:

    • Where are most of your customers located? 
    • Can you distribute your inventory to multiple fulfillment centers?
    • Which products are often bought together? 
    • How often do customers come back and buy again? 

    It’s important to understand how your customers shop in order to adapt your inventory and shipping processes accordingly.

    If certain products are often purchased together, you can group them as bundles and increase your average order value. Or if you have repeat customers purchasing the same products frequently, it might be worth offering a subscription plan.

    You can also consider giving customers a choice of consolidating all of their ordered products into one shipment. Customers may choose to wait longer to receive everything together instead of getting several separate shipments.

    For example, Amazon lets customers choose to receive multiple orders together at a later time rather than automatically getting the fastest shipping method. 

    Streamline Your Shipping

    From packaging to inventory management, it’s important to understand why split shipments are used and how to reduce them.

    Reducing split shipments saves you money, reduces waste, and makes your supply chain more efficient.

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    3 Ways to Prevent eCommerce Wardrobing Return Fraud Wed, 21 Sep 2022 10:00:00 +0000 More and more customers are ordering items online, using or wearing them once or twice, and returning them – this is a type of return fraud called wardrobing. 

    Wardrobing makes up nearly 70% of all fraudulent returns, which cost the retail industry a total of $23.2 billion a year.

    It’s time to take action to prevent your customers from taking advantage of your return policy to get away with wardrobing.

    What is Wardrobing?

    Wardrobing is a type of return fraud where customers “rent” items by ordering them online, using them once or twice, and returning them for a refund.

    37% of shoppers admit to wardrobing apparel, shoes, or accessories. Wardrobing is essentially a fraudulent way that customers use an item temporarily at no cost. 

    For example, a customer may buy an outfit for a special event, wear it with the tags hidden, then return it the next day and get their money back.

    While wardrobing might seem like an innocent thing to do, it’s considered return fraud and is illegal. The problem is there aren’t any real legal consequences, and it can be difficult to tell if someone wore a piece of clothing only once.

    Who Does Wardrobing and Why?

    Customers may engage in wardrobing for a few different reasons:

    • Trying out the item for a short period of time to determine whether or not it truly meets their needs. 
    • Returning items that were only used once or twice as a means of generating fast cash in the case of a change in economic circumstances.
    • Using an item for a one-time special occasion and not wanting to absorb the price of an expensive item.
    • Feeling pressure to keep up with fashion trends and not wearing an outfit more than once.
    • Enjoying the thrill of getting away with what might be considered a negligible crime.

    When tags are attached with safety pins or knotted ribbon, it’s especially easy for customers to remove and reattach them to an item without any evidence of tampering.

    Preowned items are also particularly susceptible to wardrobing because they already show existing wear and don’t have tags, so there won’t be any evidence of fraud if returned after use.

    No matter the reason for wardrobing, it is illegal and there are various steps you can take to prevent eCommerce wardrobing return fraud.

    3 Ways to Prevent Wardrobing

    The impact of wardrobing on eCommerce merchants is growing, as online shopping is becoming more popular and customers have more flexibility. 

    Returned items often aren’t in good enough condition to be resold at full price, and wardrobing adds to the cost of processing returns and of lost sales to non-wardrobing customers.

    Wardrobing can be prevented in a number of ways:

    1. Establish a Clear Return Policy

    Create a clearly-defined eCommerce return policy with terms and requirements designed to minimize the effects of wardrobing, which is a type of return policy abuse.

    For example, you can set a limited return window, define specific conditions for product returns, and offer refunds only in the form of store credit instead of a direct refund.

    Although a lenient return policy may give your customers peace of mind, it can also expose you to return fraud. Keep this in mind when creating your return policy, and make sure to clearly define your conditions for accepting product returns.

    2. Inspect Returned Products

    Inspect returned items as soon as possible and don’t issue a refund until you are sure the item was returned legitimately and is not a subject of wardrobing.

    When inspecting returned items, avoid letting the tendency to process items quickly affect the effectiveness of your inspection.

    There are many ways to tell if an item has been used or worn and is return fraud. An item may be wrinkled, spotted, stained, soiled, smelly, have a broken seal or damaged tag, or put back together wrong. 

    Assess the returned item and then implement the return policy accordingly. If the item looks fine and can be restocked and resold, go ahead and move forward with the refund or credit. 

    If the item has clearly been used and isn’t resellable, it’s okay to stand your ground and refuse to accept the return, based on the conditions defined in your return policy, on the grounds that the item was returned as a form of wardrobing fraud.

    3. Use Anti-Wardrobing Tags

    Anti-wardrobing tags allow customers to try on an item while being specifically designed to be difficult to replace or hide when wearing an item. 

    Using anti-wardrobing tags is effective in deterring wardrobing return fraud because they are highly visible and extremely difficult to replace once removed. Some of the most popular anti-wardrobing tags include 360 ID and Alpha Shark.

    Make it clear in your return policy that the tag must not be tampered with in order for returned products to be eligible for a return.

    Protect Your Store Against Wardrobing

    Wardrobing has become the largest proportion of return fraud. Stay ahead of the curve by developing and implementing procedures that help you identify and prevent wardrobing, such as updating your return policy, inspecting returned items, and implementing anti-wardrobing tags.

    Prevent wardrobing return fraud while delivering a positive and trustworthy customer experience by using a return portal to collect information about return reasons, request photo evidence, and set eligibility conditions.

    Step up and take action to protect your eCommerce store from the harmful impact of wardrobing return fraud.

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    7 Common Return Reasons and How to Prevent Them Tue, 13 Sep 2022 10:00:00 +0000 Being familiar with the most common return reasons for eCommerce purchases, such as the item not fitting or the item arriving damaged, helps you understand how to prevent them in the future.

    Why do customers return items? Tracking the reasons customers give when returning products makes it easy to identify the most common return reasons and determine how to prevent them.

    The 7 Most Common Return Reasons

    1. Item Doesn’t Fit

    Product size is a key factor and major reason for returns, especially in the fashion, footwear, and clothing industry. This is the most common return reason – 70% of customers say they returned products due to size or fit issues. 

    Shoes that are the wrong size or a bathing suit that doesn’t fit are of no use to customers, and returning them becomes the only option.

    How to Prevent This:

    Provide Sizing Charts

    Including clear sizing charts or measurement instructions on your product pages is a good idea so that your customers can be sure they’re choosing the right size.

    Make sure to provide:

    • Multiple points of measurement
    • Instructions on how to measure each point on the body
    • Sizing guidance for the different brands that you carry

    A great example of an eCommerce store helping their customers find the right size is Universal Standard’s ‘Find My Size’ page. 

    Offer Easy Exchanges

    Provide a convenient exchange process to encourage customers to swap out their misfitting items for something else instead of just asking for their money back. 

    Make it easy to exchange items for a win-win situation – your customers end up with what they need, and you don’t lose the sale.

    2. Item is Different Than Described

    Product accuracy is important for reducing returns, because when a customer orders a product online based on the product description and receives something that doesn’t match those expectations, they’re likely to return it.

    There are many ways that a product can end up being different than expected: color, pattern, size, material, durability, and more. Misguided expectations can often result from vague or confusing product descriptions.

    How to Prevent This:

    Write Clear Product Descriptions

    Provide detailed product descriptions and high-quality product photos. Make up for your customers’ inability to physically touch the products by showing and describing textures and material, and providing views from different angles.

    The goal is to show customers exactly what your products can do for them and for them to be able to visualize themselves using the products.

    3. Item Arrived Damaged

    Damaged items are a frequent return reason you may hear from your customers.

    Products sometimes get damaged during shipping, and fragile items such as glassware, ceramics, and books are most likely to arrive damaged. Carefully packaging the products you ship out is extremely important for ensuring they will arrive safely.

    If many of your products are being returned as defective, you may want to check your warehousing method because temperature, moisture, and other environmental factors may be damaging your inventory.

    How to Prevent This:

    Check Your Packaging

    Make sure your packaging is appropriate for your products so they don’t get damaged along the way. 

    Boxes should be only slightly larger than the products. Make sure they have enough space for padding to prevent the products from moving around during shipping.

    If your products are fragile, such as ceramic plates or artwork, make sure they’re carefully wrapped in plenty of cushioning material.

    Whether your eCommerce business fulfills and ships 10 or 10,000 packages a day, the way you package your products is a key component to getting your products into the hands of your customers undamaged.

    Partner With Reputable Fulfillment Providers

    Improper package handling or warehousing can result in damage to the products.

    In order to minimize losses, partner with only reputable shipping and fulfillment companies, get shipping insurance, and set up a system to double-check items before shipping them out.

    If you’re working with a new carrier or shipping partner, send a few test orders to make sure they deliver packages without being damaged. 

    4. Item Arrived Late

    Orders may get delayed due to unexpected shipping or supply problems. 45% of customers say they are unlikely to continue ordering from a company after one instance of late delivery.

    How to Prevent This:

    Work With a Reliable Shipping Carrier

    Make sure you choose a reliable shipping carrier to take care of your shipments. Work with a shipping carrier that you can trust to get your deliveries out safely and on time.

    When choosing a shipping carrier, do some test orders to make sure the carrier is consistent and reliable, and sticks to their time estimates.

    Provide Constant Shipping Updates

    Clear communication and transparency can help can reduce customer frustration, especially in situations where the shipping timeline is out of your control.

    Send your customers real-time updates about their order, preferably with tracking numbers so they can be aware of the exact time frame in which they’ll receive their order.

    Over-estimate your shipping times, so that you don’t promise something that you can’t commit to. While fast delivery is appealing to customers, knowing when to expect their delivery is far more important.

    If the shipment does end up getting delayed, make sure to let your customers know. Customers want to hear the truth and know what’s going on.

    Offering credit or free gifts to customers whose deliveries are late can help your store retain customers who might otherwise leave.

    5. Wrong Item Was Sent

    A common reason products get returned is the wrong item being received. This can often happen due to pick and pack errors during fulfillment. 

    If a customer orders a set of ceramic plates and receives a set of bowls instead, they will naturally return the product, as they did not order bowls. Human error is the most common cause of these mistakes, which is more likely to occur when your fulfillment team is overworked or understaffed.

    How to Prevent This:

    Outsource the Fulfillment Process

    One of the best ways to keep up with order fulfillment and improve its quality is by working with a Third-Party Logistics (3PL) Provider

    Outsourcing to a 3PL can help you reduce your fulfillment errors and make sure your customers receive the right products.

    Offer a Convenient Return Process

    Make it easy for customers to let you know about the mistake and return the incorrect product they received.

    Providing a self-service return portal makes the return process simple. By simplifying the online return process you’ll build trust and increase the likelihood of that customer buying again.

    A return portal also lets you easily track return reasons and view insights into your customers’ return patterns.

    6. Item is Poor Value

    Returns due to poor value are one of the most challenging return reasons to address, as it can be difficult for your customers to accurately evaluate a product’s value when shopping online, and “poor value” can be very subjective.

    While an occasional return due to poor value may be unavoidable, if you receive this complaint frequently it may be worth re-evaluating your pricing strategy or the language you’re using to describe your products’ value. 

    How to Prevent This:

    Be Transparent Up Front

    Over-praising the quality of your products can lead to unfounded expectations. Be transparent about your products so your customers know exactly what to expect before purchasing. 

    A good way to demonstrate the true value of your products is by including user-generated content, such as reviews, photos, and videos.

    In fact, 2 out of 3 customers say they would be less likely to return a product if they had been able to read or view user-generated content before buying.

    7. Customer Changed Their Mind

    Customers changing their mind is a common reason for returns. Customers may receive their order and then change their mind and decide they don’t like the product or don’t need it anymore. 

    Online shopping can be much more impulsive than shopping in-store. Customers are likely to order things they don’t need just because it’s so easy to buy with just a few clicks. 

    For example, a last-minute earphone purchase made when ordering a laptop may be of no use if the customer receives the package and then realizes they already have a pair of earphones at home.

    How to Prevent This:

    Have a Clearly-Defined Return Policy

    Be clear about your return policy – under what conditions you allow returns, how long customers have to decide they don’t want the products, and which products are eligible for returns.

    Make it easy for your customers to find your eCommerce return policy. Display it clearly on product pages, at checkout, and in confirmation emails so that they know what to expect.

    Take Action to Prevent the Most Common Return Reasons

    Return reasons from misleading product descriptions to fulfillment mistakes can be prevented  when you know what the most common return reasons are and what you can do to prevent them.
    Using a return portal can help you track what your store’s most common return reasons are. When you identify the most common reasons customers return items to your store, you can take action to prevent similar future returns.

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    7 Ways to Increase Profit Margin for eCommerce Businesses Mon, 12 Sep 2022 08:15:37 +0000 In an eCommerce business, profit margin denotes the revenue dollars flowing to your bottom line. It represents the money you are making and the overall financial health of any business. If you want your eCommerce business to thrive in the industry, you must stay focused on your profit margins and fiscal health.

    Generally, profit margins depend on the type of products you sell. If you are a reseller (of other brand products), your gross profit margin could be 25%. 

    For a direct-to-customer eCommerce business, the gross profit margin could be 40-60% or higher. The more the profit margin, the better for your business. 

    There are various ways to increase the profit margin for an eCommerce business. Let’s get to know them: 

    1. Brand Awareness

    It’s estimated that there are 12-24 million eCommerce websites worldwide, with more stores adding up each day. Amidst such a high range, the competition is high too. So, you must focus on a branding strategy that raises awareness. 

    The rule of thumb is to familiarise people with your eCommerce brand, so they buy more from you. These repeated purchases and leads can improve both incremental sales and market share. All in all, it can increase your profit margin and give you a better edge in the competitive market.  

    2. Reducing Your eCommerce Return Rates

    The average online purchase rate for an eCommerce business is 18.1%. Moreover, about 80.2% of returns occur because of damaged/broken products. With such statistics, you must know that high return rates have a huge impact on profit margins.

    If it keeps increasing, you may soon face backlash in business-customer relationships. It may also discourage the buyers from returning to your website.

    That’s why it’s important to reduce the return rate for your eCommerce business. Reducing rates will create value for both the shoppers and retailers. It will also ensure more profit and a happier customer base. 

    The best way to reduce your eCommerce return rates is by ensuring that the products meet your customer expectations.

    For that, you can analyze the customer return pattern, define return policy, and introduce exchange over returns. 

    3. Try BeProfit, the Profit Analysis Dashboard

    The best way to improve your eCommerce profit margin is by having a clear picture of where your business stands. And how could you do so? Through BeProfit

    BeProfit is a top-rated profit analysis dashboard that can interpret your eCommerce data for better profits and business growth. It integrates all the performance KPIs on one board for a complete overview. Also, it helps to understand business metrics by breaking complex data into precise graphs/charts. 

    BeProfit is trusted by the sharpest eCommerce minds and is quick to set up. You just need to get the app, sync the platforms, and start making data-driven decisions. It’s that easy!

    Its precise profit analysis, full customizability, and seamless integration make this tool even more convenient. BeProfit can cut down your extra efforts and help you discover the true eCommerce profits at a glance. 

    4. Customer Loyalty Programs

    Customer retention is the base of earning good profit margins. The more customers you retain, the better sales you drive. So, you must introduce loyalty programs that engage the customers and encourage them to buy frequently from you. 

    About 48% of shoppers say that the most critical time for any company to gain loyalty is during their first purchase. In that phase, you can try out several types of loyalty programs, including point-based, hybrid, and perk programs. 

    You can also advance loyalty programs through gamification. Say, by offering badges to the members who log in multiple times (weekly).

    Loyalty programs can encourage repeat consumers and reduce marketing spending. It can also increase revenue which can result in higher profit margins. 

    5. Boost Sales by Selling High-Margin Products

    Selling products with high-margin profit is better than low-margin ones. That’s because low-margin products make you work hard for fewer returns. Meanwhile, if you sell high-margin products, you earn greater profits with minimum sales. 

    If you want your high-margin products to sell, you must increase the visibility for the same. For example, you can create a hybrid catalog that involves both high and low-margin products. But in the list, you can emphasize the high-margin products more, so they receive more exposure. 

    You can work on your backend and configure the high-margin products to appear more commonly in the site search results.   

    6. Work on Product Content

    Did you know that 40% of consumers have returned an online purchase due to poor product content quality? Similarly, more than 90% of online shopping carts were abandoned, with poor product descriptions being one of the reasons. 

    That’s why, as an eCommerce business owner, you shouldn’t miss on producing premium quality content for good profit margins. Customers are likely to buy products that seem legitimate. 

    It should have proper information/details along with high-quality images. As people are buying your product online, poor product content is a big turn-off for the customers. You must also optimize your website to be mobile-friendly so that customers can stay longer.  

    7. Right Number of Stock

    As an eCommerce business owner, you know the importance of product stock for profit margins. Your inventory should have the right number of stock. It should neither be overstocked nor understocked. 

    If it’s understocked, you might miss on loyal customers and good sales. Similarly, if it’s overstocked, you will be draining unnecessary cash. Moreover, there is the risk of products getting out of fashion or degraded over time. 

    That’s why you should research your customers and stock up accordingly. You can add up some extra stock but do not go overboard with it.

    Final Words 

    These are the seven effective ways by which you can increase the profit margins for your eCommerce business. See how your profit margins improve when you combine all or a few of these methods!

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    10 Strategies to Level Up Your eCommerce Customer Experience Mon, 05 Sep 2022 10:00:00 +0000 Level up your eCommerce customer experience to make your customers more likely to buy again, stay loyal to your brand, and share their experience with others.

    Why is it Important to Improve Your Customer Experience?

    Improving your eCommerce customer experience can increase your customer lifetime value, brand awareness, and revenue.

    A good customer experience means your customers will spend more. In fact, 90% of buyers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience. With that in mind, it makes sense that customer experience has become the number one priority for eCommerce stores.

    It’s essential to improve your customer experience in order to stay competitive in the eCommerce world.

    10 Strategies to Improve Your eCommerce Customer Experience

    Here are some hand-picked strategies you can implement to take your customer experience to the next level.

    1. Create a Seamless Checkout Process

    When customers decide to buy a product, the last thing they want is a long checkout process. Make sure your checkout process is streamlined and easy to navigate for an excellent eCommerce customer experience.

    An average of 81% of customers abandon their carts before buying, and half of your customers are less likely to go through with the purchase if the checkout process takes longer than half a minute. 

    Make the checkout experience seamless for your customers:

    • Offer Guest Checkout

    With the option to check out as a guest, customers can complete their purchase without 

    entering extra information, making the checkout process faster and more accessible.

    • Provide Multiple Payment Options

    Customers like having options when shopping online. Offer multiple payment methods 

    such as: 

    • Debit and credit cards
    • Shopping apps (i.e PayPal)
    • Digital wallets (i.e Apple Pay or Google Pay)
    • Buy now, pay later 

    Having a seamless checkout process builds trust with your customers, gives them a better customer experience, and makes them more comfortable buying from your store.

    2. Personalize Your Customer Experience

    Give your customers what they want. 80% of customers are more likely to make a purchase when offered a personalized shopping experience. Personalization drives impulse purchases, leads to fewer product returns, and creates customer loyalty.

    Personalize your customers’ eCommerce shopping experience based on different variables. Use recommendation engines for personalized product recommendations based on location, shopping, and browsing history.

    You can also use exit pop-ups, discounts, and abandoned cart messages to make your customers feel seen and to keep them engaged.

    Put effort into creating a personalized customer experience and customers will keep coming back to buy again and again.

    3. Have a Clearly-Defined Return Policy

    Customers like to know what to expect from the return process before making a purchase. Over 60% of customers read a return policy before placing an order, so it’s worth putting time and effort into creating a return policy that sets clear expectations and reflects your store’s values.

    Your store’s return policy can make or break a sale, and turn a visitor into a customer for life.

    When creating your return policy, take the time to brainstorm ideas, do your research, create drafts, and consult with others. 

    A transparent and well-defined return policy gives customers confidence in your business and reassures them that they’re making the right choice by buying from your store. 

    4. Craft Detailed Product Pages

    Since your customers can’t physically hold your products before buying, your product pages become an important factor in whether or not they buy from your store. 87% of customers say that the content on product pages plays a significant role in their purchasing decision.

    A compelling product page has engaging copy, compelling visuals, and clear navigation. Add validity by including user-generated content such as reviews and photos.

    The goal is to show customers exactly what your products can do for them and be able to visualize themselves using the products.

    5. Make Your Website Easy to Navigate

    Your website is the face of your business. If your eCommerce site is well-designed, it will capture customers’ attention within a few seconds and entice them to stay.

    Customers want easy-to-navigate pages that let them browse your products and find exactly what they need. 

    Keep your eCommerce website design clear, clean, and simple. Too many elements on a page (colors, banner ads, popups, etc) may take away from the focus which is closing the sale.

    6. Offer a Self-Service Returns Process

    Customers like being in control and having a choice. Give your customers the ability to request a return or exchange without needing to send an email or contact your support team.

    A self-service return portal leaves little room for miscommunication, moves the returns process along faster, and gives your online store a competitive edge over others.

    Returns can have a huge impact on customer loyalty. 92% of customers say they’ll buy again if the return process is easy. 

    Clearly defining how your returns process works and providing a convenient returns experience makes your customers more confident to shop with you.

    7. Provide Exceptional Customer Support

    Just like customers ask a clerk for help in a brick-and-mortar store, they want to be able to talk to a live person about product questions.

    In this digital-first world, eCommerce customer service is more than just nice to have – it’s essential in order to thrive in the competitive eCommerce industry. 96% of customers say that customer service is an important factor in their loyalty to a brand.  In the world of eCommerce, good online customer service is essential. Using customer service software like Tidio helps you deliver an excellent customer experience through live chat, chatbots, and automation.

    Improve your customer service with:

    • Self-service support (Help Center, FAQ, chatbot)
    • Multi-channel customer service
    • Fast response time

    Giving customers easy access to top-notch customer service should be a top priority.

    8. Utilize Customer Feedback

    Collecting feedback from your customers can help you gain a deeper understanding of your customers’ pain points, their perception of your brand and products, and their experience from the moment they visit your site to the moment they receive their order.

    Customer surveys are an effective way to collect opinions, insights, and information from your customers. Use the data you collect from your surveys to improve your customer experience, products, and services accordingly.

    To get started, you don’t need to launch a big customer feedback campaign just yet. Start small by asking customers just a few questions, such as:

    • How did you hear about us? 
    • What did you think about your recent purchase? 
    • What could we do to make the experience better? 

    Start with a simple customer survey and grow from there.

    9. Perfect Your Post-Purchase Emails

    Post-purchase emails are an integral part of the customer journey, and they often make the difference between one-time customers and loyal customers. “Thank you for your order” isn’t the end of the customer journey – it’s just a step in the process. 

    A few post-purchase emails you can use to improve the customer experience:

    • Personalized thank you emails
    • Review request emails
    • Product recommendation emails
    • Educational emails

    The power of post-purchase emails is often underrated and they can be one of the most effective elements of your eCommerce strategy. 

    Putting thought into your post-purchase emails can increase your revenue, boost your customer engagement, and reduce overall marketing expenses.

    10. Focus on Your Loyal Customers

    Loyal customers are your most valuable asset. The average amount spent per purchase by loyal customers is 67% higher than the average amount spent by new customers.

    You are also more likely to get referrals from loyal customers. Having a high referral rate can increase your customer lifetime value by more than just the amount a customer spends with you.

    In addition to direct referrals, simply increasing brand awareness can be extremely effective, since people are more likely to buy from a brand they are familiar with than one they are unfamiliar with.

    Loyalty programs are a powerful tool for building customer loyalty. A customer loyalty program encourages customers to buy more in exchange for rewards. 

    When creating a customer loyalty program, consider which customers you want to target and what type of loyalty you want to drive. What is it that you want your customers to do? Your loyalty program should align with your overall business strategy and brand messaging.

    Give Your Customers an Experience They’ll Never Forget

    Offer your customers a positive shopping experience, and they’ll keep coming back for more.

    From how you communicate with customers to automating processes, focus on giving your customers an easy, personalized, comfortable buying experience.

    The better your eCommerce customer experience, the more likely your customers will be to remain loyal to your brand – ultimately boosting your revenue and keeping you competitive.

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    How to Resell Your Online Store’s Returned Products Thu, 01 Sep 2022 08:15:50 +0000 Reselling products your customers return to your online store is an effective way to recover costs on product returns and make your business more sustainable.

    Many of the products that you get returned are probably in great condition and can be resold online as “used”. Reselling returned products online is called reCommerce. 

    What is reCommerce?

    Reselling used products online is known as reCommerce.

    More and more eCommerce retailers are reselling used products online. In fact, 50% of second-hand sales are expected to come from online resale by 2024. 

    There are many leading eCommerce companies that have online reCommerce outlets. For example, Best Buy has an online outlet where it sells open-box appliances, and HP has an online outlet with refurbished computers and more.

    What are the Benefits of Reselling Returned Products?

    The benefits of reselling your returned products include making money on otherwise wasted inventory and increased sustainability since products are reused rather than discarded. 


    Handling returns is costly – from return shipping to returned inventory handling. Reselling those returned products saves you money and makes your eCommerce store more profitable.

    With return rates at an all-time high, and many eCommerce stores offering free returns, you lose money twice on shipping for every returned item, as well as on handling costs, warehousing costs, and more.

    By reselling your returned products, you can help to offset the costs associated with returns and keep your online business running smoothly.

    Customers often return products because they change their minds or receive an item that doesn’t match their expectations. Rather than throwing away the products and losing money, you can resell them if they’re in good condition.

    For example, if a customer orders a pair of jeans that don’t fit right, and returns them for another size, those jeans are still in great condition. The jeans could easily be resold, regaining some of the money you lost on the processing and shipping.

    So is it worth reselling your returned products? Think about it this way – if you don’t resell those returned products, where will they go? 

    If the answer is to the garbage dump, or to sit on your warehouse shelves for an indefinite period of time, it’s definitely worth putting them up for sale again instead of losing money on wasted products. 


    There’s a high environmental cost to eCommerce returns. “Easily, 25% of all these returns get destroyed,” says Jason Goldberg, chief commerce strategy officer at Publicis and founder of By reselling returned products you contribute to sustainability and reduce the environmental impact of returns.

    Product returns in the US generate an estimated 27 million metric tons of carbon emissions and 9.6 billion pounds of landfill waste each year.

    Reselling returned products creates a circular economy that reduces a lot of the environmental impact of returns.

    Demand for the production of new products can be reduced by recycling and reusing used products. Producing fewer new products reduces raw material consumption, factory energy consumption, and landfill waste accumulation.

    Fashion is a particularly important industry in this regard. It’s no secret that fast fashion causes significant damage to the environment.

    Although reCommerce doesn’t completely eliminate fast fashion, it can cushion it by reselling pre-owned clothing and accessories that are in good condition, preventing them from going to landfills and making your eCommerce store more sustainable. 

    How to Resell Returned Products

    70% of customers say it’s easier to shop second-hand than ever before, thanks to the growth of technology and online marketplaces.

    There are many ways you can resell your returned products – in bulk, on third-party reCommerce sites, to liquidation companies, and more. 

    Two of the simplest strategies for reselling your returned products are directly on your site or through a third-party reCommerce service.

    Add a reCommerce Section to Your Site

    An easy way to resell returned products is to add a reCommerce section to your online store. 

    Resell returned items at a discount through a ‘sale’ or ‘used’ category on your website. This provides easy access for customers seeking used and discounted products.

    For example, Best Buy has a section of its online store dedicated to used, clearance, and refurbished products.

    When listing returned products on your website, be honest about the condition of the products, and include high-quality images so that customers know exactly what they’re buying.

    Another thing to consider when reselling products is what your return policy is for returned products. Some online stores don’t offer returns at all for used products, some offer a restricted return policy, and some offer the same return policy as regular products. 

    When defining your used products return policy, make sure your eligibility conditions for returns are clear and that your return policy is noticeably displayed on the product page, checkout page, and in confirmation emails to your customers.

    Use a Third-Party reCommerce Site

    An alternative to reselling returned products yourself is using a third-party reCommerce service. If you want to resell your returned products but don’t know where to start, third-party reCommerce sites can help you streamline the process by listing your returned products on all the best resale platforms and getting you the best price.

    Track and manage your reCommerce listings in one place, with full transparency and control.

    The Positive Impact of reCommerce

    Take a moment to think about the way your online store handles returned products and consider whether it’s worth reselling returned products. 

    Reselling returned products through reCommerce is becoming a more and more popular solution for returned inventory, and the online resale market is estimated to skyrocket in value to $50 billion by 2026. 

    Start reselling the products your customers return to recover costs and make your online store more sustainable.

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    Return Metrics Every Shopify Merchant Needs to Know Sun, 28 Aug 2022 13:43:03 +0000 In order to reduce your return rate, you need to understand how return rates are calculated and what return metrics are essential for your Shopify store to track.

    Understanding why and how your customers return items will help you reduce returns and keep your customers happy.

    Important eCommerce Return Metrics

    There are a few ways to track your returns – by looking at your overall return rate or by breaking it down further to see what percentage of those returns are refunded and what percentage are exchanged.

    Return Rate

    Your return rate is how many products were returned relative to the total number of products sold. 

    The average return rate for eCommerce has doubled in the last few years, bringing it up to 20.8%, and many eCommerce merchants are left scratching their heads about how to cope with this new situation.

    View your return rate as a high-level metric, and then dig into the specific types of returns and the reasons for returns. Looking at your returns this way lets you evaluate the efficiency of your returns process and return policy.

    How to Calculate Your Return Rate

    To calculate your return rate, divide the number of returned products by the number of total products sold, then multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

    For example, if you sold 15,000 products this year and 5000 of those products were returned, your return rate would be: 5000 / 15,000 x 100 = 33%

    Return Rates by Category

    Some industries are more susceptible to high return rates than others. 

    For example, an apparel company may have high return rates because customers can’t try the clothes on before ordering. 

    Analyzing your category’s product return rates will help you compare your business with your competitors.

    How to Reduce Your Return Rate

    Improve Product Descriptions

    Customers can’t touch or feel online products, so your product descriptions matter. Make sure your customers know exactly what they’re ordering.

    Make sure each product page includes:

    • Relevant and accurate title
    • Details of what makes the product unique
    • List of product specifications and features
    • High-quality product images and videos
    • User-generated content such as reviews and images

    The more information your customers have before they place their order, the less likely they are to return products.

    Make Returns Easy

    Customers like things to be easy. When your customers feel they can rely on your returns process, they’ll be more likely to buy from you again. 92% of customers say they will buy again if the returns process is easy.

    Provide customers with a self-service online return portal where they can easily return products without dealing with back-and-forth emails or waiting for someone to get back to them. 

    Create a return process that is hassle-free for your customers and cost-effective for your business. Having a good system in place for handling eCommerce returns gives you a competitive advantage, increases profitability, and reduces your return rate.

    Refund Rate

    Your refund rate is the percentage of refunds out of your total number of returns.

    Returns and refunds are often mixed up when discussing returns management, but it’s important to understand that they represent very different things.

    Just because a customer has returned a product doesn’t mean they got a refund. In many cases, customer issues can be easily resolved by exchanging their product for a different size or offering them store credit.

    If customers do insist on a refund, this could indicate a much deeper issue. A defective product or a product that fails to meet their expectations could cost you a customer. That’s why it’s important to track your product refund rate as a measure of customer retention. 

    How to Calculate Your Refund Rate

    To calculate your refund rate, divide the number of refunded products by the number of total returned items, and then multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

    For example, if you had 5000 products returned last year, and 1000 of them were refunds, your product refund rate would be: 1000 / 5000 x 100 = 20%

    How to Reduce Your Refund Rate

    Encourage Alternatives to Refunds

    Focus on offering alternative solutions to customers who ask for a refund.

    Refund alternatives you can offer include:

    • Product exchanges
    • Store credit
    • Gift cards

    By encouraging exchanges over refunds, you can reduce your refund rate, increase customer loyalty, and retain revenue that would have been lost through refunds.

    Exchange Rate

    Your exchange rate is the percentage of returned products that were exchanged for something else. 

    More than half of Shopify returns are due to customers ordering the wrong size or style. Providing customers with the option of exchanging their product for a more suitable one leaves them with a positive customer experience and increases the chance that they’ll buy from your store again.

    A hassle-free exchange process keeps your customers happy by giving them what they need and want. Prioritizing exchanges over other types of returns can save your eCommerce store a lot of time and money.

    Tracking your exchange rate can help you understand how well you’re managing to convert refunds to exchanges.

    How to Calculate Your Exchange Rate

    To calculate your exchange rate, divide the number of exchanged products by the total number of products returned.

    For example, if you had 5000 products returned last year and 3000 of them were exchanged, your exchange rate would be: 3000 / 5000 x 100 = 60%

    How to Improve Your Exchange Rate

    Incentivize Exchanges

    Give your customers clear incentives to choose an exchange over a refund. 

    Incentivize customers to request an exchange instead of a refund by offering coupons, discounts, or free shipping exclusively for exchanges.

    Make Exchanges Easy

    Having an easy product exchange process encourages customers to simply swap out their purchased items for something else instead of asking for their money back. 

    Many of us have purchased clothing only to discover that it is the wrong size, color, or style, and wonder if it is even worth returning. Providing a convenient exchange process turns refunds into revenue and increases customer loyalty. 

    Use Return Metrics to Optimize Your Returns

    It’s important to take a long-term outlook of your returns, to figure out how to optimize your process. 

    Track and analyze your returns metrics to understand your customers’ return patterns, determine what your customers need and want, and optimize your process to increase customer loyalty and retention.

    Take a proactive approach to returns management by making the end-to-end customer experience a positive one for your customers as well as profitable for your business.

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    Hidden Costs of Refunds for Your eCommerce Store and How to Reduce Them Tue, 23 Aug 2022 11:02:00 +0000 Refunds may be costing your eCommerce store a lot more than you think. Understanding what those hidden costs are and how to reduce them helps you increase your bottom line and keep your customers happy.

    You won’t have a complete understanding of how much refunds cost your business without taking into account these hidden costs.

    It’s important to remember that while returns may be difficult to avoid altogether, they don’t necessarily have to come in the form of refunds. 

    What’s the Difference Between a Return and a Refund?

    Before we dive into the associated costs of a refund, it’s important to understand that a return doesn’t always have to mean giving a refund and there are a few different types of returns you can offer, such as exchanges and store credit.

    When a customer asks specifically for a refund, they’re signaling that they weren’t satisfied with the purchasing experience and are likely to take their money elsewhere.

    Every time you give a refund, you lose a sale and often a customer, and you can’t reverse the time, effort, and money that you invested in that customer.

    The Hidden Costs of an Online Refund

    Refunds result in hidden costs (that are often difficult to track) that can have a significant impact on your company’s bottom line. 

    Customer Acquisition Costs

    When a customer refunds an order, you lose the money you spent on acquiring that customer.

    With every refund, you’re losing out on the money you spent to acquire that customer, and then you have to invest the same amount again to replace them with a new customer. Acquiring a new customer can cost up to 7 times more than retaining a customer. 

    Focus on keeping the customers you have, and avoid losing customers through refunds.

    Shipping Costs

    Many eCommerce stores offer free return shipping. This means that, with every refund, you’re absorbing the shipping costs, and you’re not retaining any revenue or preserving your relationship with your customers.

    Labor Costs

    There are a lot of labor costs associated with refunds, especially when handling your returns manually.

    When calculating how much a refund really costs, you need to take into account administration, warehouse, and transportation labor costs.

    • Customer service – handling customer requests, manually approving returns, and solving issues with payments and orders.

    Reduce customer service costs by offering self-service returns through a return portal. This takes the pressure off your support team and enables you to encourage exchanges over refunds.

    • Transportation – shipping carriers, damage incurred in transit, coordinating shipments with the warehouse, and tracking returned items.

    Shipping costs can be reduced by doing your research on shipping carriers, comparing shipping 

    costs, and constantly looking for the best price.

    • Warehousing – you need to pay for the upkeep of your warehouse(s), and depending on the condition of the returned items, your team needs to return items to inventory, repair or repackage items, or dispose of them. 

    You can streamline your reverse logistics by outsourcing shipping and warehousing to a 3rd Party Logistics (3PL) company that can handle your return shipping, process returned items, and track returns.

    Opportunity Costs

    A refund can sometimes lead to the end of a customer relationship, making you lose out on the future revenue that you could have made from those customers. 96% of customers will leave you because of bad customer service, and you don’t want your return process to be a part of that experience.

    While the exact opportunity cost depends on your average customer lifetime value, there is no doubt that keeping your customers coming back and buying from your store again can lead to a huge increase in profitability.

    Environmental Costs

    While there are clearly huge financial costs to refunds, there is another kind of cost you’re paying: returns produce 16 million tons of carbon emissions a year. 

    Many returned items are thrown out, leading to 5.8 billion pounds of landfill waste a year. Getting your products into your customers’ hands has a huge impact on the environment, and bringing them back doubles that impact.

    Reducing your return rates will help reduce the amount of waste and emissions caused by returns. 

    What’s the Solution to Refund Costs?

    The solution to the cost of refunds is to encourage exchanges instead.

    With exchanges, you have many of the same shipping and labor costs as refunds, but you don’t lose your acquisition costs, and your customers remain engaged with your store and are likely to come back and buy from you again.

    Offering a replacement instead of a full refund can help you keep a positive cash flow, minimizing these hidden costs and retaining your customers. 

    Fewer Refunds, More Exchanges

    You may think that refunds aren’t such a big deal, when in fact, they cost you a great deal of money and energy.

    It’s important to be aware of all your costs and expenses so that you can take steps to reduce them. 

    Shift your focus from refunds to exchanges and store credit, which are more cost-effective than refunds, and will ultimately save you lots of time and money.

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    7 Mistakes Merchants Make When Fighting Chargebacks Thu, 18 Aug 2022 07:45:17 +0000 Chargebacks are not new, but the rate at which consumers weaponize the concept is shocking to eCommerce merchants.

    The chargeback mechanism was introduced many years ago to help build consumer trust in Card-Not-Present transactions. 

    And it worked. When a buyer falls prey to an unauthorized transaction, if there’s an order misrepresentation or delivery issue, the buyer can file a chargeback to seek remediation from their bank; if they couldn’t reach a clear consensus with the seller.

    As eCommerce evolves, cardholders begin to see many loopholes around chargeback laws. So instead of using chargebacks to avoid fraud and transaction abuse, many cardholders now use chargebacks for gaming the system and getting freebies.

    Go ahead and Google it. The numbers will make your brain hurt. One estimate says that chargebacks cost eCommerce businesses ~$200 billion annually.

    Can a Merchant Prevent Chargebacks?

    First, it’s crucial to re-emphasize that most chargebacks are illegitimate. It could be that the customer had buyer’s remorse and thought to get their money back by filing a chargeback. In other instances, the cardholder did not recognize the billing statement and assumed it was fraudulent. But there are scenarios where the buyer makes a transaction with the single purpose of filing a chargeback. These are classified as friendly fraud, and each successful case means you lose the sales revenue and goods shipped and incur other ancillary charges.

    Also, if your chargeback rate goes above the predetermined card network threshold, that means more trouble. Your business will enter a chargeback monitoring program or the Member Alert to Control High-Risk Merchants list, meaning you will no longer get the standard payment processing account.

     So, can a merchant prevent chargebacks?

    The answer is yes. Even though friendly fraud accounts for over 75% of all transaction disputes, Chargeflow research has found that merchants can avoid ~40% of all chargebacks with informed mitigation strategies.

    The logic is simple. If you realign your chargeback approach and close internal loopholes that often trigger disputes, you could make it difficult for even determined criminals to gain access to your store. 

    That said, the following passage highlights seven huge mistakes merchants make when fighting chargeback and how to avoid those revenue-draining blunders.

    7 Rookie Mistakes Merchants Make When Fighting Chargebacks

    1. Not responding on time.

    When a customer files a chargeback, you have a definite timeframe to respond, depending on the card network you’re working with. Visa merchants have 30 days to respond to a chargeback, while MasterCard gives 45 days. Over at PayPal, merchants have 10 days to submit their PayPal dispute evidence. 

    Failure to respond promptly means you’re guilty as charged. Hence, if you wish to fight the chargeback, do your best to stay updated with each payment platform’s chargeback time limits and send your documentation promptly.

    1. Poor paperwork

    Aside from being prompt with your chargeback response, the quality of your documentation also matters. The chargeback remediation process is a daunting uphill battle with ever-changing rules. But you will be fighting amiss if you don’t do your due diligence to assemble tangible, compelling evidence to establish the transaction’s legitimacy. 

    Ideally, you should keep track of all purchase receipts, shipping and delivery confirmations records, and all relevant customer correspondence. Such an organized system might mean spending some extra subscription bucks, but it’ll surely pay off when a customer files a dispute.

    1. Not communicating with the customer.

    Assuming all chargebacks that come your way are the fault of the cardholder might create blind spots in your mediation approach. Merchants without consistent, reliable strategies also open back doors for disputes, as we noted earlier.

    Therefore, before sending in your chargeback response, you should contact the customer to hear their side of the story. And if you’re about to find a middle ground with them, and they agree to withdraw the case, it’s advisable to still respond to the chargeback and include the agreement with your customer.

    1. Not having well-crafted Refund, Return, and Exchange Policies.

    Not having a well-drafted order return, refund, and exchange policy is one of the reasons merchants incur buyers’ wrath. And even when you have such a policy and don’t display it where the buyer can quickly locate it, you will still be shooting yourself in the foot. When challenging a chargeback, an obscure policy isn’t the best recourse.

    If you make your policy clear, accessible, and flexible to underscore what constitutes a sales-final and returnable items, you might save yourself the burden of chargeback representment.

    1. Not understanding the chargeback reason code.

    The chargeback reason code, an alphanumeric code given by the card issuer involved in a chargeback, helps you understand what you’re fighting. It helps you know how to adapt your strategies to the battle at hand.

    The problem with these codes is they don’t always show the cardholder’s intent. For example, suppose you are dealing with an online shoplifter whose sole purpose for the transaction is to file a chargeback. No reason code their bank provided will tell you their actual intent. Also, the trail of documents between the various parties involved in the chargeback might cause significant discrepancies between what the cardholder specified and what the merchant received.

    Either way, it’s advisable to tailor your documentation to that reason code. And ensure you’re familiar with the changing reason codes across networks and the documentation required for each code.

    1. Writing off chargebacks as a cost of doing business.

    I don’t know if you’ve seen this, but research shows that ~43% of merchants say they have no chance of winning a dispute, and 34% lack the confidence of ever winning a dispute. Yet, 51% of merchants have seen an uptick in their chargeback volume.

    Industry records show that global chargeback costs could reach $117.47 billion by 2023, with the average industry cost per chargeback expected to reach $191. 

    Merchants write off chargebacks as a cost of doing business for the lack of strategic chargeback remediation strategies to combat disputes and recover losses. Get educated on industry best practices to limit dispute exposure. And when scammers force their hand, you should know how to put the fear of god into those scoundrels.

    1. Not automating chargebacks.

    Responding to chargebacks in the given time frame and providing a thoroughly detailed response to help win the case is a challenge for most merchants. Plus, the chargeback mediation process is highly time-consuming, so you often put other urgent tasks on the back burner.

    Most merchants find that their chance of winning hovers around 12%, no matter how hard they fight. Yet, Chargeflow’s fully automated chargeback solution is helping merchants recover disputes without lifting a finger, with up to a 75% win rate. And the success-based pricing model means merchants only pay when they win cases.

    Chargeback fraud is a growing challenge for the entire eCommerce ecosystem

    The global pandemic and its antecedents have created a worsening fraud situation. According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) and Grant Thornton, 51 percent of their research respondents uncovered increased fraud since the beginning of the pandemic; 71 percent expect fraud levels to increase over the next year. What’s more? A similar report surveying over 300 merchants found that 65% of respondents saw an increase in chargeback fraud in 2022. 

    Educating yourself on these issues makes sense. And having the necessary frameworks to ensure you don’t spend your working hours fighting to recover lost revenue is how you scale.

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    5 Strategies to Boost Your Online Post-Purchase Customer Experience Tue, 09 Aug 2022 10:04:00 +0000 You may think that once a customer clicks “Submit Order” you’re done, right? You’ve got the customer to your site, you got them to buy from you, and now you can move on to getting the next customer. Well, not quite – the customer journey doesn’t end at checkout. 

    There is just as much work to do post-purchase as there is before the purchase, because the experience that customers have after purchasing determines if they’ll become lifetime customers.

    What is the Post-Purchase Customer Experience?

    The customer journey is made up of two parts – pre-purchase and post-purchase. The post-purchase customer experience is the part of the customer journey that begins after a customer has purchased a product or service from your eCommerce store, and it encompasses all the interactions your customers have with your team and your products after the sale.

    Providing a positive post-purchase customer experience is just as important, if not even more so, than the experience your customers leading up to a purchase. 

    Whether your customers become repeat customers or disappear after one purchase depends on their experience after they submit their order.

    Why is the Post-Purchase Experience Important for eCommerce Stores?

    Focusing on the post-purchase customer experience is essential for keeping your customers coming back to buy from you again. Taking action to retain existing customers is way more cost-effective than looking for new ones.

    After buying from your Shopify store, your customers have two options – buy from you again or switch to one of your competitors. Your customers’ decision depends largely on how you treat them and meet their needs. 

    The ideal post-purchase experience creates a loyalty loop, keeping customers coming back to your store over and over again instead of looking for new stores to buy from. The Pareto principle says that 20% of repeat customers generate up to 80% of your profits.

    5 Ways to Improve Your Post-Purchase Experience

    The most effective post-purchase strategies focus on being helpful and offering value, not pushing for that next conversion. 

    Here are 5 steps to creating a post-purchase experience that will improve your customer satisfaction and encourage repeat sales. 

    1. Communicate With Your Customers

    The primary purpose of post-purchase emails is to provide information about the order, but they can be so much more than that. 

    You can use emails to tell your customers more about your brand and products, and affirm that they made the right decision to buy from you, which can help increase customer loyalty and lifetime value.

    People have come to expect to receive emails with shipping details. They have not yet come to expect personal and educational emails. 

    Here are just a few types of post-purchase emails you can send that add extra value:

    • Thank-You Emails

    Rather than simply saying thank you in your transactional emails, send a separate thank-you email to show customers how much you appreciate their business.

    Sending a separate thank-you email also gives you an opportunity to talk more about your brand, go into more detail about how your product is special, and assure your customers they made the right choice buying from your store.

    A simple thank you can go a long way in creating a long-term customer relationship.

    • Educational Emails

    Educational or how-to post-purchase emails can cover anything from how to best care for a product, to how to use it, to how to assemble it. Once your customers receive the products they ordered, you want to make sure they are able to use and enjoy them. 

    Product care and how-to content can be recorded as a video, embedded as a downloadable file, or written directly in the email.

    Including educational emails can make customers less likely to return their new items as well as encourage them to buy from you again.

    • Review Request Emails

    One way to improve the post-purchase experience is to find out what your customers actually think about your products. Send out an email after your customers have received their order, asking for a review or feedback. 

    The more personalized this email is, the better. For example, ask them about the specific products they ordered.

    User-generated content like reviews can help other customers with their decision to purchase when browsing your site, and asking for customer feedback is a great way to gather insights directly from your customers to see how you can improve your products or services. 

    • Marketing Emails

    Send out timed and personalized marketing emails according to the types of incentives you offer. 

    After customers complete their purchase is the perfect time to promote your loyalty program, incentivize them to refer friends and family, and offer personalized product recommendations based on what they bought.

    2. Provide the Best Customer Support

    Post-purchase customer support is something many eCommerce stores have, but don’t advertise enough. When done right, good customer support can make customers feel that they are valued and encourages them to continue buying from you.

    There’s nothing worse than receiving a brand new product and not knowing how to use it. Sure, you could work your way through the dry, boring manual included with the product, but who reads those anymore?

    Customers need your support before, during, and after they buy from your store. Providing real-time customer support ensures that all of your customers’ questions are answered, leaving them to enjoy their new items.

    3. Offer a Branded Loyalty Program

    Part of building post-purchase customer loyalty involves creating a loyalty program that plays into these factors:

    • Brand Image 

    Let your customers get to know your brand. Give your loyalty program a name and a style that fits your brand. That could mean turning it into a game, focusing on sustainability, or coming up with a name that portrays that you’re a fun and approachable brand. Let your loyalty program reflect your brand values.

    • Community

    People like to feel that they’re part of a community. Create a brand community that goes beyond the purchasing experience. Bring customers together by rewarding them for things they enjoy doing in their daily life – working out, volunteering for a charity, or posting on social media. 

    Strengthen your customers’ commitment to your brand by giving them a sense of belonging, making them feel connected to like-minded people, and keeping them engaged.

    • Engagement

    If you are all about increasing brand engagement, you can reward customers who watch your product videos, keep up a certain amount of logins per month, make frequent purchases, or follow and share social media content.

    • Communication

    When customers are hyped up about your products, engaged in your community, and in tune with your brand, communication becomes easy. 

    When done right, loyalty programs can be the deciding factor to keep your customers loyal to your brand. So much so that over 70% of customers are more likely to recommend a brand if it has a good loyalty program.

    4. Improve Your Returns Process

    An incredibly important part of the post-purchase experience is how returns are handled. One of the best ways to improve the post-purchase experience is by automating your returns. Use an automated returns management system to simplify your returns handling process and provide a self-service return portal for your customers to easily issue return requests.

    If the returns process is too long and complicated, customers are likely to give up and keep the unwanted items, and simply not buy from the same place again. Gain your customers’ trust by letting them know that if they need to return or exchange their order, they can do so easily and seamlessly.

    5. Go Above and Beyond to Show You Care

    Real post-purchase satisfaction depends on customers seeing that you care about them.

    You can go above and beyond to show how much you value your customers by including some swag or a coupon in their package, creating unique packaging that can be reused, or checking in with your customers to ask if everything’s going well and if they have any questions.

    The more you show you care, the more your customers will appreciate you for the steps you take, be confident about their purchasing choice, and recommend your Shopify store to their friends and family.

    Make Your Post-Purchase Experience a Priority

    Remember that clicking “Submit Order” isn’t the end of the customer journey. By continuing the conversation after the sale, providing amazing customer support, adding value through loyalty programs, improving your returns process, and showing how much you care, you can keep your customers happy and coming back again and again.

    Use the post-purchase customer experience to create loyal brand advocates instead of one-time customers.

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    Return Policy Transparency is the Future of eCommerce Wed, 03 Aug 2022 08:23:15 +0000 Letting customers know in advance how long they have to return an item is becoming a new standard, whether that means clearly displaying your return policy on your website or providing a user-friendly return portal.

    We’re now seeing return policy transparency going even further by giving customers a preview of your store’s return policy before even visiting the website.

    Search Engine Land shares about Google’s new feature in product search results, which displays products’ return windows directly in the search result snippet.

    Under the main search result snippet, Google now displays a short section with the number of days you have to return a product, e.g. “30-day returns”, “90-day returns”, etc.

    Why is Displaying Your Return Window Important?

    This new Google feature that highlights the return window reflects the growing importance of returns and of clearly displaying your return policy on your eCommerce store.

    It’s important to let your customers know how long they have to return an order. The easier it is to find your return policy, the better. This new Google feature helps to put your return policy front and center.

    When defining your return window in your return policy, there are a few things to consider:

    An extended return window reassures customers that they have plenty of time to decide if they want to keep their order or return items that aren’t quite right for them.

    On the other hand, it’s always important to find a balance. For example, L.L.Bean offers a whole year for customers to return items. Until 2018 they offered lifetime returns. Having some kind of time limit is important, even if it is a wide one.

    Although 63% of customers expect a 30-day return window, each eCommerce store has its own considerations, and there is no one correct way to go about it. 

    Ask yourself – which product would you click on, when shown the return window in the search results?

    There are online stores with return windows ranging from 7 days to 365 days, and it’s up to you to decide what works best for your store, depending on your products and customer base. 

    Once you decide on your return window, make sure to clearly display it on your site, on your checkout page, and in emails to customers. With Google’s new feature, your return information will be more easily accessible to your customers.

    How Does Google’s New Feature Work?

    Google has not yet officially commented on this new feature, so it is still unclear exactly how to define the return window that appears in search results.

    The return window information may be pulled from the data from the Google Merchant Center as part of the Google Shopping experience card

    Google may also be pulling this information from the website page’s structured data or from the page text itself. 

    A Google representative told Search Engine Land

    “This is an experiment that surfaces shipping and returns information on search results, bringing in signals from a variety of sources from across the web and platforms like the Merchant Center. We’re always testing new ways to improve the shopping experience for our users but don’t have anything specific to announce right now.”

    The Importance of Returns

    Google’s new search feature helps put returns in the front of customers’ minds before placing an order. 

    Returns are the future of eCommerce, and when customers know what to expect from the return process, they will be more confident to purchase from you.

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    How to Make Online Gift Exchanges Easy Mon, 01 Aug 2022 22:00:00 +0000 Gifts often fail to live up to expectations, and gift recipients are left with an item they can’t use. Offering gift recipients an easy way to exchange their gifts online gives your Shopify store a competitive advantage.

    The global gift market is expected to reach around $68.5 billion by 2024. Gift returns are an expected part of the holiday season and an essential part of your store’s relationship with your customers throughout the year. 

    With so many gifts being given every year, it’s essential to have a plan in place to handle gift returns.

    The Gift Problem

    While holiday eCommerce return rates are about twice as high as the rest of the year, customer satisfaction with those returns is lower. Not every gift is a success. Even the most thoughtful family members and friends often end up gifting something that gets sent back or simply never used.

    Every holiday season, people receive gifts of clothes and accessories, but sizes are often guessed wrong and gift recipients are stuck with a shirt or pair of pants that don’t fit. When people buy gifts from a physical store, gift receipts are usually included so that they can take back what doesn’t fit and exchange it for the right size. 

    More and more people are doing their holiday gift shopping online, and unfortunately, many online stores don’t offer online exchanges.

    44% of customers say that return policies influence what holiday gifts they purchase. Provide an attractive solution by offering online gift exchanges and making the customer experience as easy as possible for gift recipients.

    Handling Online Gift Exchanges

    Put the Gift Recipient in Control

    It’s hard to get sizing right when buying a gift for someone else. In fact, 52% of Shopify returns are due to sizing issues.

    Unless you offer online gift exchanges, your customers are stuck either asking for a refund (which awkwardly goes back to the gift giver) or being stuck with something they can’t wear or use.

    Put the gift recipient in control by enabling them to exchange their gift online, without needing to go through the gift giver or contact your support team. Offer convenient self-service exchanges, and give gift recipients the power to get an item they can actually use.

    Make Sure Your Return Window is Long Enough

    If a customer has to exchange gifts from a few different eCommerce stores, which do you think is going to leave them the happiest? The store that lets them seamlessly exchange gifts on their own time? Or the store that forces them to jump through hoops just to get a t-shirt in a different size? Gift exchanges are a great opportunity to make your store stand out from your competitors.

    People often begin buying holiday gifts as early as October or November, and if your return window is say 30 days, by the time the gift gets to its recipient it will be too late for it to be returned. 

    Consider offering an extended return window during the busy months. For example, Amazon’s holiday return deadline is January 31 for orders shipped between November 1 and December 31. This gives gift recipients plenty of time to return gifts.

    On the other hand, you should also consider extending your return window year-round. Gifts aren’t just for the holidays; people give gifts throughout the year for birthdays and anniversaries as well.

    Offering a generous return window shows gift recipients that you care about them getting the right product, which can lead to them becoming new customers.

    Automate the Gift Exchange Process

    Manually handling gift exchanges can be difficult to near-impossible, especially during the busy holiday season.

    Automating your return and exchange process makes it easy for gift recipients to exchange their gifts for a different size, color, or different product altogether. 

    Gift exchanges online are important, especially during the busy holiday season. Make your customer experience as smooth as possible and save yourself time and money by automating the gift exchange process.

    Embrace Online Gift Exchanges

    The holiday season can be a stressful time for shoppers. It’s no surprise that many gifts fall flat, given that there are so many expectations around gift-giving. 

    By offering an easy gift exchange process, you reassure your customers that if their gift recipient doesn’t like the gift or it doesn’t fit, they can easily exchange it for something they’ll enjoy.

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    Why You Should Use a 3PL for Reverse Logistics and Returns Tue, 26 Jul 2022 13:24:07 +0000 Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to sell your products without having to spend your time overseeing how they are received, distributed, and returned?

    Processing returns can be expensive, time-consuming, and labor-intensive, but you don’t have to handle it all yourself. 

    One way to make the eCommerce returns process easier is by outsourcing your reverse logistics to a company that specializes in transportation, handling, and restocking. These external logistics companies are called Third-Party Logistics providers (3PLs)

    Using a 3PL is becoming more and more prevalent – 40% of retailers use a 3PL to handle returns. Read on to see if using a third-party logistics provider might be a good idea for your business too.

    What is a 3PL?

    Third-Party Logistics (3PL) companies manage inbound and outbound shipments and fulfillment. 

    With a 3PL you can automatically generate return shipping labels, track return shipments, and be sure that returned products are processed and restocked or disposed of appropriately.

    When customers return an item, it arrives back at the 3PL warehouse. The 3PL team inspects the item and lets you know that the refund or store credit is ready to be processed on your end. Once they’ve assessed and confirmed the item is resellable, they place it back on the shelf to fulfill a future order.

    Why Use a 3PL?

    Using a third-party logistics provider to manage your Shopify store’s reverse logistics can save you both time and money.

    Having an efficient reverse logistics solution facilitates fast and easy returns, making customers more likely to exchange or buy again. Efficient resell, recycling, and disposal solutions also help your store recover product value.

    Since reverse logistics is such an important part of every eCommerce business, it’s a smart choice to assign this process to a fitting type of service provider.


    You don’t necessarily know how much warehouse space you’re going to need months and years down the line. 

    A 3PL can relieve some of the guesswork that comes with the expansion and contraction of your business by offering flexibility as you grow or experience setbacks. Need more space? It’s there. Need fewer hands on deck? Consider it done.

    When you use a 3PL you can easily scale your Shopify business while mitigating some of the financial risks.

    Quality Control

    Inspecting returned items can be delegated to a 3PL that provides dedicated staff members who decide if items should be discarded, recycled, or restocked, based on your store’s conditions.

    3PLs are also responsible for maintaining your inventory through cycle counts, labeling, and reporting. By handing over your inventory to the care of a 3PL, you can relax knowing your products are being taken care of.

    Fast and Easy Returns

    When it comes to fast shipping and easy returns, Amazon is one of the first companies that come to mind. One of the reasons Amazon is able to offer easy and convenient returns is because they have strategically-located warehouses all over the world.

    You too can streamline your returns process and make returns easy by having a 3PL handle your inventory using their network of warehouses.

    Take Deliverr for example, a 3PL that Shopify recently acquired, which has an interconnected network of warehouses that enables you to easily receive returned items all across the country. Being able to quickly and efficiently receive and process returns anywhere in the country gives your eCommerce business a huge advantage over others.

    A streamlined returns process encourages repeat business, brings down your expenses, and reflects well on your store. Just like fast shipping can increase sales, so can efficient returns.

    Package Tracking

    The best 3PLs provide you with a complete tracking system and comprehensive returns management abilities. You’ll be able to know exactly when items were received, assessed, and restocked.

    Integrating a 3PL into your returns management system lets you efficiently handle the entire returns process from start to finish, and have all the relevant information synced up at all times.

    Knowing what’s going on with your returns at any given time can give you peace of mind and enable you to focus your time and energy on other tasks.

    How to Choose the Best Shopify 3PL for Your Store

    When choosing a 3PL reverse logistics provider for your Shopify store, there are some key features to consider.

    • Number of Locations
      Choose a 3PL that has multiple fulfillment centers strategically spread out across the country – the more the better. 

      Having a wide network of warehouses makes it quicker and easier to receive return shipments, making your whole process more efficient.
    • Ease of Integration
      The best Shopify 3PLs will be easy to integrate into your store and other eCommerce management apps so that you can easily manage every aspect of your returns process in one place. 

      Integrating your 3PL with your Shopify store helps streamline your reverse logistics and simplify your workflow. 
    • Usability
      Your Shopify 3PL should have an easy-to-use interface that provides real-time notifications and detailed reporting so that you can track all your return shipments and make sure everything is in sync at all times. 

      A user-friendly 3PL app saves you time and money and reduces human error.

    Before starting to work with a 3PL, research Shopify 3PLs, read reviews, and compare information to make sure you’re choosing the best possible 3PL for your Shopify store.

    How to Work With a 3PL for Returns Management

    Effectively working with a 3PL provider for returns management requires a clear understanding of the process, the roles and responsibilities of each party, and the steps needed to establish and maintain an effective partnership. 

    Here are the key steps of working with a 3PL provider for reverse logistics management, including defining roles and responsibilities, establishing clear processes and protocols, setting performance expectations and metrics, building collaborative relationships, and continuously improving processes. 

    By following these steps, you can effectively work with a 3PL provider and ensure that your returns process goes smoothly:

    1. Establishing Processes and Protocols with Your 3PL

    To work effectively with a 3PL for returns management and reverse logistics, it’s important to establish clear processes and protocols upfront. Set expectations for the following:

    • Define roles and responsibilities Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of your business and the 3PL provider. This will help to minimize confusion and ensure that everyone understands their role in the reverse logistics process.
    • Establish procedures for handling returns – Outline the procedures for how returns will be handled, from the moment the item is received by the 3PL to the point when the refund is issued. 

    Be sure to include details on how items will be inspected, how refunds will be processed, and how customers will be notified of the status of their return.

    • Detail the technology and tools to be used – Determine the technology and tools that will be used to manage the reverse logistics process, such as inventory management software and communication tools. 

    Make sure that both your business and the 3PL are using the same tools to minimize errors and miscommunications.

    2. Setting Performance Expectations and Metrics

    To ensure that your 3PL is meeting your business needs, it’s important to establish clear performance expectations and metrics. 

    Identify goals that you would like to achieve, such as:

    • Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) – Identify the KPIs that will be used to measure the 3PL’s performance, such as the time it takes to process a return or the accuracy of the inventory tracking system. 

    Be sure to clearly define each KPI and how it will be measured.

    • Establish clear goals and expectations – Clearly communicate your goals and expectations to the 3PL, including what you expect in terms of turnaround time, accuracy, and customer service. 

    Make sure that the 3PL understands your business’s priorities and how they can support those goals.

    • Monitor and assess performance – Regularly monitor the 3PL’s performance against your established metrics, and be prepared to provide feedback and guidance as needed. 

    Establish a process for addressing issues that arise and a plan for making improvements over time.

    3. Collaboration and Relationship Building with Your 3PL

    A positive and collaborative working relationship with your 3PL is key to effective reverse logistics management. 

    • Establish open communication channels – Set up clear and effective communication channels with your 3PL, such as regular check-in calls or a shared project management tool. Make sure that both your business and the 3PL know who to contact with questions or concerns.
    • Build trust and rapport – Invest in building a positive and collaborative relationship with your 3PL. This may include visiting their facility, attending industry events together, or hosting joint training sessions.
    • Address conflicts and issues Be prepared to address conflicts and issues that arise in the course of working together. Establish a process for escalating issues and a plan for resolving them.

    4. Evaluating and Optimizing Your 3PL Partnership

    To ensure that your 3PL partnership is meeting your business’s needs over the long term, it’s important to regularly evaluate and optimize the partnership. 

    • Review and assess performance regularly – Schedule regular performance reviews with your 3PL, and be prepared to provide feedback and guidance. Use this feedback to make adjustments and improvements to the partnership over time.

    Track metrics such as the number of returns processed, the cost of returns, and customer satisfaction levels. By identifying areas where performance can be improved, you can take action to address those issues and optimize your returns process.

    • Identify and address bottlenecks in the process – To continuously improve your reverse logistics, identify and address bottlenecks in the returns process. This may include delays in receiving and processing returns, inventory management issues, or communication problems with customers or the 3PL provider. 

    By identifying and addressing these bottlenecks, you can streamline the reverse logistics process and reduce costs.

    • Stay up to date with industry trends and best practices – Staying up to date with industry trends and best practices can help you continuously improve your reverse logistics process. You can do this by attending industry conferences and events, reading trade publications and blogs, and networking with other eCommerce store owners and managers. 

    By staying informed about the latest trends and best practices, you can identify new opportunities to optimize your reverse logistics process and stay ahead of the competition.

    Outsource Your Returns Process

    Why should you do everything yourself when you can simply outsource the hassle of handling returns?

    Just as you pay to use internet service instead of going all around the world and laying down wires by hand, you can outsource reverse logistics.

    Your eCommerce success is greatly affected by the extent to which you understand and anticipate trends and innovations in returns. The future of eCommerce returns undeniably relies on third-party logistics.

    ReturnGO easily integrates with a variety of 3PLs such as Deliverr to optimize your reverse logistics and make sure returns are handled quickly and effectively.

    Outsource your reverse logistics to a 3PL and focus on doing what you do best – running your growing business.

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    The Impact of Returns on your Repeat Purchase Rate Tue, 26 Jul 2022 10:36:47 +0000 Product returns have a direct impact on your repeat purchase rate.

    While it may seem counterintuitive that customers who want to return items would be likely to buy from you again, here’s what’s happening: providing an easy and reliable returns process shows your customers what to expect if they need to make a return again in the future. This makes your customers more confident to buy from you again.

    Here are some tips for using your returns process to improve your repeat purchase rate.

    What is the Repeat Purchase Rate?

    Your repeat purchase rate (also referred to as repeat customer rate) is the percentage of your customers that have bought from you more than once. 

    Tracking your repeat purchase rate helps you determine how to improve your customer experience and increase the likelihood of customers buying from you again.

    How do you calculate your repeat purchase rate?

    Divide the number of returning customers by the total number of customers, then multiply by 100 to get your percentage.

    For example, say you have a total of 250 customers, of whom 36 have bought from you more than once. In this case, your repeat purchase rate would be 14.4%: 36 / 250 x 100 = 14.4.

    What’s a good repeat purchase rate?

    Every industry has different levels of what’s considered a “good” repeat purchase rate, depending on your products and which customer segments you’re targeting. That being said, a reasonable repeat purchase rate to aim for is 20-40%.

    Repeat Customers are More Profitable

    Getting your customers to come back and buy from your online store again is a key factor in long-term profitability. Loyal customers spend more and refer more people, making them way more profitable than one-time shoppers. 

    When eCommerce stores focus on building customer retention, they’ll ultimately be more profitable than stores that focus only on transactional metrics such as number of site visitors, total number of shoppers, etc. 

    So why exactly are repeat customers more profitable?

    • Repeat customers are easier to sell to. Customers become increasingly more likely to buy from you again with each purchase they make. 
    • Repeat customers spend more. They buy more frequently and spend more on each purchase. 
    • Repeat customers refer more people. Word of mouth is the most effective and economical way to bring in more customers.

    How to Use Returns to Boost Your Repeat Purchase Rate

    Many eCommerce merchants view refunds and exchanges as costly and negative, when in fact, having your customers make returns can actually be better for your bottom line. 

    A positive return experience can increase your customers’ confidence in purchasing from your store again. In short, the easier you make your online returns process, the more likely customers are to come back and buy again.

    Let’s break down some key strategies for using returns to boost your repeat purchase rate.

    Create a Customer-Friendly Return Policy

    Your return policy is what helps customers decide whether to buy from your eCommerce store. In fact, over 60% of customers look at the return policy even before they make a purchase.

    When customers read through your return policy, they are looking to see how easy it will be for them to request a return, and based on that, they’ll decide if it’s worth buying from your store.

    Having a flexible, customer-friendly policy makes customers more likely to ask for returns, leading to more repeat customers.

    Make it Easy to Return Items

    Your customers want a fast and reliable returns experience. 92% of customers say they’ll buy from the same store again if returns are easy. 

    Help your customers help themselves. The less they have to jump through hoops to initiate a return, the better.

    With the right technology in place, you can automate many parts of the returns process. Using an automated returns system you can provide a self-service return portal where customers can easily request to make a return, saving time and energy and making returns easy.

    A returns management system also helps you track and manage all your return requests in one place, decreasing the likelihood of return requests getting lost or forgotten along the way.

    Automating your eCommerce returns helps you reduce the amount of time your team spends processing returns and increase the number of customers who will buy from you again.

    Incentivize Exchanges Over Refunds

    Exchanges are by far the best type of return option for customer retention. Exchanges keep the customer relationship going.

    When customers choose an exchange over a refund, your store retains revenue, and you also build customer loyalty by putting the right product in the customers’ hands.

    Ways to incentivize exchanges over refunds:

    • Offer free return shipping for exchanges
    • Extend the exchange return window
    • Add bonus credit for exchanges
    • Make exchanges easy

    Prioritize turning as many of your refunds into exchanges as possible. You’ll keep your customers happy, retain revenue, and build customer loyalty. 

    Increase Your Repeat Purchase Rate With Returns

    Increasing your eCommerce store’s profitability starts with keeping the customers you already have. Repeat customers spend more at your store, and bring in new customers – making them a powerful tool. 

    Streamlining your return and exchange process keeps customers coming back and buying from you again and again.

    The more you know about your repeat purchase rate and strategies for increasing it, the faster your store can grow organically. Implement these strategies and watch your customers come back for more.

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    How to Make Your Shopify Store More Profitable Sun, 26 Jun 2022 10:23:31 +0000 An age-old question for eCommerce merchants is how to reduce expenses and increase profitability. 

    In eCommerce, profit is what matters. Your Shopify store may be generating huge amounts of sales from Google Ads or social media marketing, but if you’re not seeing the difference on your bottom line, it’s not worth anything. 

    Instead of becoming overwhelmed trying to figure out profit margins, net vs growth, and other profitability factors, it’s time to leave the profitability calculations to someone else and actually learn how to increase your business’ profits.

    Perform a Profitability Analysis

    Metrics. Everyone wants them, and everyone needs them. 

    Measuring your online store’s profitability factors can help you figure out what strategies are worth spending time and effort developing.

    Many eCommerce businesses determine profitability with the help of a profitability analysis such as BeProfit, which calculates your costs and profits, and provides insights into how you can improve your Shopify store and make it more profitable in the long run.

    Through a profitability analysis, you can determine your outgoing costs, such as:

    • Shipping
    • Marketing
    • Employee Wages
    • Warehousing
    • Taxes

    Analyzing your outgoing costs, revenue, and profit enables you to direct your focus to customers, campaigns, and products that are bringing you the largest profit.

    With the right analytics, you can ensure your budget is spent on strategies that will generate a positive return on investment.

    5 Tips to Improve Your Store’s Profits

    1. Increase Your Store’s Trustworthiness

    Being a trustworthy brand is essential for generating sales and increasing profit margins. Building trust between you and your customers encourages them to make purchases from your Shopify store which, in turn, increases your profit. 

    In today’s world of misleading privacy practices and misinformation, establishing your online store’s trust is essential. 

    For example: Customers might abandon their shopping carts if they see hidden charges when they reach the payment page.

    If you are transparent and earn your customers’ trust, your profits will grow tremendously.

    Customers are more likely to trust your store if you:

    • Share your brand story to help customers feel like you’re an authentic and relatable business.
    • Show social proof such as reviews, user-generated reviews, photos, and customer statistics.
    • Be transparent about costs and pricing.
    • Clearly display contact information to show that there is a real person behind the screen who can be approached with questions and concerns.

    Building a good eCommerce site that functions well and communicates your message is essential, and gaining your customers’ trust will have a huge impact on your conversion rates and profit.

    2. Automate and Outsource Time-Consuming Tasks

    Time spent doing repetitive (yet essential) tasks is time that could instead be used to generate more business such as figuring out how to reach new customers, executing marketing plans, and expanding your business.

    So how can you keep the wheels of your business turning without having to spend large amounts of your day on basic repetitive tasks? 

    The answer is automation and outsourcing. 

    Many parts of your eCommerce business can be automated, from return management to customer service to data management, saving you considerable amounts of time and money that can be devoted to more effective tasks.

    Additionally, you can outsource tasks such as order fulfillment, advertising, and administrative work, which saves you the time and effort that you would need to spend if you managed everything in-house.

    3. Write Detailed Product Descriptions

    A well-written product description has the power to propel your customers through your sales funnel. Incorporating creativity and product benefits into your product description, your store becomes more likely to convert first-time shoppers. 

    The goal of product descriptions is to give the customer enough information to make them want to buy the product immediately.

    When writing your product descriptions, some questions to take into account are:

    • What do customers gain from using your product?
    • What problems does your product solve?
    • What separates your product from others on the market?

    Providing your customers with all the important information about your products reduces your customer service inquiries and helps them decide whether the product is right for them, which in turn helps lower your return rates and saves you time and money.

    4. Offer Perks to Loyal Customers

    Incentivizing customer loyalty is an important aspect of your eCommerce business because it’s cheaper to retain existing customers than to look for new customers. 

    Offering rewards can increase customer retention by keeping customers engaged with your brand. 75% of customers say that receiving an incentive increases the likelihood of making another purchase. 

    Rewards can be discounts, free shipping, or exclusive access to new products. Offering loyalty rewards can have a significant impact on the customer experience by evoking an emotional connection with your customers.

    Offer rewards to loyal customers to show that you appreciate them and to keep them coming back to buy more. 

    5. Use Data to Optimize the Customer Experience

    Data is essential for making smart business decisions, especially in eCommerce, where good data enables you to significantly increase sales, margins, and profits. 

    Tracking your data helps you always be on top of what customers prefer, what’s selling, and what’s not moving.

    With the advantage of data analytics, you can set the right pricing for products and target high-value customers to increase profit for your Shopify store. 

    Data can provide insights into how customers behave and what they prefer, which can show you which products you need to focus on and where you need to provide better service.

    Identify Your Weak Points and Take Action

    Doing a profitability analysis can provide you with information that you can use to optimize your eCommerce store.

    Once you know where your costs are highest, you can take action to reduce those costs by automating or outsourcing certain aspects of your business, and increase your profits by focusing on your customers and giving them what they need.

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    We Just Raised $6.5 Million – Here’s What’s Next Thu, 16 Jun 2022 16:00:00 +0000 We’re thrilled to share our big news – we just raised 6.5 million dollars! The seed fundraising round was led by the TPY Capital fund, along with other funds including Cresson, Good Company, SeedIL, and Aristagroa. Leading angel investors such as Yuval Tal, Dan Adika, Benny Schneider, and Haim Bar-On also joined the round.

    Over 2,000 Shopify stores have already adopted our data-driven platform for automating returns and exchanges, and we’re looking forward to continuing to help eCommerce stores streamline returns management. 

    The world is our oyster, and we’re excited to take ReturnGO to the next level.

    New Funding = More Growth

    Our goal is to use this investment to further develop our software in order to provide our customers with the best experience and to enable more eCommerce businesses to grow successfully.

    “We have been able to turn returns from a painful financial problem into a lever of revenue and improve the relationship with customers. Most customers who return products and receive a full refund suffer from a slow and cumbersome process, and will probably not buy again on this site – so the damage is greater than just the canceling of a specific transaction.” 

    – Aviad Raz, co-founder and CEO of ReturnGO

    You’re going to love the things we’ve got planned. We have an incredible vision for the platform we are building – we aim to be the best system in the world for managing eCommerce returns. This investment helps us achieve our vision faster, and keep expanding our horizons.

    Our Commitment to You

    We believe in the power of returns automation and in the flexibility our AI-powered returns management software provides to our users. 

    This round of funding enables us to focus on what we do best – creating exceptional post-purchase experiences for eCommerce stores and their customers. 

    To that end, we will continue growing our team and expanding into new markets worldwide. Throughout our growth, we aim to focus on maintaining our outstanding support and constantly improving our online returns solution.

    We are committed to always giving our users the best in terms of efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and reliability.

    83% of eCommerce stores do not yet use AI technology to support their supply chain and returns management. We’re proud to be at the forefront of this revolution in returns.

    What’s Next?

    While this seed funding round has created much excitement, we see it ultimately as a sign that we’re doing something right. Our team is looking forward to getting to work on new features that will enable you to optimize the post-purchase experience and streamline your returns.

    Stay tuned on our blog and social media as we continue on our journey to creating the ultimate returns management solution.

    Thank you once again to our investors, customers, employees, and partners.

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